Since when, the sky was covered with dark clouds, as if a heavy rain would fall at any time.

To show his majesty, the Sea King built a palace on a high arched platform made entirely of stone. It was built on a low hill, and several high towers guarded the palace. The Sea King's Palace overlooked the entire city and port from a high position.

Not far to the north of the palace is the Purple Harbor of Braavos, one of the largest port terminals in the world.

Below the palace, half is a canal and half is a town. The end of the Sweetwater Canal is the tall square tower here.

Now, when Viserys stood in one of the high towers of the palace and talked with the Sea King, he was sharp-tongued.

Every word could be clearly heard by the citizens of His Majesty the Sea King. The houses on the ground near the Sea King's Palace were all princes and nobles. Following Viserys' words, some people began to quietly flee the mansion, avoiding the area where the Sea King's Palace was located like a plague.

The eyes of the whole city are now focused on the palace that once represented the majesty of the Sea King, and on the three-headed dragon like a hill.

The conversation there will determine the life and death of this city.

The order to blockade the city's port has been issued from the Sea King's Palace.

Viserys has seen purple-shelled ships representing the Sea King heading to Purple Harbor, Ragsman's Wharf, and Grid Wharf to inform the news.

As the purple-shelled ships spread the news, all activities in the port gradually stopped.

An hour later, the crowded port of this prosperous water city had completely fallen silent.

Viserys could see that the Sea King's fleet was anchored in a huge dock called the Arsenal. The Arsenal is located at the entrance of the Great Lagoon, just behind the Titans of Braavos. It is located on a fist-shaped sea reef, and the rock crenels at the top are densely covered with catapults, ballistas, and flamethrowers. It is said that the shipyard of the Arsenal can build a warship in a day.

Dozens of large sailing ships are anchored in the dock of the Arsenal, and there are countless docks, sheds, and docks along its coast, with more ships anchored.

The city's defense fleet is stationed there. Viserys could easily scan and count them. There were only more than 90 warships anchored there, and it was rumored that the fleet under the Sea King was a fleet of up to 200 ships.

The city's defense fleet was briefly in turmoil when Viserys appeared, but the canal waterway leading into the city was already full of merchant ships. If something that no one wanted to see happened, they would not be able to provide rescue for the city at all.

Only the royal frigate consisting of twelve purple-hulled ships at the dock below the Sea King's Palace, which symbolized the authority of the Sea King, might be able to launch a symbolic counterattack.

A green-clothed official came to the Sea King's side to report carefully.

The old Sea King endured the discomfort caused by the disease and asked loudly: "Your Majesty Viserys, the Patriarch of the Black and White House has arrived. Do you want to summon him here?"

Viserys was still standing on the high tower: "Call him out."

The Sea King's Palace is east of the Long Canal, north of the Palace of Truth and the Sweet Water Canal, and the Island of the Gods is separated from here by the canal, the Long Canal and several streets.

It would take a long time for the people sent from here to reach the Isle of Gods. By the time they find the people in the ruins of the Black and White Courtyard and bring them back, a long time has passed.

The old sea king and Viserys have been confronting each other here for an hour, just like Tang Seng's battle in Chechi State.

As the green-clothed official walked quickly into the palace, a hunchbacked old man in a black and white hooded robe was brought out by the official with a pale face and soft feet.

"An unknown person, meet His Majesty King Viserys." The old man walked to the platform where the old sea king was, walked down a step, and saluted Viserys respectfully.

"Oh, you are really a person who specializes in secret activities. Don't you dare to see me in person?"

The old man lifted the hood on his head, revealing an unsettling face. There was only rotten skin on his face, revealing a yellowed skull, as if he was a dead person who had been dead for a long time. His eye sockets were empty, without eyes, and maggots were going in and out of his eye sockets.

Viserys snorted coldly: "It seems that the House of Black and White has no sincerity and sent a dead man to see me?"

As Viserys snorted, the yellow skull on the man's face melted like a candle, turning into the face of the kindest old man Viserys had ever seen in his life.

Viserys was surprised. He could not feel any anger, fear, or anxiety from this face. He only felt kindness and peace. It made Viserys feel that the other party had no hostility.

But Viserys knew very well that if the other party could do it, he would kill him without hesitation.

"Your Majesty Viserys, you came to me to ask about the assassination of the Faceless Man, right?" The old man with a kind and peaceful face began to speak, "I'm sorry that I couldn't give you the gift of the Thousand-Faced God."

"Cough cough cough" The old sea king coughed non-stop.

"Regret?" Viserys was amused. "Gift?"

"Your Majesty, please believe that the House of Black and White and the Faceless Men have no ill will towards you. All mortals must die and serve. Death is the relief granted by the Thousand-Faced God. The nameless are just tools of the gods. We are just servants of the gods, following the will of the Thousand-Faced God and giving you gifts on his behalf. We are his swords, his tools, and his servants." His face changed, looking serious and pious. "Giving gifts to those chosen by the gods is exactly what we do."

Viserys said coldly: "If you can't make the decision, then let someone who can make the decision come to talk, or call your gods to talk to me. Tools."

The old sea king covered his face helplessly, and the wrinkles on his face twisted into a ball: "Here, Your Excellency the Priest, please consider what you are saying carefully."

He turned back to a kind face: "Your Majesty, God's will cannot be changed. I am a priest who sincerely serves the Thousand-Faced God, and I must obey the will of the gods. Please understand."

Viserys narrowed his eyes: "So, are you saying that you will continue to assassinate me?"

"The Thousand-Faced God is determined to give you a gift, and his loyal believers will implement His thoughts."

The old sea king said anxiously: "Your Excellency the Patriarch, I heard that you are collecting donations for this activity. What level of dedication can make you so determined? This is unreasonable, right? The Thousand-Faced God can't make an exception for the Dragon King once?"

After a long silence, the kind man solemnly said to Viserys: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Sea King, I'm just a small tool of God."

As he said, the Patriarch took out a bone-chilling dagger from his arms.

Seeing this change, Quirrell, the chief swordsman under the Sea King, drew his sword in horror and shouted, "What do you want to do!"

"We dedicate, we obey, we serve." But the patriarch did not stab the dagger at the Sea King or anyone else, but stabbed his own heart with a knife, "Please, the Thousand-Faced God, bring great power to this world and grant the people you choose to be liberated. All mortals have to die, and all mortals must serve-uh."

Watching this, the patriarch pierced his heart with a sword at a very fast speed, and then pulled out the dagger very cruelly.

He fell down.

His blood did not gush out of his heart like a normal person, but strangely flowed out of his wounds like pieces of cold clots, emitting an unsettling chill.

The change in the field made Viserys feel a strong sense of uneasiness.

The old Sea King and his chief swordsman looked at each other, and saw uneasiness and panic in each other's expressions.

A gust of cold wind suddenly blew.

The temperature in the air seemed to drop by more than ten degrees in an instant, and it went from autumn to severe winter.

The dark clouds in the sky of Braavos began to roll over the city.

Something strange was happening.

Chief Swordsman Quirrell Valentine walked forward uneasily and turned over the body of the Faceless Patriarch who committed suicide in front of the two kings with his long sword: "His blood is blue!"

Visibly, his sword touched the body of the Faceless Patriarch, and a layer of white frost instantly condensed: "My sword!" The chief swordsman retreated and looked at the sword in his hand in surprise.

After all, he couldn't bear the cold air sweeping up, and the chief swordsman's hands were frozen blue, forcing him to throw away the sword in his hand.

It fell to the ground with a clang.

Even Viserys didn't expect things to develop to this point.

Watching, on the body, a chilling cold air was coming out from the wound in his heart.

Viserys suddenly thought of someone.


The priestess blessed by the Lord of Light had a flame from R'hllor in her body!

The priestess had wanted Viserys to pierce her body so that Viserys could receive the flame blessed by the Lord of Light!

She was the priest of the Lord of Light.

And the Patriarch of the Faceless Ones was the Patriarch of the "Poisoner of the Alien God" in her mouth!

So this power represents the God of Cold!


Viserys could not stand by and watch. He condensed a flame ray in his mouth and sprayed it on the strange corpse.

The flame ray was like a pillar, and it instantly engulfed the strange corpse with cold air.

However, after the corpse was engulfed by the flames, a beam of ice-blue light suddenly burst out, pointing directly to the dark clouds in the sky.

The sky suddenly became colder.

"." Viserys realized that things were getting out of control.

"It's so cold!"

"What's going on!"

"The sea is frozen!"

"What is that!"

"Another dragon!"

The strange ice-blue beams gathered the dark clouds in the sky into a black vortex.

A hideous, huge, black ice dragon head that seemed to be condensed from frost poked its head out from the vortex of dark clouds. The dragon head was as transparent as crystal, and its eyes glowed with a faint blue light.

According to legend, on the ice fields of the Trembling Sea and the White Wasteland, there roamed a legendary dragon, the ice dragon.

According to witnesses, the size of the ice dragon is much larger than that of the dragons of Valyria. Their bodies are covered with frost, their eyes are light blue crystals, and they wave their huge translucent wings and spit out cold air. The cold air it spews out can freeze everything in an instant.

The ice dragon is a species that has never been confirmed to exist, because no one has ever found the bones and remains of an ice dragon.

According to legend, that is because the ice dragon will melt when it dies, leaving no traces.

Now, Viserys knew that the ice dragon had never really existed.

Because the ice dragon was not a creature, but a frost magic that was displayed through the construction of a large amount of ice magic.

The ice dragon is living ice!

This is a trap!

The trap set by the God of Cold!

Viserys flapped his wings and soared into the sky.

The huge ice dragon head made of living ice looked at Viserys, and the two huge blue eyes seemed to be aiming.

The dragon head was very huge, located in the center of the dark cloud vortex in the sky. The head alone was one-third the size of Viserys' body.

Viserys flew straight up to the sky, accelerated suddenly, and brought a gust of wind to howl continuously, just trying to get away from the dark cloud vortex.

But the ice dragon began to breathe, exhaling ice-cold breath.

A large cloud of breath carrying biting cold air erupted from the mouth of the ice dragon high in the sky, chasing Viserys's dragon body at extremely fast speeds.

The area of ​​the breath was huge, with a terrifying chill, as if the sky was falling.

Viserys accelerated again in the air, avoiding the past, and the frost fell far away on the sea surface of Braavos, instantly freezing a large area of ​​​​the vast sea into dense ice. Countless ice-blue ice spikes condensed from the frozen sea surface.

The cold was biting.



"Run away!"

Screams echoed in the streets of Braavos, on land and in the sea.

There seemed to be some kind of riot going on in the town.

It began to snow in the sky, and flakes of cold snow gradually fell from the sky.

Neptune Palace Square.

Old Sea King stared blankly at the huge and terrifying ice dragon head exposed in the whirlpool of dark clouds in the sky. He looked helplessly at the three demonic dragons flying straight into the sky, and was completely speechless.

He was trembling inside, his whole body was shaking, his face was pale and all the blood was gone.

His bodyguard swordsman reacted. Although his hands and feet were cold and he was shaking uncontrollably, he still remembered his duty: "Quickly, protect His Majesty the Neptune King and retreat to the Neptune Palace!"

in the air.

Flying as fast as he could in his life, Viserys flew beyond the vortex of dark clouds and broke through the clouds.

The ice dragon seemed not to have expected that Viserys could be so fast and swift.

There had never been any dragon native to this world that could reach the speed of Viserys.

When he was above the clouds, Viserys could easily see that the ice dragon had not yet constructed a complete body. At present, there is only a huge living ice dragon head, which is in the whirlpool of dark clouds condensed by some kind of magic ritual.

Viserys began to fight back.

To deal with such a huge and dangerous thing, Viserys couldn't help but use his magic power to condense several fireballs in his mouth and headed straight for the ice dragon's head.

Viserys's fireball magic has a longer range than the flame ray, and is suitable for dealing with enemies from a distance who have never encountered them before and don't know the opponent's tricks.

It's just that the fireball is slower than the flame ray.

At this moment, if someone looks up in Braavos, they can easily see several huge red fires instantly lighting up in the dark clouds, heading straight towards the center of the vortex.


The ice dragon let out a frightening roar, and its breath of ice spurted out from its mouth again, sweeping past Viserys' fireball attack and heading straight for Viserys.

Fireballs and frost breath collided high in the sky, flames and frost touched in the air. The two terrifying forces reacted violently, instantly erupting into bursts of water vapor and mist.

After all, Viserys was faster. He spit out more than a dozen fireballs around the direction of the ice dragon. The ice dragon couldn't react as fast as him and could only use his breath to catch a 160-degree angle in front of him.

And Viserys had already circled to the back of the dragon's head.

Four or five fireballs hit the ice dragon's head.

Balls of white steam exploded instantly.

Viserys kept speeding, still circling the white steam, and continued to spit out fireballs to attack the ice dragon.

Countless steam exploded in the center of the whirlpool of dark clouds.

The dark clouds seemed to have become thicker in a short time.

In the sky of Braavos, the falling snow turned into sleet with both rain and snowflakes after Viserys attacked.

Several more fireballs flew into the steam cloud, and Viserys quickly distanced himself.

Fly higher and further away from the steam, and then observe the situation in the steam cloud in a hovering posture.

The mist of water vapor never dissipated, and Viserys was worried that the ice dragon must have another trick up his sleeve.

He waved his wings high in the sky, whipping up several fierce winds and blowing them towards the steam clouds.

Viserys always kept a distance from that side. When the wind from the flapping wings reached there, it was already much weaker, but it still gradually dispersed most of the condensed water vapor clouds.

The ice dragon's head was severely damaged, visible to the naked eye. Half of the black ice head was steaming, and the movement of constructing the dragon's body had also stopped.

But it is recovering.

The strange dark cloud vortex condensed water vapor, and the frost covered the ice dragon's head, repairing the damaged head at a terrifying speed.

Viserys was speechless for a while, and quickly spit out a few more fireballs.

Seeing that the fireballs spit out from all angles hit the black ice dragon's head, but the dragon did not breathe back, Viserys felt certain.

He has discovered that perhaps the magical ice dragon has not yet condensed into its entire body, and it cannot leave the dark cloud vortex.

And now that he was damaged by Viserys' fireball attack, he seemed unable to fight back.

But the black ice dragon head was huge, and the efficiency of Viserys's fireball attacking the black ice to melt the black ice was extremely low.

Since it couldn't move, Viserys had an idea.

Viserys flapped his wings and flew high into the sky.

Until the position is higher than the cloud layer where the ice dragon is.

He began to activate the majestic magic power of his body, and the magic flame began to accumulate like a whirlpool under the stimulation of the magic organ in his middle head.

A huge fireball took shape high in the sky.

The fireball was even larger than Viserys.

It was as if a second flaming sun appeared high in the sky.

Even through thick dark clouds.

Anyone in Braavos who looked up at this moment could see a huge red glow bursting out from the dark clouds, as if flames were burning above the clouds.

Like a miracle.

Under the gaze of the ice dragon's head with an unknown expression, the huge fireball condensed by Viserys began to fall.

Like the sun falling.

Not long after.

The huge flaming fireball hit the whirlpool of dark clouds where the ice dragon was. The fireball landed on the ice dragon's head. In an instant, astonishing flames exploded on the dark clouds.

Countless steam exploded suddenly, and several blazing flames burst out and pierced the dark clouds, as if several sharp swords composed of flames pierced the clouds.

There wasn't even a rumbling sound, just two forces that were constantly intertwined and destroyed in contact.

Several huge streams of white air burst into the sky, and Viserys flapped his wings to dodge.

The flames of the huge fireball are still erupting, and the entire cloud layer seems to be burning with raging flames in the red luster of the fireball. The scorching gale breaks out from the center of the vortex and spreads to all sides. The strong wind pressure shock wave seems to completely destroy the vortex.

A huge hole briefly appeared in the sky.

The sun was shining through the hollow.

It happened to land on the Island of the Gods.

Like a true miracle from God.

But things are far from over.

Viserys discovered that after the power of his fireball completely dissipated, the dark clouds in the sky were reuniting and slowly rotating.

It doesn't seem like it will take long before it gathers again into a huge whirlpool.

Viserys realized that the ritual magic that caused the mutation was still going on!

He only temporarily eliminated the products of ritual magic, if not the source that provided the magic. I don’t know how many more times this thing will need to be condensed.

Just by handling this dragon head, he had already consumed a lot of magic power, nearly one-tenth of it.

If the ice dragon's head condenses a few more times, Viserys may have to run away in despair due to insufficient magic power storage.

Viserys did not dare to bet that after the ice dragon constructed by the cold god's ritual magic was condensed and formed, it would not hunt him to the ends of the earth.

Thinking of this, Viserys had to find a way to deal with the source of the magical ritual no matter how unwilling he was.

And wait for Viserys to re-enter the sky above the city of Braavos from the clouds.

Viserys discovered that changes occurred not only in the sky, but also in the city.

A zombie siege has broken out in Braavos.

Countless faceless corpses with glowing blue eyes turned into ghouls and were swarming out of the destroyed temple of the Many-Faced God on the Isle of Braavos.

The corpses stepped across the frozen canals and sea, and were scattering in all directions of the city.

For a moment, Viserys felt his scalp numb.

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