Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 143 The Secret of Dragon Flame


Viserys placed his hand on the scales of Nightfire's throat and gave Nightfire the command to breathe fire.

His hand could feel the heat gathering in Yehuo's throat, and its mandibles moved, emitting some strange tremors. With this tremor, the scales on Yehuo's throat swelled with a trace of heat visible to the naked eye.

As the trembling sound subsided, a medium-sized dragon flame spurted out from the mouth of the night fire, igniting the firewood pile in front of it. Xiaolong's flames were already becoming increasingly fierce, and the firewood pile soon emitted violent smoke and burned violently under the continuous fire-breathing of the night fire.

Viserys reached for its mouth and found that it was hot and was exhaling a burst of hot breath.

It is very reasonable to say that the dragon's flesh and blood will be burned by flames, so although it can theoretically breathe fire for a longer period of time, the flesh and blood in its mouth is not thick enough and can only support about ten heartbeats at present. If you can't stand the fire you are spewing, you have to shut up and rest.

The underage dragon is used to spitting out breath after breath, but its flames are still too weak.

Viserys let go.

Every time he felt the vibrations from Nightfire's throat, Viserys was very curious, wanting to know what bones and flesh and blood tissue and organs were moving in its throat to make its throat make that weird sound.

Legend has it that before the Targaryen dragons were extinct, everyone who had seen the dragons had heard it. When the dragons were preparing for battle, they could always hear the frightening dragon roar. When people heard that sound, they knew what it was. It is the dragon's throat that is accumulating flames, a prelude to erupting dragon flames.

But people only thought that the roar of the dragon was for intimidation and an expression of animal behavior, but they never thought that roaring before spitting out fire might be a necessary step for the dragon to spit out dragon flames.

Ever since Viserys heard that magic was "song", he had turned his mind to it.

It is a reasonable guess that the fire-breathing organ of the dragon in this world uses the vibration frequency emitted by a certain tissue in the body to condense the magical substance in the body - Viserys guessed that it is a blood and flesh located in a special pouch in the throat. Material - condensed into a flammable semi-vapor and semi-liquid substance through special organ vibrations.

This flammable substance is highly adhesive and can continue to burn even if it sticks to other substances after being ignited. This is why the dragon flames of this world are so difficult to extinguish.

Both Viserys and Nightfire can breathe fire, but their natures are really different.

Viserys's fire-breathing organ is actually his head, his horns are the core of magic power that erupts flames, and his mouth is where the entire fire-breathing organ's magic power is ultimately directed.

No throat vibration is required for him to breathe out fire.

Viserys was thinking that if he could understand the operating logic of the various organ structures in Nightfire's body when it breathed out flames, he could use magic to simulate the fire-breathing organs of the dragon in this world, and this might be his use of this world. Magical way.

But unfortunately, Viserys had no way of knowing the internal structure of the dragon, and could only try to remember and imitate the strange frequency of the Nightfire's throat when it breathed fire.

Viserys speculated that one form of "singing" might be vibrating waves.

As a person from another world, Viserys’s understanding of “song” is “wave”, including sound waves, electromagnetic waves, light waves, and gravitational waves.

In short, regardless of whether it was true or not, he decided to try the simplest sound waves first to see if he could touch the magic power of this world that could not be used in his body.

Speaking of which, when the Red God Priest allowed the Faceless Man to recover his body in prison, he made some kind of indescribable sound.

Viserys and Daenerys compared the sounds they heard and found that the sounds they described were different. They were undoubtedly magic trained by the priests of the Red God, using sounds to cast, and perhaps requiring coordinated movements.

But its essence must be to use some kind of special sound wave to mobilize magic.

Viserys transformed into his dragon form and tried to use his throat to make a sound.

"Dra~carys~" He pronounced the most standard Valyrian "Dragon Flame" word, and then began to try to grasp the strange vibration rhythm of Nightfire's throat when he breathed fire just now, and tried to command this Valyrian When the dragon breathes fire, the words are broken down into strange melodies.

Nightfire looked at Viserys with big curious eyes. Even though it had tried several times, it still didn't seem to understand what Viserys was doing.

Daenerys, who was observing the red comet in the sky in the open space, heard the sound. She couldn't help but turn around and look at Viserys and Nightfire at the woodpile over there. Seeing that the sounds coming from Viserys's mouth were getting weirder and weirder, she He couldn't help but shook his head.

The red comet with a long tail is positioned a little further south than yesterday. The strange thing is that its wake is obviously very long, and sometimes the light it emits can even illuminate most of the sky, but it appears in this world It's been a long, long time, but I still haven't finished running through the sky above my head.

Bachelor Palos said that based on the stargazing records in the city, they calculated the orbit of the comet and found that it would stay in the sky for at least one to two years before leaving.

This is a conjecture made by the Stargazers of the Academy based on their observations, and is the result of scientific demonstration.

Daenerys' brother Viserys believes that the red star represents magic. Although they have learned that the truth of magic is "song", Viserys still believes that the red comet in the sky is closely related to magic.

So he asked Daenerys to try looking at the star before meditating.

Daenerys would look at the star through Maester Pylos's lens every clear morning these days. Dany would feel uneasy if she looked at its red light for too long.

Just as Viserys described, the stars wept blood. The red comet in the sky for a long time would remind Daenerys of blood.

After stargazing, Dany solemnly sat cross-legged on the ground.

This was a pile of rocks on the back of a rarely visited mountain deep in Dragon Mountain. The ground where Daenerys was standing was a huge rock plane.

She turned her sight to the dragon egg lying on several layers of sheepskin - the sheepskin on the ground were the skins of wild goats hunted by Nightfire, which Viserys had burned with fire, and there was a strange smell of burnt and faint blood.

The dragon egg was red-gold in color with white wavy edges, and the petrified scales carried an ancient temperament.

This was the dragon egg that she and Viserys had taken from Enar's arms in the tomb of the Targaryen family. It was huge and dead, like a dead thing.

But Daenerys knew it was not a dead thing. There was a huge magic in this dragon egg. The shape of the magic is a giant dragon, most of the dragon's scales are red gold, and the horns, wing bones and crest are silver-white.

"Only death can exchange for life."

According to Viserys, the magic in this dragon egg can be awakened into a real living dragon through some cruel blood sacrifice method.

They will not try blood sacrifice.

But Daenerys has a mysterious magical connection with the dragon egg. After knowing that the truth of magic is "song", Viserys thought about letting her try to "sing" to the dragon egg.

Although he had no idea how to "sing", Viserys still gave suggestions.

Let Daenerys try to hold the dragon egg in her arms, close her eyes and meditate, try to communicate with it through thoughts, and see if she can communicate through magic.

This is not Viserys's nonsense. In the original world line, Daenerys often had intimate contact with the dragon egg beside her, and formed some kind of connection, and finally hatched the dragon.

Although the ritual memory hidden in her blood may have been cleared away when Viserys devoured the dragon soul, the mysterious connection between Daenerys and the dragon egg still exists and is stronger.

So this seemingly impulsive suggestion is really worth a try.

Daenerys sat on this huge rock platform, and after sitting cross-legged as her brother Viserys said, she picked up the dragon egg beside her, held it in her arms, controlled her breathing rhythm, and tried to enter a state of emptying her mind.

It was really weird to say.

Fortunately, there were few people here, and people had no way of knowing that the Targaryen King and the Regent Princess of Dragonstone were doing mystical research here in broad daylight.

The petrified dragon egg gradually became warm in her arms.

Today, Daenerys no longer feels surprised, because this is a normal manifestation of the magic of the dragon egg.

Since she got the dragon egg, every time she held the dragon egg in her hand, the dragon egg would be like this. She had experienced this feeling countless times, which seemed amazing to others, but in fact, placing the dragon egg next to Viserys, or even next to the night fire, could slowly warm it up.

After all, the three of them had dragon souls obtained from Daenerys, and there was a kind of common magic from Daenerys that could resonate with the magic of the dragon egg.

But this resonance could not change the fact that the dragon egg still could not be activated.

Sometimes, Daenerys would have some sudden ideas, such as roasting the dragon egg next to the magma, trying to burn and crack the dragon egg with the heat of the boiling lava.

Because during the contact process, they found that the dragon egg would absorb high heat.

When the dragon egg is placed in a place with very high heat, such as a brazier and magma, you can see the heat waving around the dragon egg, and the heat wave licks the surface of the stone, making it glow.

But this is actually an illusion. The essence is that the magic emitted by the dragon egg is mixed and intertwined with the heat wave of the air.

When Viserys or Nightfire stay in a place with sufficient heat, observing their scales, similar phenomena can be seen.

That just means that in such an environment, the magic power of their bodies instinctively blends with the hot air. They adapt to this environment and love this environment.

This cannot keep the dragon egg alive.

"Only death can exchange for life."

A real dragon can fly in the sky and breathe out flames. It is living flesh and blood, not a magical stone.

She closed her eyes and sat upright, emptying her mind to calm her mood and achieve a feeling of mental relaxation.

She meditated according to the method taught by Viserys these days. Although there was no mysterious gain, emptying her mind is really a very magical way to rest. Every time she finished meditating in this way, she felt particularly comfortable and relaxed.

Gradually, she entered the mysterious state of relaxation in meditation, and everything in the world seemed to become relaxed and quiet.

The whole world seemed to be isolated from the short-term, and the only thing she could hear clearly was her own heartbeat and breathing.


The strange song that Viserys was trying to sing was stretched in her ears, becoming even stranger, until it was completely chaotic and grotesque.

Suddenly, she had a strange idea.

Life, flesh, and fire.

A certain idea tightly grasped her mind, and she recovered from the magical state of relaxation in meditation. She was not sure whether this action was madness or some kind of inspiration to see through the truth.

She looked at Viserys first.

Her brother was still trying to deconstruct the sound of the throat bulging when the night fire was spitting fire with the Valyrian "dragon flame".

And she seemed to have discovered some truth earlier than her brother.

She stood up, holding the dragon egg and came to Viserys. She asked, "Brother, I want to try using my blood, drop a drop of blood, and then put the dragon egg in a high heat place to roast. Just like I get magic from dragon bones and dragon eggs, and then transfer it to you through dreams. This dragon egg may absorb my blood, just like you-"

"No." Viserys stopped her from saying it, "Dany, to be honest, I have long thought that the blood catalyst method may be able to hatch dragon eggs. But using your blood, using other people's blood, is essentially a blood sacrifice. Does your blood really have magical power? Don't try this lightly. There is a saying called "Fire of Life" in the mouth of ancient magicians. The medium for using it is through blood. The ancients believed that there was no difference between a drop of blood and a bucket of blood, and the "Fire of Life" transported through the magic medium, because its essence is to use blood to establish a magical connection. I don't want you to make this attempt. "

The blood of the kings of this world and the ancient bloodline with a long history are all powerful. Melisandre beside Stannis can prove this. Stannis's "Fire of Life" has been used by Melisandre and he dare not use it more.

". I thought I discovered some great secret, but it turns out that you have thought about it a long time ago." Daenerys felt a little disappointed. She really wanted to help.

"Don't think so, you have done a good job," Viserys paused and asked her, "By the way, what prompted you to come up with this idea?"

Viserys wanted to trace the source, he believed that all inspirations had their reasons.

Daenerys thought carefully about the flash of inspiration she had just had, and said, "I've become more and more proficient at meditating to enter that magical state of relaxation these days. Before meditating, I was holding the dragon egg and thought of what you said, 'Only death can exchange for life', and then I started meditating. If I had to say what touched me, I would have heard the strange sounds you made." Daenerys tried to recall the strange and chaotic pronunciation, "'D~r~a', I can't make those strange sounds, so strange."

"Well, maybe it's because the throat of people in reality limits you." Viserys suddenly had an idea, "Go to your dreams, Dany, try in your dreams. Let's go back to the castle! Go touch the dragon bones."

With an idea, Viserys is a man of action. He immediately transformed and took Daenerys to pick up the dragon egg, stepped on the firewood and flew up the mountain.

Viserys flew in a hurry, and Nightfire could only follow slowly behind him. It soon lost it, but it had long been accustomed to it, and just followed the old road to cross the dragon mountain and fly back to the castle.

They quickly entered the Dragon Mountain from the cave on the east side of the Dragon Mountain, touched a piece of dragon bone and hurried back to the castle.

Viserys was afraid that Daenerys' inspiration would be lost.

It was just that there was a kind of excitement that made it difficult to fall asleep during the day. Fortunately, they had been very tacit for so long.

Not long after, Daenerys fell asleep and dreamed.

She did not forget Viserys's instructions. In her familiar lucid dream, she tried to make that strange sound: "D~r~aD~r~a~c~a~r~y~s~"

Daenerys was stunned. In her dream, she actually made the strange sound completely.

What surprised her even more was that as she made that strange sound in her dream, she suddenly had an idea and opened her mouth to spit out flames from her mouth.

It felt like, in the dream, she was also a dragon.

But what can the flame in the dream do?

Daenerys realized that she could "sing" to the dead dragon in the dragon egg in her dream.

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