When Daenerys returned, she saw her brother Viserys motionless in front of the map table. He was standing on the throne of Dragonstone overlooking the entire map.

The whole person's face was solemn and dignified.

Daenerys realized what he was thinking, and couldn't help but walked over and stood next to him: "Who was that just now? His face had a genuine 'salt man' look. He was sent by the Dorne envoy. Are they coming soon?"

"That's Oberyn Martell of Dorne." Viserys handed her the parchment in his hand, "Sir Darry did something without telling us, but unexpectedly it became a constraint today. I'm here If you negotiate with him to break off the engagement, there is a high probability that he will agree. "

Daenerys picked up the letter and after reading it couldn't help but said: "He is here. It turns out that you and Dorne have a secret engagement."

"Alas." Viserys sighed in distress, "He must not hide who we signed the agreement with and marry you off, when you were still a little girl. As the executor of the agreement, you didn't know the oath. "On the contrary," Viserys sighed repeatedly, and finally told her, "In order to appease Dorne, I promised that our heir would marry the princess of Dorne and make their son king."

Daenerys heard the meaning of his words, and Viserys rejected Dorne's agreement for her. She couldn't help but feel a little sweet in her heart, but then she thought about it and said worriedly: "Didn't you say you are not in a hurry to have children?" ? Will they have other ideas?"

Viserys thought for a while: "The Three-Eyed Crow showed kindness to you before. We have to find a way to confirm his attitude. If we are pregnant, we have to find a way to get him to help us protect the child."

Daenerys didn't understand: "Why would he help us?"

"There is a crisis in the north. I guess he needs someone to unify Westeros as soon as possible. I can agree to it on the condition that nothing happens to you and the child." Viserys said, "There are also priests of the Red God. I plan to take risks and fight with you again." She talks about Stannis at Storm's End being a believer in the Red God, and I heard that he also has a red priest beside him. Although these so-called guarantees from gods and mysterious existences may not be valid, Dany, it is better to have guarantees. Remember what Aegon did before he landed?"

Daenerys recounted: "He summoned his friends, vassals, and all allies, listened to their suggestions, and then went to the temple to pray to the Seven Gods. Six days later, he issued an announcement to the Citadel, the kings of the Seven Kingdoms, and the princes of the entire continent. Raven, declares that there will only be one true king in Westeros."

"Well, after we confirm with the priest representing the Red God and the three-eyed crow, I will also go to the temple to pray, bathe and change clothes, and pray for seven days." After Viserys said this, he felt an inexplicable strange feeling. I don’t know how I would feel if I knew that he had announced to the representatives of the Old God, the Red God, and the New God before starting the unification war.

He then added. "I guess Stannis will not listen to my advice and become a good lord. If he does as I say at this time, once the armies of the vassals around him are disbanded, they may never be able to gather them back.

So after our wedding is over, we reach an agreement with Dorne, and the scouts bring back detailed information about the Stormlands, I plan to send a letter to reprimand Stannis, elect Shireen Baratheon as the ruler of the Stormlands, and reclaim the Stormlands for her. land, and then asked Shireen's courtiers to help her govern the land according to Dragonstone's policies.

Many places in the Stormlands are now in ruins, and part of it can be used to give the Dornish war dividends - many castles and fiefs are left with only old, weak, women and children. If they are smart, they will know what to do. Moreover, there is a need to calm people's hearts there. There are few opposition forces and it is easy to rectify. If the Lannister and Tyrell armies in King's Landing dare to come out to fight, they can handle it together. "

Previously, after the Battle of the Blackwater between the Lannister and Tyrell armies, many castles and fiefdoms were divided up in the Stormlands. Viserys went to recover the Stormlands for Shireen. These divided castles and fiefdoms were either owned by their owners. Return to the original owner, and those without an owner will be redistributed. To a certain extent, many castles and fiefdoms are left with only orphans and widows, and the division of many territories is equivalent to deprivation, but this is the rule of war.

As the king who divides the meat, Viserys can only ensure that he is as fair and just as possible when dividing the meat.

Westeros is too big, and the population is too small. Viserys estimates that he will not be able to unify the entire territory before winter comes, but he must connect the Stormlands and Dorne before winter comes.

"." Daenerys stood next to her brother, trying to see the layout in his eyes.

Viserys jumped from his seat and pointed out to her, "After the Stormlands are conquered, Highgarden will be next."

Daenerys was puzzled: "Where is King's Landing?"

"That city means nothing to us now." Viserys whispered into her ear, as if loudly enough to be heard, "Oldtown. Dany, Highgarden is rich and rich, and no one would have a problem going there. But that's just a cover, Old Town is our goal. We must capture it before winter, or at the beginning of winter. I don't care what the people in the academy think, the magic knowledge there must be. Contribute to us.”

Viserys's magic growth has stagnated for a long time, and he urgently needs the knowledge of this world's magic to find his goal. Going to the north may bring ice-based magic, but the Great Wall is the frontline battlefield of the war between the gods in the world of ice and fire, and Viserys is not sure if he can get away if he goes there. This is actually the reason why Viserys attacked Stannis first. He wanted to send Stannis to the front of the Great Wall.

Sneaking into the city in the white dragon fish suit is something Viserys would not do. The Three-Eyed Crow, the Red God Priest, Patch Face, Crow-Eye Euron, the Faceless Assassin, there are enough things that are more or less related to the gods. And Viserys believed that after leaving Dragonstone Castle, wherever he and Daenerys went, these mysterious things would follow them.

Both the Red God and the Cold God in this world need troops, so Viserys will take the army.

Dragonstone believes that in the near future, it will be enough to show the world a special zone for learning the financial and tax affairs officer system, and now some of the redundant trained affairs officers can be sent to the storm land as foreign affairs personnel to assist Shirin in trying the territory. Policy implementation and rectification.

If Highgarden surrenders, the richest land in Westeros will basically be under the rule of Viserys. He can use the king's will to let the south carry out the policy of building high walls and hoarding grain before the prophesied long night. .

At the moment when all prophecies point to it, if nothing happens, the food hoarding policy will be regarded as a king's whim, but if the long night does appear, there is no doubt that it is the king's foresight.

There are two exits to the east and west of Dorne, one leading to the Stormlands and the other leading to Highgarden. It is an important part of Viserys' plan.

Ever since his magic growth stalled on Dragonstone, Viserys had been thinking about what to do next. His eyes have long been set on the mysterious organization of the city of this world. If his questions cannot be answered in the city, then Viserys will continue to consider going to Asshai.

Legend Academy attempts to build a world without witchcraft, prophecy, and magic. Attempting to do this in the wizarding world is like promoting flat earth theory in modern society.

Daenerys stood beside her brother Viserys and couldn't help but move closer to him. She looked at the map table and couldn't help but feel her heart surge.

Suddenly, Daenerys thought: "That little one has grown so fast since it came to Dragonstone, but I still don't know how to tame it."

Viserys said: "It is very close to you and me. Maybe you can tame it as long as you trust it a little more. Didn't you find that it listens to you and me? You let it finish eating and go to Feilongshan for exercise , it understands it and never resists. Maybe it won't resist when you ride on it. The key is that you are still wary of it because of that dream. Danny, have you ever thought about it. "It's big enough for you to ride on it. Do you think you'll try to do that, or will you worry about it throwing you off its back?"

"I don't know." Daenerys turned around. The little boy was now trained like a soldier by Viserys and became like a soldier who could stand guard and obey orders. Sometimes he could stand there motionless for a long time, seemingly wild. All wasted away.

But Daenerys knew that Viserys would sometimes fly over the castle over Dragon Mountain while staying in the volcanic basin, and transform into a dragon from the secret passage to take him to hunt in the rugged mountains behind Dragon Mountain, which was inaccessible and almost like a wilderness. , where a flexible population of wild sheep survives. At first, this little creature could only spread its wings to scare its prey and chase them everywhere, but now it is said that it has learned to quietly wait for its prey to pass by before launching a surprise attack.

Viserys asked: "Maybe we can start by giving it a name?" He felt that Daenerys had become more and more regal recently, and maybe she was ready.

Daenerys begins to formally confront the question: "What do you want to call it?"

Viserys thought for a while: "Blackie, or Toothless?"

"What are these names?"

"Then think about it."

"It has something to do with the Red God, Ralilloan?" Daenerys took the prefix of R'hllor and the tail of dragon.

"So when you call it, don't you always think of the Red God?"

"You don't like winter, so what do you call winter killer?"

"You say so, I have an idea, call it Night Fire, right? The red-robed monks have the habit of lighting night fire, praying to R'hllor to grant them dawn. Call it Night Fire, hoping it will be like what the priests of the Red God said. "

"Nightfire." Daenerys tasted the name and thought it was just right. "Well, let's call it Night Fire."

"Come here, little one." Viserys called the little dragon over, touched its head, and solemnly explained to it, "From today on, you will be called Nightfire. The reason why I called you this name is that I hope you can give the world Bring the dawn."

Xiaolong shrugged his head and blinked.

"Nightfire," Daenerys called it.

Xiaolong seemed to understand that he was being called.

"Nightfire," Daenerys called again. She saw the little dragon looking at her, waiting for her command. Daenerys stood at the gap of the balcony, pointing her finger to the sky along the cliff of Dragon Mountain, "Fly up, Nightfire, and bring dawn to the world!"

After hearing the order, Ye Huo opened his huge bat wings, jumped up into the sky above the castle, along the cliff of Longshan Cliff behind the castle, and flew straight into the clear blue sky.

The slogan is one thing, but what is actually done is another. Viserys only has fire magic so far, and he is not sure whether the gods and mysterious beings in this world will be surprised after revealing that this otherworldly dragon is a three-element mage.

Even if people still think that he is the prophesied prince, his songs are not just songs of ice and fire, but fire, thunder, and ice. He may not be increasing the cost of silence that the gods bet on.

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