Less than half a day later, the crow nest at Castle Black received another raven, the same one that Sam brought with him.

For the Rangers' expeditionary patrol to the north, Master Aemon gave Sam all the Wall ravens that were in training and had been trained, a total of seven, which could report at least five signals to the Wall - five from Castle Black and two from Shadow Tower.

And this time, it was not one that was received, but two, and both returned empty-handed without a message.

Master Aemon quickly reported the news to Bowen Marsh, but even though he guessed that something might have happened to the Rangers outside the Wall, there were only more than 40 old, weak and sick people left in Castle Black, and they could only worry about it.

The only thing they could do was to write a letter to the Shadow Tower garrison, hoping that the Shadow Tower commander, Ser Denys Mallister, would be more prepared, because once the wildlings attacked, the most likely point of attack would be the Grand Canyon in the direction of the Shadow Tower.

The Milk River, a glacial river north of the Wall, flows into the Frost Bay along the Grand Canyon. Wildling raiders outside the Wall often sneak into the depths of the Grand Canyon, bypass the Shadow Tower, and then cross the Wall to enter the Seven Kingdoms. The defenders of the Wall did not know that the Rangers were attacked by the White Walkers and the Wights, but only thought that the Rangers were attacked by a large force of wildlings. But in fact, with the current defense of the Wall, it is difficult to defend it no matter which one comes.

The only thing they should be thankful for is that the wildlings outside the Wall lack horses, and they are migrating as a whole tribe. Men, women, old and young are in the marching column, and they also carry all their food and livestock. This large army can only march slowly on foot in the ice field and the haunted forest. Even if the wildling king Mance Rayder has enough appeal among the wildlings, he cannot organize the fighters of each tribe and divide their tribes into two parts, first attacking the Wall, and then coming back to support.

The wildlings can only drag everyone slowly, and at the same time be on guard against the White Walkers and the Wights who may follow behind. The wildlings outside the Wall had seen the horror of the White Walkers and the wights, and it was because of these two ghosts that they had to migrate south.

As the first group of rangers to see the White Walkers, the losses were heavy.

At the time of departure, the rangers of Castle Black and Shadow Tower had a total of 300 people, but now there are only more than 70 people left.

"Don't stop, go!" Commander Mormont shouted at his brothers without horses, letting his voice spread throughout the breakout team, and then turned to the cavalry team beside him, "Reserve, all line up!" He shouted, "Wedge formation!"

He turned his horse's head to the direction of the fighting behind him, where Dawen, who was responsible for logistics, and five pack horses, several hounds, and several brothers of the Night's Watch without horses.

A dozen wights chased to the end of the team, and the logistics officer Dawen was calling for help. Commander Mormont could see from a distance that a wight grabbed the saddle of a horse with his left hand and tore the horse's belly with his right hand, and a horse fell down with a neigh. The corn, potatoes, and wheat on their backs were scattered all over the ground, stained with blood.

Several Night's Watch brothers resisted stubbornly and roared wildly, but they could hardly hold on under the siege. Some even wanted to grab the food bags on the packhorses and rob one of the horses.

"My lord, retreat quickly!"

"Idiot!" Commander Mormont yelled, "Those packhorses are full of food, oil, and torches. Without them, we will die if we run away!" The commander-in-chief shouted, "Arm your cavalry! Follow me!"

The commander-in-chief, wearing fur and armor, was the first one, roaring on his horse, and the horses were already in a galloping state. Commander Mormont was tall and burly, and his eyes behind the black iron mask were piercing. With him leading the way, the cavalry all rode to catch up.

Several archers, under the command of the archery commander Sir Soran, covered the cavalry who were charging back for a while: "Nock the arrows, draw the bows... and release."

As these arrows were fired, Sir Soran turned around and called on the archers to continue running. They had no horses, and if they didn't run fast enough, they would probably die. Everyone was exhausted from breaking out from the Fist of the First Men to here. Every time they took a short break, they would be caught up by the wights and lose manpower.

The ghost forest was full of wights, and no one knew where they would appear next.

The encounter between the Fist of the First Men and these wights frightened everyone.

In the cold and snow, they saw the dead people with arrows on their faces and throats crawling over the rocks, some wearing mail armor, and some almost naked... Most of them were wild men, and some wore faded black clothes, their skin was pale, and their eyes were glowing blue. There were even some pale giants, corpse giants about ten feet tall, huge corpse bears...

The cavalry rushed to the besieged logistics officer.

The corpses were knocked over by horses, trampled by horses' hooves, and chopped down by the Night's Watch brothers. However, even when they fell, they still grabbed the long swords, people and horse legs.

"Burn, you dead bastards, burn!" Daven, who was saved, laughed loudly and waved the torch in his hand. The chopped corpses wanted to pounce on him and were ignited by him. Several flames broke out there immediately.

"Get up!" The commander-in-chief shouted in a loud voice, "Go!"

The cavalry only charged in one round, and the dozen corpses were scattered, trampled, and the corpses were scattered, but there was no fire, and the corpses were still moving around. They had no time to deal with these corpses.

The barking of dogs, the neighing of horses, and the fighting of the Night's Watch brothers farther behind seemed to be very far away and gradually became smaller.

The commander-in-chief could only salute his brothers at the rear briefly, and then turn his horses around and shout: "Run!"

They had no choice but to run.

The number of wights was unimaginable. They were tireless and always chased after the team.

Even when escaping, cavalry could not ride horses all the time, otherwise the horses would be tired and abandoned on the spot, and then killed by the wights who rushed over and became the enemy's mount.

Commander Mormont commanded the escape direction to Craster's Fortress, which was dozens of leagues away from the Fist of the First Men. Only half of the Night's Watch brothers who broke out had horses, and the other half walked. The more the morale of the army collapsed, the more Commander Mormont had to retreat in an orderly manner.

He was the commander, and he had to have an order.

Even when the whole team was escaping, it was necessary to organize some combat-capable personnel to take a short rest. The road of dozens of leagues in the Haunted Forest was not like the King's Road. If the team was out of touch and the logistics personnel were caught up by the wights like just now, once the logistics supplies were lost, there would be a danger of annihilation.

Now that the Rangers have suffered heavy losses, Commander Mormont must take responsibility and bring as many Night's Watch brothers as possible back to the Wall, and send the intelligence here to the kings and lords in the south to ask for help.

The White Walkers have reappeared after thousands of years, and countless dead people have resurrected.

The Wall is in danger.

After several hours, the wights in the rear seemed to be pulled away again. Commander Mormont began to organize the escape team for a short rest.

The survivors were divided into several groups according to distance, and the cavalry who could still move caught up with the black brothers in the front and asked them to gather and prepare to rest and eat on the spot.

Those who could run were exhausted by now, and the logistics food was with the commander-in-chief. Soon the survivors gathered together under the call of the commander-in-chief for food.

The situation is not optimistic. There were more than 70 Night's Watch brothers in the last rest, but now only more than 60 can be counted. Many people are still trembling and their eyes are confused and numb.

Commander Mormont couldn't give any inspiring speeches at this time. He could only stand among the survivors, standing there steadily with his tall body, watching the logistics officer Daven distribute food to the survivors.

The logistics team had just lost another packhorse. After the survivors were given food, Commander Mormont redistributed the goods on the packhorses, distributing food, torches, and fuel to all the horses, so that even if any packhorse was lost, it would not cause catastrophic losses.

He also asked healthy people to hand over their horses for the wounded to ride; he organized the people on foot and arranged torch circles in front, behind, left and right for defense.

During this short rest, no Night's Watch brother had the strength to speak.

Everyone was very tired, but the situation did not allow them to rest for too long. About an hour later. Commander Mormont called everyone to set off again.

Even if the number of people is small, the march must be carried out according to the front and rear armies. There must be scouts on horseback in front to explore the way, so as not to run into the wights head-on; the supplies must be placed in the middle, these things are the most important things now; the wounded are at the end of the middle, they walk slowly, and

they are the last, they are the bravest brothers of the Night's Watch.

But even so, after the team began to march, the phenomenon of falling behind could not be stopped. They have been fleeing for several days, and each time they can only take a short rest of an hour or a few hours. Many people are on the verge of collapse and exhausted.

But the team cannot stop, and cannot stop for anyone.

The brothers of the Night's Watch who fell behind can only pray for good luck. The footprints of the team pointed them in the direction, and they can only rely on their own will and luck.

To this day, the wights seem to have been really thrown away by them. Until nightfall, the team was not caught up and attacked by the wights again. Commander Mormont rarely had a chance to relax a little, but when he rested, he still cautiously sent torchbearers to set up sentries and patrol the periphery, and at the same time pick up the stragglers in the rear.

The old commander, who was nearly seventy years old, was extremely strong and determined, but now, to be honest, he couldn't help but feel confused about the future.

He saw thousands of wights with his own eyes, including giants, bears, mammoths, direwolves, and even riders as pale as black ice sitting on the dead horses in the wight team.

White Walkers, cold dead things, evil existences that have not been reported for thousands of years. Commander Mormont was sure that he saw it among the thousands of wights. It was tall and emaciated, with a skin as pale as milk, riding on a tall dead horse. Its armor changed color as it moved, evil and cold.

They seemed to have wisdom. Commander Mormont felt that the White Walker he saw at that time was directing the wights to besiege the rangers' camp in the center.

Commander Mormont clearly remembered that at the Fist of the First Men, thousands of wights besieged their camp, and the Night's Watch brothers fired hundreds of rockets, but still could not stop the wights' attack. There were even wights climbing up the steep south cliff to surround the retreat route of the Night's Watch.

Are those all the wights outside the Wall? Absolutely not!

This thought made the determined old commander feel cold inside.

It was not until this moment that he remembered the slogan passed down from generation to generation by the Night's Watch, that the primary duty of the Night's Watch was to resist other aliens. Now the real enemy, they are back.

Mormont suddenly felt irritable.

The kings and lords of the south were still fighting each other, and the real crisis had already spread to the Wall, and the current defense force of the Wall was simply unable to stop it.

Mormont suddenly thought of his son Jorah for no reason. In order to give up his position to his son Jorah, he chose to join the Night's Watch, but Jorah brought shame to the family and the North. Jorah should put on black clothes and come to the Great Wall. Only in this way can the guilt on his body be washed away. Only in this way can Mr. Xiong, as a father, forgive him.

The old commander was exhausted after running around for several days, and finally fell asleep in the temporary tent at some point.

He had a dream that his son really put on black clothes and came to his side. The son begged his father to forgive him, and the father also forgave his son. They fought side by side and guarded the Wall until they were overwhelmed by the White Walkers' army, but they did their duty and died a worthy death.

The next day, when Commander Mormont woke up, he heard people from behind the team joking, mocking, and meanly calling out a title: "Killer."

Everyone laughed.

"Killer," he heard someone shout, with a tone of contempt and mockery, "come here and show us how you kill the White Walkers."


Thunder at sea wakes Jorah.

The autumn storm on the Narrow Sea delayed the journey. Fortunately, the ships of the Dornish fleet were large enough and the captains were experienced, so they always insisted on sailing along the coastline. To sail deep into the Narrow Sea at this time of year is tantamount to suicide.

The captain said that they had crossed Tas Island, and the most dangerous sea route to the north of the Narrow Sea had passed. As long as they continued along the coastline, they would reach Marseille Point, Stone Castle, and then Dragonstone Island would be right in front of them.

Thinking back on the past few months, Jorah felt as if a lifetime had passed.

He went to Dorne alone as an envoy for King Viserys, and was imprisoned in Dorne Prison for nearly two months. Although he was not tortured and the place was quite clean, the uneasiness of being isolated from the world still made him feel uncomfortable every day. They all lived in fear.

The jailer responsible for guarding him didn't say a word to Jorah for dozens of days until he was released.

In prison, he could only stare at the ceiling in silence every day, confused about the fate of life and death that he would face next.

It wasn't until half a month ago that the tall guard who threw him into prison took him out of prison.

The prince of Dorne again received him and gave him a feast, and his armor, horse, sword, and Targaryen banner were returned to him.

No apology, just a calm informing.

The prince of Dorne told him that Dorne would form an envoy to visit Dragonstone, and he would be returned to the Targaryen king intact.

Only then did Jorah know that King Viserys, whom he was loyal to, had captured Dragonstone, calling himself the Dragon King of Dragonstone, and it was rumored that there were dragons.

Jorah knew nothing, and the princes of Dorne knew more about that king than he did.

But he was undoubtedly an envoy of Viserys, and he received corresponding hospitality, and even the prince of Dorne graciously agreed to his request to send a letter back to his home on Bear Island in the north.

He had a cabin on board the Dornish mission's ship, along with guards and servants.

At first, the nobles in the Dorne mission were eager to ask Jorah about the king of Dragonstone. Even Andrea Dart, the confidant of Princess Arianne of Dorne, came to him to ask about Wei. Siris's thing.

But as the exchanges increased, it was discovered that Jorah actually knew nothing about Viserys.

What Jorah knew was either Viserys's experience of wandering in Essos, or Viserys's embarrassment when borrowing money from everywhere, or his deep and scheming methods of controlling people's hearts in the merchant ship, and these experiences are all revealed. Very unattractive. The early experience of the Beggar King is equal to the dark history of the king Jorah is loyal to.

Viserys was the king that Jorah swore allegiance to. He knew that some kings' experiences might be known to others, but he couldn't tell them, at least not from his mouth.

As for Long Qiao La, he is still extremely surprised by this breaking news.

dragon? The Targaryen envoy was even more surprised when he learned the news than the Dornishmen who came to ask him for information about dragons.

So gradually, no one came to the "Targaryen Envoy" to ask about the Targaryen King. Even Jorah had to find ways to get information about the king he was loyal to from others.

But they actually have no idea what the situation is on Dragonstone Island, so everyone can only hope to arrive at Dragonstone Island to find out.

Jorah gradually calmed down these days and began to think about his future.

He narrowly surrendered to the real king for a chance to be pardoned and returned to the Seven Kingdoms, knowing that he was not actually trusted by his king.

The king has a dragon, and what can he bring to the king?

Only death is effective.

This is Jorah's only conclusion. Now that the king has a firm foothold on Dragonstone, there must be countless dignitaries and knights who have surrendered. Only his own life is still useful to the king.

Bear Island in the North. The North is too far away, the territory of Bear Island is too barren and poor, and Bear Island is loyal to the Northern Lord Stark.

Jorah knew that only his life and prowess could be of use to the Targaryen king.

Jorah thought anxiously that now that he was sent to Dorne as an envoy, he had made a great contribution.

He had just had a dream about his father. His father glanced at him sternly, and then stopped looking at him with disgust.

In the dream, why did his father still refuse to forgive him? He did it, he was forgiven, he came back.

He thought gloomily that he had lost his honor, but now he has gained it back, right?

As he got closer to Dragonstone, the once-exiled knight felt flustered and began to worry about gains and losses.

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