Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 169 Half Human, Half Ghost

Shivering Sea Far North.

The last time Iban whalers were seen from a distance was a long time ago.

The Nameless One sails in the ships of the Devoted to the depths of the Shivering Sea in the north, hoping to reach the icy snowfields in the far north of the Shivering Sea.

After the ship began to encounter frozen seas and huge icebergs, some sailors began to refuse to continue heading north.

The sailors mentioned the Man-eating Bay, which is a place that even the Iban people dare not go deep into. Ships will be trapped in the bay after entering the bay, because the sea will quickly freeze when the ship enters, making it impossible for the ship to retreat.

There are some legends spread around the world about the Shivering Sea. For example, regarding the strange lights flashing in the sky in the far north, it is said that it is the demon mother of the ice giants who dances endlessly, luring people to sail north towards their doom in the dark night.

Other legends also mention light blue ice mist. Ice fog drifts across the water, and all ships that encounter it will be frozen; when night falls, the ghosts of the drowned will emerge from the water and drag the living into the abyss of the ocean. Or a mermaid with pale skin and a black-scaled tail, more evil than the southern merfolk, comes to pull the crew to their death.

There are also legends that mention ice dragons. It is said that the ice dragon has a body made of living ice, light blue crystal eyes and huge translucent wings, and even its breath is cold.

The Far North is also the source of the legendary White Walkers.

The unknown person has no desire in his heart, is cut off from feelings, is calm and indifferent. He is the servant of God, His instrument, His servant.

One day, the unknown person who served devoutly received a revelation from the gods. The black angel of the Thousand-Faced God was waiting for the promised man in the white wasteland of the north.

The White Waste is a wasteland covered in ice and snow north of the Shivering Sea. According to sailors, there are never-ending snowstorms there, and the wind blowing from the icebergs is like the howling of ghosts and wolves. The shoreline of the White Wasteland is erratic, shrinking in the summer and expanding again in the winter. There was a strange light shining in the sky there.

Adventurers who tried to find a northern passage through the White Wastes either perished or retreated south, haggard and half-frozen.

It is said that more than a hundred years ago, Corlys Velaryon, the "Sea Serpent" of Westeros, took the Ice Wolf to the far north to explore the rumored possible passage, but in the end he only found frozen seas and Huge iceberg.

Ships of unknown men and devotees sailed for ages on the dangerous edge of the frozen sea. The days here are extremely short and the nights are long. Even the most honest sailors began to join the crowd calling for a return voyage.

However, the unknown person knew that there must be a place to land here.

Because his god was calling him, and the black angel of the god was waiting for him in that snowfield, and he was the promised one.

One day, a red comet appeared in the sky, and its long tail lit up almost half of the sky.

The Unknown sees it as a herald and has the ships of devotees following it.

On the seventh day, between the icebergs of the White Wasteland and the frozen sea, the ships discovered a passage to continue north.

The sea water there was steaming, and the devotees judged that the submarine volcano was active, so a passage to the north briefly appeared here.

The unknown person knew that this was his god guiding him.

They continued to drive north, and two days later, a gentle snow slope that could land on the snowfield between the iceberg cliffs in the far north appeared at the end of the passage.

The unknown person knows that this is the way the gods let him land.

The unknown man turned the devotee's ship around and anchored in this passage to await his return from the pilgrimage.

Then the unknown man and one of his acolytes climbed onto the vast white snowfield.

This place is already further north than the Great Wall of Westeros, even Hardhome, and the Fist of the First Men, in the far north of the Shivering Sea. They may be the only humans to have landed here in thousands of years.

But the light in the sky and the wind in the wilderness are guiding him on the right path.

The biting cold wind howls through the mountain peaks. When the cold wind is still, it seems that you can hear a wild bagpipe-like music.

Neither the acolytes nor the sled dogs were able to complete the final journey, and completely disappeared in the snow during a blizzard.

Only unknown people walked the final stretch.

What you see on the last section of the road is very shocking and fascinating. Desolate and mysterious peaks tower in the northern sky. The sun hangs low on the southern horizon at noon, casting a large red light that reflects the faint blue light of the ice and the snow-covered fields.

At a certain moment, even the noon sun disappears from the horizon.

The unknown man realized that he had reached his destination.

That is the place of night where the God of Many Faces lives. There is a splendid and beautiful light hanging in the sky. It is colorful, different in shape, and extremely gorgeous. It is difficult for any colored pen to depict the dazzling light that is playful and unpredictable in the sky above the land of night.

And when those gorgeous lights dissipate.

There the unknown person saw the clearest sky he had ever seen in his life.

As the doctrine of the Many-Faced God states, in the place of darkness where the Many-Faced God resides, the stars always shine brightly.

There, the Nameless Man met the Black Angel who greeted him.

Her skin was as pale as the moon, her eyes were as blue as blue stars, and her skin was as cold as ice.

The gift brought by the angel was a blue heart, and she gave that heart to him to replace his red heart.

Since then, the unknown person has felt unprecedented calm, peace and tranquility. He no longer has any sorrow or joy, and has annihilated all emotions.

He was detached, and the Thousand-Faced God gave him power beyond the mortal world. He served devoutly, dedicated himself, and truly became God's tool. He would carry God's will, and God would give His gifts to those He chose, end their suffering, and grant them liberation.

God's tool returned to the landing point in the vast snowfield.

The ship of the devotee was still there, and the sea passage was still there.

The devotee who provided the ship for this trip was shocked.

Everything proved that it was the true manifestation of the Thousand-Faced God.

The devotee was also curious.

When he set out, the nameless man was accompanied by a young acolyte.

When he returned, the nameless man was accompanied by a new life still in its infancy.

God's tool said that this was the justice and equality of the Thousand-Faced God.

One life for another.

The tools serving the Thousand-Faced God should not question God's choice, nor should they judge whether the people chosen by God are worthy of the Thousand-Faced God's gifts. They only need to perform their religious duties.

After all, all mortals must die, and all mortals must serve.


Viserys looked at the chaotic city below, and was in doubt for a moment.

His first thought was, could it be that the Wall had collapsed without his knowledge?

Why did the wights cross the Wall and appear in Braavos, or pour out from the ruins of the Temple of the Thousand-Faced God?

This does not conform to the basic setting of the mysticism of the Ice and Fire World!

This is impossible!

And two days ago, the Three-Eyed Raven was still showing miracles at his wedding on Dragonstone. If the Wall collapsed, the Duke of Bloodraven would never be so calm.

Although the existence that is most inconsistent with the mysticism setting of the Ice and Fire World is Viserys himself, and because of his appearance, the theme of the music of this world has quietly changed.

Of course, Viserys has not yet thought of himself as the source of all the changes.

The Patriarch of the House of Black and White is the "Poisoner of the Alien God". There is no doubt that he has the power of the God of Cold. It was his suicide to release the power in his body that accelerated the changes in Braavos.

The ice dragon appeared, the air became extremely cold, the sea froze, and the sky snowed.

Even wights appeared.

And the appearance of wights in this city often means that there may be a white walker in a corner of this city!

Viserys looked up, the dark clouds in the sky gathered again, but the speed of the vortex was obviously much slower than the change speed after the previous patriarch of the House of Black and White committed suicide.

He turned his sight to the ruins of the House of Black and White. As the wights poured out from there, the secret passage there was completely exposed to Viserys.

Viserys looked at the other temples on the Isle of the Gods. Their doors were closed, and the tide of wights seemed to be consciously dispersing, just to cause unrest. They stepped on the frozen canal and ran into every corner of the city.

Perhaps it was a self-righteous idea. Viserys felt that they were consciously preventing themselves from being wiped out by the dragon flame of his dragon.

Viserys was kind after all. Before spreading his wings and rushing towards the ruins of the temple on the Isle of the Gods, he first spit dragon flames at several dense groups of wights on the canal.

After the corpse becomes a wight, it will become extremely flammable. As long as you see the effect of the wight being ignited, anyone with a little bit of brains should know to use fire to deal with them.


Viserys had no time to care about the chaos in the city, and flew directly to the ruins of the temple. There were still many wights pouring out from several secret passages. Viserys spit out flames and burned them all.

It was not known whether they were burned out or suppressed by the dragon flames, but the wights gradually stopped swarming out.

Viserys carefully observed several secret passages in the ruins.

No matter which one, it gave him a dark, cold, gloomy and terrifying feeling.

Then he looked up at the sky, and the clouds in the sky gradually gathered and formed, and a new vortex gradually emerged in the center of the clouds. Viserys hardened his heart and landed on one of the secret passages.

After thinking it over and over again, Viserys held the flames in his mouth, regardless of whether there was anything inside, and spit out a few flame rays at once, and then used his claws to try to dig open the secret passage.

However, the secret passage was a spiral staircase built vertically downward in a thick foundation. He soon discovered that he could not dig up the underground space like he did before to completely expose the underground space of the temple.

It would take more than a short time to dig up the basement of the temple with brute force.

Viserys hesitated for a moment, then soared into the sky again, spitting a fireball at the vortex that was forming in the clouds, breaking up the clouds. Then he fell back into the ruins of the temple, found the largest secret passage, shrank his body, and prepared to venture in to find out.

The underground of the Black and White Courtyard is the most likely place for the things that control ritual magic.

As Viserys' body shrank, the tightly bound puppet on his body lost the support of the bone spurs and slid down. Viserys had to put the puppet aside casually, and then took a deep breath secretly. Slowly flapped his wings and slid down into the dark secret passage.

The secret passage was extremely cold. Viserys could see from the firelight on the horns above his head that there should have been a thick layer of white frost on the gray stone walls.

Because it had been burned by the dragon's flames, the heat waves had melted a lot of the white frost on the walls, making the secret passage extremely damp.

As Viserys slid down the stairs of the secret passage, the heat from his dragon-like body steamed out heat waves, and Viserys could clearly feel the fierce fusion of the cold outside and his own heat.

The journey was smooth and trouble-free. Viserys encountered almost no attacks or obstructions as he went down the secret staircase and reached the bottom floor.

As Viserys came down, he could clearly feel that the underground space at the bottom floor was deep in the ground. The space at the bottom floor was a deep darkness, a huge man-made space. Countless huge stone pillars rose from the rough slate floor, forming pairs on the left and right, extending to the endless darkness in the distance. The cold air here was overwhelming, and the heat and cold air emitted by Viserys' dragon body even formed convection wind.

A fireball spewed out of Viserys' mouth.

The light of the fireball instantly lit up this underground space.

It must be said that even though Viserys thought he had seen a lot of storms and waves, he was shocked by what he saw after the fireball was lit.


Viserys couldn't count how many holes with sleepers lying on the walls of this underground space. He thought there were already many wights outside, but he could see with his naked eyes that there were still thousands and tens of thousands of corpses lying in the holes that had not been awakened.

This horrifying scene made Viserys gasp. In response, his dragon-like body suddenly swelled up, and he flapped his wings to blow a strong wind.

Then he opened his mouth and spit out several fireballs in all directions.

The light of the fireballs illuminated this huge underground space like a flare.

With this light, Viserys could see the environment inside clearly, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Most of the corpses lying in the holes in the walls were still sleeping, but there were a few wights with blue eyes dodging, hiding in the holes, hiding behind the stone pillars, and some hiding in other exits of the secret passages - the ghosts in the secret passages were like dense ant colonies whose nests were dug out, which made people's scalps numb.


Viserys urged his wings and flew in one direction along the stone pillars.

While flying, he spit fireballs from his mouth from time to time, and occasionally used dragon flames to ignite the wights he met along the way to light the road.


This huge space also has an end. Viserys estimated the distance and his current position should be dozens of meters underground in the canal. This is a small room that looks like a tomb.

A baby with pale skin and cold blue eyes is crawling in the room, as if trying to hide in the darkness. On the baby, a ball of cold blue flame is burning on him.

The baby seemed to be consciously and actively performing some kind of sacrificial ritual. His limbs were pierced by dark blue ice spikes like black ice. Light blue blood flowed from his palms and soles. The blood with a dark blue light did not flow to the ground, but was swallowed by the dark blue flame on his body like fuel.

His blood was like fuel, maintaining the flame on his body.


When the baby saw Viserys, his face showed human panic and vicious expressions, and the yaw sound was as harsh as the breaking of ice, which made people's teeth ache.

Viserys remembered the dream that Daenerys had when she first came into contact with the Three-Eyed Raven. She described that in the dream she saw "ice-blue piercing cold flames".

It seemed to correspond to the dark blue flame on the baby.

When the baby released his hostility, Viserys noticed that the wights following him quietly attacked him.

Viserys realized that the wights were actually controlled by the baby. He flapped his wings, blowing away the wights that tried to attack him, and spewed out flames from his mouth, instantly burning a group of wights that followed him.

The flames illuminated the dark area.

When the space was large enough, these wights were no match for Viserys.

Viserys turned around and continued to observe the strange baby.

A guess came up.

Viserys thought of the legendary Night King.

Legend has it that the Night King was once the commander-in-chief of the Night's Watch. He fell in love with a white ghost woman, brought her back to the Nightfort, married her and made himself king, and made the white ghost woman the queen. He then ruled the Wall for thirteen years.

In the story of Bran's old nanny, the wild men outside the Wall would have sex with the white ghosts and reproduced horrible offspring that were half human and half ghost.

Viserys suspected that this baby was the half-human, half-ghost offspring of a white ghost and a human.

The cold god must have done something to this baby, just like the King of Light gave power to Flemmy, giving this thing some kind of power.

So this thing can appear here, can control wights, and can summon ice dragons through the ritual of sacrificial magic.

Wights can appear in the Wall. In the original book, the first time the Night's Watch saw wights was because two wights were brought to the Wall. They woke up at night and tried to assassinate the commander of the Night's Watch. Jon's wolf White Spirit sensed it, so Jon saved the commander-in-chief.

The Night King is even more outrageous. He married a white ghost wife and was the king of the Wall for thirteen years. In the end, he was defeated by the King of the North and the King Beyond the Wall.

The Night King in the original book is not the white ghost king in the TV series, but a brave human who dares to put his little brother into the ice and still harden it.

It really makes people sigh, the stars of the human beings are shining!

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