"To His Majesty the Dragon King Viserys Targaryen:

I have received your wedding invitation. The date of the wedding was not stated in the letter, for fear of missing it, which would be disrespectful. I am old and ill, and unable to travel, so I am sending my brother Oberyn Martell, my children, and representatives of the houses of Dorne to accompany you as your envoys. Go, it will be here soon. If there is anything unexpected, I still hope Haihan will do it.

——Your faithful Doran Martell"

Viserys held the letter in his hand and felt it was heavy. He was previously worried that there would be an accident in Dorne because he was pretending that in order to gain more advantageous position when negotiating with Dorne, he even had dragons. They have been holding on to the news, waiting for the Dornish people themselves to hear the rumors and make a decision.

Now that he received this letter, Viserys felt much more at ease.

Prince Doran's letter is tantamount to Dorne's intention to openly support him. As long as Viserys does not commit suicide and cause any trouble, he can already say that he has obtained one of the Seven Kingdoms.

And the first person to share this news is naturally Daenerys.

Viserys asked Maester Pylos, who had delivered the letter, to wait in the main hall for a while. He only said that he would go up and write a reply, and then strode up to the picture table hall and ran straight to the partitioned bedroom: "There is good news, guess what? What is it?”

Daenerys is reading a book, a collection of legendary stories that records the Age of Dawn and the Age of Heroes, hoping to find some ideas on how to use magic. The mysterious Children of the Forest, the Giants, the First Men, the Old Gods, and the Andals invaded from the east. Bringing the Faith of the Seven and the arrival of the Rhoynar.

One of the titles of the monarch of the Seven Kingdoms is "King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men." The origins and stories of the three major peoples of Westeros cannot be explained clearly in a short while, Dany Liz also settled down on Dragonstone Island and began to systematically understand these stories that had become historical legends. However, she failed to find out how to use magic power, and instead became addicted to these stories.

She was looking at the history of the Rhoynar when Viserys came in.

"Did you receive a reply from Stonefort?" Since Stannis seemed to be taking action after sending the letter, Viserys naturally took the Stonefort under his control after he had replied to the letter. The letter just arrived this morning. .

Because of surrendering to Stannis Baratheon, the Iron Throne issued an order to seize the Stonefort of the Marseilles family. Ser Justin, the leader of the Marseilles family who was trapped in Storm's End, was unable to rescue him, and Stannis had no soldiers to rescue him. .

In order to avoid being deprived of the family castle, the remaining members of the Marseille family have always wanted to defect to the Targaryens on Dragonstone.

However, because Viserys wanted to exchange "prisoners" with Stannis before, he just allowed Stonefort to become a no-go zone - Stannis could not reach it. King's Landing issued an order to seize it, but the new lord did not dare to approach at all. Viserys dragged on again. until today.

"No, guess again, it's related to our wedding."

"Dorne?" By now, Daenerys has fully understood the importance of the army, and she also knows the concept of tens of thousands of soldiers and horses that a great lord can mobilize.

"Yes. Take a look." Viserys handed the letter to her, took a piece of paper from the desk, and prepared to write a reply.

Until now, all you have to do is write a normal reply, set the wedding date in the seventh week of the new year, and you're done.

Daenerys has read a lot of political books recently, and has gained some understanding of the history of Dorne, and has some feelings about the governance of the country: "The Martell family has come over and invited a large number of Dorne dignitaries to accompany them. Aren't all the important people around you Dornishmen? How can we ensure their loyalty?"

"We have dragons. When we sit down to negotiate, coordinate interests, and reach an agreement, they will fight for us." Viserys said, "Today's Seven Kingdoms, when we have not shown a strong attitude like Aegon's conquest, in the If you don't confirm that our dragon is real, you will be in danger if you openly come to see us. This is the hurdle I set for my collaborators. They are here to cooperate and surrender."

Daenerys said: "You knew they would come a long time ago. You thought of it when Jorah Mormont went to deliver the letter." She was affirmative, not doubtful.

Viserys smiled: "You were there at the time. To be honest, I was really not sure at the time. In fact, if their reply never comes, I will consider leaving the Seven Kingdoms alone and only focus on Dragonstone, etc. The situation inside the country has deteriorated to a certain extent. However, now that I have a reply, I can also consider how to use the letter to gain political benefits within the country. "

"what are you planning to do?"

"I plan to write to the Young Wolf Lord, the King in the North, and to the castles in the North and the Riverlands. King Targaryen's order is to urge the Young Wolf Lord to immediately lead the troops from the North back to the Great Wall to save the people. Seeking help from the Great Wall has been the responsibility of the Stark family for thousands of years. "

As long as these letters are written, whether Robb is dead or not, they will bring huge political benefits to Viserys. I have not done this before because the time has not yet matured. Without Dorne's reply, it will be useless to write the letter based on Dragonstone. Even if Viserys claims that he has dragons, it will probably only be ignored. As a joke.

And turning into a dragon and going around the castles of the Seven Kingdoms to intimidate is the most stupid behavior. He has no army to take over the castles. This will only make those who once stood on the side of the usurper panic, or unite to form a new anti-Targaryen alliance, or prepare to play guerrilla warfare with the dragon. Even if there are royalists who join, there is only Viserys, a giant dragon, and Dragonstone cannot reach that far, and it is easy to fall into the historical trap of Aegon attacking Dorne. It is difficult and thankless.

Attacking King's Landing at this time is even more foolish. The population of King's Landing has been blocked and cut off for several months, and they are all waiting for food. Even if Viserys captures King's Landing, it is meaningless except for a chaotic city that has been eating economic points and a strong claim that is already strong enough. Begging for food before taking King's Landing, and asking for food after taking King's Landing, then King's Landing is taken for nothing?

Attacking a big city is something Viserys would never think of before he has enough manpower to take over the city management after crushing it. If it is Oldtown, Viserys might consider it, because there is a school there, and compared to King's Landing, intellectuals and believers are much easier to deal with than political dignitaries and hungry mobs.

If this pardon is sent out now, the people who receive the letter may not know what it means now, or they may still not take it seriously, but in the near future, they will continue to receive letters from Dorne supporting King Targaryen. At that time, they don't need to send people to confirm whether Viserys has dragons on Dragonstone. They have to weigh the new political landscape and stand in the right team.

The Riverlands are now in a state of chaos in the war, and the North is probably also in chaos with Greyjoy. Whether the Red Wedding happens now or not, it cannot change the fact that Robb's kingdom has failed. Even if there is no Red Wedding, the Northern Army can only retreat to the North.

Viserys lacked information sources and was not sure about the situation in the north, but the political benefits of this letter were obvious with just a stroke of the pen.

He did what he said.

In a moment, Viserys had written several letters and was ready to hand them over to Maester Pylos for copying and distribution.

After writing, Viserys asked Daenerys: "Do you want to see it?"

"Of course." Daenerys took the letter, but it was obviously not the article she expected to reply to Stannis before, but a strong request.

One letter to Riverrun.

"Robb Stark:

The North of Westeros has been protected by the Stark family for generations. Now the Great Wall is in danger. As the head of the Stark family, you should take on the responsibility of protecting the North. Why are you usurping the throne and wasting the lives of the princes and people in the territory for your own selfishness? I order you to set off immediately back to the North to rescue the Great Wall. Your men should raise the black and red flag. With this flag in front, anyone who obstructs along the way will be imprisoned and wait for my trial. The Great Wall is in danger, leave quickly.

Viserys Targaryen, Dragon King of Dragonstone"

A letter to the Northern Castle. "Order of the Targaryen Dragon King. The Stark family has been the guardian of the North for generations, guarding the North for Westeros. Now that the Great Wall is in danger, they should take up their responsibilities. I have sent a letter to order them to fly the black and red flags to the Great Wall for rescue. If they are stubborn and do not repent, they will abandon their duties and stay in the river. If the northern lords still remember the responsibilities and honors of the guardian of the North, they can fly the Targaryen real dragon flag and recommend the heir of the Stark family as the new guardian of the North to help them form reinforcements to rescue the Great Wall."

A letter to the castles near the King's Road to the north, including the Twins, Greywater Watch, and Moat Cailin.

"Targaryen Dragon King's order. If Robb Stark's army marches north with black and red flags, it means that he has assumed the responsibility of guarding the North and is heading to the Wall for rescue. No castle along the way can stop him from marching north. If he still insists on calling himself the King of the North, any castle can order him to march north on my behalf, or expel him from the country."

"." After reading it, Daenerys felt that it was just a joke. "You know they won't obey your orders. Isn't this just a waste of your dignity? I don't quite understand."

Viserys thought for a moment and asked, "Is it true that there is a crisis in the North?"

Daenerys nodded, "I'm sure, the North is in crisis now." She still remembers that terrible dream.

He asked again: "Is it his duty as the Warden of the North to protect the North?"


"So I asked him to take responsibility, which is the correct nonsense that no one can refute, right?"


Viserys smiled at her: "Dany, sometimes shouting slogans and saying the right nonsense is also what we have to do. The right nonsense is shouted out before others shout it out. This is the right sentence we said. This is part of politics, or people call it the game of thrones."

"Hmm" Daenerys tried to understand the logic, "It's because Dorne's letter reached this sentence Is the slogan useful? Why? "

"Because the dragons disappeared for more than a hundred years, many people did not believe that the dragons reappeared before they saw it with their own eyes. Even if they believed it, they would feel that the dragon's flames would not burn on their heads for a while, but everyone in Dorne knew that they could gather tens of thousands of troops to fight for the Targaryen King. Wait, raven! I have to go to Maester Pylos immediately. "

Viserys suddenly realized the problem. He had asked the maester to change his letter to Stannis into an external version. The ravens in the North and the Riverlands must not be sent out!

Viserys rushed to the main hall and asked: "Maester Pylos, are the ravens still there?"

“. Your majesty. Your letter is too long. Currently, only the letters to the major lords have been copied and sent to the outside world. The rest have not yet been sent to the outside world.” Pylos was busy. He and his officers have been copying the king’s letters all day.

“My lords. Are the ravens to Riverrun, the Twins, Harrenhal, the North, and the Riverlands still in the nest?” The ravens in Dragonstone only have one raven for the outside world except for King’s Landing and Storm’s End. It is enough for normal use, but things are urgent.

“The ravens to Riverrun and Winterfell have been sent.” These are the castles of the first-tier lords, so they were sent first. “The rest are still there.”

“Then put the previous letters on hold and send these new ones to the North and the Riverlands first. Since the ravens to Riverrun are not there, can the ravens in Tidefoot send the letters to Stark in the name of Dragonstone?”

“This, your majesty.” The maester had never heard of such a precedent.

“Is it okay?” Viserys just asked.

"Theoretically, it is possible." said the maester.

"Then do it."

The maester had no choice but to nod: "Yes, Your Majesty."

After watching the maesters who were busy with work leave, Viserys did not rush back upstairs, but walked into the prison tower with a few guards and went down the winding stairs to the deep level of the prison. On the level where Patchface was imprisoned, Viserys left everyone upstairs and went down alone.

"Fool's Blood"

When Patchface sang this, Viserys said: "Last time you sang that no one entered the castle, the dragon danced. But the dragon did not dance."

". King's Blood"

Viserys and him said their own words: "I sent a letter to the King of the North and the lords of the North and the Riverlands, asking Robb to go north to rescue the Great Wall, and the lords along the way must not stop him."

". Virgin thighs bleed too. Chain the guests, chain the groom"

Viserys heard Patchface still finish singing this weird song.

This song perfectly matches the Red Wedding.

Aegon Frey, called Jingle Bell, is the mentally retarded son of the Frey family. When the premeditated murder began, Catelyn put a dagger to Jingle Bell's throat to threaten Walder Frey to let Robb go, but Walder Frey said he would be happy to exchange a useless grandson for a son. After Robb was stabbed to death, Catelyn also cut Jingle Bell's throat.

The massacre began after Edmure and the Frey family's bride entered the bridal chamber together. Edmure also hit the target in the bridal chamber and made the virgin bride pregnant.

Then the bridegroom Edmure and other remaining guests were locked with long chains.

"Prophecy, fate, riddle." Viserys muttered to himself, "Do you know, weirdo, Shireen Baratheon once dreamed of being eaten by a dragon, and when I attacked the castle, my dragon swallowed her into its mouth. Fate, it's amazing, right?"

After that, Viserys left the dungeon.

I know some readers have strong search ability, because I cut the background introduction from different indexes like the previous chapter, and I can't send it out with one link. So next time, if you are familiar with the background introduction chapter and have free time, it would be great if you can post the wiki link in the comment.

If you know how to use the Ice and Fire Wiki, you can get a more intuitive understanding of the whole story, and there are related indexes to see the expansion of the story. I highly recommend it to everyone!

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