Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 144: The King's Tablet in the Library

At first, Viserys seemed not to hear.

There was no expression of happiness, anger or doubt, or even any sense of relief. His expression was calm, as if he were just normal.

"At a wedding, at the master's table, under the master's roof. Trampling on the rights of guests. We must condemn this behavior. Frey's evil behavior is outrageous." He said, "What happened to Joffrey? "

The news from Dragonstone Island was very slow, and the news of the death of the two kings actually arrived at almost the same time.

"It is said that he choked to death on food at his wedding banquet," Count Gunther said. "It is also possible that he was poisoned by someone else. It is said to be his uncle, the little devil."

"This also needs to be condemned! Today, weddings have become more dangerous than the battlefield? When did Westeros become like this? Morality and law, honor and guest rights. If such behavior can be condoned, how can it be done? What about good politics?”

"Your Majesty, at this moment, the puppet kings in the North and King's Landing are both dead. Should we do something?" Earl Gunther said, "With your previous letter, there is no heir in the North. Perhaps we can send an envoy to White House." Going to Hong Kong?”

"It's not necessary, just send the letter." Viserys said. "The most important thing on Dragonstone today is waiting for the Dornish delegation to arrive, and Daenerys and I's wedding. We only need to do these two things well." As for other things, let’s wait until these two things are over. Have all the vassals in the country gathered? Are there any other places that want to come to Dragonstone to attend the wedding? "

Viserys really didn't know what Tyrell - and maybe Littlefinger - was thinking. He put so much pressure on King's Landing at Dragonstone, and they even chose to poison Joffrey. Without trying to get in touch with Dragonstone, is it possible that he really wants to go all the way to the dark side?

"All the princes of the Narrow Sea are here, Your Majesty. As for the reply."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, there are enough guests for the Donne Mission." Major weddings and funerals have always been important diplomatic occasions in modern times. Viserys has been sitting on Dragonstone for nearly two months. His presence has been strong enough, and his influence has spread widely. He hoped to take this opportunity to have some big nobles take the initiative to contact him.

Don't all the princes in the Seven Kingdoms know this way of thinking?

It didn't matter, Viserys' next plan originally only included the Dornishmen joining him. He just had to move forward steadily at his own pace. The death nature of Joffrey and Robb did not affect his subsequent plan to conquer the Stormlands and attack the South.

Earl Gunther paused: "Your Majesty, now that the false king Joffrey is dead, why don't you send a letter to appease the king and declare that you are the real king?"

"." Viserys looked at Count Gunther's expression carefully and found that Gunther actually said this very seriously.

Viserys suddenly remembered something funny. In the original world line, when the news of Joffrey's death reached Stannis's ears, Stannis had a particularly naive idea: King's Landing would definitely send someone to welcome him to King's Landing to ascend the throne.

Viserys discovered that his lord Gunther was also naive.

"There is another Tommen in King's Landing, Lord Gunther."

Viserys found that many of his own men, including those under his command, were optimistic about the situation.

At the reception desk of Dragonstone Island, there are people giving advice to King Targaryen every day, asking him to ride a dragon around the country. In this way, when the princes see the dragon, they will know who the real king is, and they will definitely come to vote for him. The kingdom can now be decided by Viserys.

Viserys had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu. In order to unify the Seven Kingdoms, he decided to become an idol and tour the country, thus achieving victory.

The king only needs to ride a dragon from Dragonstone to King's Landing, from King's Landing to Harrenhal, from Harrenhal to Casterly Rock, to the Eagle's Nest, and to Highgarden. No matter how big the task is, just fly a few more times, and the Seven Kingdoms will be Once things are settled, it's probably a beautiful thing.

Viserys doesn't blame them. People in this world have never flown for dozens of hours, and have never really measured how big the world is. The farthest place many of them have been to is King's Landing, so they feel that the world is just that big. .

Isn't it just a matter of flying a few more times to Dragonstone to King's Landing?

Many people don't even realize that what they are asking Viserys to do is to fly a bomber from New York to unify all of North America by flying to major cities. This approach from Panama to Canada is to become West Luo Xuxiake, not the king.

"Tommen." Count Gunther frowned and said the name.

"Earl Gunther, please inform Dorne's guest Prince Oberon later." Viserys began to talk about other things. "Dorne's envoy will be arriving in the next few days, and we will start to deal with the dock. Come on, clear out an area at the town wharf. If there’s nothing else, let’s get started.”

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Speaking of which, after meeting the dragon, Oberon agreed to negotiate and break off the engagement, but when it came to in-depth cooperation and a new formal agreement, the two parties agreed to wait until Dorne's envoy arrived to discuss it together.

This is not procrastination or insincerity, but a competition of patience and an in-depth examination of each other.

Viserys knew full well that Oberon was observing his actions.

What Viserys did was to do nothing on the surface, just quietly make overall plans for Dragonstone, and patiently wait for the arrival of the Dornish envoy.

Even when the situation in the Seven Kingdoms changed, which sounded very serious at first, such as the deaths of false kings one after another, Viserys still sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and was in no hurry to make any major decisions that he thought were related to the "destiny of the Seven Kingdoms."

Viserys did not expect that Prince Oberon, upon hearing the news, could not sit still and came to see him.

Of course, it’s not a search, it’s a ‘chance encounter’.

When Viserys went to the library of the Maester's Tower to change books at noon that day, he happened to encounter Prince Oberyn of Dorne reading in the library. The collection of books on Dragonstone is not small. For the sake of appearance, generations of people have brought books brought by countless maesters, and they have been gathered into tall wooden bookshelves in the maester's tower. The shelves are filled with leather-bound books and books. Box after box of ancient scrolls made of corrosion-resistant parchment.

Although it's not too much, there are still hundreds of copies.

The prince of Dorne saw Viserys and nodded slightly in greeting: "Your Majesty, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Viserys greeted politely: "Prince Oberon, what a chance encounter."

As he said that, Viserys put the books in his hand on the table. He had already read these books, and the maester's steward would handle them later.

Prince Oberyn saw the book Viserys placed on the table: ""Dialects and Geography of the Seven Kingdoms", Your Majesty is interested in the dialects of various places in the Seven Kingdoms?"

Viserys replied casually: "It can be said that I have recently been curious about whether the languages ​​​​in various parts of the Seven Kingdoms can be traced back to a certain source. Especially the northern dialects, they may be related to the 'ancient language' spread by the ancestors, but it is a pity." The Old Tongue is almost extinct in Westeros. Legend has it that the children of the forest sing in the Old Tongue, and their songs are so beautiful that you can't help but cry."

"Old saying?" Prince Oberyn asked curiously, "May I venture to ask your Majesty what you are looking for?"

Viserys narrowed his eyes: "The oldest historical records of the Seven Kingdoms were written after the Andals came to Westeros. The ancestors only left the runes on the rocks. I am interested in ancient languages ​​and runes. I heard that Prince Oberon once went to the Citadel to study, and when he left the Citadel, he had already made six chains for the bachelor's necklace. Is there any book you can recommend? "

There are two things closely related to magic in the land of Westeros.

Ancient sayings and runes.

They are ancient languages ​​and writings used by our ancestors.

Runes are ancient writings carved on stones and other artifacts that are believed to have magical powers. For example, the armor of Count Bronze Yohn is made of bronze and has a history of thousands of years. It is said that the runes of the ancestors are engraved on it to protect him from harm.

When Viserys said this, he almost said that he was studying ancient magic.

Oberon seemed to understand.

"I had the honor to read "The Writings on the Rocks" written by Brother Markey in the Citadel. It is a book that records the runes left on rocks by ancestors from all over the Seven Kingdoms. It is said to be the result of Brother Markey's travels during the seven hundred years before the conquest. It is recorded by the country, but this book only records and copies the rock runes in various places, without explaining the runes. "

"Interesting. Since there is such a book of records, there should be corresponding people to research it. The prince didn't find the relevant book in the school?"

"I'm afraid I will disappoint His Majesty. I always get tired of many things in the Citadel quickly and am attracted to other places. After I found this book, I had a headache. Then I turned to read "The Chronicles of Aegon's Conquests" " and "The Chronicles of the Four Kings". If Your Majesty is interested in these, I have found a few historical books here that you can recommend."

Viserys wondered if the prince was implicitly reminding him to care about the politics and unity of the Seven Kingdoms first, before caring about magic and other things.

Viserys then replied: "Maester Cuth omitted a lot in "The Chronicles of the Four Kings", and history was dressed up by him like a little girl."

The prince said: "Your Majesty's words are quite fresh, history is like a little girl."

"Maester Kass ignored the records of King Viserys, and relied entirely on imagination and drawing on maps for the battles during that period of history, without any actual investigation." Viserys said, "Marching and fighting is not the commander's drawing on the map. Draw a line, if Maester Cuth was still alive, I would not dare to let him be my army staff. King Baelor's records are even more unrealistic. He walked through the Bone Road, reached a peace agreement with Dorne, and never left. I believe that the dragon knight Prince Aemon was rescued from the snake pit, but 'because of his holiness, the poisonous snakes are not willing to harm him', I doubt it."

Prince Oberyn laughed loudly: "His Majesty's view of Maester Cas is different from many people."

"Prince Oberon, to tell you the truth, I sometimes wonder how much of the city's maesters' whimsical thoughts when they write books. They put their wrong remarks in ornately bound books, so that Is it immoral for readers to believe it?”

The prince smiled and said: "You should go to the Citadel to debate with the doctors, Your Majesty."

Having said this, Viserys said: "Let me tell you the truth, Prince, I have the idea of ​​going to the academy."

Prior to this, Prince Oberon had avoided mentioning politics after negotiating to break off the engagement. He was testing Viserys's patience because he was worried that he would not have a chance to reveal his intentions.

"Oh?" Oberon narrowed his eyes, "Your Majesty, want to go to Old Town?"

"Speaking of which, my men all advised me to proclaim myself the real king to the world, recruit the Qinwang princes to attack King's Landing, sit on the Iron Throne, and send a message from King's Landing to recruit the world's princes. They all think that in this way, we can pacify the world in one battle. The whole territory. I wonder what the prince thinks of this?"

Oberon said strangely: "Your Majesty asked me, how do you want me to answer?"

"Since the mission has not officially arrived, we will have a private communication today and we can speak freely."

Oberon asked: "Your Majesty doesn't seem to want to go to King's Landing?"

"The prince also thinks that I need King's Landing? Do I need that iron chair that I heard can cut people?"

Oberyn asked: "Your Majesty wants to be Aegon the Conqueror, not Viserys III?"

Viserys didn't expect that even Oberyn and his men thought that he would attack King's Landing first after getting enough military support - they didn't take Stannis seriously.

Viserys said bluntly: "Winter is coming soon. What I need is a prosperous south, not a city that will always consume money and food and a useless iron chair."

Oberyn's eyes fixed: "Your Majesty, don't you want to be a good king?"

"A good king also needs money. I have experienced what it feels like to be penniless in Essos, Prince. No matter how noble a person is, if he wants to save more people, he also needs enough money and food."

Oberyn found that this cooperation was far more profitable than he imagined: "May I ask your majesty, when do you expect you to return to King's Landing?"

"Stormlands, Southlands, Westlands, these rich places are all what I need. I must first ensure that I have money and food in my hands." Viserys smiled, "Don't laugh at me, Prince. I have been wandering in Essos since I was a child and I am afraid of poverty."

Oberyn blinked, and his black eyes showed a gleam.

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