Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 13 Viserys's Rhetoric

Viserys got right to the point: "You plan to provide me with the opportunity to acquire a Dothraki army, am I right, Illyrio?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Illyrio did not hide it, "This is exactly what I plan to do."

Viserys didn't talk about how to get it, and seemed to have other ideas, and Illyrio wouldn't have the temerity to talk about it.

Viserys asked: "Do you think I can regain the throne if I rely on this foreign army?"

Illyrio answered matter-of-factly: "Your Majesty, the Dothraki cavalry is the most courageous army I have ever seen."

Viserys nodded: "I must praise you, Illyrio, for being able to come up with a plan that seems feasible."

Illyrio put away his smile and frowned, "Your Majesty, you think this plan is not feasible?"

He acted as if he was confused because his plan was being slighted, and his words contained subtlety, pressing Viserys for his attitude.

At the moment, the essence of their relationship is "cooperation", and the "lord-subject" relationship is only on the surface. Since Illyrio's plan is not favored, the submissiveness in his words has restrained, and it seems that he will give up cooperation at any time.

Illyrio's behavior is very normal. If he were here, he would probably only regard him as one of the many powerful people who have experienced it. He is a life-saving straw that he finally grasped. Maybe he will be forced by this gesture. Lower your attitude and be flattery.

"Of course not." Viserys didn't take Illyrio's reaction seriously and continued to use his own words, "You are a very visionary businessman, Illyrio, I still think so. Your plan is completely useless. It's a good plan, but it doesn't work for me right now."

Illyrio asked seriously: "Your Majesty, do you have another plan?"

Viserys spoke eloquently: "Illyrio, you know, what I need most right now is not the army, but time."

Illyrio was very cooperative: "Time?"

"Yes, time." Viserys did not explain, but looked at Illyrio's face and asked, "You don't seem to believe it?"

"." Illyrio raised his eyes and looked at Viserys, speechless for a moment: [Did I look like I didn't believe it at all? You have something to say? 】

Illyrio was speechless for a while, but he still made a hasty explanation: "Your Majesty, I don't believe it, I just want to make it clear. I don't know what your Majesty means by 'time'?"

Viserys still didn't explain, and asked again: "Do you really think the Dothraki army can help me restore my country?"

Illyrio only said: "I can't imagine that a king without an army by his side can return to the throne."

Viserys withdrew his gaze from Illyrio's unreadable face, and looked back at the array of Dothraki cavalry in front of him who were gradually retreating with "gifts".

Why did Illyrio and Varys assign him Dothraki?

These Dothraki people do not wear armor and dominate the Dothraki grasslands. They are barbaric and cruel. They live by plundering and massacre the towns they plundered.

Landing in Westeros with such an army is not to restore the country at all, but to be a target.

Even if they do borrow soldiers and horses, these borrowed soldiers and horses will not listen to Viserys.

As long as these people slaughter the city, then "Son of the Mad King" will become the new title of the Beggar King, and maybe he will be attacked by a group of nobles from Westeros.

While talking, he asked Illyrio the same question twice, trying to see something strange in his expression, but this guy was very smooth, and there was no trace of any other intention on his face.

"Of course a king cannot be without an army by his side, but that's just not the case now." Viserys looked arrogant.

Illyrio asked: "May I ask where your Majesty's army comes from?"

"Of course," Viserys was about to reply subconsciously, but he quickly stopped talking and brought up a new topic, "Tell me, Governor Illyrio, do you know anything about the situation in Westeros? "

Illyrio didn't seem to care that Viserys changed the subject, and just responded to him: "I guess your Majesty is about to tell me."

Viserys was very satisfied with Illyrio's answer, as if he was showing off the reality that only he was aware of: "Can't you see, Governor Illyrio, that in Westeros today, there are three crown princes under the throne of the Reaver? Seven There are wildfire jars buried under the great kingdom. Just a spark will ignite a huge wildfire."

Illyrio thought that Viserys would say some shocking words and secret information, but he was almost shocked by Viserys just now. Although his thoughts were complicated, he still responded cooperatively: "Your Majesty, please make it clear that I am just a businessman and don't know much about politics."

Viserys then said: "When the Dance of the Dragons happened in House Targaryen, there were only two crown princes, and they were beaten to a bloody head."

"Your Majesty, forgive me for being ignorant. The two crown princes of the Dance of the Blood Dragons you are talking about are Rhaenyra and Aegon of the black and green parties? I wonder who the three crown princes are now?"

The Dance of the Dragons was a bloody civil war in the middle of the Targaryen dynasty. It originated from the struggle between Rhaenyra, the eldest daughter of Viserys I, and Aegon, the eldest son of his second wife Allison, for the inheritance of the Iron Throne. This civil war directly led to the Targaryen dynasty. The dragons of the Gillian family became extinct.

Viserys elaborated: "The first crown prince is naturally Joffrey Baratheon, he is the eldest son and heir of the Reaver, and the second is the current Duke of Storm's End, Renly Baratheon. Latheon, as for the third one, is the current Duke of Dragonstone, Stannis Baratheon.”

Although he expected to hear a very outrageous discussion, Illyrio was still surprised after hearing it: "Where do you start talking about this?"

"That's what you don't know. Storm's End is the seat of the Baratheon family. Those who have been granted the title have always been the heirs of the Baratheon family. But the foolish Reaver did not grant it to himself. Crown Prince Joffrey. Did you know that in Westeros today, the Reaver dynasty is called the Baratheon dynasty, but the heir to the Baratheon family is not the crown prince of the Baratheon dynasty."

"." Illyrio opened his mouth, but no words came out.

Viserys continued to add: "Dragonstone is the seat of my Targaryen family, and all the crown princes have been princes of Dragonstone. The claimant claimed the throne to inherit Targaryen, but granted Dragonstone to Stannis. Rather than your own crown prince. Think about it, Illyrio, is this a country with three crown princes, and what will happen between them? "

"." This statement was so outrageous and full of loopholes that Illyrio didn't know where to start his refutation. After all, he followed Viserys's train of thought and asked, "Even if this is true, King Robert the Reaver is still very young. Even if he does not solve the hidden dangers of the 'three crown princes' mentioned by His Majesty during his lifetime, who knows how long it will take for them to start fighting among themselves? "

Viserys was well prepared for this: "You actually think that the current Seven Kingdoms are maintained by King Robert? When I am in the Free Trade City, I can hear rumors that the Reaver is neglecting politics, indulges in wine and sex, and has countless illegitimate children. . You should also be in the business of the Seven Kingdoms. Don't you see that the real maintainer of the Seven Kingdoms is Jon Arryn? I guess he is very old. Once Lin dies, the seven kingdoms will be in chaos!"

"." Illyrio felt speechless, because even though Viserys' words were outrageous and far-fetched, some of his inferences and conclusions were actually okay to a certain extent.

There are indeed many hidden dangers in the Seven Kingdoms today, and it is indeed Jon Arryn who is running the court.

But the real problems in the Seven Kingdoms are: first, King Robert's extravagant spending, with a financial deficit of millions of gold dragons; second, the relationship between Cersei and Jaime, and the aggressive ambitions of the Lannister family they represent. Relying on the gold lent to the throne and the power of the queen, Lannister figures are present in every important position in King's Landing. Third, Renly's power does threaten Crown Prince Joffrey's throne. Renly has a close relationship with Highgarden, and there are a lot of people. Supported by the Stormlands nobles.

As for the true origins of Robert's three children, it is a can of wildfire that is ready to explode at any time.

Illyrio heard that over in King's Landing, Stannis, who currently has the least problem, is secretly investigating King Robert's illegitimate son.

The situation in the Seven Kingdoms is indeed complicated. The success of the Reaver's War relied on the alliance of the four major families, the Deer, Eagle, Wolf and Fish. Robert's rule also relied on Jon Arryn to maintain the alliance of the four major families.

But the king believed that he was ruling the Seven Kingdoms and was trying to win over the lions. The king's hands were already trying their best to maintain the stability of the country just by relying on the advantages of the Deer, Eagle, Wolf and Fish Alliance.

Illyrio seemed to be shocked and couldn't help but ask: "As His Majesty said, could it be that you are already preparing troops elsewhere, waiting for the opportunity?"

"No, no, no," Viserys shook his head, "Illyrio, I said, now is not the time to prepare troops."

Illyrio looked puzzled and asked: "Why? Since Your Majesty believes that the death of the old king's hand will bring chaos to the Seven Kingdoms, why didn't you make preparations earlier?"

"Have you ever seen beggars fighting for food, Illyrio?" Viserys did not answer directly, but said, "When a new beggar appears, who will the original beggar fight for food first? The new one!"

Illyrio was stunned: "Is your Majesty planning to do nothing?"

"Of course not," Viserys said matter-of-factly, "Waiting is also an act! Let's wait. Believe me, Illyrio, riots will not happen in a day. When the world changes and the time comes, you will find that the waiting is worth it. of."

Illyrio looked worried, as if he still couldn't figure it out: "Will the army still fall from the sky by then?"

"You are a businessman, Illyrio. Long-term investment is a business behavior." Viserys did not answer, but asked Illyrio, "Since you are willing to fund my restoration, and you still make such a plan, how can you Don’t have the patience to wait for an old man to die? If the seven kingdoms are in chaos, I am a real dragon, so why worry about not having an army?”

"..." Illyrio looked anxious, "If His Majesty has other plans, what role do I play in it?"

"Illyrio, because of your actions, I trust you, so you don't need to do anything more," Viserys tried to win over, "Provide me with shelter and let me have a better environment to wait for seven weeks." It is enough for the great kingdom to change. I have seen one noble after another in exile. Only you can make a feasible plan for my restoration and achieve this, Illyrio, I promise you, When I return to the throne in the future, you will be my first finance minister!”

"." Illyrio was speechless for a moment.

This is what it means to seize the right to speak. As long as you know that you have a certain right to choose, no matter how outrageous the rhetoric is, as long as you make a gesture and do it, you can make room for it.

Viserys knew very well that Illyrio wanted to know where the 'army that there would be in the future' that he was certain would come from, but he just wouldn't tell - he kept saying that there would be no army, but hinting at it everywhere.

Because Viserys himself didn't know where the army came from, but he only had to make a determined gesture.

Illyrio would have to guess where Viserys's confidence came from today.

Even if Illyrio saw through Viserys's deliberate confusion, nonsense, and no threat, what could Illyrio do when the words on the surface had already reached this point?

Moreover, Viserys's attitude forced Illyrio to consider a possibility: perhaps Viserys had obtained a practical plan for restoration from somewhere else.

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