Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 145 The delegation arrives

"Did the maester bring a messenger crow with him on board?"

Princess Arianne did not expect that her uncle would ask such a question before boarding the ship and summoning representatives of the Dornish families.

Dorn's visiting delegation finally arrived at the waters near Shiyang Castle after nearly a month's voyage at sea. Their journey was not an easy one. Thanks to the experienced commander of the fleet, who always led the fleet along the coastline, controlled the sails, and insisted on paddling in most dangerous sea areas, no accidents occurred in the autumn when storms in the Narrow Sea are frequent.

In the waters off Tas Island, there was a storm, and the escorted ships fell behind on the way. Fortunately, they were not moving forward at full sail at the time, and the ships in the team were not blown to the center of the narrow sea by the storm.

No wonder when they first heard that they were going to Dragonstone, some people even suggested that the mission take the overland route and venture through the Stormlands, and launch from the mouth of the Wende River at Cape Marseille to find merchant ships from Blackwater Bay to Dragonstone.

After this trip, Arianne truly understood that when they first left Dorne, many family leaders felt that the sea route was dangerous and insisted on using large ships with hundreds of oars and a huge fleet to escort them.

At the time, she thought it was to guard against pirates and Stannis' fleet. Only after actually going there did she realize the importance of a fleet of large ships taking care of each other when passing through the storm.

In the waters near Shiyang Castle, Dragonstone Island, as a courtesy, sent a fleet to remotely welcome the visiting guests. Barristan, as an honorary knight representing Dragonstone Island, boarded the visitor's ship and greeted the visiting guests first. Barristan was born in the frontier and is an old acquaintance with many knights of Dorne. Now this old knight has been taken to the cabin by many old friends of Dorne to reminisce about the past.

Of course, the reality is that everyone is eager to know the information about the King of Dragonstone.

Also boarding the Dornish delegation's ship with Barristan was Prince Oberon Martell, the theoretical leader of the Dornish delegation.

As an official visiting delegation, Oberon will represent Dorne and the Targaryen King of Dragonstone to meet formally on the docks. This is a very formal occasion that requires the leader of the delegation to be present in person.

As for the official leader of the envoy, as soon as he got away from the crowd, he opened his mouth to ask the messenger crow, without even going to see his mistress Ellaria and the Sand Snake sisters who were accompanying the ship.

Arianne replied: "Yes, my father specifically told me about this. Uncle Oberon, do you want me to call the ship's maester for you?"

Oberon nodded: "Arianne, good niece, call the maester over. I want to send a secret letter back to your father. This matter is important."

"Okay." She didn't ask what it was about, "I'll call the bachelor over."

The prince nodded slightly. He heard that Arianne and his brother Doran had a secret conversation. No one knew what they said, but since then, she has become much more stable.

Until the maester sent the letter away.

Oberon then said: "Your father should not have let you come. Arianne, you are the future lord of Dorne. You should stay by your father's side."

It is said that Oberon saw the word 'my child' instead of 'my son' in the letter Doran wrote to Dragonstone, and he knew that Arianne might be leading the mission on his behalf, but he never thought that this was the case.

"Even you say so, Uncle Oberon," Arianne asked. "Have I made it difficult for you?"

"Alianne, that's not what you meant." Oberyn looked at his niece, sighed inwardly, and asked her, "How did you convince your father?"

Arianne wore a gorgeous light yellow and white dress, which was obviously carefully prepared. The dress had Dorne's characteristic decorations, matching the Martell family crest, and exquisite Myr lace sleeves, fingertips, belt and The gems on her hairnet set off her olive skin, and her big black eyes were sparkling, making her whole person look dazzling.

She obviously knows her figure advantage. The silk skirt is semi-transparent, and underneath is a normal and decent pure white silk dress. But her figure is different from ordinary people, and a normal and decent dress can easily outline her figure. Full curves.

It was about to be a formal meeting with the King of Dragonstone. Her dress was flawless, decent and solemn, glamorous and beautiful, virtuous and innocent.


Oberyn knew what she was up to.

Arianne didn't hide it either: "I told my father, 'I was not able to witness the signing of my secret engagement. Now that I have broken off the engagement, I will witness it myself.'"

"It is indeed a reason that a father cannot refuse."

As she said that, she asked: "Uncle, I think you have broken off the engagement for me, right?"

"Yes." The prince's tone was heavy. Obviously he didn't want to give the client such an answer face to face, but that was the fact. He said, "His heir will marry a Dornish princess, your child."

"Of course." She replied gracefully, "What a pity. Not only did I not see the secret engagement signed, I also didn't get to witness its cancellation."


"Uncle, Ellaria is also on the ship. You should go see her. She has been thinking of you every day these days. Tyene and Na'me are also there. They should be with me, but they are curious to see Ba Listan, after all, is a living legend in the Seven Kingdoms.”

"Oh, Ellaria." Ellaria Sand is Oberon's mistress and the illegitimate daughter of the Dornish noble Lord Uller. Tyene and Nymeria are Oberon's Sand Snake daughters. "Arianne, let them accompany you as your female companions. I will make it clear to them."

If the trip was to King's Landing, Oberon would be happy to take them with him and introduce their origins to others in a formal setting. But now Dragonstone has already agreed in advance that Viserys and Daenerys will personally greet the visiting team of envoys at the port. This is the ultimate sincerity shown by Dragonstone Targaryen.

Mistresses and Illegitimate Daughters Even Oberon, who was fierce, informal and even dissolute in private, knew what not to do on such occasions.

"Uncle Oberyn," Arianne said slowly, "this is the first time I've ever seen you take a visit so seriously. Is there really something about his dragon?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes." Oberon pointed to his hair. "Did you see it? It was burned by the dragon's heat breath. I saw with my own eyes a dragon as big as a castle. Every head was covered with hair. It is as big as a watchtower, and its hot neck poked over my head. Previously, Shiyang Castle was attacked, and I saw it ignite a mountain on the warship on Dragonstone Island, like lighting a candle." , he said solemnly, "Believe me, Arianne, this visit we are doing is related to the future of Dorne. As long as we do what an envoy should do, I guarantee you, no matter what we ask for, it will be fair." , or Dorne’s long-term interests will all be there.”

Arianne sounded a little unbelievable, and she was curious: "Will the dragons come out together to greet us?"

"Arianne," Oberon said. "You will see it, but not at the docks."


When the fleet could see the Dragon Mountain of Dragonstone, all the Dornish dignitaries on board the ships crowded onto the deck and looked towards Dragonstone.

"Wow!" A burst of noise sounded.

From a distance, people saw a black shadow flying towards the fleet from Longshan.


The black shadow flew extremely high, flying opposite the fleet. The shadow quickly grew in size, and in the blink of an eye it was already huge and terrifying, like a mountain flying in the sky.

Arianne looked in the direction of the giant dragon with her binoculars, and couldn't help but secretly swallow her saliva. From here, the dragon was even bigger than the ship they were riding on at the moment.

Seeing that huge thing, the princess of Dorne unconsciously felt a little weak in her legs. She only felt her scalp numb and shocked beyond words. It was hard to imagine that the dragon on Dragonstone Island actually existed, let alone that there would be such a thing in the world. Such a shocking beast.

It had three heads as rumored, and the head in the middle was glowing with terrifying fire. It did not come closer. But even if it was flying in the sky, it had already caused enough deterrence to the Dornish envoy's fleet. It flew above the fleet, its huge wings covering the sky. It's like dark clouds are coming over me.

For the first time, Arianne felt that people were so insignificant in front of the dragon.

She was so shocked that she could not calm down for a long time until the dragon turned around and flew back to Dragon Mountain on Dragonstone Island, and finally disappeared in the depths of Dragon Mountain.

She had heard that the dragon's skull in King's Landing was so big that a knight could ride through it, and that Meraxes, which was once shot down by Dorn, was bigger than a castle.

Before people see it with their own eyes, even if they take the rumors seriously, they must be mentally prepared. But when you really see such a huge beast, you will still be shocked.

Prince Oberon had told her that the dragon was as big as a castle, but she didn't know what it was until she saw it.

Frightened by the dragon on Dragonstone, the envoy fleet stopped moving for a time and drifted on the sea.

It wasn't until the dragon disappeared deep into the Dragon Mountains for a long time, and Dorne's envoys were stunned, that the fleet got back on the road.

The waiting is anxious.

The same thing happened at sea. Although Longshan was already visible to the naked eye, it took nearly an hour for the fleet to arrive at the port of Dragonstone Island.

The Dornish embassy could not wait to see the harbor.

The entire port pier was cleared, and a huge space was cleared on the platform on the pier. Countless onlookers were blocked from the space.

In that empty space, King Targaryen's team to greet the envoys spread out a waiting array composed of various colored flags to welcome important guests. The flags of Dragonstone's vassals and knights were fluttering in the wind.

The nobles who welcomed the guests all wore silk or satin robes with long flowing sleeves and jeweled belts. The armor of each knight is decorated or inlaid with polished copper plates, shining silver and red soft gold. The greeters were all dressed up and colorful flags were fluttering.

At the front of the clearing pier, two rows of sergeants were spread out and waiting.

In the middle of the welcoming procession, under a huge Targaryen flag with a red dragon on a black background, were two outstanding, slender, elegant and solemn princes. Arianne saw the Targaryen king and princess welcoming the guests from a distance on the bow of the ship.

They had silver hair, wore luxurious purple robes, and fluttering purple satin hung from their shoulders. They stood solemnly in the middle of the queue. None of them wear crowns, but they have the nobility and style of royal nobles.

The fleet docked, and as the ship's ladder descended, the delegation poured into the port pier.

As the second-in-command, Arianne accompanied the leader, Prince Oberon, and the king's envoy, Jorah Mormont.

Only then did Arianne realize that Jorah, the king's envoy, was walking in front holding the Targaryen banner high - that banner was the same banner he wore as a cloak to meet the Prince of Dorne. The tall knight's face was red and excited. His breathing was rapid and his whole body was tense. He seemed more excited than anyone else, visibly nervous.

When he got closer, Arianne saw clearly that the king did not wear a crown on his head, but his silver hair was neatly combed, with only a black and shiny dragon bone hairpin pierced through his hair. The king looks as handsome as the rumors say, with sharp edges and corners, tall and handsome, with flowing silver hair, shining purple eyes and a calm and confident smile.

She turned to look at the Princess Regent, the King's sister and his fiancée beside the King. The Targaryen princess is young and beautiful.

Even as a woman, she had to admit that Daenerys was stunningly beautiful. She has silver-gold hair and eyes like amethysts. She was no taller than Arianne, and her figure could be described as petite and slender. She has fair skin, a slender neck, and a beautiful face. Her slender onion fingers are connected to her lotus-rooted arms, her jade shoulders are slender, and she stands facing the wind. Her slender feet in sandals stand tall and graceful. There is no doubt about her beauty.

In addition, she also has the noble demeanor of the Wang family, an elegant and calm demeanor.

"She is so beautiful." Arianne found that she could hardly take her eyes away from her.

Prince Oberyn, led by Jorah Mormont, walked at the front of the procession, and soon guests and host met at the front of the procession.

The king's envoy solemnly returned King Targaryen's black-and-red dragon banner to the king: "His Majesty King Viserys, Jorah Mormont has lived up to his command."

The Targaryen king took the banner solemnly: "Jorah, thank you for your hard work. I will never forget what you did for me. Now, it's my turn to fulfill my promise to you and kneel down."

Jorah Mormont knelt down on one knee in excitement.

No one understood what was going on.

Viserys's voice was not loud, but it spread to everyone present: "Exiled knight Jorah Mormont, King Robert exiled you for your sins. And I promise you, when you go to Dorne for me, Return - Since you are the only noble of the Seven Kingdoms under my command at that time, I will publicly abdicate you for the crimes you have committed and accept your oath of allegiance. So first, I, Viserys Targaryen, at Dragonstone. Witnessed by everyone on the island, I formally declare to forgive you for the crimes you have committed, but remember, never violate the laws of the Seven Kingdoms again."

There were tears in the excited eyes of this middle-aged man: "Thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty. Jorah Mormont, the Pardoned, will remember your teachings."

"Now, swear allegiance to me."

"Jorah Mormont, son of Jeor Mormont, swears allegiance to you. I swear my true loyalty to His Majesty King Viserys Targaryen, your heir and successor, as the gods bear witness."

"I accept your allegiance."

The king held out his left hand for Jorah to kiss his ring. When this brief ceremony of allegiance was over, the king's envoy stood back at the end of the king's side in great excitement.

Until this moment, no one in the Dorne envoy knew that it was the Targaryen envoy sent to Dorne.

It is difficult to comment, but there is no doubt that one can see something of the king's methods in this scene.

After finishing the internal affairs, the king turned his attention to Dorne's envoy.

"Nice to meet you, my lords, and sorry to keep you waiting. Viserys Targaryen, the Dragon King of Dragonstone, extends warm greetings and welcome to you. My fiancée, Princess Regent Daenerys Targaryen ——I also warmly welcome you all," the king of Dragonstone said with a loud smile, "Prince Oberon, we have met again."

Oberon had already changed into official visit attire on the ship, with a light red silk robe fluttering on his shoulders. His shirt was decorated with gold and silver silk patterns. The ornamentation embroidered on the gold and silver silk threads was the emblem of the Martell family, the golden spear piercing the sun. Shining brightly in the sun.

"My brother, Prince Dolan, is ill and unable to travel," they began to chat. "He specially sent me here as a representative. I was invited to attend your wedding and extend my sincere blessings to you and your fiancée."

Prince Oberon began to introduce the accompanying Dornish dignitaries. "Allow me to introduce to you my companions, His Majesty Viserys. This is Arianne Martell, Princess of Dorne, daughter of Prince Doran. This is Ser Denzel Dart of Lemon Grove. This is Ser Denzel Dart of Lemon Grove. Ser Tremund Gorgenless, Ser Harman Uller and his brother Ser Ulric, and Ser Roger Arion and his bastard son Daemon Sand. Sir, they are from the City of Divine Grace. These are Lord Dargoth Manwoodi and his brother Sir Meath, his son Morse and Sir Dickon. Oh, and distinguished ladies, this is Miss Miriam Jordan, heir to the city of Torun. These three are Countess Laura Blymond, her daughter Jonissa, and her son Penrose. "

The nine major families of Dorne arrived, and each time one was introduced, the king and the other party nodded and greeted each other.

Arianne saw that the king of Dragonstone was polite and calm: "My lords, please allow me to introduce my team to you. This is Count Gunther Sanglas of Wonderful Harbor, and this is Tidehead. Lord Monterey Velaryon"

The king spoke out the names of each of them. These people were far less prominent and resounding than Prince Oberyn's companions. Compared with the nine great families of Dorne, the nobles of Dragonstone Island were actually a bit underwhelming. Arianne even I saw that there was also a six or seven year old boy count among the king's count team.

But in the end, the king introduced another girl who was dressed up to attend: "And this one is an important guest from Dragonstone, Shireen Baratheon of Storm's End."

Arianne looked at the girl. Her face was a little nervous and she was trying to remain solemn. Arianne discovered Shireen Baratheon here, and her uncle was not surprised at all.

In any case, the Targaryen king came to greet him in person, and there was no doubt that he had given him the honor.

"Dear guests, you have traveled a long distance, and the castle has prepared a banquet to welcome you. Please let me lead the way. Please."

Following the king's order, the guards and knights who constituted the main body of the honorary guard took action and escorted this envoy team of up to 300 people up the mountain road in the town to the castle on the high mountain of Dragonstone Island.

As a king's residence, Dragonstone Castle is really not a good place to welcome guests. The mountain road is long and winding, and it takes a lot of energy to climb up.

But the Targaryen king personally came to greet him and led the team to climb the mountain, so no one complained.

Together with the greeters, this visiting team, a team of up to 500 people, was like a dazzling river made of gold, silver, colorful flags, and steel, rushing towards the castle on the mountain of Dragonstone.

According to the welcome etiquette in Westeros, the male host escorts the female family members of the male guest of honor, while the hostess is responsible for guiding the male guest of honor. As the guest of honor, Oberon was led by Daenerys, but Oberon was not married, and his mistress could not attend such a stage, so Arianne was escorted into the city by the king as the female guest.

Being solemnly escorted by the king, Arianne had some strange feelings inexplicably. After all, Viserys could have been her husband. She looked at the king who stretched out his hand to make a polite invitation, and said lightly: "Your Majesty, Good job."

Viserys seemed unaffected by their original secret engagement. Arianne felt inexplicably disappointed, but she heard him say: "As far as I know, Princess Arianne is the heir of Dorne. I didn't expect you to come to my wedding in person. I'm very grateful that you took the time out of your busy schedule to come. Donne’s attention.”

The king's voice was gentle and calm, polite and restrained, which made Arianne feel uncomfortable.

She suddenly felt that her father and uncle were right, and maybe she shouldn't come.

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