The sun rarely came out today, so Old Will began to patrol the village as soon as he got up.

The village is located in a hilly area a few miles due west of Shiwu City. The mountains here are gentle. Three low hills surround a medium-sized wilderness in the middle. There are more than 20 households at the foot and mountainside of the three low hills. Settled, consisting of the lord's tenants and a portion of the yeoman farmers. The name of the village is Sanqiu Village. In the long and narrow mountains of Cape Marseille, such arable land is very rare.

The most fertile land in this small wilderness belongs to the Masai family. The last corn planted at the end of summer before Stannis summoned the vassals is coming to the harvest season. The continuous autumn rain may rot the corn that is too late to harvest. Old Wei Er had to make sure the remaining corn was put into the barn as quickly as possible.

In response to the Dragon King's call, potato seedlings and onion seedlings were planted in the cultivated land of abandoned mountainous areas in an emergency. Maybe they would have rotted in the autumn rain that lasted for several days. He had to confirm this. He thought to himself that it was rainy in autumn, so maybe instead of planting those potatoes and onions in the mountainous areas that had been abandoned for some time, he should plant some autumn rain-resistant vegetables or taro.

There are not enough manpower in the village, so maybe we shouldn’t rush to plant. However, the agricultural manager of the Marseille family urges the villages under his control to make more use of the abandoned land for autumn planting. As the village manager of the Marseille family in the village, Old Will has to press Do whatever the lord wants.

Like most small villages in the lord's territory not far from the castle, Sanqiu Village has no village chief, only Will, the village manager. He needed to look after the fields for the lord, ensure harvests, maintain and repair mills and barns. He was also a tenant farmer of the lord, and occasionally acted as a tax collector to collect taxes from the yeoman farmers in the village.

He met a tenant family on the road, a middle-aged woman with deeply tanned skin and two teenage boys. Old Will thought they were going to harvest corn. Unexpectedly, she came to find him.

"Manager Old Will, my man went to the forest to log wood yesterday and didn't come back. Yesterday, the two children asked the daughter of the hunter from the east of the village to go to the forest to look for her, but they couldn't find her." The woman became anxious when she saw Old Will. He came up and said, "It's been all night and you haven't come back. Can you ask someone to help you go into the mountains and look for it?"

"What, what's going on? You didn't come back all night?" Old Will remembered what happened to her husband Joey. Their dilapidated house had a load-bearing pillar that had been eroded by rain for several years. The continuous autumn rains a few days ago finally let that pillar go. The pillar fell down, but fortunately it was a thatched house, so there was no accident of the roof crushing anyone, but half of the house collapsed and had to be repaired, so the men of the family applied to Will to cut a pine tree from the lord's forest land to repair the house. The mountains, rivers, lakes, forests and wilderness in the territory, except for the land owned by the farmers, all belong to the lord. Therefore, cutting down a pine tree in the forest requires the approval of the lord's village manager.

The woman's face was full of anxiety, and the two children were also nervous and at a loss. The adult man in the farmer's family was basically the backbone of the family. If something happened, the whole family would collapse.

Old Will realized the seriousness of the situation: "Then what are you waiting for? Come and find someone with me quickly. I asked him to chop in the pine forest outside the village, where else can he go?"

The woman responded anxiously: "I don't know, he didn't say, he borrowed the ax from you early yesterday morning and went out."

After all, Old Will was the village manager, so he quickly took the farmer's family to find the Orion's house in the east of the village. He always went into the mountains to look for people, and the Orion was always more useful than ordinary villagers.

There are only about twenty households in this village, but none of them are located next to each other. They are scattered on the mountainside of three low hills.

Old Will took the farmer's family of three through the flat fields before arriving at the Orion family at the edge of the village in the east. At this time, Old Will could only see the Orion's daughter drying corn. Old Will hurriedly asked: "Moss Son, your grandpa isn’t here?”

"Grandpa Will, my grandfather and brother went hunting in the mountains. They have been there for three days. They said they would go longer this time. Grandpa found a herd of deer." The hunter's daughter was twelve or thirteen years old and was smaller than usual. Her face became a little more rosy. She seemed to think she had said something wrong and hurriedly explained, "It's not a herd of deer within the lord's territory. It was found in an unowned wilderness deep in the mountains."

"I know what your grandpa is capable of. Alas, no." Old Will organized his speech. "You and these two kids went to find their father yesterday?"

"Yeah, I couldn't find him. It was getting dark, so we went back." The girl asked, "Why, didn't Uncle Joey come back last night?"

"No," Old Will said, "Ouch. Nothing happened."

"Well, Mo'er, you take these two babies to my house to find Little Wess's mother, Charlie, and ask her to go to the lord to find Will, and tell the lord that there are villagers missing in the village." Old Will's family His name was passed down from generation to generation, his name came from his grandfather, his father was named Wilson, and he had a son named Wilson. This is not just a family lineage, but many children and grandchildren die in infancy. If they get sick or suffer a winter, the children will basically not survive. It wasn't until the ten-year long summer that the Will family blossomed and had two grandsons, one named Will and one named Wesses.

Like all lord steward families, Will's son Wilson was conscripted into the army and died fighting for the lord. The castle now lacks guards, so his eldest grandson, twelve-year-old Will, was recruited to guard the castle. He was trained by the master of the lord's castle to hold a sword, and he would also fight for the lord in the future. His little grandson Wesses is the only boy who may inherit the mantle of old Lord Weir's village steward. Although he is only nine years old, his mother dotes on the boy.

Mo'er, the daughter of the Orion family, blushed slightly when she heard Little Will's name, then said "Hello", then put down her work, took away the two children from Mrs. Joy, and went to Old Will's house.

Old Will took Joey's mother-in-law and walked out of the village along the road into the mountains to look for people in the pine forest where the missing villagers might be.

The village was peaceful, and no one knew what the disappearance meant. Orion's daughter Mo'er led the two and a half-year-old children of the Joey family to the housekeeper's house. All she could think about was whether they could go to the castle together. She hadn't seen little Will for a long time. The boy said he wanted to marry her before going to the castle, but he didn't know if he could keep his words.

When she heard the trumpet sound, Mo'er had just led her two children through the field paths and walked out from between the corn stalks in the field.

This strange trumpet sound was something they had never heard before. They didn't know what it represented, so they just raised their heads in the fields and listened intently.

When the second trumpet sounded. Orion's daughter habitually found a high place at the edge of the field and looked up in the direction of the sound.

She saw a group of people appearing on the mountain road to the village from a distance.

From a distance, she saw some villagers working in the fields trying to run away, but the running figure suddenly fell down. Just like when she occasionally went hunting with her grandfather, she watched the old man fully draw his hunting bow. From a distance, the running hare and deer fell to the ground as arrows were shot out.

It's an arrow!

Orion's daughter realized that the fallen villager had been shot down by an arrow.

Is he a robber?

She became afraid. In a remote village like Cape Marseille, it was almost unimaginable for bandits to appear. Mo'er only heard about what bandits would do from her grandfather's stories. They would rob, kill, plunder food, and steal away food. livestock, and women

"No, you have to call Aunt Charlie quickly!" Orion's daughter kept in mind her grandfather's teachings. When a robber appears, she must run to the castle. If she hides in the castle, she will be fine. Although the castle is far away, three or four miles away from here, you have to run to the castle if you want to survive. She was very close to old Will's house. She started to run with her two children, shouting as she ran, "There are robbers! Aunt Charlie, there are robbers!"

With a whooshing sound, Orion's daughter heard something shooting towards her rapidly.

Suddenly there was a sharp pain in her leg.


She screamed and looked back. An arrow had penetrated into her thigh, and scarlet blood was flowing out of the wound.

It hurts!

"Wow!" The two children following her were obviously frightened and cried loudly.

Mo'er wanted them not to cry and ran towards the castle.

But the severe pain in her thigh brought fear, and she could only make a whimpering sound. She found that her face had burst into tears at some point, and she could not form words at all.

She heard a whistle, then a shout. A rude voice said: "It's two children and a girl. Damn it, I hate children the most. I drive them to the church and kill them if they don't obey."

Fear coiled around her like a snake.

Two tall figures wearing black leather and masks gradually approached. One of them took off the long bow in his hand, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and gave an order: "Children, if you understand, get up quickly and go to the village's holy temple." Let’s go gather together.”

"Wow!" The two children were so frightened that they couldn't control themselves and kept crying.

One of them said: "Damn it, the monks in my hometown church say it's a sin to kill children, so you better do it."

"This kind of thing should be left to the 'dogs'. Damn, they are good at this." One of them stepped forward, pulled the girl who was shot through the thigh, dragged her up, and slapped her hard. , "Tsk, if you can still move, get up and take your two brothers to the church, or I'll cut off your heads!"

This slap made the girl confused and completely at a loss.

"Go that way!" Another one stepped forward and kicked her in one direction, followed by two crying children who also received a kick each. "Shut up! Leave now!"

The child was still crying, and the tall man came up and slapped him twice: "Still crying!"

Finally, out of fear, they moved numbly.

Orion's daughter felt a cold sensation all over her body. She endured severe pain in her injured thigh and limped around as she was driven away. Her head felt heavy.

The two "robbers" drove them into the middle of the village road like a flock of sheep.

Mo'er discovered more villagers. She saw Aunt Charlie, whom Old Will had asked her to find. She was covered in mud, hugging Little Wess tightly, and walked towards the church in silence. She saw an old man holding a pitchfork lying on his back in a pool of blood by the roadside, and the smell of blood came from there. Not seeing the face, she wasn't sure who it was. More elderly people, women and children were searched from house to house and pushed towards the church. The cry was followed by a series of beatings.

When they arrived at the temple, Mo'er realized that these people were not bandits, but soldiers.

They hung a huge banner in the sanctuary, a banner with a flaming red heart and a crowned stag in the middle. Villagers who have been to the castle will recognize this flag. It is the banner of King Stannis who is far away from them.

A man who looked like an officer was giving orders in the church square of this small village. The square had been exposed to corn this morning and was now trampled to pieces, with mud and scarlet blood mixed in it.

There were only twenty soldiers who came to this village. They were all wearing light leather protective gear for easy movement. They carried longbows and quivers on their backs. They had sharp swords hanging on their waists and a dagger hanging on their buttocks. They were all tall and had cold eyes.

The villagers were gathered and driven into the church, sitting in the church as if they were attending a worship service. After completing a wave of driving tasks, the soldiers continued to return to the village and patrolled between the houses to make sure that no one was hiding in the fields, haystacks or piles of rocks.

There were only a few soldiers guarding the church. No one spoke to the villagers, and no one was allowed to make a sound.

The monk in the church was dead. He was shot in the chest with an arrow, and the blood stained his whole body red. He was a skinny and old man, and his body fell on the steps leading to the small bell tower in the church. He might have wanted to ring the bell to warn, but he was killed by an arrow from a distant archer.

Moer squeezed among the villagers and could easily see that everyone was pale and full of fear. There was still an arrow in her leg, and she couldn't help but fall on the seat of the church in pain. She accidentally saw the distorted face of the stranger in the church, and her heart was cold and she couldn't help but be terrified.

An old woman tried to help her hold her leg to stop the bleeding, but a soldier glared at the old woman and she dared not move.

A faint rustling sound began to appear outside the church, and soon, another group of old, weak, women and children were driven into the church, their heads and bodies were covered with grass stems.

After an unknown amount of time, a man who looked like an officer walked into the church, holding an autumn apple in one hand, and walked to the platform where the monks in the church were preaching while eating it.

The officer stood on the platform and threw the half-eaten apple aside. The apple broke on the chest of the Virgin Mary, leaving a glaring stain.

The officer spoke loudly: "The Marseilles betrayed King Stannis. This is the punishment the king has imposed on your lords!"

"We are the agents of His Majesty Stannis. We are ordered to burn the traitor's castle and kill the people in the traitor's territory," he concluded, "Turn Stone Dance City into desolate ashes and bones, with only carrion crows staying, so that the whole country can understand the fate of traitors! Blame your lords. Betraying the king is a serious crime." Finally, he said, "Light a fire."

After speaking, he stepped out of the temple.

Soon, the soldiers guarding the temple left.

Finally, the villagers who lost control shouted: "They are going to burn us to death!"

"It's already burned, outside, in the village, they slaughtered my cows and my house."


As thick smoke entered the door and windows of the temple, screams, cries, and curses resounded throughout the temple.

Someone was screaming: "Fight them!"

Moer looked up, and the distorted faces of the Seven Gods Stranger in the Temple were in her sight. She found herself extremely frightened and her vision was blurred.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "There is no one outside, they are gone, come out quickly, come out quickly!"

Before she fainted, Moer felt the old woman pulling her heavy body. Her vision turned with her body, and she saw the chest of the Virgin Mary statue stained by the broken apple. Going up, the Virgin Mary's compassionate face was looking at her with compassion.


Not only Sanqiu Village, but also the villages and towns outside the Stone Dance Castle of Shiyang Castle were attacked by the scattered "Stannis" army at the same time this morning. All the villages and towns were on fire, and even a group of Stannis troops approached the castle and almost broke into the castle.

Fortunately, the patrolling guards discovered it in time and raised the big iron gate of the castle at the critical moment.

Otherwise, with only one coach, a maester, several guards, and a group of 13- or 14-year-old guards and servants still in training, I really don't know how the castle can be defended.

Fortunately, the maester sent out a raven as soon as possible. Seeing the raven carrying the letter for help flying to Dragonstone, the Marseilles breathed a sigh of relief.

Their only hope is that His Majesty the King can ride a dragon to support them.

This is Tywin's usual trick.

Back in the riverlands, he used this trick to lure Edmure out of Riverrun and disperse the troops in the riverlands.

This time, because the leader was actually Kevan, the means of slaughtering the villagers were not cruel enough, and they deliberately left them alive to point Dragonstone to Stannis. In Kevan's view, he might have been kind enough because he gave the villagers who did not resist a chance to escape.

But in fact, they burned the villagers' houses. If the food in the villagers' cellars could not be saved, they would have been dead.

When Gregor Clegane led the westerland raiders on Tywin's orders to wreak havoc in the riverlands, all the residents of the villages and towns along the way were brutally killed. Women were raped and hanged on trees, and no one was spared, from the elderly to children, and even babies.

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