"Snow," cried the crow, hopping on the old man's shoulders, "snow, snow."

This talking crow is a pet raven owned by Jeor Mormont, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.

This raven has been with the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Jeor Mormont, for many years. When he was retreating from the Fist of the First Men, the raven once flew away. Mormont thought it was scared away in the chaos. Perhaps today The night watchman of the ghostly forest was seen in the air and found them.

It generally likes to repeat a word two or three times. Most of the time it repeats the words of someone around it, but what it repeats is always intriguing.

Just like now. Originally, Commander Mormont thought it was calling "Snow" and Jon Snow, because Jon had fed it for a while as steward beside the old bear.

But it soon turned out that what it was shouting was "snow". Because as they walked out of a dense forest in the Ghost Forest and came to a slightly open forest between two dense forests, they saw snow starting to fall from the sky.

The sky was dark with dark clouds, and the bit of sunshine in the morning had long since disappeared. It was noon now, but the light in the dense forest was as dim as night.

This is not a good sign.

The Rangers also encountered bad weather when they went north, but at that time, the sky was still full of cold rain after dark clouds.

Although the rain north of the Great Wall will turn into freezing water after falling, making the already difficult road full of cold shallow ice pits, making the horses and infantry wet mud as soon as they step on it.

But it's better than snow anyway. Snow means the weather is getting colder as they come and go, and winter is coming.

Moreover, this snow was weird. There were still some stars visible in the sky last night, but today they just passed through a dense forest. When they came out, the sky was so gloomy.

It is still quite far away from Custer's Fortress. If it turns into a snowstorm, the consequences will be disastrous.

Mr. Xiong issued an order to everyone: "I want to inform everyone to walk faster and find a resting point that can be sheltered from the wind."

The order was notified through the cavalry to the few remaining troops.

But the situation developed towards a situation that Mr. Xiong did not want to see. As time went by, the snow became heavier and heavier.

The commander had to issue a second order urging the team to move quickly and go to the predetermined wind shelter to set up camp to temporarily avoid the wind and snow.


"Go to hell with Mr. Xiong. The officials ride horses while we walk! We just know how to push! If you ask me, you shouldn't have gone to the Fist of the First Men, and you shouldn't have camped there to die! Damn it, He came to this extremely cold place and was chased by a dead man! He should be killed by the zombies!" Raleigh, who was thin and had wandering eyes, quietly spat, "The Great Wall is about to be destroyed, who the hell cares about him! Order!"

This is the Night Watchman, a Night Watch steward, known as Raleigh of the Sisters.

When Elder Xiong ordered the rangers to camp at the Fist of the First Men, and sent scouts to find out the movements of the wildlings, and stayed at the Fist of the First Men for several months, a group of people secretly plotted a rebellion.

The rebels planned to kill the Commander-in-Chief and several night watchmen and nuisances who were good at hunting, and then escape on horseback. Even dry food has been prepared.

Because at that time, Mr. Xiong planned to use three hundred rangers to fight tens of thousands of savages. The rebels felt that the plan was too crazy and that they would die in vain.

Raleigh of the Sisters was one of the conspirators.

These conspirators also include [Zit], Shortblade, [Softfoot], One-Armed Oro, Donner, [Lark], Carl, [Maslin], [Little Paul] and [Thorwood].

Their original plan was to head to the coast after betraying the Night's Watch and escape by ship to the Three Sisters.

Just a few hours before they were about to implement their plan, it suddenly started to snow. Later, because the wights raided the Night's Watch camp at the Fist of the First Men, their rebellion plan was dispersed by the wights before they could wait for a second chance.

Most of those who conspired to rebel were killed by White Walkers and wights and disappeared during the breakout.

Especially since Chitt, the mastermind and affairs officer, had been killed by the ghoul, and the Night's Watch team broke out and rushed back to Castle Black, the rebel team never gathered again.

But today, the snow brought them together again.

In the retreating team, the rangers and stewards always like to stick together with people they know well.

Just like Sam, he acted with Grant and Piper, who usually have a good relationship with Jon.

During this retreat, little Paul, who was originally involved in the rebellion plot, also acted with Sam. But when Sam and his party encountered the White Walkers before, little Paul was a reckless man, tall and awkward, and couldn't hold it clearly. He picked up an ax and charged at the White Walkers, but was chopped into pieces by the White Walkers with just one sword. Now he has Became a member of the wights.

"I said, this snow is really evil, damn it." One-Armed Oro cursed, "I have a bad premonition, it also snowed that night."

Oro One-Armed came from Tyrosh and was nicknamed "The One-Armed" because he lost one of his hands due to a crime of larceny.

The night he was talking about was undoubtedly the night when the wights stormed the camp, which was also the time when they planned to launch a rebellion.

"Our current speed is too slow. The wounded are slowing us down, as well as those who are left behind." Karl said, "Old Xiong ordered the horses to be given to the wounded and let us walk. This is basically letting everyone die - of course I also I hope all the injured brothers will survive, but at this time, the sooner the uninjured brothers return to the Great Wall, the sooner they can bring reinforcements and save more people."

A knight on horseback passed them: "Guard the point, don't let the torch go out. Don't fall behind."

Several people looked up and saw the knight on horseback joining a group of more horsemen in front of them in the snow. Most of them were wounded and were riding horses.

The uninjured people, except for a few knights and important personnel, could only walk.

The snowstorm was getting stronger, and the snow in front of the horses was getting more and more chaotic, and the road on the ground was getting more and more dangerous.

"Damn, can't you see the snow? How can you protect this torch?" The one holding the torch in the group was Short Blade, who was the tallest and the strongest.

"Hurry up and catch up. Don't fall behind." Donald advised. He didn't want to connect with these people again. In the failed rebellion plan, he was responsible for cutting the reins of the horses with Claptrap Carl to cause chaos and lead the horses in the chaos.

He originally participated in the rebellion conspiracy to survive, but now the commander-in-chief led the team to retreat, and he has achieved his goal.

Donald was an official who was born as a noble attendant. The knight he served, Marado Locke, died in the breakout. But this is a good thing for him, because too many people died this time, and he might be promoted if he retreated to the Great Wall.

The wind and snow gradually obscured the vision.

At a certain moment.

The short blade of the torchbearer in the team suddenly stopped.

"We are left behind," he said in horror, "I can't see other torches." He looked back, "There is no one behind, the people at the back, and the group of 'Sir Pighead' is gone!"

Sir Pighead is what they call Sam.

With Sam in the team, that group is always the slowest, but everyone behind them seems to have disappeared.

Suddenly, the wind and snow stopped. Very strangely, it stopped suddenly.

The cold wind sighed among the trees.

A creepy cold air came, and the unbearable cold made everyone's arms tremble and their whole bodies tremble violently.

"Fire!" One-armed Oro was an old ranger who reacted immediately and shouted, "Light it up!"

Some people in the team still had torches on their waists, but they didn't light them all to save fuel and energy. But now the situation was obviously unexpected, so they had to be extra vigilant.

Rory and Carl took out their torches, lit them high, and formed a circle with their short blades. Oro used his only hand to draw his weapon and be on guard.

Donald was an archer, and he had also taken off the longbow on his back and put the bow on the arrow. Carl cooperated with him and was ready to let him light the rocket on the longbow at any time.

An ironic fact is that these people who had planned to rebel were all good players among the Night's Watch. When the future was not hopeless, they all had the courage to fight.

The huge green sentinel tree covered with snow rustled, and a horse head appeared from the dense forest, followed by another. The white figure passed through the dense forest, and the cold brought by it made people feel palpitating.

Two dead horses covered with white frost appeared in front of the group. The dead horses all had horrible and hideous wounds, and one could even see the horse's bones and frozen white frost through the wounds.

On each of the two dead horses sat a rider as pale as black ice.

The cold in the air was even worse, and the intense cold almost froze the heartbeats of the night watchmen.

White Walkers.

Even with three torches, it was very cold here.

No wonder people couldn't tell whether it was the White Walkers who brought the cold, or the cold that brought the White Walkers.

One of the White Walkers dismounted gracefully and stood tall in the snow. It was very tall and emaciated, and covered with a layer of black ice-like armor, without revealing any skin. Its armor changed color as it moved, sometimes white like new snow, sometimes black like shadows, and its feet did not crush the ice of the new snow at all.

The five Night Watchmen were extremely surprised, but they heard Rowley gasp and curse: "Damn it, I said that the pig-headed lord was lying! The White Walker is dressed more tightly than the knights I have seen! Where can I see white skin!"

It's really not Sam's fault. The armor on the White Walkers he saw was not so tight, and there was not even a throat guard. He took the initiative to hit his neck against Sam's dragon crystal dagger.

The White Walkers they met were much more well-protected.

The White Walker slid forward quietly, holding a long sword in his hand. The Night Watchmen had never seen such a weapon. It was a translucent sword, made of nothing like the metal used by humans, but more like a very thin crystal fragment. If it was placed flat on the snow, it would be almost impossible to find. The sword reflected the light in the dense forest, and there was a faint and strange blue light around the sword.

Somehow, everyone knew that this sword was sharper than any razor.

"Damn it! Don't come over here!" Donald lit the rocket, and with a whoosh, the rocket shot towards the slowly walking White Walker.

It is said that White Walkers do not like fire.


The strange long sword broke through the air with a sharp sound.

The ice-blue blade swept across the rocket, and then attacked several Night Watchmen like lightning.

Despite the extreme fear in their hearts, One-armed Oro and Carl still cooperated.

"Get out of the way!" Carl stepped forward and held the torch in front of him, "Burn you to death!" He waved the torch at the attacking White Walker.

One-armed Oro raised the steel sword with one hand to stab.

The White Walker's movements were so fast. The White Walker's sword swept across the flames, making a sharp sound. The sound was high and thin, like the sound of an animal wailing in pain, piercing the ears of the Night Watchmen like a needle.

The head of the torch that Carl stretched out was cut off and fell into the deep snow. The flame immediately went out, and only a small piece of stick was left in his hand.

And the White Walker's sword was still going down. It collided with the sword of One-armed Oro.

The strange and harsh sound of weapons colliding made people want to cover their ears.

Another short blade slashed from the side. It was Short Blade, a Night Watchman, named after his usual weapon, and he would silently sharpen his short blade every night.

The White Walker took a step back, and there was another flash of swords and sabers.

Although it was two against one, one long and one short, the long swords fought and the short blades attacked. But the whistling sound of the swords clashing several times in a row was almost unbearable, and the Night Watchmen, whose eardrums were tortured, almost wanted to cover their ears with their hands.

The two were pressed back and returned to the crowd.

Carl cursed and threw the stick in his hand at the White Walker, and the Night Watchmen covered each other and retreated. They reached a big tree, and the impact was too great, shaking off the heavy snow on the tree, and it fell to the ground with an unsettling "puff" sound.

The weapons of the two people who fought with the White Walker had a layer of white frost on the places where they collided with the strange long sword of the White Walker. The long sword that had clashed with the White Walker the most times was covered with white frost, and cracks appeared on it, as if it would break like ice at any time.

And the sword of the White Walker still shone with a pale blue light.

The White Walker spoke a few words in a language that the Night's Watch could not understand, and the sound was like the shattering of an ice lake, and the tone was full of mockery.

The White Walker on the other horse still watched patiently, and the other Night's Watchers who did not take action always confronted it, even though it seemed that it did not want to move.

"Fuck you! I can't stand this sound, run!"

It was meaningless to worry about who ran first, but with this scolding, the Night's Watchers who cooperated tacitly had lost their fighting spirit and began to flee without hesitation.

The eyes exposed by the White Walker's armor actually revealed a trace of human contempt for a moment, and then it caught a direction to chase and kill.

Screams echoed in the forest at night, and Rowley of Sister Castle became the first to die. The White Walker's pursuit was as light and swift as snowflakes in the wind. The crystal sword rebounded and turned. It took a dagger counterattack from the Night's Watchman who was desperate, accurately found the iron ring between the chain mail under the Night's Watchman's black cloak, and pierced into the body from the side, passing through leather, wool, bones and flesh.

As the White Walker drew out his long sword, sticky blood flowed out of the wound of the dead, which was extremely cold.

And the steel dagger failed to pierce its black ice armor, but was frozen with a layer of white frost.

The White Walker who was watching began to urge the dead horse to chase in the direction of a strange snow fog that wrapped a large area of ​​forest in front.

The White Walker who killed Rowley was not in a hurry to leave, only a sharp sound like an ice needle seemed to come from the black ice armor.

Suddenly, the cold, blue star-like eyes under its black ice helmet became deeper, and a burst of white frost appeared out of nowhere, and the cold breath enveloped the body of the night watchman.

In just a short moment, the wound of the body stopped bleeding sticky blood clots, and the blood clots that flowed out were also frozen into cold black clots. The body became slightly swollen, as if all the moisture in the body was frozen at this moment.

After a moment, the body opened his eyes, and his eyes had turned into a slightly shining blue. He became a corpse ghost.

The forest fell into silence again, as if nothing had happened.


The snow came suddenly and went away suddenly.

Sam, Glen and Piper fell behind and didn't know where they went. The snow suddenly stopped. Looking at the trees and rocks here, there was no trace of snow at all.

Piper complained: "This sudden snowstorm seems to be falling along our marching route. Everything here is fine, damn it."

He said it unintentionally.

But when the words came out, the three looked at each other and were all shocked for no reason.

They all shut up and went back to find the way. The torches in their hands had burned out, so they had to go on.

When they saw Gars from Oldtown and Gars from Greenaway riding a horse and running away from afar.

The three realized that they were not only lost, but also in danger.

Gars from Oldtown shouted in fear: "White Walkers! Really White Walkers! Seven Hells! Where is the commander-in-chief?"

"We are left behind," Grenn responded, "We are lost and can't see other brothers in front. What happened to the brother at the back?"

Gars from Greenaway replied: "There is no one left! Run! The White Walkers are chasing us! Run as fast as you can! Catch up!"

After the two Gars finished speaking, they hurriedly urged their horses to leave.

The ones at the back were the most elite and bravest rangers, and even they fled in such a panic.

Sam and his three companions realized that the Night's Watch brothers at the back might have been wiped out.

"White Walker!" Sam fell to the ground with weak legs, and nervously took out his dragon crystal dagger, "Dragon crystal, dragon crystal is their nemesis! Grenn, you take it, you have seen it can kill white walkers!"

Yes, the dragon crystal dagger can melt the white walkers in the woods. Sam clearly remembered that he somehow used this black dragon crystal dagger to stab a white walker who attacked them into the throat, and light blue blood spurted out of its wound, hissing around the dagger, and the body of the white walker quickly shrank, turned into a pool of liquid, and finally disappeared completely.

The process lasted for dozens of heartbeats, and Grenn saw the whole process. There were milky white glass-like bones in the body of that thing, flashing pale light, but in the end all the shapes melted, leaving only a wisp of white smoke.

Grenn helped Sam up: "Sam, I don't care how tired you are, you must keep up this time! You killed one of their white walker companions, and they may be coming to you for revenge!"

Sam was terrified.

As he was speaking, bursts of terrifying crow cries suddenly came from the depths of the dense forest.

Glenn and Piper looked at each other, and a chilling palpitation rushed from the soles of their feet to their foreheads. They hurriedly pulled Sam, and then kept chasing in the direction of the Rangers' escape.

Sam's face was full of fear, and fear gave him strength, and he hurried to catch up.

When Custer's fortress was in sight, Sam felt that he was already in a state of embarrassment and almost collapsed. He couldn't believe that he really did it. There was no heavy snow along the way, and there was no attack. They still couldn't keep up with the team, and could only rely on the little food in their hands. They walked for a long time, and now they were really hungry, cold, and tired. He wanted to eat and sleep.

However, when they approached the house with smoke on the hillside.

Grubb and Asan suddenly appeared, scaring them.

Then, they realized that these were the brothers in charge of vigilance, and it seemed that the main force had indeed arrived here.

"Is it you? Did you see the commander-in-chief?"

It was not until this moment that they knew that the team in front of them was attacked by wights in that strange snowstorm. Nearly 20 wounded soldiers and infantry were ordered to run first, and the commander-in-chief, the affairs officer and several knights around him were dispersed.

Some people insisted that they saw the commander-in-chief being knocked off his horse by the wight-turned Wilmar Royce, and then dragged into the depths of the dense forest by the wights. Melancholy Eddie and nagging Bill rode into the forest. And they have not returned yet.

They all realized a terrible reality.

It is very likely that the commander-in-chief has died in the line of duty, and the more than 20 night watchmen in Craster's Fortress are the only survivors of this expedition.

In the original book, one of the two Gars killed the other during the mutiny in Craster's Fortress.

The White Walker was slightly strengthened. In the original book, he was killed by a dragon crystal dagger, which was too embarrassing.

But that was also Sam's good luck. The throat of the White Walker took the initiative to hit his dagger. The enhancement of the White Walkers here is that when the White Walkers find that their companions have been killed, they will be alert to wear the black ice armor that can protect their whole body, instead of continuing to not wear helmets to show off.

They have to wear helmets when fishing. They are smart and should not be so stupid.

The White Walkers can assassinate and plot. The first time the wights appeared in the original book was to assassinate the commander of the Night's Watch.

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