Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 8 Dany's Abnormality

The steward quickly brought a maid and began to clean Daenerys' swollen ankle and apply ointment.

Viserys didn't seem to care and didn't look there. He just put his hands behind his back and walked to the window, seeming to be staring at the scenery of the Narrow Sea outside the window.

No one knows what Viserys's expression is now. He is not looking at the sea at all. He has a dark face and narrowed eyes. He doesn't know what he is thinking.

The sea breeze blew the silk gauze beside the window up and down.

Viserys turned around as the maid behind her finished treating Dany's ankle with a soft rustling sound.

There was no expression on his face and he didn't speak. He just looked quietly in the direction of Daenerys - something unexpected happened, which required him to respond flexibly and change his plan immediately.

The maid finished packing her things: "You'd better rest more and don't get out of bed and move around, noble lady."

Dani thanked her softly: "Thank you."

The maid smiled slightly, got up and left with her things.

Viserys' eyes followed the maid until they landed on the butler standing at the door.

The maid walked out the door.

The butler naturally noticed Viserys' gaze. He paused and nodded to Viserys and Daenerys respectively: "Distinguished guests and ladies, if you have anything to do, just call me. I won't bother you anymore." Go out and close the door.

Viserys didn't speak immediately. He walked around the room, went to the table, opened an upturned cup, and filled it up - the kettle in Dany's room was filled with lemonade.

Then Viserys walked up to Dany with the cup in hand and handed it out. After thinking about it for a long time, he asked: "How do you feel, Dany?"

Dany was confused by Viserys's sudden concern, and she timidly replied: "Well, it doesn't hurt anymore."

"Oh," Viserys said in a tone of unknown meaning, and then asked, "Dany, tell me, did you feel anything else?" Viserys knelt down and looked at her face very seriously, "Do you have some kind of strange feeling?"

Dany had no idea what Viserys was talking about, but she knew that he didn't care whether her feet hurt or not. She felt fear for no reason and asked in a low voice, "What?"

Viserys saw only fear and confusion in her expression. He seemed to be confirming something: "I'm asking," he stretched out his hand and pointed at Dany's arm, "don't you feel anything here?"

That was where Viserys' hand had been holding Dany earlier.

Viserys obviously didn't do anything, and even his attitude was much better than before, but Dany's inexplicable fear kept growing in her heart. Cold sweat broke out on the back of her neck, and her body even began to tremble slightly involuntarily. She could only swallow with difficulty. Drooling, he was too stunned to speak.

Of course, Viserys felt Dany's fear. He secretly despised Dany's destruction, and then acted in extraordinary ways.

Without any explanation, he grabbed Danni's hand that was not holding the cup, spread it out, grabbed one of the fingers, then pulled out the dagger on his body, and quickly and lightly cut a small gash.

Under Dany's confused and horrified gaze, his fingertips scraped the blood seeping out of Dany's fingers and put it into his mouth without hesitation.

"Boom" sound.

Dany dropped the glass of water she was holding in her other hand.

Lemonade splashed onto the mattress. The cup rolled around on the floor several times.

Dany retracted her hand with a swish, her body retreated, and her mind went blank for a moment.

Viserys still wanted to step forward.

There was a knock on the door.

No one answered.

The knocking on the door stopped, and the maid's voice came from outside the door: "Dear guest, I would like to excuse you, I left something in the guest room, can you come in and look for it?"


The girl's transformed voice sounded.

The answer was Daenerys. The inexplicable fear of Viserys instantly occupied her body and mind. She just wanted to stay away from Viserys at the moment, at least not to be alone in a room with him.

The maid pushed open the door and entered.

"Oh, my God, miss, your mattress is wet." The maid quickly approached and stood between Viserys and Daenerys. She began to wipe the wet mattress, and then she seemed to notice that Dany "You don't look right, noble lady." She stretched out her hand to touch Dany's forehead, "Are you sick?"

Viserys's voice sounded, his tone unkind: "Is she sick?"

"Oh, my God!" The maid turned around, as if she had just seen the dagger in Viserys' hand, and she became frightened, "Guest, what do you want to do?"

Viserys said nothing, his face gloomy.

"What's wrong? What happened?" The butler appeared at the door, slightly calming the seemingly tense atmosphere.

Viserys' face was as dark as water: "My sister is sick."

The housekeeper replied: "Do I need to find a doctor?"

"No," Dany squeezed into the conversation, her face was pale and full of fear, and she spoke tremblingly, "I'll take a rest. Just take a rest."

"Your mattress and clothes are all wet, noble lady." The maid took over, "Please allow me to change your dry clothes and mattress."

Dani responded: "Yeah." Then she seemed to have lost all her strength and collapsed on the bed.

Handmaids were not people to be trusted, but Dany was terrified of Viserys at the moment.

The maid supported Daenerys and looked at Viserys: "Will you stay here, distinguished guest?"

Viserys scowled, retracted the dagger, did not answer, just turned around and walked out of the house, ignoring the butler's expression that he wanted to say something.

It wasn't until he was far away that Viserys said loudly: "Take care of my sister!"

Then he went back to his room.

Go inside and close the door. Viserys' face was still gloomy, and he walked into the toilet in the room bitterly.

Close the toilet door and sit on the toilet. Viserys rubbed the tense muscles on his face with both hands, and then thought carefully about Daenerys' strange behavior just now.

Without looking, Viserys could clearly feel that the dragon bone pendant wrapped around his wrist had now turned into a mortal thing.

And all because this thing came into contact with Daenerys.

That's why he took the risk to do research.

I just didn't expect Daenerys to react so strongly.

It can be guessed that Daenerys has a physique worthy of the 'Mother of Dragons', and what is suspected to be a 'dragon soul' in the dragon bone pendant has been transferred to her, and her strange behavior may be related to the 'dragon soul' rather than all of it. Out of fear of Viserys himself.

But her blood still seemed useless to Viserys.

The reason why Viserys first thought of blood is because blood is the most likely medium for transmitting magical elements in the human body. Otherwise, if the dragon soul is in Daenerys, how would he collect it?

You can't eat her.

And this idea is based on the original work. The red-robed woman Melisandre relies on the "blood of the king" to cast magic.

Viserys began to have a headache. Now that things have become like this, Daenerys is extremely afraid of him, even more than she was originally afraid of the original body. So what method can be used to get close to her in this situation and study how to collect dragons? soul?

He had lost more than he gained today. He wanted to take the opportunity to show his kindness, change his attitude slightly, and coax Danni to cooperate with his research, but he didn't expect it.

However, this also verified something. Daenerys was equally important in Illyrio's plan. Otherwise, the housekeeper and maid would not have gotten involved in the "private affairs" between him and his "sister."

【wrong! 】

Suddenly, a thought flashed across his mind, and Viserys began to feel frightened.

There may be gods in this world!

Daenerys is the protagonist of the world with various buffs. Will her impulsive actions attract the attention of the 'gods' behind the scenes?

The gods of the world of ice and fire are not good gods like the goddess Hylia. They are all very evil.

Viserys broke out in cold sweat on his forehead and his eyes flickered.

When he walked out of the toilet, Viserys still looked gloomy and angry.

Then, he started——


He took out the dagger, straightened his body, and began to slash the air angrily like a sword.

No matter what, whether it's anger, fear, or powerlessness, when you can't think of a way, this is the only way to resolve it.

At least he's making an effort.

While Viserys slashed at the air in the room, the maids had already helped change the bedclothes and put Daenerys into place.

Danni didn't say a word during the whole process, she just huddled in the corner of the bed in a daze.

The maid wanted to say something to comfort her, so she said, "My dear lady, have a good rest. If you need anything, just call me by my name. My name is Ani." She was arranged by Illyrio to take care of Dany's daily life. She is not much older than Dany, with blond hair and blue eyes. She looks pretty even in ordinary clothes, and she behaves very considerate and reliable.

But the maid Ani's overtures to the little girl, who looked like a frightened bunny, went unanswered, so she left in disbelief.

Daenerys was puzzled by this inexplicable panic, and her head was filled with doubts and uneasiness.

Viserys was her only relative in the world.

She thought she could already tolerate all his behavior and let him be at his mercy.

But today, what happened?

The whole afternoon passed quickly, and Illyrio did not appear during dinner.

So in this luxurious courtyard, Viserys was the only one eating dinner in the restaurant - Daenerys's portion was delivered to the room by the maid Ani.

Until nightfall, Illyrio did not appear in Viserys's field of vision. He didn't know whether it was because he had not returned to the courtyard or because the other party had no intention of seeing him.

But there is no doubt that Illyrio will know what happened today.

Signed the contract, please collect, read, and invest.

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