When the letter from Arya Stark, the newly promoted Duke of Winterfell in Riverrun, was placed in front of Petyr Baelish, the newly promoted "Guardian of the Valley", the conspirator could not help but show a look of discomfort on his face.

The vassals of the Arryn Valley resented Lysa's marriage to Littlefinger, and the ancient families in the Vale were dissatisfied with Littlefinger's title of Guardian of the Valley.

The major families in the Vale, led by the Royce family, which was related to the Stark family, were originally on the verge of open rebellion because Lysa refused to send troops to help Robb. Now with the marriage of Lysa and Littlefinger, Lysa handed over the power of the Vale to Littlefinger, who was of humble origin and from the Five Fingers Peninsula.

Although Littlefinger is now the Earl of Harrenhal under King's Landing, at this critical moment, in the eyes of many people, Lysa's choice of Baelish is equivalent to choosing King's Landing, which makes the vassals of the Vale even more resentful of the current rulers of the Vale.

It is said that the major families in the Valley, Royce, Waywood, Redford, Belmore and Templeton families have united to ask for an explanation from the Eyrie, and even threatened to use force.

Since Petyr came to the Valley, he has spent much more time at the foot of the mountain than in the Eyrie. He negotiated with representatives of each family who came to the Eyrie to ask for an explanation. He planned to find an opportunity and planned to erode the power of the Valley step by step with his familiar conspiracy.

During this time, he took great pains to bribe Lynn Corbray, the heir of the Corbray family in Heart City, and promised this knight who loved chic "gold, boys and promises". Originally, according to Petyr's expectation, Lynn would maintain superficial hostility with him from then on, participate in every conspiracy against him by the lords of the Valley, and tell him everything as an undercover.

In this way, Petyr can know the plans of his enemies, buy time for himself, get rid of weak opponents, win the support of the swing faction, and isolate firm opponents.

However, the arrival of this letter caught Petyr off guard.

This "Arya", who inherited the title of Duke of the North in Riverrun, did not send a raven to the Eyrie to ask her aunt Lysa for reinforcements like her brother Robb did, but sent a raven to all the lords. She did not ask for an alliance or reinforcements, but openly "borrowed troops" from all the lords, in the name of going north to restore the Stark family's Winterfell and to rescue the crisis of the Wall.

When Arya "borrowed troops" without Lysa, the situation was completely different from Robb's request for troops from the Vale.

Before, Robb asked the Vale to support the King of the North, and Lysa could refuse to remain neutral. However, now Arya is borrowing troops from all the lords. Even if Lysa herself opposes, the Royce family, who have long been resentful of Lysa, and some nobles in the Vale who are close to the Royce family will be ready to move.

Although the rumors of the Targaryen king's recovery of the Stormlands have now spread to the ears of the lords of the Vale, it seems foolish to turn around and help the Tully and Stark of the Riverlands, who seem to have lost the battle.

But Littlefinger knows the meaning of the four words "rescue the Great Wall" in this letter.

This suddenly appeared Duke of Winterfell "Arya" intends to turn to the Targaryen king, a king with dragons.

Littlefinger is not sure whether this Arya of Riverrun is real - after all, there is another Arya in the North waiting to marry Roose Bolton's illegitimate son, but he feels that the person who controls this "Arya" now is not simple.

Littlefinger knows that Arya is only an eleven-year-old girl, just like Sansa, who is only fourteen years old. Even if they have a claim, they are not old enough and must have a guardian. Before their sixteenth name day, the guardian will rule on their behalf.

In fact, Littlefinger has other plans for Sansa. He originally had a grand plan to marry Sansa to Harold Hatton, the heir of the Arryn family and the heir of Robert Arryn, the boy Duke of the Eyrie. According to the law, if Duke Robert met with an accident, Harold would inherit the title of Duke of the Eyrie and the Guardian of the Vale, thinking that one day in the future he would claim ownership of Winterfell in the name of Sansa and rule Winterfell and the North.

The appearance of this "Arya" obviously disrupted his plan.

Once King Targaryen recognized "Arya" as the Duke of Winterfell.

Littlefinger frowned. He could already imagine that once that happened, not only would the river lords who still supported the Tully family and Stark immediately split into two factions, but even the lords of the Vale would be affected and split into the Targaryen faction and the King's Landing faction.

Perhaps there were still people who wanted to remain neutral, but once King Targaryen set his sights on the Arryn Valley, with just a few ravens, the neutrals would undoubtedly be the first to be excluded.

Littlefinger is well aware of the power of King Targaryen's ravens.

Bolton and Frey are in an awkward situation now, and a large part of the reason is King Targaryen's ravens.

The Frey family has completely turned to King's Landing. Not to mention that the Frey family has lost its reputation due to the Red Wedding, but the river lords are on the sidelines. The bigger reason is that the Lannister troops cannot go north to support their allies, and Targaryen has publicly denounced the Frey family for slaughtering guests at the wedding.

As for the Bolton family, King Targaryen only used two letters to the northern lords to make it extremely difficult for Lord Bolton to completely control the North. King Targaryen's letter made requirements for the Northern Guardian and gave the Northern lords a name to fight against the Northern Guardian who did not follow the requirements. The most important thing is that the letter also mentioned that the Northern Guardian should be selected from the Stark heirs.

Although the Arryn Valley has never been involved in the war, it has declared neutrality and peace. But Littlefinger knew that if King Targaryen sent a raven to deliver messages to the Arryn Valley one day, the situation in the valley would never calm down.

Now, that king has dragons, Dorn, and the stormy land.

He was also very tolerant, and the king had already forced Stannis to take the initiative to attack. Littlefinger wasn't sure if he would force the Lannister in King's Landing to sit still. Littlefinger felt frightened just thinking about it. A king with a dragon was as steady as a mountain when he moved his hands, nibbling away step by step and squeezing bit by bit. Littlefinger can even imagine King's Landing's current embarrassment. They can only watch a mountain press down from above their heads, and all they can do is to hit the mountain head-on, or wait for the mountain to press down. They were crushed to death.

Before Arya's letter came, Littlefinger thought that he was still far away from Targaryen and had enough time to control the valley and plot the north.

But now that this letter came, Littlefinger discovered that King Targaryen of Dragonstone had never been a being that could be ignored. Littlefinger's Earl of Harrenhal was granted the title of King's Landing, so he was naturally on the side of King's Landing in the eyes of the people. He had no choice. And once a person appears in the valley on the side of Targaryen, this opposition will naturally form. Even Lady Lysa, the current actual ruler of the valley, cannot prevent this opposition from arising.

The person who forwarded the letter to Littlefinger was a representative of the Redford family: "Lord Petyr, how should we reply to this letter?" Littlefinger realized that they were testing his attitude.

Littlefinger asked: "How did Lady Lysa reply to Robb Stark before?"

The other party had a sneer on his face: "How do we know such a secret? We only know that the valley has always remained 'neutral'."

Littlefinger smiled and responded: "I am a newbie here. Of course, this kind of thing follows the old practice. I will give you an answer after I find out how the lady responded before."

The other party asked: "The dignified guardian of the canyon, can't you do this kind of thing?"

"The Vale belongs to Lord Robert. Duke Robert is the Duke of the Eyrie and the Guardian of the Vale. Lady Lysa is the guardian of Robert. Although I am Lysa's husband, in the final analysis, Lady Lysa still has to take charge of this matter. Idea. Once I understand the old rules, I can help my wife better assist Lord Robert."


Littlefinger kept smiling: "I wonder what the Redford family thinks of this?"

The other party replied: "Duke Arya is Lady Lysa's niece. I think Lady Lysa will make the right judgment. Since you can't make the decision, let us go to the Eagle's Nest to meet Lady Lysa and Lord Robert."

Hearing what the other party said, Littlefinger felt relieved. It seemed that the other party just took the opportunity to attack and wanted to go to the Eyrie to ask Lysa for an explanation. This letter was just an excuse. They did not realize that the letter hinted at turning to Targaryen.

What they may still be thinking about is forcing Lysa to remove her title and power as Guardian of Littlefinger Canyon.

That's okay, Littlefinger realized that he might be able to buy some time to prepare for a more dangerous crisis, the crisis from Targaryen: "Of course, you can always go to the Eagle's Nest to meet Lysa and Lord Robert."

The other party looked over strangely: "We want Sir Nestor Royce to take us up the mountain."

"Of course." Littlefinger answered. He took a deep look at his hidden child in the crowd, Lynn Corbray.

This Lynne Corbray is undoubtedly a dangerous man, but he may not be very smart. Littlefinger likes to deal with these people. They like chaos as much as he does.

Littlefinger began to think about how to muddy the water and buy himself time.

Littlefinger had no idea how the lords of the Vale would react once they realized that King Targaryen was about to intervene in the Vale.

Littlefinger was shocked to realize that he had missed a lot. In his planning before coming to the valley, many of these valley families played a great role in the War of the Reavers. In order to achieve his goal, he prepared many excuses before coming to the valley, so that they could not be defeated easily. To the Targaryen King. In this way, Littlefinger can take the opportunity to slowly erode the power of the valley.

However, the Stormlands were suddenly recaptured by the Targaryens, and in such a peaceful way that many of Littlefinger's prepared words were destined to be ineffective. And he actually ignored this. It wasn't until he read Arya's letter that Littlefinger discovered that during this period he had been busy playing Tai Chi with the princes of the Vale, too far away from Dragonstone and King's Landing, and ignored the Targaryens. The king has a very important influence on the overall situation.

That king has always created an image of a benevolent king, and there are many stories that are loved by the people among the people. Those stories make King Lin afraid, but as his treatment of the stormland princes and the stormland Duke Shirin spread, Those stories will undoubtedly spread wider and further as the news spreads, making this image of the king even affect Tully and Stark, who were supposed to be his mortal enemies.

The desperate Tully and "Arya" of the Stark family began to place their hope on King Targaryen.

And Littlefinger was shocked to find that this idea of ​​"Arya" was so terrifying, once she really gained the recognition and endorsement of King Targaryen. Not only the Riverlands, but all the princes in the land will have a deeper understanding of the king's reputation and methods.

Littlefinger thought fearfully, fearing that from now on all the princes in the territory would inevitably be divided into two factions.

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