Kevan Lannister hid in a crevice of a high mountain far away from the pre-set battlefield, using a naval telescope to observe the fire and smoke of the villages and towns outside the Stone Dance City.

Nearby were his two servants, who were disguised as shepherds and were driving their sheep to graze in the nearby alpine meadows.

The villages outside the castle had almost no resistance. Just a small group of soldiers rushed into the village like bandits, and they could deal with the unprepared villages like a lion into a flock of sheep.

The houses in the mountain villages were made of wood, which made it easier to burn. These soldiers knew how to deal with them. They covered the fields and houses with hay, and a fire could completely destroy a village. The most common thing in the villagers' homes was haystacks. The coastal areas were more troublesome. In order to prevent moisture, most villages had stone piles. When they burned, there was thick smoke, but it did not cause complete destruction.

The only thing in common was that when the soldiers burned houses and fields, anyone who dared to stop them would die.

Stoneyon Castle closed its gates, and the lord, who lacked troops, was unable to take care of himself. The siege of the castle was a team of fifty people, who were the permanent peasant army of the Lannister family. Their parents and wives worked in the fields of Lannister and relied on the land of Lannister to survive. Betrayal and desertion meant that their families would die because of him, while killing and dying on the battlefield could bring their families a generous bounty. They were almost the most loyal and elite part of the Lannister army.

In this battle, Tywin emphasized that only the Lannister army would be used for the attempt, and the accompanying knights were all loyal to the Lannister family.

If this battle was fruitless, it would prove that the power of the dragon was too strong. If the vassal's army was used, the vassal would be shaken, and if the knights who could not guarantee loyalty were used, the knights would also have different ideas. Tywin was used to ruling by fear and absolute authority, and "The Rainy Season of Castamere" was a clear proof of this.

But the dragon would dilute all fears, and Tywin knew this well, so he asked Kevan to supervise the battle.

Kevan, Tywin's younger brother, has long been Tywin's right-hand man, and his loyalty and reliability are widely known.

In the preset battlefield, at twenty points, several loyal knights and brave officers, along with loyal followers and guards, hid in the mountains and forests with craftsmen who built crossbows and civilians who carried arrows. In order to facilitate running, all of them were lightly armed and without armor.

The Citadel provided Tywin with the case of Dorne's fight against the dragon in the past, abandoning the city, retreating when encountering a battle, escaping in a scattered manner, and waiting for the dragon to leave before gathering to attack, harassing the garrison, and looking for opportunities to shoot the dragon's eyes.

But this is the ruling area of ​​Dragonstone, and they slightly modified their tactics. Send lightly armed soldiers to harass castles and villages, and when the dragon appears, or when there is an army to support, hide in the rugged mountains and forests, waiting for an opportunity to move, with the goal of trying every means to hook the dragon into the preset battlefield in the mountains.

Although the anti-aircraft crossbow provided by the Citadel has axles to push, it is very difficult to move and its accuracy is worrying. Kevan provided five arrows for each point, but it takes a long time to reload each iron scorpion arrow, so it is extremely important to hook the dragon into the preset battlefield for the first round of volleys, because it is very likely that the second round of volleys will not be fired.

Because what gives these people the courage to face the dragon is the cruelty of Lord Tywin and the anti-aircraft crossbow from the Citadel. If one shot misses, the dragon's counterattack will make the most courageous people unable to prevent the collapse.

Kevan is very clear about this. He only observes and records from a distance in this battle. See if the soldiers scattered in the villages and towns can hook the dragon to the preset place as planned, see how the dragon responds to the scattered and fleeing soldiers, see if the crossbow provided by the Citadel is useful, see if the soldiers can flee as planned after the crossbow position collapses, see if hiding in the mountains and forests will be safe, and see how many remnants can be gathered in this battle if they are defeated.

The dragon has disappeared for more than a hundred years, and no one really has the courage to face it, but Lannister has no way to avoid it since he is already on the enemy side of the dragon.

Kevan sighed deeply and turned his sight towards Dragonstone.

The flames in the villages outside Stoneyon Castle have slowly burned out, and the lightly armed soldiers besieging the castle have begun to gather the peasants from the nearest villages outside the castle and drive them to the castle as planned, making a show of taking the people and breaking the city.

Kevan hesitated for a while, wondering whether the dragon from Dragonstone would come.

After all, the destruction of the villages outside Stonedance City still attracted the dragon. Kevan had seen a black dot appear in the blue sky in the north, and the black dot was rapidly growing. In the blink of an eye, it had turned into a sky that was rapidly approaching Stonedance City.

Kevan picked up the telescope and looked in the direction of the dragon, swallowing his saliva. The dragon was as big as a hill and even bigger than the castle of Stonedance City.

He began to doubt whether the soldiers could still run after seeing it.

But he saw that the flag bearer on the distant mountain still issued the order as planned.

The flag bearer was at the top of a mountain. He waved the flag and instructed everyone to prepare.

But Kevan saw through the telescope that the flag bearer who gave the order immediately hid in the same rock cracks as him and disappeared in the mountains.

This was already commendable courage. Kevan only hoped that all the executors of the army he brought would have the courage of the flag bearer. Only one round of volleys was needed - Kevan prayed to the gods, praying that his troops, which were already well prepared, could at least fire one round of volleys.


When looking down from the sky, the several villages within a few miles of Shiyang Castle were filled with smoke and flames. Thick smoke rose between the villages and fields, and people as small as ants could be seen scattered around.

When Viserys arrived, he saw the devastation from the sky and didn't know where to save him.

Fortunately, he knew the priorities and ignored the villages outside and ran straight to the sky above Shiwu City.

Here, he saw an army wearing black leather armor, waving the flaming red heart flag to drive the peasants to attack the castle. Ten riders and forty infantrymen were the whole team.

When they saw Viserys, they immediately threw away their flags and began to flee in different places. Some even ran to the peasants, some began to draw their swords and kill them, and some mixed into the peasants and refused to show up alone.

This was what Viserys hated the most. The attackers divided their troops into small groups, harassing his territory, slaughtering farmers, destroying villages and farmland, and fled as soon as they saw the dragon, or blended into the farmers instead of facing him head-on.

Hearing the wailing everywhere, and looking at the devastation. Viserys swooped down.

He did not forget what he was here for.

The scattered riders needed to be dealt with first. He gathered flames in his mouth, and the flame beams were like swords out of their sheaths, quickly passing over the first rider, and then sweeping towards the second and third riders at the fastest speed. A round of flames only burned seven riders, and the remaining three had already run away for a distance. Viserys had to gather his strength again, sweeping a circle in a circling posture, and the flames engulfed the other three riders.

He heard crying, but he was not sure whether it was the voices of the farmers or these soldiers.

Next came the soldiers who were fleeing in all directions. He saw some people kneeling down to surrender, but Viserys had no time and no army to help receive the surrenderers, and the villages within a few miles were still waiting for him to rescue.

Finally, there were the brutal soldiers who mixed in with the peasants.

Viserys didn't want to kill the peasants by mistake, so he had to flap his wings to fan everyone he could see, and then accurately pointed at those few, and shot the heads of the slaughterers with precise flame rays amid screams and cries, directly melting the flesh and blood with unimaginable high temperatures.

After all the soldiers outside the city died, Viserys made a huge voice: "Everyone, wait where you are, the castle defenders, wait for the reinforcements from Dragonstone to arrive before opening the city gates!" This is not cruel, but it is what must be done to prevent the peasants who were driven to attack the cost from hiding enemy soldiers.

After that, the dragon roared and flew away, galloping towards the village closest to the mountains.

Many of the enemy soldiers who attacked the village retreated directly into the forest along the road leading into the mountain after discovering the dragon in the sky. When Viserys arrived, most of the villages could not see the enemy except for the ruins and the remaining villagers.

He could only fly from one village to the next. When Viserys arrived at four or five small settlements, he could only see the ruins and the remaining villagers.

Viserys flew back to the sky again, looking down at the smoke and dust in the Stone Dance City from a high altitude, and he could not see any enemy. Viserys knew very well that they followed the road leading into the mountain and hid in the wild caves, rock crevices, and deep in the dense forest where the villagers worked and moved.

This was undoubtedly the situation that Viserys least wanted to face. The enemy chose to flee and avoid fighting after harassing the villages in his territory. This means that this enemy army has learned the correct way to deal with the dragon, disperse harassment and avoid fighting. And this is still in Viserys's territory. They came deep into the territory to try guerrilla warfare, which is undoubtedly testing tactics and methods.

It is not difficult to imagine that this is the way the Dornishmen responded to Aegon's conquest. However, the enemy is not familiar with it in this small battlefield, otherwise the soldiers who attacked the city would not die in vain.

Viserys knows how to deal with this kind of tactics. The most important thing in guerrilla warfare is not fighting, but supply.

Dorne responded to Aegon's conquest by local defense, with a mass base, so the supply can be endless. And this group of people chose to fight in Viserys's territory without the help of local people.

Just guard the main roads in the mountains, find and cut off the supply lines, and these people can only wait to die in the mountains and forests, and it is useless to hide deep.

But after all, it is still the same problem. Viserys's troops are seriously insufficient, and the castles in the territory are just fortresses that are no different from empty cities. Facing the enemy's methodical harassment, they can only passively defend.

At a certain moment.

Viserys looked down from a high place and saw that there were enemy activities in the open space on the hillside of a mountain among the mountains. They appeared from the valleys and woodlands, and their formations were scattered. Some of them were holding flags and were heading in a certain direction.

The action of acting as bait was too obvious, so Viserys discovered the unusualness in the mountains and forests.

When the blood dragons danced wildly, the territory of Raven's Rest was looted and burned, and civilians and livestock were slaughtered. The "Uncrowned Queen" Rhaenys rode her dragon Melias to rescue Raven's Rest. Rhaenys drove the dragon to sweep the enemy army, burning the enemy army to countless deaths and injuries, and they dropped their weapons and fled. However, this was a strategy of the "King Supporter". King Aegon II rode the golden dragon Sunfire and his brother Prince Aemond rode Vhagar, and Rhaenys was besieged and died.

Although in today's world, Viserys does not need to worry about the enemy's dragons rushing to help, but there is no doubt that when the bait appears, it means that there must be a trap waiting for him here.

Viserys just flapped his wings and circled in the sky, not attacking the decoys.

Gradually, the decoys began to run.

Out of fear.

Of course, the people sent out to act as baits would be terrified, because the dragon was in the sky, and they could only run. When people are too frightened, only running can indicate that they are away from danger.

Some baits began to slip and fall while running.

Some people may not be able to run anymore, so they kneel down on the spot, shouting something to the sky and begging for mercy.

Some people simply stopped running, and charged their bows on the spot, shooting into the sky in vain.

The morale of the soldiers sent out to act as baits was collapsing.

But after waiting for a while, Viserys decided to send this group of desperate baits on their way first, no matter what the trap was.

High in the sky, the flames seemed to accumulate in Viserys' mouth like a whirlpool.

High in the sky between the mountains, it seemed as if a second sun appeared in the sky, and a huge fireball formed in the air.

Kevan Lannister, who was watching from a distance, opened his mouth wide, and he couldn't understand what he was seeing at the moment. He looked at the huge fireball under the dragon in disbelief, hanging in the air like a scorching sun. He just felt that it was difficult to breathe, as if he had seen a miracle.

In the mountains, the decoys began to run again. Trying to find a corner to avoid the fireball.

However, when the fireball fell, all efforts seemed so futile.

The huge fireball as big as the second sun hit the mountain where the decoys were. The moment the fireball touched the mountain, an amazing flame exploded on the mountain, and the flames swept from the top of the mountain to the mountainside. The whole mountain was instantly ignited with blazing flames, producing several huge white air currents that went straight up to the sky. The scorching wind spread all around, and the strong wind pressure shock wave blew down large areas of nearby mountains and forests.

Kevan was shocked.

A mountain was lit like a candle in front of him.

He knew that he might not be able to see a round of volleys.

After seeing such a scene, no one would dare to act according to the original plan. They would hide the crossbow and themselves deeply, and not show them in the sight of the three-headed dragon.

Perhaps it was the wind pressure, or perhaps it was the excessive shock that made the ambushers crazy. Viserys saw people moving in several woodlands.

When he found that place, Viserys soon found that several groups of people who appeared were surrounded by a huge wooden machine. They had been hiding in the secluded place of the forest, covering the machine with waterproof cloth and grass, preparing to launch some kind of surprise attack on Viserys.

Perhaps knowing that they had been exposed, some people hoped that the crossbow machine would work, and began to frantically drive the crossbow machine.

Even Kevan, who was observing from a distance, could not imagine that at this time, there was a preset point to attack the dragon in the sky.

But the accuracy of the crossbow machine in this era was desperate. Viserys did not need to hide, and the crossbow arrows could not hit him at all.

Instead, he only needed to spray small fireballs to attack, and those crossbow machines were like fixed targets, with no other choice but to be ignited.

The advantage in the air was too great, and the following treatment was almost a one-sided massacre.

Kevan, who was watching through a telescope outside the battlefield, felt dizzy, his legs were numb, and he sat in a daze. The dragon was so powerful, how should the Lannisters face such an opponent?

"Retreat quickly, Ser Kevan. Disguise as a shepherd and retreat to the grassland. There are horses on the grassland. We can change horses and rush to the mouth of the Wend River. There is a boat waiting for us there. Let's go back to King's Landing before the dragon finds us and there are no captives to expose our whereabouts!" A guard wearing smelly woolen clothes came to the crevice where Kevan was and gave him a smelly piece of clothes. He asked Kevan to put on his clothes and drive the sheep down the mountain. This place is far away from the mountain where the dragon is raging. The dragon knight should not suspect that the shepherd here has any relationship with Stannis's army so far away.

"Go back to King's Landing, what's wrong with going back to King's Landing? Dragon"

"Sir, at least our tactics are right." The squire disguised as a shepherd turned pale and his lips turned blue. He didn't even believe what he said, but he was trying his best to persuade Kevan to leave quickly. "If the expected ambush soldiers hadn't exposed their whereabouts, our soldiers could have hidden in the mountains and forests and escaped unscathed! There was nothing wrong with the tactics of the Dornishmen back then, but we were not skilled, and the soldiers were too afraid of the dragon. As long as we can find a way to overcome this fear, my lord, we can shoot it down like the Dornishmen shot down Meraxes! Please retreat, my lord, we must inform Lord Tywin of the situation here."

"Where are the ravens? Where are the ravens to King's Landing?" Kevan suddenly grabbed his hands.

"I'm sorry, my lord. The dragon appeared and frightened the ravens. I couldn't--"

"How is it possible? This place is so far from the battlefield, even the sheep were not frightened!"

"Sheep are stupid animals, but ravens are smart. I didn't keep an eye on the cage, and they were scared away. It's my negligence. Please punish me, my lord."


"Please consider the overall situation, sir!"


Finally, the subsequent plot development is about to start at a time that is very different from the original. Next, Tywin will enter a strategic contraction and distribute the eggs like Tyrell.

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