Viserys and Littlefinger both thought that Brynden the Blackfish was not so smart and that he would not make the political decision to try to get approval from Targaryen.

If the Blackfish or a minister of Riverrun had such a political mind, Robb would not have died inexplicably. The political mind of the Tully family seemed to be only in the old Duke of Tully, Hoster Tully, but the old duke had died long ago.

Who prompted Arya to make this decision, you can never guess with normal people's thinking.

The fact is that this decision was made by Arya herself.

But the source of her cognition is very abnormal.

After the Red Wedding, Arya and the Hound escaped from the Twins. After seeing the letter from King Targaryen on the messenger of the Blackwood family, the Hound decided to send Arya to Riverrun.

Arya felt empty inside and had wolf dreams intermittently on the road.

One day, she communicated with Nymeria through the wolf dream and found the body of her mother Catelyn by the river. She dragged Catelyn's body to the shore through Nymeria, trying to wake her up, but eventually found that she was dead.

Since that day, Arya's heart has become more and more empty and gloomy.

The Hound had a clear destination and was very active. He took Arya to avoid the sight of the crowd and went south along the path near the Kingsroad. In order to hide from the eyes of the people, the Hound did not even stop at the crossroads. They went south all the way until they reached Darry City, where the Kingsroad and the Trident River meet in the town of Earl Harroway, and then turned west.

In Darry City, Arya suddenly remembered the first time she came here. At that time, she followed her father and rushed back to King's Landing with King Robert's carriage. At that time, her father was still there, and everyone was still there. Only the butcher's brother Mycah and Nymeria. It was on the day of rest in Darry City that Nymeria bit Joffrey, and the butcher's brother was killed by the Hound. For Nymeria's safety, Arya drove away her direwolf.

On the day of the resting day in the wilds of Darry, Arya saw some dark shadows crossing the river bank on the other side while fetching water. After a while, she was surprised to find that it was a pack of wolves.

A huge pack of wolves. They moved in the darkness and drizzle, wet and silent.

At that time, she didn't know why, she thought of Nymeria, and then she put her hands around her mouth and roared to the wolves: "Ah, ah."

And sure enough, the largest wolf in the pack raised its head and roared with her. The voice of the big wolf made Arya tremble in her heart and tears welled up in her eyes.

She realized that it was Nymeria!

That was the direwolf she had driven away here.

The hound was awakened by the howling of the wolf. When he arrived, he saw countless wolves on the other side of the river. His face was full of horror. At that time, he wanted to take Arya away quickly, so that the wolves would not cross the river from somewhere and attack them at night.

However, Arya shouted: "That's Nymeria!" The engraved words emerged in his mind. Arya thought of her father's words and responded, "Winter is coming. Snow is falling, cold winds are rising, a lone wolf dies, a pack of wolves survives." She remembered that it was here that she abandoned her Nymeria. And now is the time to reunite. "I'm going to find her. That's Nymeria. She's coming to me, I know!"

But the Hound didn't care what Arya said. He picked her up without saying anything, and hurried back to clean up the camp and tied her to the horse called Coward. He rushed towards the inhabited area near Darry City.

They ran a long way before taking shelter in a dilapidated temple in a scorched village. The Hound stayed up all night, worried that the wild wolves would come to the door.

Arya tried to make herself fall asleep, hoping to dream about the location of the wolf pack at night.

That night, Arya really dreamed of Nymeria, who was leading a large group of wolves wandering in the jungle.

She suddenly thought that these wolves were her brothers and sisters, but not her real brothers and sisters.

Her true brothers and sisters were separated from her by the world, separated from her by life and death. She felt only a deep emptiness and a tearing pain. The forest was vast and cold, and she was so small, and her heart was empty. She knew she had a brother in the north, but she could not smell him no matter how far she tried. So she sat curled up and looked up at the dark sky and howled, and the sound echoed through the forest, a long and lonely lament. As the sound faded, she pricked up her ears, waiting for a reply.

The only response was a sigh.


She suddenly heard a call behind her, a silent call as soft as a whisper, and she looked back to find the source of the call.

Then she saw a weirwood seedling growing rapidly from the muddy ground in the jungle, and on it was the face of Bran, whom she had almost forgotten, except for the third eye on it, and she recognized it as Bran.

She was still wondering, how could Bran have a third eye on his face? Then the weirwood began to speak, telling her that the ravens gave him the third eye. Arya smelled the tree and Bran, warm earth, hard stone, and death. Bran told her. A lone wolf dies, a pack wolves live. Then the weirwood bent down and touched her. For a moment Arya felt that she was out of Nymeria's body, and saw the wolf and the tree with her own vision. Don't forget who you are, Arya. Don't eat human flesh in wolf form anymore; don't indulge in wolf form; remember who you are; you are too tired, go home, Arya.

She looked at Bran puzzled, but saw herself standing in the snowy forest, the forest was dark and deep, and the cold was bone-chilling. She heard a figure calling her, and the voice was exhausted: "Little sister?"

Jon. She recognized it. She saw her illegitimate brother clearly. His face was covered with blood, his expression was sad, as if he was exhausted. He was hiding from something else and terrible in the forest, with the smell of death. She wanted to answer, but her voice was frozen in her throat. The darkness in the forest rushed towards her like a tangible monster, swallowing everything.

"Jon!" Arya yelled, sitting up. She could still feel the coldness and horror. "Jon!"

She realizes that Jon is in danger!

The hound came. He caught Arya, lifted her up and shook her: "Quiet! Are you planning to lure the wolves over? What's wrong with you, little she-wolf?"

"A dream," Arya said weakly. "Nightmare."

"Your illegitimate brother?" The hunting dog's voice was a little strange, and his tone seemed to be pity.

"How about we not go to Riverrun? My uncle has never seen me, and he doesn't even know if I am really me." Arya didn't know how long it would take to go to Riverrun. She had never been to Riverrun, and asked her several times. Set out for Riverrun, but never arrived. She gave up the idea of ​​going to Riverrun. "He won't pay, he'll just hang you."

The hunting dog snorted coldly: "Whatever he wants, let him try."

"I know where we can go," Arya said. She has only one brother left, and he is in crisis. She firmly believes that Jon will pay to ransom her if he can find her. He would call her "little sister." However, the road to the Great Wall was very long, and she felt that she would not be able to walk there alone. She couldn't even reach Riverrun. "Let's go to the Great Wall of Despair."

The hound laughed loudly: "The little she-wolf wants to join the Night Watch?"

"I also have a brother at the Great Wall." She replied.

The corner of the hunting dog's mouth twitched: "The Great Wall is a thousand miles away from here. The Seven Hells. To get there, you have to rush through the damn Frey family territory, and then the Neck. There are lizards in those swamps, and they eat wolves as snacks every day. Even if it's really They arrived in the north with no missing arms or legs, and there were iron squids and skinned men in the north.”

She asked: "Are you afraid?"

The hound replied: "I don't give a damn what you think, go to Riverrun. I tell you, little she-wolf, even if you want to go to the Great Wall, you must go to Riverrun first. Let your uncle Blackfish get you out of my hands first." Buy it away, and then send someone to take you to the damn Great Wall."

She said stubbornly: "I must go to the Great Wall, now, immediately, immediately! Jon is in danger! It must be!" She suddenly thought of it and connected what she saw in her dream with reality, "That letter, Dragon Shidao ordered the people from the North to support the Great Wall! A lone wolf will die, but a group of wolves will survive. Yes, the Great Wall is in danger, and Jon will definitely need me!"

"You?" The hunting dog's mouth twitched, "Even if the Great Wall is dangerous, what can you do if you go?"

"I" she was stunned there, at a loss.

"I can take Nymeria and her siblings with me!"

The hound threw her back on the moldy bed board: "Who the hell is Nymeria?"

"It's my direwolf!" She sat up regardless of the pain in her back. "I'm going to find her. She's nearby, I know. She's been following me all the way, from the Twins to here, she's here She must be looking for me. She was waiting for me to find her." She burst into tears. "I thought she hated me, and I felt so ashamed. It wasn't until today that I realized that she was always with me."

She recalled how she had driven Nymeria away, and she couldn't stop crying. Arya tells Nymeria to go away and let her go, saying she doesn't want her anymore. But when Nymeria refused to leave, Arya and Jory Kelso threw rocks at her until Nymeria ran deep into the forest wailing. The stones thrown by Arya hit Nymeria twice. The look of Nymeria wailing and looking at her will never be forgotten by Arya in her life.

The hunting dog looked at her incoherent expression, as if he had stepped on dog shit. But before the hound could respond, a wolf moo suddenly came from outside. The sound was very close. The Hound felt cold all over and immediately picked up the sword he sharpened every night. It was the long-handled ax he had captured at the Twins - the one that knocked Arya unconscious - in exchange for it from a villager on the road. The sword was full of chips and rust spots, and the hound had sharpened it with a whetstone every night along the way. Until he confirmed that the blade was sharp enough to kill.

"Seven levels of hell!" The hunting dog opened the door of the charred and ruined temple, and the curse sounded like a roar.

He saw countless pairs of green eyes in the night, looking here coldly.

The hunting dog immediately closed the church door and looked back. The stranger and the coward were stamping uneasily and making sounds in the corner of the church. Even he himself was sweating profusely.

But Arya had secretly climbed out of the broken window of the temple at some point. "Nymeria, I'm sorry," she shouted in the direction of Wolf Moo, her voice hoarse and she kept apologizing, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Damn it!" The hunting dog picked up the sword and suddenly opened the door of the church. He gritted his teeth and cursed to catch the crazy wolf girl back to the church.

But then the hunting dog saw a scene that shocked him beyond words. In the countless green wolf eyes in the night, a huge wolf shadow walked out of the dark shadow until the entire figure entered the pale moonlight.

The hunting dog felt cold all over when he saw the wolf's figure. The wolf was terrifyingly big, even bigger than the Stranger!

However, the wolf did not pounce on the little wolf girl and bite her to death as the hunting dog thought. Instead, he slowly approached the crazy wolf girl, lowered his head and let her hold her, sat down and stretched out. Feet, nuzzled her with his head, as if hugging and comforting each other.

After that night. The next day, they finally did not set off for the Great Wall, but decided to go to Riverrun to find Blackfish.

The next journey, the Hound felt extremely tormented and uncomfortable - I believe that no matter who it is, knowing that there are at least a hundred wolves following not far behind, it will not feel easy.

Although the wolf pack retreated quickly that night, the Hound realized that the wolf girl had the ability to order her wolves to attack him at that time, but she did not do so.

The girl obviously hated him to the core. She has changed. The Hound realized.

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