Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 129: Magnificent Performance

The spring and autumn seasons in the world of ice and fire are the most unpredictable seasons.

Winter and summer are too long, and the climate between spring and autumn is particularly chaotic. Autumn is the season with the most rainfall, which is more like the summer on Earth. The various chaotic air masses accumulated by the heat of summer are raging in the world. Autumn is always associated with storms. The sea is hit by violent storms, which greatly increases the difficulty and danger of navigation. Inland, there are frequent rainstorms, rivers are surging, and even floods are caused.

This world has abnormal cycle seasons, but the climate is in line with the geographical and climate knowledge that Viserys learned on Earth. It's really weird.

When Viserys and Daenerys returned, the dark clouds accumulated in the sky finally couldn't stand it, and an autumn rain fell. Fortunately, there were no thunderclouds.

Viserys easily passed through the clouds, and the rain clouds were under them.

This was another amazing experience. Above her head was a clear starry sky, and below her was a dark autumn rain. Daenerys said in surprise: "So this is how the rain falls. Where do the gods who created the moon and stars, the earth and all the creatures living in them live? We have already flown so high, and the stars and the moon are still so far away. How big would they be when we look at them from a closer distance? Is it really as you guessed before that a certain star in the sky is really the body of a god? Is that red comet a god descending to this world?"

It is common sense that things are bigger when they are near and smaller when they are far away from the sun, moon and stars, but when the distance is as far as the sun, moon and stars, many people will unconsciously forget this common sense.

Because Daenerys has been with Viserys's huge dragon body for a long time, and has heard her brother's speculation about the location of the gods' bodies, she gradually discovered this common sense that she had ignored in the past. She realized that the star in the sky that looked so small was something countless times larger than her brother Viserys when he was at his largest size.

Daenerys couldn't imagine how big they were up close, but she knew they must be bigger than Dragon Mountain, because Dragon Mountain was already visible to the naked eye, and the stars were still so far away from her even though she was already so high above the clouds.

Viserys didn't know how to answer, so after thinking for a while, he only replied with a witty remark: "In the future, we can find a telescope maker in Myr to forge a telescope big enough to see the moon and stars. We can use it to look up at the sky, and maybe we can see the gods winking and smiling at us. I think we should look at the moon first. People always say that the moon is a goddess, and I have to see if she is as beautiful as you."

Daenerys couldn't help but grin, with an unstoppable smile in her eyes. She waved her hand and hammered the scales on Viserys' neck with her pink fist, and said in a delicate voice : "You are making fun of me, I am serious with you."

"I am serious with you too, I will definitely give you a telescope that will allow you to see the moon goddess in the future." Viserys said, and changed the subject, "Go back and get a piece of dragon bone. If the three-eyed raven receives a signal, I guess it will be today or we have to wait for the raven in the north."

Because the increase of magic power stagnated, and Daenerys could not find a way to use magic power for a while, Viserys deliberately kept some dragon bones containing dragon soul magic to deal with special situations.

Like talking to the three-eyed raven in a dream, this is a special situation.

Unfortunately, until dawn, the three-eyed raven did not enter the dream.

The next morning, Viserys and Daenerys got up early, washed up simply, and went straight to the secret passage.

Daenerys put on the armor that she had used to disguise her brother. Although the Tyrosh envoys had sent a more gorgeous armor, the Tyrosh envoys had not yet left. Viserys did not intend to accept Tyrosh's invitation to help in the war, so it seemed a bit hasty to put on that armor now.

In order to make things easier, they simply stayed in the room where Daenerys had theoretically lived during this period, the master bedroom behind the main hall on the second floor.

In order to convince Oberyn from Dorne, Viserys thought about showing the power of the dragon and the dragon rider, and to create power, you have to create a shape first.

It was dawn, and the autumn rain last night had not stopped, but fortunately it was not heavy.

After Viserys and Daenerys went out of the dragon cave in the secret cave, they went straight to the cliff at the top of the castle.

They had already found a position that people below the castle could see when they looked up. When Viserys came here, he expanded his body to the maximum of sixty or seventy meters, and then squatted on the top of the cliff, solemnly and motionless like a soldier standing guard.

After returning last night, Daenerys indulged in a good night before going to bed. Daenerys was still yawning on Viserys' back. Anyway, no one saw it, so she simply lifted her mask and rubbed her face with the steam from the heat of Viserys' scales.

Viserys looked down from a high place. His eyesight after turning into a dragon was excellent. With three big eyes, he could see clearly from such a high position what color clothes and general body shape the people moving in the castle were wearing, so he could guess who he saw.

The rain was helpful. Viserys was worried that if he squatted on the top of the cliff and did not move, people would ignore him as part of the cliff. But this light rain fell on him, and the heat from his body just evaporated white water vapor. As long as someone looked up, they could easily see a huge monster squatting on the top of the cliff of the castle.

A huge dragon statue appeared on the cliff, and the mist was rising, which soon caused a reaction in the castle.

It was the Unsullied guards who were changing shifts in the castle who first spotted him. Viserys could only see a tiny man from the top of the cliff. After they saw him, the team, which had been slightly relaxed, immediately straightened up and then entered the guard room.

Next was the old knight Barristan, who had originally planned to do morning exercises on the parade ground. He was taking shelter from the rain while waiting for breakfast at the castle. The old knight keenly noticed the abnormality of the shift change team, and then rushed outside the castle to look up.

Viserys was really sorry that he could not see the old knight's expression now. He could only see that the old knight's figure in the castle square seemed to be almost unable to stand firm. Soon Viserys saw the old knight quickly climb up the castle wall along the steps of the castle defense, where he looked up in the rain and stared at Viserys.

Viserys remained motionless, only exhaling a burst of eye-catching white smoke into the air, as if breathing. That was actually the rainwater accumulated in Viserys' mouth, which was evaporated into water vapor by his hot breath.

Finally, no one knew what happened in the castle, and people gradually became agitated. Cooks, trained officers, Viserys' knights, and more and more people appeared in Aegon's garden and the parade ground.

The princesses, priests, vassal nobles who were summoned to prepare for the banquet, those under house arrest, Shireen's jesters, and maesters in the tower all looked out from the tower.

There were also Viserys's Tyroshi guests and the prince of Dorne, who appeared in Viserys's sight in the form of a bean-sized figure.

The prince of Dorne was obviously not calm. After he appeared, he had the same idea as the old knight Barristan. He found the stairs to the castle wall, climbed up the wall, and stood on a battlement of the wall with the old knight in the rain, looking up and concentrating on looking here.

Their heads were motionless, and everyone looked up at where Viserys was.

"Dany, sit tight." Viserys called to Daenerys, who was disguised as his sister, and then began to shake his body, and white mist visible to the naked eye rose up.

Daenerys sat down with her mind focused, holding her hands in the usual position, straightening her back, and looking very focused and calm.

Viserys spread his wings, and the huge bat wings spread out. In an instant, the dragon's body seemed to have grown several times larger in an instant.


Viserys began to flap his wings.

He began to fly, flapping his wings slowly, and slowly took off from the ground.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's hard to imagine that with such a huge body, under the flapping of such huge wings, this three-headed dragon can take off so gently. Speaking of which, the process of Viserys's dragon bat wings taking off is actually slightly different from that of the dragons in this world. Because the belly of the body is too big, the dragons in other worlds are not good at running. When he takes off, he actually uses magic to help him take off from the ground, and he doesn't need to run to gain power like the dragons in this world.

As his wings flapped.

The steaming white mist surged, and a huge shadow slowly rose into the air.

After Viserys left the ground to a certain height, he began to hover and speed up. The steaming mist left a white airflow behind him, and the sky above the castle was completely covered by his huge wings.

Viserys hovered in the sky for several weeks until the steam from his body turned the autumn rain into a hot rain when it fell on the castle. He then fell from the top of Dragon Mountain to the castle.

Without spewing out dragon flames, Viserys could make the entire castle feel waves of hot air coming down from the sky just by the hot breath of his wings.

As Viserys's huge body descended from the sky and approached the castle, hot winds continued to emanate from him, like a hot storm sweeping across the entire castle. If Viserys had such a deterrent when attacking Dragonstone, perhaps the castle would have surrendered faster.

Viserys could see the old knights and the Prince of Dorne on the wall holding onto the battlements, barely stabilizing their bodies in the wind and heat. Their faces were full of shock, their lips were pale, and they squinted desperately to try to see Viserys's descent.

Viserys' voice was like a bell: "Go down, Guliok."

The dragon slowly descended, and its huge bat wings completely covered the entire castle for a while.

After the dragon's wings covered the sky, the castle was completely plunged into darkness.

Viserys issued an order: "Send me back, Guliok."

The darkness of the castle suddenly dissipated, and the dragon's huge body flew to the same level as the castle without knowing when. The dragon stretched out his long neck and poked his head into the main castle of the castle, the Stone Drum Tower, from the outer wall of the castle. The flapping of the dragon's wings made a huge buzzing sound, and the Stone Drum Tower echoed in this buzzing sound, as if it was a concerto.

Daenerys followed her brother's long neck, slowly climbed down his huge body, followed his long neck to the gap in the Picture Table Hall, jumped into the gap and landed steadily.

At this moment, no one would have the time to doubt who this person who came down from the dragon's back was.

Viserys' voice came from the Touzhu Hall: "Go back, Guliok." No one would think at this moment whether the voice came from the knight in the Touzhu Hall.

The dragon's head, which was larger than a human, slowly retracted from the Touzhu Hall.

On the battlements, the prince of Dorne and the old knight Barristan held the wall, their bodies stiff, their faces pale, and they dared not move. It was because when the three dragons stretched their heads into the castle, their long necks were right above their heads.

The dragon's huge mouth and sword-like teeth were once within their reach, and the terrifying hot breath blew over their heads with the dragon's breathing from time to time with hot wind.

The old knight Barristan's gray hair was blown messy by the hot air. He leaned against the wall and almost fell to the ground. This old knight, who had seen the skeleton of a dragon before, was shocked and pale, and dared not move.

The prince of Dorne was in a worse situation than him. The deep red scales of Viserys's neck were right above his head. Oberyn could feel that there was a huge hot furnace above his head, and the heat was constantly released from there. The heat from there even directly burned the ends of his hair and curled them, making him smell a burnt smell. Oberyn, like Barristan, leaned against the wall tightly, holding the arrow holes of the Blackstone Wall with both hands. He didn't feel his fingers turning white, but he held his breath, concentrated, and gritted his teeth to prevent himself from falling down.

It's hard to say that Viserys didn't do this on purpose after he found their location, especially the prince of Dorne. Viserys could have kept the neck with the hot dragon scales in the middle away from him.

At a certain moment, the sound of huge wings flapping resounded throughout the castle, and the fierce hot wind rolled up again, blowing Oberyn and Barristan to hold on to the wall to barely stand firm. The sound of the whistling wind came to their ears. They couldn't look up, and could only judge by the light that the huge shadow above their heads was gradually moving away.

They realized.

The dragon was gone.

The two people on the wall swallowed their saliva and exhaled a long breath in their hearts, but their stiff bodies still couldn't move.

For a long time, the huge Dragonstone Castle was silent.


At noon, the sept of Dragonstone was emptied, and only Brother Baal, the king and Prince Oberyn from Dorne were in the sept.

"In the name of the Father, judge the wrong and uphold justice." Brother Bal held the secret agreement and said to the long-bearded Father holding the scales, "This agreement will be abolished today by the joint decision of both parties, and the sacred oath will end under the witness of the Father. In the name of the Father, believer Viserys Targaryen, do you agree to abolish the agreement?"

Viserys solemnly responded: "In the name of the Father, I agree."

"In the name of the Father, believer Oberyn Martell, do you agree to abolish the agreement?"

Oberyn responded sincerely to the Father: "In the name of the Father, I agree."

"In the name of the Father, judge the oath to end." As he said, Brother Bal placed the oath on a small table covered with a seven-pointed blue cloth, and provided paper and pen for both parties of the agreement.

As Brother Bal finished his prayer. Viserys was the first to sign his name on the sign of the abolition of the agreement, followed by Oberyn, and finally Brother Bal.

In this way, this secret marriage contract will end here.

I found that even some readers were deceived by the greatness and justice created by the protagonist and the slogan of unifying the seven countries.

He is an alien dragon that craves the magic of fire, ice and thunder in this world. The greatness and justice of the king is just a disguise, because it can help him gain power.

The war of unification is a cover and a slogan. The real purpose is something else. Of course, he will do things that look like what should be done in the war of unification, but the essence is for magic.

The United States knows that you have oil at home and wants to attack you, and it wants to bring you democracy and freedom.

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