Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 130 Cognitive Limitations

With only two days left to travel from the Twins, Riverrun had information and they quickly caught up.

This is the first piece of news that has come from behind. Following Earl Mallister of Seaside City, Horst, the eldest son of Earl Tytos Blackwood of Raventree City, and the Bracken family faction of Stonehedge City. After the messenger arrived, two more chasing knights came from Riverrun to deliver information.

At this time, it was very close to sunset, and Robb, the king of the North and the Riverlands, immediately ordered to stop the march and set up camp on the spot.

After coming out of Riverrun, day after day, the autumn rain never stopped, and the team heading northward marched hard.

The king of the North and the Riverlands marched northwards for several miles.

Although there are only 3,500 warriors left, these northern warriors are veterans of the Whispering Woods, Riverrun, and many battles in the West. They are the elite of King Robb's current command. They are all northerners.

Since Robb decided to go north, most of the princes of the Three Rivers, except for a few people who were close to Edmure, stayed in the riverlands to watch the king regain the northern territory. "Grand Marshal of Southern Border" Blackfish Brynden guards Riverrun for the king.

The team of 3,500 people is not a small number. It is a large number of fully armed cavalry accompanied by civilians, totaling more than 4,000 people. Although there were no enemies expected within hundreds of miles, King Robb was careful and divided the troops into the typical front, middle and rear armies according to the marching array.

The task of marching scouts was undertaken by the Glover family of Deepwood Motte. The vanguard of the front army was Greatjon of the Umber family, the king's northern warrior. The king, the king's mother, Edmure and others walked with the main army of the Chinese army. together. At the rear is the baggage train, composed of many civilians, accompanied by countless carriages loaded with food, fodder, supplies, gifts and wounded soldiers. Ser Wendell of House Manderly from White Harbor and his White Harbor Knights are responsible for protection.

After them came the herds of sheep, goats, cattle, which provided the army with meat, and a small group of traders and camp prostitutes.

Finally, there is the rear guard, the Flint army from the mountain clans of the north.

The order to set up camp was issued by the Chinese army through two horsemen. When the order was notified before and after, the Chinese army's big tent had been set up.

King Robb was sitting by the fire pot. He had just taken off his soaked armor and changed into a simple leather suit to warm himself by the fire. He put the map on his knees, Gray Wind dozing at his feet.

Not long after, the leaders of the three armies and the nobles around the king, as well as Edmure and Caitlin, who were engaged in this trip, all arrived.

The king asked his attendants to place all the letters from all over the past few days on the wooden table covered with dry striped cloth next to the brazier. When everyone gathered, he ordered his people to clear out the rest, and then he spoke solemnly: "Information came from Riverrun. Ser Brynden advised me to keep it secret, but I don't mind announcing it to my loyalists. It's a rumor. A merchant who took a boat from King's Landing into the Blackwater River and ventured north from Stonehall Town brought a rumor and wanted to sell it to me at a high price. The rumor said that the Targaryen king who ordered me to go north to rescue the Great Wall might have a dragon. He is exactly The dragon defeated Lord Stannis's army guarding Dragonstone. Legend has it that his dragon had three heads and was more than ten feet tall, and captured Dragonstone in just a moment. "

"Dragon?" Edmure has not been in a good mood these days. Both Robb and Catelyn are forcing him to recognize the reality and marry Roselyn, the daughter of the Frey family. However, he is not sure about this Rose of the Frey family at all. Could Lin be an ugly old maid? "Late Lord Frey" has never been a generous person. He holds a grudge and is extremely vengeful. There is no doubt that Robb broke his oath and broke the engagement, which was the ultimate humiliation for Old Walder. "I am very curious whether Old Walder knows this news and whether he will believe it. He should also have received a letter of release from King Targaryen." .” He said gloomily, “If the ‘black and red flag’ is raised in the north.”

"Edmure!" Catelyn couldn't stand Edmure's increasingly resentful attitude in the past few days. "The King in the North will not obey Targaryen's orders! Dragons have been extinct for more than a hundred years, and a merchant can't bring news. Letter, dragon, three-headed dragon? I'm afraid this is the trick of the Targaryen. Can't you see that he used these letters to give the northern princes an excuse to cause chaos? Stark's army I'm afraid."

"Stop." Robb stopped his mother. "The princes in the north will not rebel. As long as we pass through the Twins and successfully go north, the north will return to the Starks. Balon is dead, and this Euron Grey Joey becoming king will be an unpopular thing... The ironborn will return to Pyke one after another to start a struggle for power. It is no longer a worry for us to regain the Iron Islands, the biggest threat in the north. "

The young king first expressed his belief in victory before speaking. "As for the dragons. Look at these letters, everyone. Lord Stannis's summons, Targaryen's reply." He pursed his lips as he spoke, ". Sansa and Tyrion's wedding invitation from King's Landing—— Damn Lannister," but he continued patiently, "and these Targaryen letters to me, the Lords of the River, and the Lords of the North, why did Targaryen write so many letters, if he has any truth. With a dragon, he would never be so anxious.

It is rumored that Lord Stannis was defeated at the Blackwater River, and a Targaryen with a "dragon" actually made Stannis return to Storm's End intact, and King's Landing is still planning Joffrey's wedding?

If this is the case, then this rumored three-headed dragon may have sprayed all the dragon flames on Dragonstone Island, unable to even seal its throat, and could only rely on the messenger crow to carry out its conspiracy everywhere. "

The Great Jon laughed loudly: "Your Majesty, when the North is recovered, I will meet the Targaryens on Dragonstone for you. If you ask me, all the real dragons are dead! Why should we care about someone who can only send messages? Targaryen? We should hurry up and drink Lord Edmure's wedding wine, and then march north. I can't wait to appear in front of the Ironborn in Moat Cailin and see their ghostly expressions when they see the Greatjon emerging from the north. I have to capture it quickly and present it to you as a gift.”

When Robb heard of Balon's death, he immediately made a plan to join forces with Lord Bolton and the Frey family at the Twins, send his troops north, and divide his troops into three groups to attack the Moat of Cailin. Robb and Roose Bolton each led the way.

The task given to Great Jon is to wait for the current Earl of Bear Island, Meggie Mormont, and the Lord of Deepwood Castle, Galbert Glover, sent by Robb to find Howland Reed in Graywater Watch to seek a guide. Some roads deep in the Neck are not written on the map. Only the people in the Neck know about the trails in the swamp that go around the back of Carlin Bay.

Carlin Bay is the gate to the north. The three remaining towers control the only causeway to the north from three aspects. This is the only passage for the army to go north. There is a swamp in the south and a plain in the north. Fighting from south to north will face the army's most desperate terrain, a swamp where the army cannot spread out.

The three remaining towers serve as barriers to each other, forming the shape of horns. To attack one of the towers, the army must wade through waist-deep black mud, cross a moat infested by lizards and lions, and then climb onto the moss-covered and extremely slippery city wall. At the same time, it was exposed from beginning to end to the rain of arrows from the archers of the other two towers.

Robb smiled: "I look forward to this great gift from you."

Speaking of his "wedding wine", Edmure on the side was unhappy: "Old Walder Frey must have received Targaryen's letter. Whether his decision has changed, we'd better confirm before entering the city, Your Majesty!"

"Robb, you have to be careful," Caitlin also said with some worry. "Lord Walder is cunning, has a weird temper, is suspicious by nature, is also extremely sensitive, has a thin skin, and has a sharp tongue. He is not an easy person to get along with. Edmure said It makes sense, they may have other ideas in mind after receiving Targaryen's letter."

"Mother, we sincerely apologized in our letter, and Lord Walder also wrote back to explain the situation. One of the letters on the table that was carried by the Targaryen crows to various places was sent by Lord Walder." Robb He didn't take it seriously, "This march in the rain delayed the trip. When we get to Twin River City, I will express my special apology to him."

Robb was thinking, what a pathetic king he was, always ready to apologize.

But Robb didn't actually care about these letters as much as he said. The letter from King's Landing is that Sansa and Tyrion are getting married, and the letter from King Targaryen to him and the princes in the river and the north is to encourage them to find a "qualified" guardian of the north from among his heirs. He had to think that if he died in the next battle, his kingdom would disappear immediately, so he settled on his heir in Barren Stone City.

In his eyes, his brothers Bran and Rickon were both dead. Before his Queen Jeyne was pregnant, Sansa was legally his first-in-line heir, but he didn't want the North to fall into a small state. At the hands of the devil, and Arya, second in line to the throne, may be dead. Although his mother told him that his great-grandfather had a daughter from a foreign marriage who was integrated into the Royce family branch and could be found to be legally entitled to the inheritance according to the law. But after much thought, he decided to make Jon Snow his successor.

Because of this incident, the young king had a big quarrel with his mother, because his mother had always been prejudiced against Jon Snow and was unwilling to support him in establishing an illegitimate son as his heir. But he still decided, but he hasn't made it public yet.

Speaking of which, their journey was really not smooth. The group had to cross many rivers from Riverrun. When they arrived at the Beauty Market, the Blue Fork River swelled due to the continuous autumn rain, and the violent water washed away the wooden bridge at the Beauty Market. This forced them to plan a detour to Barren Stone City, but the plan could never keep up with the changes. The bridge in Barren Stone City was soon informed by the scouts that it had been washed away by floods long before the one in Beauty Market.

They had to cross the Witch Swamp in the rain from Wasteland City on the upper reaches of the Blue Fork River, and go north through quagmire and bad roads, which caused the journey north to be delayed much longer than originally planned.

But at this time, they would only blame the autumn rain for delaying their trip, preventing them from reaching the Twins as soon as possible, setting up camp on the Green Fork River, celebrating Edmure's wedding in the warm tent, and enjoying themselves at the banquet. Take the opportunity to rest and recuperate to relieve the fatigue of many days of marching in the rain.

And when the twin bridgeheads are finished resting, these northerners will set off northward to return home.

The news of the fall of the Northern Territory touches the hearts of every soldier in the Northern Territory. They are eager to return home. They believe that under the leadership of the invincible Young Wolf King, they will retake the Northern Territory and return to their homeland.

The news of the dragons thousands of miles away on Dragonstone Island could not stop this group of Northern troops who were far away from their homes. The Lannister and Tyrell armies as far away as King's Landing seemed to be too late to stop these Northern troops from returning to the north.

The young wolf king is invincible in every battle. Countless large and small wars in the past year have proven his bravery and skill in fighting. Every soldier in the north firmly believes that this young king can lead them to win every battle.

Including Robb himself, this year's victory gave him strong confidence on the battlefield. He believed in his clever plan and his ability to lead troops. He firmly believed that he could retake the North. The Lannister and Tyrell soldiers are far away in the south and have no time to pay attention to him. These Targaryen messenger crows may cause some trouble but they cannot replace the army.

Yes, no one can doubt that the young wolf won all the battles.

But at the same time, the young king has not yet clearly realized that despite the victory of every battle he won, he has already lost the entire war.

The Twins ahead are not his first stop on his way north to retake the North, but his end.

It is quite sad that Robb, who always won, never figured out where he lost until his death. His plan to go north is still quite feasible.

Robb's will conflicts with the letter sent by Viserys, because Viserys's letter requires "the heir to the Stark family" instead of the heir to the King of the North, and Robb's throne is not recognized by Viserys.

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