After nightfall, Viserys took Daenerys from the secret passage under the castle to the Targaryen family tomb.

After confirming that the glass candle lit by Daenerys in the tomb was still burning, Viserys transformed into a dragon and flew Daenerys from the already familiar inner wall of the cave to the exit at the east foot of Dragon Mountain, and then headed straight to the Crab in the north. Claw Peninsula flew away.

After Viserys conquered Dragonstone, he never forgot it, but he never tried to recruit the lords and peninsula people here.

The reason is actually very simple. Viserys has no money to recruit these people.

The history of the Crab Claw Peninsula being conquered by the Targaryens can be traced back to the time of Aegon the Conqueror.


Just by looking at this wording, you can tell what kind of people live here.

In fact, the land of Crab Claw Peninsula is barren and barren, full of swamps and pine forests. It has never been conquered. It has high mountains and dense forests, and is full of deep valleys. It can be said to be very isolated. The peninsula people living here are isolated from the rest of the world, and only a few families and lords communicate with the outside world. If you don't provoke them, they won't provoke you either. They will just cause internal friction in the peninsula.

Visenya was the first Targaryen in recorded history to recruit this group of half-wildlings. She was Aegon's queen and accepted them as direct vassals, promising that they would not have to pay allegiance to Maidenpool, Crab Isle or Duskendale. . The Crab Claw Peninsula has had a tradition of fighting for the Targaryens ever since.

However, one thing has never changed. It is impossible to expect the semi-savages here to pay taxes.

Despite this, the people here claim that they are only loyal to their lords and true kings - the Targaryens. They have formed a tradition since Visenya, sending loyal and die-hard warriors to the Targaryen family, and even Many kings' Kingsguards in history came from here.

During the Battle of the Trident, all the families on the peninsula fought with Prince Rhaegar to the end.

But the tradition of not paying taxes to the country has also been preserved, and it has never changed from being closed-minded and barbaric.

Loyalty obtained through recruitment always requires money, and loyalty does not conflict with gold coins - after all, only Targaryen's gold coins can be used to recruit people, and it is hard to say that their effectiveness is not loyal to Targaryen.

Viserys was not sure what would happen to the people here if he had no money and only relied on the dragon's intimidation to recruit and restrain the people here. Would they habitually rely on plundering to actively generate income? Breaking military discipline?

Viserys would rather not have men who could not maintain discipline on the battlefield.

Viserys would at least wait until he borrowed money from the Iron Bank before he would try to contact the half-barbarians here and recruit them to fight for him. Using carrots and sticks together is always easier than pure intimidation to restrain a group of semi-savages who cannot maintain military discipline.

The purpose of Viserys coming here today is not the peninsula people here, but the Whispering Castle, a ruined castle on the Crab Claw Peninsula. This castle was once the home of the Kleb family. The Crab Claw Peninsula is mostly descended from the ancestors, and like most ancient castles there are sacred trees.

Viserys came to the godswood.

Viserys wanted to contact the Three-Eyed Raven through the weirwood to confirm the Three-Eyed Raven's friendly attitude towards Daenerys and its attitude towards Viserys' plan to unify the Seven Kingdoms.

This was a habit he had retained in the previous world. In a world with gods and mysterious existences, he had the attitude of asking gods before doing anything. The power of God in this world is not yet clear how great it is, but its methods are weird and unpredictable, such as invading spirits, resurrecting the dead, changing bodies, using strange and mysterious techniques of fire and shadow.

Daenerys hadn't been out like this with her brother for a long time. She saw him flying in the air in a familiar way on the dark sea with no end in sight under the night. The destination seemed to have been kept in mind. Without curiosity, she asked: "How often do you Come here?"

It was a moonless night, the sky was a little cloudy, and no stars could be seen, but Viserys did not miss the direction at all: "I don't come here often, I just want to see the situation in my territory sometimes. Don't make fun of me when I say this, Sometimes I would quietly fly high in the sky to inspect the territory I now rule. Sometimes I would go out from the secret passage after dinner and fly along the vast empty sea with few ships above Dragonstone Island, towards Crab Island or Tidal Head Castle. Hidden in the clouds to observe the towns and castles at night, and occasionally go to the tip to see the ever-extinguishing fire on the watchtower.”

Daenerys looked at the dark night and the seemingly endless sea. The wind blowing on her face made her feel free and relaxed: "You can call me to join you in the future."

"Dany, it takes me half an hour to fly to Crab Island by myself. Seeing this sea surface and distant horizon once will be novel, but seeing it back and forth ten times will become boring. I'm afraid you will be bored." Viserys. Said, "And if I fly too high and too fast, you won't have a good experience either."

Daenerys felt that he was moving very fast. Dragonstone Island behind him had shrunk visibly to the naked eye, gradually turning into a point on the sea level. She was curious: "How do you usually fly when patrolling the territory?"

Viserys happened to have something to take her to see, and responded calmly: "I will take you to the height where I usually fly."

He flapped his wings, slowly lifted up from mid-air, and soon brought Daenerys to the clouds.

After entering the thick cumulus clouds, Daenerys could feel Viserys's body getting bigger, but she couldn't see anything in her field of vision. All she could see were thick fog-like clouds and giant bodies. The hot water steam evaporating from the dragon's heat kept coming towards my face.

The strong wind howled non-stop, blowing Daenerys's hair in a mess. She felt her ears ringing, and she couldn't help but bend down and put her head close to Viserys' body.

It took a long time to cross the clouds, the water vapor gradually dissipated, and the blurry vision became clear.

Daenerys looked up and saw that they had broken through the clouds and flown above them. Here, the vast sea of ​​​​stars, the bright starry sky, the sky full of stars and the waning moon seemed to be right above her head, within reach. People are always shocked when they see these, and feel an inexplicable emotion. It took her a long time before she calmed down: "How can it be boring to watch this with you?"

"As long as you like it." In fact, if you see it too much, you will become accustomed to it. This mentality is just like traveling to other places. Viserys asked, "Do you feel okay breathing? Are you feeling chest tightness and shortness of breath?"

Daenerys felt it: "No."

Viserys kept looking at her as he ascended the altitude, slowly ascending to confirm that her face was normal. Now it was confirmed that Daenerys was indeed no longer a normal human being, and there was no hypoxia in the clouds with thin oxygen. He felt relieved: "Sit tight, this is how I usually fly."

Viserys flapped his wings and picked up speed. Daenerys couldn't help but tighten her grip on the scales. The wind beside her ears was fierce and manic, and the hot air blew towards her face. The hot wind blew so hard that she couldn't open her eyes at all. She had no time to look at the stars in the sky and the scenery elsewhere. She could only lower her head and catch a glimpse of the thick cumulus clouds at the end of her field of vision.

Well, if her brother usually flies like this, then sitting on the back of a dragon is really not a fun experience.

Viserys only took her flying for a short distance, and then slowly lowered the speed. To be honest, Viserys knew very well that at his speed, Daenerys felt like she was riding in a convertible at high speed. He raised the speed The cruising range is estimated to be 200 to 300 yards, and the extreme sprint is over 500 yards. Daenerys is already very human, but she is still clearly struggling.

Viserys slowed down and only maintained about 90 yards, so that Daenerys could see things normally on the dragon's back.

She rubbed her eyes and smoothed the messy hair on her crew-cut head: "So, brother, you usually fly so fast, so it takes half an hour to get to Crab Island? It turns out that Crab Island is so far away." There are twelve hours in a day in the world of ice and fire. Daenerys has never been to Crab Island, but she heard that Cetiga from Crab Island said that it would take them most of a day by boat with a favorable wind.

"I'm not always that fast. After all, I'm not rushing to rescue." In fact, these few stretches of patrolling the territory can be regarded as Viserys's habitual exercise in a sense. The analogy is like the night run every night by a long-distance runner in modern society. , "But Crab Island is indeed a bit far away. In fact, sometimes I suddenly think about flying to towns further away, such as Seagull Town, Maiden Spring, and the fishing villages and coastal towns in the north of Crab Bay, but when I think about it, I fly In the past, I had to fly back, and those places were so far away. How could I be found on Dragonstone if there was an emergency? I would give up this idea.

When I actually measured it, I realized that this continent is so big, and the Crab Claw Peninsula of the King of Light is just as big. I really don’t know how Aegon was so determined and perseverant in the first place. He measured step by step, mapped out the continent, carved it into a map and placed it in the Drawing Table Hall. He also thought about conquering the entire continent. "

Daenerys asked him: "Aren't you planning to conquer this continent now?"

"But my purpose may be different from Aegon. I need magic and crave magic. Dany, this desire has never changed from the moment I became a dragon. If Dragonstone can satisfy my Thirst for magic, I may never leave Dragonstone in this life." After being able to transform into an inhuman dragon, Viserys found that he could gradually understand that powerful monsters would stop caring about the world when they occupy a treasure land that suits them. Feelings of strife. Viserys sometimes thought that if he had all the magic of the three dragons now, maybe he would stop there.

Daenerys responded empathetically: "After arriving on Dragonstone, everything has been incredibly stable. Knowing that you are here, I feel at ease every day. I read a book in the room and handle a few government affairs. The day passes peacefully. . Sometimes, I think it would be great if I could live in such a stable way, but there is always news that the world outside is not like this, and the stable status quo is only temporary.”

She sat on Viserys, overlooking the cumulus clouds below her. Viserys slowly lowered his height, and she could gradually see the turbulent sea and the densely forested land below her in the night. When looking down from above, Daenerys felt that she and her brother were like two gods in mythology who had escaped their duties, living on the top of the clouds, trying to find a way out of the eternal struggle, but this way was to enter eternity. Go in the struggle.

"Here we are," Viserys said.

Daenerys looked down. This was an ancient and dilapidated abandoned castle, standing on the top of the cliff.

The castle is built from ancient unmortared rocks, and each stone is different. Thick moss grows between the cracks in the rocks, clusters of strange red vines grow on the piles of rocks, and trees sprout from under the foundation. There is a ruined tower on the sea side below. Most of it is submerged in the sea and waves rush into it.

Viserys did not fall directly. He shrank slightly and flew around the city wall.

The castle is triangular in shape, with square towers at each corner. The forest has already climbed over the walls, swallowing up the main castle and the outer courtyard. This may have been a strong fortress, but now it has become a ruined wall covered with moss and vines. The castle is almost completely in decay, with no human habitation visible for miles around, making it deserted and strange.

I really don't know how Viserys found this place.

As the sun sets, Daenerys hears strange noises coming from the castle.

"Whispering Castle." Viserys told her. "There are waves washing under this castle in the caves below. As the waves rise and fall, the sounds they make sound like whispers."

Viserys finally fell. Here was a courtyard full of weeds and fallen pine needles in the ruins of the castle. Rows and rows of solemn soldier pines stood everywhere. Among them was a pale alien tree, a narrow tree. A small weirwood with a trunk as white as bone and crimson leaves stretching out along the branches.

Looking from here, one can see the collapsed city walls, the dark and empty sky and sea under the night sky... and a pile of embers that have been extinguished for an unknown period of time.

"That was left by the smugglers." Viserys told her. "I discovered a place like this when I spotted a smuggler's ship at high altitude. There is a weirwood tree here. Dany, come here and let's talk to it. ”

Daenerys looked at the pale tree uncertainly: "Can this really contact the Three-Eyed Raven?"

"I'm not sure. As a castle that is said to be thousands of years old, this weirwood tree is obviously not big enough, and there is no human face carved on it. But I guess it grew from the seeds left behind by an ancient weirwood tree. . Maybe it can be used as a heart tree. It is said that the green seer can enter the heart tree to monitor the distance." Viserys said, he walked over, put the dragon claw on the tree, and said, "I, Viserys. Cyris Targaryen will marry Daenerys Targaryen in the seventh week of the new year, and then he will begin to try to quell the disputes in the Seven Kingdoms. If you agree, please protect my and Daenerys's child, and give me or Dany’s dream gave me clarity. Please don’t riddle me, thank you.”

Is this the tone of praying to God? Dany was speechless for a moment.

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