". It has been found out that this person murdered an innocent person. He dumped the body in the abandoned warehouse of the office, disguised his identity and sneaked into the castle in order to commit misdeeds. He was sentenced to murder and treason and sentenced to death. He will be beheaded at noon today."

The public trial of the Faceless Assassin was being held in the square outside the Church of the Seven Gods. The chapel was the most crowded in the morning, because even though it was a so-called Sunday, Sunday did not mean that people could rest. After the church, the townspeople still had to go to work. The chapel in the town is not small, and not far away is the cemetery. Although Stannis suffered damage before when he converted to Christianity, the idols were burned, and the stained glass with the symbols of the Seven Gods was broken and changed to the god R'hllor. The temple was half renovated. But Viserys came back and rebuilt the half-renovated Temple of R'hllor. It has not been completely rebuilt yet. Some parts are still under construction, but it can already receive residents who worship.

The chapel and the Faith of the Seven Gods serve as a moral training institution to encourage people to do good in Westeros. For a territory, this building helps to govern the territory. After all, in a world where the illiteracy rate is close to 99%, it is still very difficult to use faith to naturalize. important.

Especially the large square in front of the chapel is even more important. If there is no compulsory control on weekdays, most of the town's residents can gather here only on Sundays.

Priest of R'hllor, Fremi, stood far away at the end of the crowd, looking intently at the silent figure in the square, who was being held captive by two powerful armor-piercing guards and wearing a wide prison uniform, who seemed to be fine. assassin. The young priest smiled mysteriously, turned around and walked behind him, walking straight towards the silent watcher who was dressed in ordinary residents' clothes, but was out of tune with everyone and never spoke.

The observer saw the priest of the Red God approaching with a mysterious smile, and his expression couldn't help but become serious, and his already silent and solemn appearance became even more grim.

The charming young priest stopped in front of the watcher and said in Valyrian: "I can let your master see the assassin's true appearance. Please tell him before noon."

After saying this, the young Red God Priest stopped talking and just strolled back to the seaside hotel where she was currently staying. It seemed that she was going back to her room to wait for a response.

The monitor followed closely, silently, watching her return to the room and close the door. The three team members responsible for monitoring met in the three-person room of the hotel. Finally, the team leader decided to inform the priestess of what she said.

It didn't take long for what Fremi said to reach Viserys.

"It's her again." Daenerys heard it. She didn't have a good impression of the priest. The priest brought them dragon eggs, which was supposed to be a great thing, but the magic power of the dragon jumped out of the sacrificed souls. It shocked Daenerys, and although she has now reconciled with the little guy, she still has not given it a name.

"Let me think about it." Viserys thought for a moment, "Go and tell her to take off that red dress, dress like an ordinary woman, and learn to eat in front of people again. If you do this, I can give her a place in the castle. Arrange a job, but not a missionary priest.”

"Really want to try to contact her?" Daenerys asked. They have never been able to find the correct way to use magic. Viserys told her privately that she wanted to try to contact other mysterious powers to see how others are like. The one who performs magic.

"After observing for so long, she did not preach in the town, did not use miracles to develop believers, and only prayed for the shipowners who believed in the Red God on the merchant ships and asked for monetary donations. Moreover, she did not give physical charity like those in the Red God temple. Like a priest who uses her body, her status in the Great Temple of Lys is probably not low. At least she is not familiar with these things, or she is not needed to do them. Remember, when she came to us, she had seven holy fires. Hands to protect her."

Viserys thought at the time that it was because the priest was not powerful enough to come to Dragonstone from Asshai alone like Melisandre to spread the teachings to Stannis. But looking at it now, this priest of the Red God can actually perform miracles without relying on the ruby ​​necklace. And Viserys clearly remembers the priest's shocked expression when he asked Cook, the Unsullied, to take the ruby ​​necklace away from her. It's not false, it means that after taking away her ruby ​​necklace, perhaps she has undergone changes that she never imagined would happen.

"You said she was dangerous," Daenerys said, "but if you decide, I will stand by you."

"Dany." Viserys held her hand, then turned to look at the team leader responsible for surveillance, "Then, tell her that if she can't do this, then there is no need to talk."

It took a long time to go back and forth to the castle. After about two moments, the team leader came back: "Your Majesty, she agreed."

Viserys asked, "She didn't hesitate?"

"No. After I said it, she agreed." The team leader said.

The other party agreed too readily, which made Viserys hesitate.

Daenerys understood her brother's hesitation: "Her purpose is not simple. To get close to you, I'm afraid she is willing to do more."

"..." Viserys gritted his teeth, "Take her to the town jail and wait for me. I'll go there later."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The team leader left.

It has been confirmed that he will be beheaded, and the Faceless Assassin has been sent to the town guard prison, waiting for public execution at the execution ground on Dragonstone Island at noon. The executions of the new gods of the southern lords of Westeros are different from those of the old gods of the northern lords. The Stark family in the north does it personally, while the southern lords usually have a dedicated executioner in charge, and the execution place is in front of the chapel—— Just like Joffrey beheading Eddard Stark, even though it was Joffrey's temporary betrayal, there was no problem in beheading him.

"I'm going too." Daenerys said worriedly.

"We don't want to go there in a big way. This assassin is not a big shot, and he is not worthy of being punished by the king and the regent princess." Viserys ordered, "Godian! Go and call a castle guard team to gather in the prison tower. For the sake of order in the execution ground, We will send another team down later to assist the town guards in maintaining order. Find two armors from the guard team."

Viserys' captain of the guard responded without question, "Yes," and did as he was told.

Not long after, a squad of fully armored castle guards set off from the prison tower and headed toward the town guardhouse.

When Viserys and Daenerys arrived, the priests of the Red God, who had changed into ordinary clothes, had been waiting for a long time. Although the assassin was not a big shot, he was a key criminal captured by the castle. Although he was now moved to the guardhouse, he was still guarded by fully armed castle guards.

When the decision was made to behead the assassin, Captain Ashe of the Town Guard had been notified to clear the first floor of the prison only to hold this felon, so when the King and Princess Regent arrived soon, the prison was filled with people from the castle.

The priest of the Red God, wearing colorless wool travel clothes, still has a radiant face, and his expression is calm and pious. No matter who looks at it, he can tell that he does not look like an ordinary person at all, but rather like a noble girl from a family of devout believers scattered in the world. , she nodded lightly to show respect: "Your Majesty, Your Highness."

Viserys waved his hand, and the guards dispersed to guard outside. He and Daenerys lifted their visors and looked at the priest who had other agendas: "You said you could make this assassin reveal his true colors."

Viserys made no secret of her suspicion, but she paid it no mind: "Yes, Your Majesty. R'hllor gives his priests the power to unmask themselves. Let me show you."

The assassin in the prison heard the conversation outside the prison door. He looked up at the three people outside the prison, but no one looked at him. He finally said his first words since being captured: "Valar morghulis. All mortals have it." Once you die, please ask the gods to give you the gift of death." As he said that, he spit out a tooth from his mouth and went straight to Viserys' face with his visor lifted.

Viserys protected Daenerys and was about to reach out to block her.

The flames suddenly rose, and black mist-like smoke emerged from the teeth, but they were wrapped in strange flames and burned out.

The priest wearing colorless wool travel clothes opened his hands in front of the prison door, as if praying, and his whole person looked pious and holy for an instant: "Servants of false gods, poisoners of alien gods. Flame Light Weaving is the power of the King of Light , R'hllor will make all falsehood appear true."

Servants of false gods.

The poisoner of alien gods.

Viserys captured these descriptions.

The red hair of the Red God Priest was stirred by an inexplicable breeze, and her red eyes flashed with a strange light, twinkling like two dim red stars.

She pronounced a word.

The sound echoed strangely in the prison, squirming like insects in the ears of those who heard the sound. Viserys heard one word, Daenerys heard a different word, and the assassin heard another, but neither was the one that came from her lips.

Under Viserys and Daenerys's efforts to calmly watch, the assassin's body was surrounded by wisps of light and shadow that rippled a few times.

All the bones in the assassin's body seemed to begin to jingle after the Red God Priest said that word - the sound did not seem real, like an auditory hallucination.

The assassin was squirming from top to bottom. He was gnashing his teeth as if in great pain. His throat made a weird sound, and his eyes turned white.

The slightly bald W-shaped hair tip disappeared, the messy beard on the chin, the pimples on the face, the white and yellowed skin, the sunken nose, and the small light blue eyes all gradually disappeared.

Suddenly, his figure swelled, his waist and shoulders broadened, his belly became thicker, and his hands and feet became thicker. The simply bandaged leg bones seemed to have deformed, causing bright red blood to ooze from his calf.

The assassin completely transformed into a different person in the blink of an eye, even the color of his hair and eyes changed. He had a pair of fierce black eyes and a hooked nose, and his wide mouth was full of yellow teeth. He seemed to be in a very painful torture, and he made incomprehensible noises from his mouth, which Viserys could guess to mean. "Mercy!" "Gift!" "Relief!"

Following a chilling snort, the assassin fainted.

Viserys didn't want to admit that he was shocked, but the fact was that what the Red God priest demonstrated really made him feel strange and inexplicable. He tried to calmly look at the priestess who seemed to have just done an ordinary thing: "What kind of magic is this?" ?”

Priestess Fremi was a little proud, pretending to be relaxed, as if doing this was too simple to be worth mentioning: "Your Majesty. Transformation spells, blinding techniques, illusions, people call it so, but this is not the truth. R'hllor is the Lord of Light. , this is His gift. The servants of false gods have only glimpsed a glimpse, and the servants who imitate the Lord of Light weave threads of light and shadow to weave flesh and blood into illusions, and all false illusions will appear in front of the power of the Lord of Light. Come out true.”

Viserys looked at her indifferently: "I don't like riddles, priest."

Viserys could feel that the priest's body was extremely hot. Although she was not sweating and her face looked normal, the wool on her body actually curled slightly when it touched her skin. She was never as relaxed as she showed.

The priest spoke calmly and told him: "His magic relies on bones to work, Your Majesty. If you use R'hllor's gift to perform transformation, you will be much better than him. R'hllor's servants can weave light into any image." , this is the miracle He bestowed upon his servants, people will call it different names, I call it Flame Light Weaving.”

"You will also become someone else?"

"The gift of the Lord of Light will not be used to do things like believers of false gods."

"Because the price you have to pay is greater than them?"

"Your Majesty, if you want me to show you, please give him to me and let me dedicate him to the Lord of Light."

Viserys keenly captured the hidden meaning in her words: "You use your lives to perform magic. You and him, different methods, the same rules, right?"

"Your Majesty, God's gifts always come with a price, and false gods are just that -"

Viserys' eyelids twitched. He had never doubted her god's power, but he didn't like this feeling.

The priestess stopped talking. She no longer piously talked about the gifts of the gods. She only said: "Your Majesty, please promise me to let me enter the castle and have a job. You tell me."

Daenerys, who had been watching silently, couldn't help but shake her brother's hand.

Viserys responded to the priestess: "Yes, you are going away on a ship today. When you come back like a traveling woman, I will give you a room in the tower and hire you to be my counselor, but without me At the summons you shall not leave the tower room, for your clothes and belongings will be provided to you at that time, and everything you have brought with you shall be discarded.”

"Your Majesty," she bowed slightly, not caring about the fact that this was actually a case of house arrest. She only said calmly and piously, "You are still unwilling to accept your mission, and you still doubt R'hllor's intentions. You Your heart is full of doubts, but you have prayed to Him, and the Lord of Light hears your prayers.”

Viserys was silent for a moment and asked her: "Can you change the assassin back? He will be executed later."

"." The priestess was speechless for a moment.

Similar transformation magic was used by Melisandre at the Great Wall in the original novel, turning the wildling king Mance Rayder into Rattleshirt.

It should be noted that the words of the priestess cannot be believed at all. What she says is based on her own beliefs. Because they themselves do not know the truth of magic, they often use specious riddles to package it.

It’s not a spoiler. The truth about magic is most likely to fit Mr. Martin’s theoretical basis in Tolkien’s creation myth of The Lord of the Rings.

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