After Viserys and Illyrio finished their lunch, on their way back to their room, they met Daenerys who was sitting quietly on a stone bench by the garden, waiting.

She seemed to have been waiting for a while, and there was a slight drop of sweat on her forehead from the strong sun.

It was Viserys who greeted her first, waving his hand for her to come closer: "Dany, come here, what are you doing here? Have you recovered from your illness?"

Daenerys noticed that her brother was smiling and seemed to be in a good mood: "Okay, that's almost it."

She leaned closer and glanced at the flower farmer who was pruning the garden and wearing a copper collar around his neck.

"This is Governor Illyrio's slave." The maid Ani told her just now when she was still there.

Danni approached carefully and began to talk to her brother in a low voice: "I asked Ani carefully today, that is the maid, and she said that she was arranged by the master of the courtyard to serve me. Why is he so good to us?" she whispered. Ask softly, "What does he want from us?"

Dany had learned long ago in exile that such generous treatment would not come out of nowhere.

"Don't say that, Dany," Viserys frowned slightly and replied in the same soft voice, "He is a kingmaker. He knows that one day I will return to the throne and will not forget the friends who once helped me in times of need."

Viserys noticed that Daenerys was still limping a little and walking with some difficulty, but she didn't take it personally. This surprised Viserys. Normally, a sprained foot would require rest. A week or two.

He couldn't help but suspect that Daenerys had intentionally sprained her body that day because of something he was saying. But such speculation may be too bizarre for a timid little girl. Viserys then saw this as a sign of the essential strength of Daenerys's character.

After all, she will be the Mother of Dragons.

But now the Mother of Dragons is just a girl who is afraid of saying the wrong thing, so she stopped her mouth when she heard the words. Yesterday her brother's overtures had seemed like a dream, and now that the throne was mentioned, Dany was afraid of arousing his wrath. Just like before.

"My good sister, one day we will regain our homeland." Viserys often promised her, and sometimes his hands would tremble uncontrollably as he spoke. "Think of the jewels and silks, Dragonstone and King's Landing, the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms, all snatched from our hands, and we will all get them back." Viserys lives as if for that day to come. .

The words king and throne were like prayers, Viserys was always saying them. If the throne were a god, Dany felt that Viserys was far more pious than the red monks who occasionally came at night to chant blessings as they lit the nightfire.

But when Dany asks for details or says something he doesn't like, her brother gets angry.

"Today is a great day, Dany," but Viserys's good mood still seems to have not faded. He enthusiastically tried to share the joy, but never said what he had done. He just kept having fun. "When historians write biographies of my dynasty in the future, they will definitely write like this."

Dany was vaguely uneasy at Viserys's fanaticism, and she didn't reply.

Viserys didn't care, grabbed Dany's hand, and helped her back to the room, letting her rest more before the sprained foot healed, so as to avoid any sequelae. Viserys didn't want the future Mother of Dragons to become a cripple who walked on uneven legs.

Although the maids who had been cleaning diligently these days and the elusive butler could not be seen in the corridor, Viserys still insisted on performing. He tried to share his "joy" with Daenerys and began to tell her about the "joy" that he had said countless times. The Story of Aegon’s Conquests”.

Daenerys lay on the bed, just listening and occasionally responding.

Viserys was in high spirits, and did not stop until the sun was setting and he was talking about the Bent Kneeling Stack.

Of course, he could clearly feel Daenerys's lack of interest in this, but he just wanted to talk about it, and he had to talk about it with great interest. Otherwise, it would not be enough to express his "joy" in words.

Of course, Viserys also understood that going too far was not enough, but he was more worried that he was too mature in front of Illyrio today.

Illyrio is a difficult guy to deal with. The emotions on his face are difficult to understand. This person doesn't mind dwarfing himself in verbal exchanges. Most of the time, he is pleasant-looking. The emotions he occasionally shows are difficult to distinguish between true and false. His words The frequent temptations forced Viserys to be extremely careful.

Most of the time, Viserys didn't know whether his exaggerated performance really convinced the other party. He could only rely on exaggerated performance to cover up his emotions. At least in the conversation on the surface, he thought that he and Illyrio were back and forth. .

Observe his words and his actions.

Next, we still have to look at the actions taken by Illyrio to verify.

During dinner, Viserys' voice became mute, so Illyrio just exchanged simple greetings and let the siblings do their own thing.

Viserys excused himself from being tired and went into his room. With nothing to do, he first began to fiddle with the dragon bone necklace that had lost its effectiveness, and then continued to exercise quietly in the room day after day.

The last thing is to get into the toilet before going to bed and feel the tiny dragon scales on the chest.

He has roughly figured out that the consumed magic power will take about a day to be replenished, and the scales made of pure magic elements can be controlled by the mind to be explicit and implicit.

To put it simply, the dragon scale is a magical structure manifested by the instinct of elemental magic. Viserys can hide the elemental magic that constitutes it in his liver by controlling the flow of magic.

Viserys guessed that if he turned into a dragon in the future, the elemental magic that made up his dragon body might also be gathered in the liver, horns and wings, the most important magic gathering points of the dragon body, in the same way - that is, he could become a little dragon man?


Viserys imagined that.

After all, he still felt that the dragon form was more suitable. After all, the dragon form had three heads. It was hard for him to imagine how weird it would be to have dragon wings on his back, three heads or three elemental horns on his head.

Of course, he was still far away from that kind of trouble now.

Another short dragon flame exhausted the magic power, and Viserys came out of the toilet, washed up and went to bed.

He still needed to verify the exact time it took to recover the magic power many times, and whether the experiment of exhausting the magic power would unknowingly expand the magic capacity.

For a period of time, Illyrio really did not appear again. Viserys didn't know whether he really set off for the Seven Kingdoms, but it would be better if it was true.

It is not an easy journey from the Eastern Continent to Westeros. Although the word "narrow" is in the "narrow sea", it is not a small strait, but a vast ocean like the Atlantic Ocean on Earth. Pentos is close to Westeros, but it takes at least half a month to cross the sea with the sailing ships in this world.

In any case, without Illyrio, Viserys's pressure is not so great, and his tense nerves have relaxed a little. He is very satisfied with the development space he has pulled out.

Then the following days are unremarkable.

Viserys basically eats more and exercises more every day-a healthy and strong body is the premise of everything.

Take more walks, record more, wander around the courtyard, remember the details of the environment, remember the people who appear in the courtyard, remember their faces, and occasionally ask their names, identities and responsibilities unintentionally-these may not be really used, but when they are used, he must know.

The rest was to go to Daenerys to cultivate feelings when he had time, but he was really not used to this feeling, because he had to be polite in front of Daenerys, he couldn't tell her the truth, he couldn't be unkind, but he couldn't be too kind, and most of the time Daenerys was silent, with a lot on her mind - in the end he seemed to have found a way to get along with her, which was to borrow the storybooks that were placed in the living room in Illyrio's courtyard and tell his sister the strange stories popular in Pentos.

He felt that it was effective. Daenerys relied on him to tell stories to relieve her boredom during the period when she was lying in the house to recuperate. After she could walk normally, she began to walk with him all day long.

But she was too silent.

Of course, Viserys also knew that Daenerys didn't like to talk because her original body had been suppressing her. He also had to admit that he was not a good brother. When faced with questions that he could not answer, although he would not get angry and scold like his original self, he would always evade and change the subject. He never asked about his sister's worries, and even enjoyed it - this meant that Dany could not guess his thoughts, and eliminated the possibility that his sister would be so clever and affect his plans.

As for Viserys telling Daenerys stories as a child, it was fine in the first few days. She had expectations and enthusiastic reactions, but if it continued like this, she would lose interest and began to resist Viserys treating her as a child. But every time he went to tell the story, Dany would still cooperate and respond.

It can be seen that compared to boredom and childishness, she was more afraid that her brother would return to his previous terrible appearance. But the girl was still distressed. Her brother's transformation did not make her happy for a long time, because she soon discovered that compared to scolding and violence, contempt, perfunctory, evasion and distrust were also cold knives that would make her uncomfortable.

Viserys found that the girl reacted strongly to words like "Don't say that", "Don't say stupid things", and "Let's talk about this later". Generally speaking, saying them meant the end of the whole conversation. So he began to use this set of words extensively when he wanted to leave her.

Viserys tried to make his life dull and boring in order to reduce the vigilance of the observer.

Of course, he did not forget another dragon bone product that Illyrio had that made him react. To be honest, he was thinking about that thing all day long, but the surveillance in the courtyard was strict.

He didn't know where the treasure house was, and he wouldn't be stupid enough to ask.

And since he could wait for the opportunity to take it, he didn't consider stealing, which was a very risky and stupid act.

Viserys wanted to turn into a dragon, but he knew better that he couldn't be impatient. Everyone can say the word "forbearance", but how many people in the world can really do it?

He must be patient.


It took Illyrio's ship seven days and nights on the narrow sea before it finally entered Blackwater Bay.

The birds can transmit information faster than ships, so Illyrio soon met the contact person at King's Landing Port. He first stayed in an inn and rested from the afternoon until nightfall, when someone knocked on his door again.

Then Illyrio went out. There was no one outside the door, but he knew it was a signal.

So he dressed up a little, walked out of the inn, walked through the streets and alleys, and finally came to the seaside dock shrouded in the night, where a fishing boat was waiting. The fishing boat started to sail after he boarded, sailing on the sea near King's Landing without any lighting. The boatman was a strange man whose appearance could not be seen clearly, and he did not say a word to him until Illyrio got off the boat.

The boat arrived at an uninhabited beach, and the boatman sent Illyrio off the boat, and then rowed the boat to the sea and began to cast nets skillfully to catch fish.

Illyrio was already familiar with this place. After landing, he walked along the beach for a while and came to a rocky low slope. He soon found a dark cave entrance among the rocks. He looked around vigilantly and confirmed that there was no one around before going into the cave entrance.

The location of this cave entrance is very particular. From here, there is a steep cliff, and then there is a rugged mountain on the top of the cliff. A hundred meters away from this rugged mountain, a tall wall stands there - that is where the Red Castle is.

How complicated is the secret passage in King's Landing!

Every time Illyrio comes here, he can't help but sigh, how did Varys remember such a complicated terrain?

Illyrio found a torch in a dark crack at the entrance of the cave. After lighting it, he held it and began to walk in. The cave began to be naturally formed stone walls. There are many forks in the cave. If you go wrong, the cave will become narrow and cramped, and it is difficult to pass.

Fortunately, Illyrio remembered the route. He walked for a long time and finally found traces of human excavation after a fork in the road. The rotten wooden planks smelled moldy, but they pointed to the right path.

At the end of the road was a huge cave, surrounded by stone walls on all sides, but there was wind here, and the cold wind blew down from the top of his head.

Illyrio's torch swayed in the wind.

He found a ladder somewhere on the stone wall and began to climb up. The fat governor had not exercised so vigorously for a long time, and he exhaled heavily while climbing.

Illyrio was resting on the stone steps beside a large black well. The well was twenty feet wide, and the dark opening seemed to go straight to the center of the earth. He climbed up from the bottom.

The flickering light of the torch dimly swept across the dark walls carved by human craftsmen. Many large stones were embedded in the curved walls as stairs, spiraling upwards. Illyrio knew that he was really in the intricate secret passages under the Red Castle.

Above Illyrio's head, a torch lit up, as small as a candle, slowly moving down from above, approaching him.

The owner of the torch was a man with light footsteps, and only the approaching light of the torch and his tall shadow cast on the wall showed that he was approaching quietly.

Soon, Illyrio heard the torch owner's voice echoing by the well: "It seems that you have already realized that dealing with the king is a hard job, old friend."

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