There is an Arabic proverb: "We can't be angry casually. When you are angry, you will show your true skills. In this way, others will know that your true skills are terrible."

This sentence is replaced by "can't break up", and it actually fits Viserys very well. Viserys is actually very afraid of facing off against Illyrio. He knows that he doesn't have the capital to break up in such a situation. . In terms of his relationship with Illyrio, Illyrio is actually the one who has the power to decide how the game is played.

So when Viserys realized that Illyrio had not found out his details from Varys, he knew that his strategy of spreading suspicion was working, and his actions might have endorsed him in the eyes of Illyrio. power.

This means that uncensored machinations are still a rule of the game that Illyrio is willing to continue.

This format is very good for Viserys. If anything happens, everyone can sit down and talk slowly, and they won't easily use knives or guns to kill.

However, Viserys cannot take it lightly. Illyrio was an assassin when he was young, and he must not take killings too seriously. I just hope that his ambition is fierce enough to allow him to remain forbearing.

"In fact, Your Majesty. My visit to Westeros coincides with the tourney held by the Seven Kingdoms for Crown Prince Joffrey's name day." Illyrio began to respond to Viserys, "I stayed at the port of King's Landing. For a few days, I witnessed more than a hundred tents being set up on the river bank outside the city walls of King's Landing. Knights and free riders from all over Westeros came in droves every day, and tens of thousands of civilians came to watch. I have seen a lot, but I have rarely seen such a grand event. Countless boats and horses come into the city every day. They come from all over the Seven Kingdoms, including those from the king's territory, those from the Stormlands and the Reach, and those from the Westerland and the Vale. , including the Riverlands and the North, as well as the Iron Islands and Dorne." He paused, looked at Viserys, and found that there was no change in the other person's face, and then continued, "Countless noble knights, thousands of songs. The heroes of the poem appeared there at the same time. The knights wore glazed armor, accompanied by horses and attendants, and their cloaks were embroidered with different family crests. Unfortunately, I knew very little about the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms and could only barely recognize them. Baratheon's crowned stag, Lannister's roaring lion, Tully's silver trout, Arryn's blue eagle with white moon, Stark's ice wolf——"

Before Illyrio could finish describing the following noble nobles in detail, and he didn't even have the chance to leave "Dorne's spear pierced the sun" at the end as a test, Viserys cut off his words rather rudely. : "Ice Wolf, you are saying that people from the Stark family in the north are also here, are you sure?"

Viserys's interruption made Illyrio vaguely aware of some unusual mood swings, but he couldn't figure out the cause. He asked: "Is there something wrong with this?"

Viserys said vaguely: "I heard that the journey to the north is far away, and the people of the north have never interfered with the affairs of the south. I never thought that Stark would send people all the way south to King's Landing to participate in the tourney on Joffrey's name day. What do you think? Who is the representative of the Stark family going south? "

Illyrio asked: "Your Majesty seems to be very interested in the Stark family?"

"Just curious." Viserys said, "Let me state in advance, Lord Governor, I am not doubting what you said, but as far as I know - maybe hearsay may not be accurate. The eldest son of the Stark family in the north is still young. If we go south, I think the Duke of Winterfell will come in person."

[It turns out that he suspected that what I said was false, so he ignored my temptation? 】

Illyrio suddenly felt enlightened, but he really didn't blame him: "Your Majesty, I did see a ship with the coat of arms of the Ice Wolf family entering the harbor in King's Landing."

"Oh," Viserys dropped the topic, "I guess he was sent by the North to deliver gifts to the crown prince on his name day. After all, no matter how isolated he is, he still has to express something to the royal court. The sea route from White Harbor in the North to King's Landing It’s also convenient. Then, Governor Illyrio, what else did you see?”

It seems that Viserys is not suspicious of Illyrio, but that he has no choice but to ask for information about the Stark family. They are closely related to Viserys's speculation about the political situation in Westeros, and there is not much mention of the crown prince's martial arts contest in the original work. The appearance of the banner of the Stark family, which was generally believed to have been isolated from the world before Robert went north, appeared in the meeting, which inevitably made him think.

"Where did you just say that?" Illyrio saw that Viserys took the initiative to make up for him. He thought that Viserys was already on guard, but he couldn't bring up the topic of seeing Dornish knights in King's Landing to test him again. Viserys had no choice but to continue, "Oh yes, Stark's Ice Wolf. There are also the golden roses of Tyrell and the golden sea monsters of the Iron Islands, and Dorne's spear piercing the sun——"

Seeing Illyrio counting the major families of the Seven Kingdoms in detail, but never getting to the point, Viserys couldn't help but ask again: "My Lord Governor, didn't you go to King's Landing to inquire about the political situation? Why do you keep talking about the Crown Prince's tournament? "

Viserys knew what Illyrio was trying to test, and what he was secretly talking about was that the Seven Kingdoms were now so powerful that they were burning with fire, and the attitude of the major leaders of the Seven Kingdoms towards the Royal Court. He didn't want Illyrio to turn the conversation to a certain territory or raising an army.

Illyrio was interrupted for the second time, but he didn't show any dissatisfaction at all. Instead, he asked kindly: "What does your Majesty want to hear?"

"Of course it's the political situation in King's Landing," Viserys answered matter-of-factly.

Illyrio is talking about the Crown Prince's Tourney. Isn't he trying to use it to talk about the political situation? Viserys knew this, of course, but sometimes it was just necessary to ask stupid nonsense questions to fend off the increasingly unsubtle temptation in the other person's words.

"Political situation. Of course," Illyrio was distracted by the broad topic of "political situation" for a moment. Fortunately, he was prepared. He looked around, chased away the butler in the restaurant with his eyes, and then glanced at Daenerys seemed to confirm that there was no one else around before continuing, "Forgive me for being a businessman and having little understanding of politics, Your Majesty. I have to tell the truth. On this trip, I may not be able to verify your statement. I am This trip happened to coincide with the grand tourney on the Crown Prince's Name Day. I saw the support of the princes of the Seven Kingdoms for the royal family, and I also saw the love of countless people in King's Landing for the king - forgive me for using the word 'love', Your Majesty, I apologize if I have offended you, but this is what I have seen. King Robert is very popular in King's Landing, and his two brothers love him and do their duty for him. ”

"Oh, really, do you think so, Lord Governor?" A mysterious smile appeared on Viserys's face, "If so, why are you still willing to help me?" To be honest, Viserys thought that he was trying to If we change the topic, Illyrio will be greeted with more and more aggressive temptations, but he didn't expect them to be so strong.

"Because I am not sure, Your Majesty." Illyrio said, "Someone also told me that during the Usurper's War, the noble families came to serve and followed the king one after another. Greyjoy and other families refused to submit to the royal court, and the Dorne Kingdom in the south People are full of anger and want to avenge Princess Elia and her children. There are many people in the Seven Kingdoms who are secretly sewing true dragon flags, waiting for the day when you lead your army across the sea."

Illyrio's words this time were particularly sincere, as if they came from the heart, and were so seductive that Daenerys, who had been listening quietly, couldn't help but raise her head and glance at the fat governor. Dany had no subordinates and had no way of knowing what the people on the other side of the narrow sea were thinking or doing, but she instinctively did not believe Illyrio, nor his sweet words. But she glanced at her brother Viserys worriedly, and then lowered her head again.

Viserys had a proud look on his face, a slight smile on his lips, and he was in high spirits, as if because of Illyrio's attitude, he replied unhesitatingly: "They said-ahem," he just said As soon as he spoke, he made a strange cough as if to cover up something, and then quickly regained his spirit and continued to add as if nothing happened, "I mean, there are rumors that the Tyrell family in Highgarden and Renly of Storm's End The Duke is very close. Didn't Governor Illyrio hear any news or see any signs in Westeros? "

Illyrio gave a choice between two options, and the attitude revealed in his words was that he was more willing to lean towards Viserys.

Viserys vaguely felt that as long as he responded appropriately and gave a seemingly insightful analysis, Illyrio would take advantage of him and immediately change his attitude towards him, and then provide him with more resources and maybe even make a plan. Come as a vice-president.

This was Illyrio taking the opportunity to question his attitude. Viserys knew that Illyrio was doing this to find out his background as soon as possible.

Viserys knew very well that he could not accept Illyrio's false surrender, because he had nothing at all, and it was not a good thing to be too close or too distant from Illyrio now.

With a lot of thoughts on his mind, Viserys decided to choose "playing dumb" from the many prepared response strategies. This was not in line with the persona he originally expected to show, but it was in line with the persona of the body itself. Ambitious but impatient, confident but ignorant, possessing certain means but impractical. He decided to act like a political novice who boasted a lot and had a set of hearsay theories but knew nothing about practical issues.

So Viserys threw out a new bait and changed the subject.

Illyrio just pretended not to notice that Viserys seemed to have said something wrong and was trying to hide it, and pretended to be all ears: "Your Majesty, what kind of rumors and what kind of signs?"

Illyrio was prepared to see what Viserys would say when he saw the Dothraki with him.

Unexpectedly, Viserys reacted strangely to him. He maintained an excited look on his face and asked naturally: "Isn't it your turn to tell me?"

"Your Majesty?" Illyrio couldn't keep up with his thoughts for a moment and looked at Viserys strangely.

The excitement on Viserys's face gradually subsided, and his expression gradually became hard to conceal his astonishment. He seemed to be caught off guard and said, "There must be some sign, right?"

Illyrio knew this look and rhetoric well, the ignorant expression of those who boast when they are asked a concrete practical question and cannot answer it. This means that Viserys had no idea of ​​the actual situation and just heard the story from others, so he believed it and tried to convince Illyrio.

Viserys's expression was as exaggerated as ever, and this exaggeration made it difficult for Illyrio to tell the truth. Illyrio asked seriously: "Rumors, you just said it. Didn't you say what the rumors you heard were exactly like, Your Majesty?"

Viserys added with difficulty: "'The Tyrells of Highgarden and Lord Renly of Storm's End are very close', they - I mean the rumors say this, isn't it an obvious and well-known fact? "

Illyrio tried to control his expression and asked seriously: "Then this 'obvious and well-known fact', as you said, how can I prove it?"

"There must be some sign!" Viserys struggled to maintain a smile on his face, "Mr. Governor, didn't you hear about it in King's Landing?"

Hearing this, even Daenerys couldn't help but glance up at Viserys in astonishment.

The embarrassment on his face was so wonderful that it gave Dany goosebumps.

Illyrio did not expect that things would develop like this, so much so that he couldn't help but wonder if he had misjudged Viserys. Maybe Viserys isn't that smart and is just a blustering idiot with no understanding of specific matters?

Illyrio hesitated, thought for a moment, and finally handed Viserys the steps: "To put it this way, I heard that Renly and the Knight of Flowers are very close and have a good relationship. Is this a sign? "

Viserys immediately followed the pole and took the words: "Of course, Renly and the Knight of Flowers, of course."

"But even so, the Knight of Flowers is not the heir to Highgarden." Illyrio continued to ask, "I'm afraid this is not enough to support the 'fact' you said, right?"

"What, the heir of Highgarden? Oh, the Knight of Flowers is from the Tyrell family of Highgarden?" Viserys muttered quietly, trying to maintain a smile on his face.

Of course Illyrio heard his whisper, and couldn't help but feel speechless: [He doesn't even know who the Knight of Flowers is? 】

But soon, under Illyrio's attention, Viserys swallowed his saliva, and a look of determination gradually appeared on his face, saying: "No, Lord Governor, you can't think so. You must know that Ed in the North... Stark is not the heir of Winterfell, but he is close to the usurper King Robert and usurps the Iron Throne together.”

Illyrio must admit that even though Viserys behaved in an exaggerated and pretentious manner, the attitude he displayed was indeed a man of some means. At least he was really good at changing his face and being shameless. If you think about it carefully, Viserys had such a determined look when he tried to win over Illyrio through the story of the Highgarden Gardener family.

Is his determination true or false?

Without giving Illyrio any time to dwell on the so-called "facts", Viserys quickly dropped the subject. He slightly clasped his hands, and used small subconscious movements to rub the dragon bone pendant wrapped around his right hand, and asked Illyrio. Leofa asked: "Hey, Lord Governor, I remember that before you set off, I asked you about dragon bones and dragon eggs."

Illyrio had no expression on his face and looked at Viserys seriously.

Viserys looked at Illyrio nervously: "I remember you are a dragon bone merchant. Dragon eggs are rare in the world, and it may not be easy to get them, but I think dragon bones must be simple for you. Can I please You must give, uh, lend me some, you must have a lot in the warehouse, I can use it."

Hearing that Viserys suddenly changed the subject and relaxed his previous demands, making many concessions but still asking for the dragon bones, Illyrio couldn't help but feel moved: "Can I venture to ask about the purpose of these dragon bones?" ?”

"Sorry, Lord Governor, I can't tell you this, but don't worry, I will return it to you in the future." Viserys looked at Illyrio intently, as if to confirm Illyrio's attitude, and saw that he had no abnormality. Viserys straightened his expression and said, "A king must practice what he preaches."

There was no guarantee for this promise, and Viserys's answer to the previous trial question was extremely bad, but Viserys still shamelessly demanded the dragon bone. Illyrio couldn't help but fell silent.

The audible silence in the dining room lasted for about a few breaths before Illyrio asked, "How much do you want?"

"You agreed, Lord Governor?" Viserys breathed a visible sigh of relief, and then he did not answer Illyrio's question, but quickly untied the dragon bone pendant from his hand, "Actually, there is one more thing I want to trouble you." He placed the dragon bone pendant with a blackened silver chain on the table in front of Illyrio. "I would like to ask you to hang this pendant in your shop and put it in a more conspicuous place. The price must be nineteen gold and eight silver plus fourteen copper coins, Pentos coins."

Hearing this, Illyrio's attitude did not change, and he said like a normal conversation: "The price premium of this pendant is too high, I'm afraid it won't be sold. If you need money urgently, I'm here——"

"No," Viserys interrupted him again, "That's the price. It doesn't matter whether you sell it or not, but if anyone asks why the price is so high, please answer him, 'This is a token of a down-and-out family, for future generations to revive. The family has no choice but to sell it, please!”

"I am bound by your request, Your Majesty." Illyrio put away the pendant and asked casually, "Does the price have any profound meaning?"

Viserys apologized: "Sorry, Lord Governor, I can't tell you this yet."

Illyrio didn't take it seriously and smiled kindly: "In that case, let's talk about the dragon bones, Your Majesty."

At this time, Viserys was no longer anxious, and he smiled back: "Let's eat first, Lord Governor, I'm already hungry."

The suddenly harmonious atmosphere made Daenerys, the only listener in the restaurant, feel confused.

She lowered her head and said nothing.

Some people may think that the dialogue is out of touch. In fact, both Viserys and Illyrio want to dominate the topic and secretly exert their efforts. It is normal for each to change the topic according to his own ability and use his own words to guide the other to follow his own rhythm. thing.

These words are necessary for plotting intrigues. Although the author’s talent is limited, he still wants to write out that feeling as much as possible.

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