Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 18 People in the Red Castle (Part 2)

As usual, the king and the captain of the royal guard were not present at the royal meeting that day.

The king had too many things to worry about, and the captain of the royal guard was undoubtedly accompanying the king at this moment, escorting him through the streets and alleys, and he was very busy.

The meeting was chaired by the King's Hand Jon Arryn as usual. He had white hair and beard, but was in good health and vigorous.

"How is the preparation for the crown prince's tournament going?" The crown prince's tournament is the most important thing in the Seven Kingdoms at the moment, and even if the old prime minister is reluctant, he has to face this problem.

As soon as the notice was issued, knights from all over the country would come to the royal city one after another. And for every knight who came, there would be free riders, as well as a large number of craftsmen, soldiers, businessmen, prostitutes, and thieves who would not miss this opportunity. The huge King's Landing already has a large population, and the garrison force can barely maintain it. Now there are so many people...

Since a few days ago, there have been endless cases of fighting, murder, tavern riots, knife fights, robbery and rape in King's Landing.

The king only spoke to add honor to the crown prince's name day. The entire royal city and ministers had to work hard for it and were very busy.

"The funds have been prepared," the short finance minister Petyr Baelish stared at the old prime minister, his gray-green eyes with a little helplessness, and answered with a smile, "The Lannisters of the Westerlands and the Tyrells of the Riverlands are very happy to help the event in the royal city. After this event is over, there may be a few copper coins left in the treasury."

The old Grand Maester Pycelle looked up from the bench at the end of his long table, sleepy-eyed, and continued as if to follow Littlefinger's joke: "Lord Tywin and Lord Tyrell are really generous."

Littlefinger replied: "Yes, it would be more generous if the interest could be reduced."

"Prime Minister," Yan The solemn Sea Lord Stannis Baratheon ended the teasing conversation at the parliamentary table. His face was tense, and his eyes under his thick eyebrows were like two wounds, deep blue like a black ocean. He said, "I have assigned 20 people from the guards to strengthen the city guards as promised to maintain order in the city. Everything is fine at sea."

Lord Renly Baratheon took over his brother's words: "I say, if Lord Stannis becomes the commander of the city guard, the city will definitely not need so many people to maintain order."

Renly wore a green dress, tall and handsome, with black hair draped to his shoulders, and always combed neatly. Renly knew how to dress. He was considered to look very similar to King Robert when he was young. He also knew that King Robert would think of his younger self when he saw him, so his court dress was leaning towards pleasing the king. This undoubtedly made him more popular with the king than his serious second brother.

Stannis squinted at his frivolous brother, angry at the sarcasm in his words: "You should learn to respect your brother, Renly."

"I'm sorry, Lord Stannis, my brother." Renly smiled apologetically, "I'm so talkative. I shouldn't compare you with the son of a butcher."

"Renly." The old Prime Minister's voice sounded, and he asked, "How are things going on your side?"

"Prime Minister, the twenty people I assigned have also taken office. In addition, several people have to be stuffed into the prison every day these days." Renly is the king's law minister.

"That means there are no problems," the old Prime Minister passed by the eunuch Varys who was sitting in the corner and was silent, and majestically changed the topic, "My ministers, then this matter is ready, and I hope you will work hard next and don't have any big problems."

After the royal meeting, the old Prime Minister went to the king's court to sit on the Iron Throne. There was no way, the king ignored the government affairs, and the Prime Minister needed to handle the government affairs on the Iron Throne for the king.

Westeros has a tradition since ancient times that some noble disputes and even trivial matters of civilians need to be decided by the Iron Throne.

The king hates these, calling financial matters "counting copper coins" and calling matters that need to be handled by the king sitting on the Iron Throne "trivial matters".

When the old Prime Minister received the routine inquiries on the Iron Throne and returned to the Prime Minister's Tower, it was already afternoon.

"My lord, Duke Stannis is waiting for you." The guard Shufu told him.

Hearing this, the old Prime Minister's spirit, which was tired from the complicated affairs, was slightly lifted. He ordered: "Don't ask anyone to disturb us."

The old Prime Minister walked up the stairs to the tower. When he came to the big wooden door of the small hall of the tower, something was being shouted inside.

The guard Shufu, who followed him, opened the door for the old Prime Minister very tactfully.

Behind the big wooden door was a long and narrow room with a towering dome. At the corner of the bench dining table that could seat two hundred people, a group of women were gathered there.

In the middle of the crowd sat the Prime Minister's wife, Lady Lysa Tully, who was holding her child, Robert Arryn, and scolding a young maid.

When the old Prime Minister entered the room, his wife was screaming coldly: "I said that good Robin can't be exposed to the sun at noon, can't be exposed to the sun at noon, can't be exposed to the sun at noon! What did you do to him! I was only away for a moment, and you took him to the yard to endure the scorching sun! How could I not see that you were so cruel!"

"Madam, I..." The maid's voice trembled and cried.

"How dare you!" Lady Lysa interrupted the maid.

"What's wrong?" The women blocked the way, and the old Prime Minister had to ask.

Lady Lysa seemed to have just seen her husband, and she stood up with the child in her arms and cried: "They don't know how to take care of good Robin. Look, I've only been away for a while!" She held the child to show the old Prime Minister.

The old Prime Minister's only son, Robert Arryn, was six years old, but he was short, pale, stunted, thin and small. His fine brown hair was covered with sweat. He curled up in Mrs. Lysa's arms and fell asleep without saying a word. To a normal child, he looked like he was sick, but to him it was clear that he was just tired from playing.

But there must be a reason why Mrs. Lysa took advantage of the opportunity. The old prime minister had already guessed the reason. He only said: "Have you sent someone to find the bachelor?"

"Maester, maester," Lady Lysa said with tears in her eyes, "if maesters had been useful, my child would not be like this."

Robert suffers from a disease that causes epileptic seizures at the slightest stimulus. His maester often bled him and gave him painkillers.

The old prime minister said sadly: "Then what do you want to do?"

"You don't even care about him!" Lady Lysa complained, "You just want to send him away and let them take him away from me."

"Of course I care about my children," the old prime minister couldn't stand her anymore and said solemnly, "No one wants to take away our children."

Mrs. Lysa stopped talking, her eyes turned red, and tears kept flowing.

"Come here," the old prime minister called for help, "take the lady back to her room."

The maids gathered around Lady Lysa and left, leaving only the scolded maid at a loss.

The old prime minister waved his hand to her: "Go to the old grandma and find something else to do with her."

After dealing with the farce that was obviously led by Lady Lysa, the old Prime Minister finally came to the private reception room in the tower to meet Stannis.

As soon as the old prime minister entered the room, the guards blocked the door.


"Lysa, you have to tell me what you saw so that I can better help you make suggestions to stop them from taking good Robin away from you."

Littlefinger took the risk to have a private meeting with the Prime Minister's wife, not to listen to her cry. As the Prime Minister's single-handedly promoted Finance Minister, Littlefinger inevitably discovered that the Sea Secretary had frequently visited the Prime Minister's Tower recently to have secret meetings with the Prime Minister, and they took advantage of the Crown Prince's martial arts competition. During the meeting, they each arranged for their attendants to participate in the garrison of King's Landing - although this was a justified activity, because the garrison of King's Landing was short of manpower, the commander repeatedly asked for manpower from the Lord Chancellor, and finally the Prime Minister, Stannis, and Renly arranged their respective Page filler staff.

But Old Jon and Stannis seem to have other agendas. No matter what the purpose is, Littlefinger feels that he needs to know what this abnormal behavior indicates and whether he can profit from it.

"I can't get into the drawing room, and they're hiding it from me!" Lady Lysa resented. "They knew I would never agree to hand over good Robin to Stannis. God, I can't even imagine it. I will never allow my good Robin to suffer at the hands of a harsh man like Stannis! Not to mention that his daughter is an ugly monster, and there is no way that my good Robin will marry her!"

"The Hand plans to marry Stannis?" Littlefinger asked.

Mrs. Lysa said fiercely: "As long as I am alive, I will never allow it!"

Littlefinger patiently guided her thoughts: "Why do you think that, in my opinion, even if the Prime Minister admires Stannis, he would not want Robert Arryn to marry Shireen Baratheon?"

"That's what they think!" Lady Lysa said, "I know what the lords think. For the sake of the alliance, they can agree to any marriage. He thinks that I don't know what he is thinking. He wants my good Robin to go Marry that monster daughter of Stannis for his plan - you tell me, he wants to persuade the king to hand over my child's position as Lord Protector of the East to Stannis!"

"Oh, Lysa. Darling." Littlefinger took her hand. "No matter what happens, I will be by your side."

Lady Lysa took advantage of the situation and snuggled into Littlefinger's arms: "Thank you, darling. I knew you loved me."

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