Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 14 Everyone has their own thoughts

Looking at Viserys showing his solicitude, he waited for an answer.

Illyrio finally followed his words and continued: "With all due respect, Your Majesty, your view on the political situation of the Seven Kingdoms is really strange. I have never heard of it, and I have no way of identifying its truth. You said that once the old king dies at the hands of the Seven Kingdoms, the Seven Kingdoms will surely die. Chaos. But according to what I have seen and heard, King Robert was good at fighting when he was young. Although there were some rumors after he became king, I have no way of knowing what he is like. Over the years, the Seizer has been quite stable in his rule of the Seven Kingdoms. , Now the king is only middle-aged and in the prime of life. It is hard for me to believe how much trouble the death of the Hand of the King will cause in Westeros. "

"Although it is a pity," Viserys looked disappointed, but he was not panicked or angry. He just looked at Illyrio, "But I understand your concerns, Illyrio. I have nothing at this moment. I know very well that only I can't convince you with a set of words. It doesn't matter, Lord Governor, as we said on the first day in your courtyard, 'you are supporting me, not loyal to me'. I want to know before I refute your plan. , after telling you this, are you still willing to provide funding for my great cause of national restoration? "

Compared to Viserys's words, his performance at this moment was the thing that shocked Illyrio the most in the entire conversation. Viserys acted as if he trusted him gullibly, telling him what was on his mind, intending to take advantage of the opportunity to win over him, but he obviously had reservations.

This kind of performance means that he seems to have real confidence - even if he is acting, it is enough to explain a lot of problems.

This beggar king showed stupid behavior, but he may not be as stupid as the rumors say, and he is quite scheming.

Illyrio hesitated to speak, opened his mouth several times, and then asked nervously: "Your Majesty said before that I don't have to do anything, and you are willing to let me be your first finance minister. But really?"

"I am Viserys Targaryen III," Viserys looked at him and said solemnly, "A king must keep his word."

"Is it enough to just provide a shelter where you can wait for the changes in the Seven Kingdoms?" Illyrio said with a look of disbelief on his face as he chewed on the words of Viserys.

Viserys nodded: "Yes. It just takes some time. When the old prime minister dies, you will know that what I said is true. And when the Seven Kingdoms are in chaos, you will know the true meaning of sponsoring a descendant of Targaryen." value."

Illyrio's expression changed continuously. First he was imagining, then briefly showing greed, and finally hesitating: "What if the old prime minister dies and there is no chaos in the seven kingdoms?"

"Yes," Viserys did not explain, but answered very firmly, "The Seven Kingdoms will be in chaos, Illyrio."

Illyrio looked at his determined look, and finally couldn't help but test it: "Forgive me for being ignorant, Your Majesty, you are so sure, is there any plan on your part?"

Viserys didn't expect that an old fox like Illyrio would ask such a direct question. I don't know whether he was overconfident in his intelligence source and believed that Viserys had nothing, or whether he was fooled by Viserys and was so excited that he became confused.

But Viserys resolutely maintained an inscrutable attitude and asked ambiguously: "Can you keep it a secret, Lord Governor?"

Illyrio hesitated in his heart and nodded tentatively: "Of course, Your Majesty."

"So can I, Lord Governor," Viserys answered.

Illyrio was speechless for a moment.

Viserys secretly felt funny in his heart, but he still had a look of ease on his face. He turned around and looked at the road on the other side, where the Dothraki cavalry laden with "gifts" were drifting away, and said: "Your Majesty the Governor, the Dothraki cavalry have been watching. After that, shall we set off back to the city?”

Illyrio replied blankly: "Yes, Your Majesty."


On the way back to the city, Illyrio sat in the carriage as usual, with no major mood swings on his face.

Viserys rode with him outside the carriage, his face expressionless.

There was no conversation between the two along the way, they just had different thoughts, and they all focused on each other.

This time, the secret conversation led by Viserys shocked Illyrio quite a bit.

The plan to connect Viserys and the Dothraki Horse King was completely shattered, and the Beggar King, who was originally thought to be easy to handle, became elusive.

Illyrio speculated that Viserys had obtained a plan for restoration that they didn't know about from somewhere and was secretly executing it.

But he couldn't convince himself that if this was the case, why was the Beggar King Viserys still wandering around with his sister, seeking shelter everywhere?

Waiting for your chance?

Where to wait is not to wait. If there is really someone behind the scenes, why do you let the descendants of Targaryens wander among the powerful people of the Free Trade City without taking control of them?

When Illyrio thought about these details, he had already vaguely guessed in his heart that Viserys' seemingly unfounded confidence was attributed to certain forces, but he was not sure. He needed practical information to support his own. guess.

Halfway through the journey back to the city, Illyrio already had a plan: he needed to go to King's Landing.

Although Viserys used only one word to defeat the evil plan of Illyrio and the forces behind him to make him sell Daenerys in exchange for Dothraki troops, he also put himself on the table.

He and the non-existent forces and plans behind him will be targeted by Illyrio's forces.

It is conceivable that there are two possibilities next.

First, Illyrio and the others found forces for Viserys that could endorse his actions, and then secretly battled wits with "Viserys and the forces behind Viserys."

Second, they discovered that Viserys was actually just a liar who talked nonsense, and his plot was just to delay time and serve his true purpose.

As for Viserys' true purpose, no one will know until he reveals that he has the ability to transform into a dragon.

But that doesn't mean there are no risks. Because if the bluff fails, others will find that Viserys does not necessarily need to be a king who needs the right to choose. He can be a puppet without a mind.

The chess player can just impatiently smash the chessboard on his head.

But Viserys believed that this was not a dangerous move with only a glimmer of hope. He felt that Illyrio and Varys would definitely be able to find the "power behind it" for him. After all, although the hints he gave were vague, if you think about it, there would be various possibilities. All kinds of reasonable guesses.

Conspirators never trust others, and it is impossible for two conspirators to have a heart-to-heart communication.

And even if Illyrio had enough detailed intelligence sources to confirm that Viserys had nothing behind him, Viserys would have excuses waiting for him to press him.

After all, as a time traveler, his butterfly wings are just starting to flap now, and his source of information is the original work.

The theory of "Three Crown Princes" is based on the impression of the original work and the memory of the original person, and he came up with a set of rhetoric that suits his own position. It is very outrageous, and it is very different from the reality, but it is very conspiracy theory, and people who know the truth will think that Outrageous, but someone who doesn’t know may believe it if they hear it.

He displays an attitude of faith that some may think is stupid and others may think there is a hidden agenda.

And none of this matters.

What he wants to express is not a seamless theory, but to muddy the waters with a set of rhetoric that suits his own positioning as much as possible without revealing his own purpose.

But no matter what, conspiracy and intrigue are always trivial, and Viserys knows this.

He hoped that Illyrio would respond as soon as possible so that he could try to see if he could take advantage of the fat governor's wealth to collect dragon bones and eggs for him.

He knows very well that only with the support of indestructible strength, the conspiracy will not be afraid of being exposed to the world.


It was already afternoon when we returned to Illyrio's courtyard.

Viserys said that he had something to go out today, so Daenerys felt confident and had lunch alone.

So at Illyrio's invitation, only Viserys ate with him in the restaurant.

After all, Illyrio couldn't hold back and tried again: "To tell you the truth, Your Majesty, I thought about it over and over again on the way back to the city, but I still have concerns."

Viserys calmly said, "I understand, Lord Governor."

"No, Your Majesty, what I am worried about is not your words. It is your conditions." Illyrio said with a serious expression, "As you can see, I am a businessman. Forgive me for thinking about the problem in a businessman's way. The conditions you gave me It's too generous. You only need me to provide some protection, but you promise me to be the finance minister."

"Lord Governor, did you just provide me with a house, a place to live, and a meal?" Viserys asked himself and answered, "That's not the calculation. The Snatcher's spies and assassins are hiding in the dark, and you still You provided me with a stable environment, and you even took the risk to make a grand plan for me - I can imagine that if your plan is put into action, it will not be as easy to hide as hiding two people, so I trust you, so I trust you. Say that."

[If you really trust me, you won't keep saying "I trust you". 】

Of course, Illyrio is not a fool. His words are just a preparation for the next temptation: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for being abrupt. As a businessman, I cannot understand this kind of generosity."

Viserys began to speak more and more skillfully again: "I see, Lord Governor, have you heard of the Tyrell family?"

Illyrio replied: "Tyrell of Highgarden, I know, Your Majesty."

Viserys asked again: "Then do you know the Gardener family in the Reach?"

"Know a little," Illyrio replied. He already knew what Viserys was going to say.

Sure enough, Viserys said: "Before Aegon the Conqueror conquered, the Gardener family was the ruler of the River Bend, and the Tyrell family had always served it as stewards. But now people know that Highgarden and the River Bend The land belongs to the Tyrells. Why? Because Harlan Tyrell gave Highgarden to Aegon the Conqueror. Illyrio, you must understand that I have nothing now and no need for you to give me anything. A person who sincerely worked for the restoration of our country, I will remember his contribution.”

Illyrio was horrified for a moment. He finally began to be surprised by Viserys's clever words. If he was really sincere, he might have been turned away by Viserys's words.

There was an expression of unknown meaning on Illyrio's face, as if he wanted to confess something: "Your Majesty, there is something I think I must tell you."

Viserys nodded: "Please speak, Lord Governor."

Illyrio said frankly: "I plan to travel to the Seven Kingdoms."

"Oh?" Viserys narrowed his eyes, looking slightly nervous. He didn't understand why the other party made such a temptation.

It was difficult for Illyrio to see the authenticity of Viserys' emotions from his exaggerated expression, so he explained: "I plan to go to the Seven Kingdoms in person to see their current situation, inquire about the political situation, and verify your words."

"So that's it," Viserys said with a relaxed look, "Mr. Governor, I think you still don't understand that the meaning of the term 'three crown princes' does not actually lie in its authenticity."


"Ah," Viserys did not explain, he just smiled smugly, "Mr. Governor, forgive my bad habits, but this statement is my masterpiece. I hope you can think about it slowly on the way. I believe you will figure out the connection."

Illyrio's eyes fixed. With the hint, he didn't need to think slowly at all, and soon understood its meaning: this set of rhetoric that sounded full of loopholes could become a rumor used to disrupt the situation in the Seven Kingdoms when necessary.

[Will they spread this set of remarks when Jon Arryn died? ]

[Do they think that this set of remarks can cause civil strife in the Seven Kingdoms? ]

[Are there any other means and conspiracies to cooperate? 】

Several questions rolled in Illyrio's mind, and he could hardly hide his surprise. Fortunately, he finally collected his thoughts and responded to Viserys in a joking tone: "Then treat this as your test of me, Your Majesty."

"In fact, Lord Governor." After Viserys released the thought bomb, he didn't care whether it sounded in Illyrio's place, and didn't bother about Illyrio's temptation. He immediately took advantage of the hot iron and made a deliberate gesture to guide and said, "If you are worried that the payment is not equal to the promise you get, I do have something here that needs your help. I told you about this on your ship. Dragon bones and dragon eggs, Lord Governor. The time to wait for old Jon to die will not be too long, but it will not be too short."

When Viserys talked about dragons, his face showed abnormal enthusiasm. "If I can hatch a dragon during this period, why would the restoration of the country need conspiracy and intrigue?"

Seeing this, and then seeing the long dialogues in these two chapters, the style of this book should be clear to all readers.

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