Viserys hoped that Illyrio would be more attracted by the "them" he mentioned, and give him more time.

Viserys knew that his plan was not a wise one, and it was a bit clumsy and rough in practice, but his goal from beginning to end was Illyrio's dragon bone resources. This goal was clear and straightforward, and he even asked Illyrio for it many times.

But the more straightforward it was, the more Viserys thought that this was a cover-up or preparation for other purposes in Illyrio's eyes, especially since he had set up so many suspicious arrays, which should have some effect.

In fact, to some extent, Viserys's stupid behavior and pretending to be stupid were not a test of Illyrio's tolerance. And the facts proved that this governor was scheming and would not easily act on impulse.

After the meal, Illyrio cleared his throat and paused, "Your Majesty, I have always kept your needs in mind. It's just that I left in a hurry and didn't ask you for details." After speaking, he raised his hands and clapped his hands. Soon, the butler came in with two exquisite gift boxes.

He waved his hand to instruct the butler to place the gift box in front of Viserys, and signaled Viserys to open it with his eyes.

Viserys opened the box and found two sets of exquisite jewelry. Each box contained a dragon bone hairpin, two dragon bone pins, and cuffs and brooches, which were small dragon bone accessories that could be used to decorate clothing.

"These are two sets of dragon bone ornaments, Your Majesty, as a small token of my appreciation for you and Daenerys." Illyrio said, "But I don't think this is what Your Majesty actually needs, so please tell me what kind of dragon bones you need? And how many do you need?"

"Thank you for your generosity," Viserys accepted it generously, and then asked in a spirited manner, "What are the general styles of dragon bones?"

"Please let me answer you, there are raw materials for dragon bones, some are made into luxury goods, some are made into swords and bows, and some are purely decorative." Illyrio talked freely, "Does Your Majesty have any special needs?"

Illyrio turned the broad concept of items into specific things. Viserys smacked his lips for a moment, trying to see if there was any other hidden meaning from Illyrio's question, but he didn't think of anything after all.

Viserys looked at Illyrio and answered hopefully, "I see. Then take a little of each. Well, I want twenty pieces first, five of each style. Do you think it's difficult?"

Illyrio agreed, "I'm happy to serve you, Your Majesty."

Viserys originally thought that twenty pieces was a lion's mouth, after all, when he first arrived, the fat governor's dragon bone collection only showed nine pieces. Now that Illyrio agreed, he had no room to play his prepared words.

After all, it's better to have less trouble than more. It's best if Illyrio can agree. Viserys nodded with satisfaction and said very seriously, "I will remember what you have done for me, Governor Illyrio." These words really came from the heart.

But Illyrio obviously didn't take it seriously: "This is what I should do."

"Regarding the previous political situation in Westeros, Governor Illyrio," Viserys saw that the facts were set, and then he began to make up for the topic that he had given a bad answer before, and promised, "I will give you a convincing answer."

Illyrio seemed to be unconcerned about his previous attitude, and replied with a kind smile: "I look forward to it very much."


[What is going on? 】

When the topic at the dinner table ended, and her brother and the fat governor seemed to have got what they needed, Daenerys felt very confused. She was walking back to the room at this moment. Viserys walked in front of her, holding two gift boxes sent by the fat governor. His steps seemed brisk, and there was no cloud on his face, but he didn't say a word. Dany felt that he was definitely not showing this in his heart. Dany felt a faint sense of uneasiness, but Viserys didn't speak, and she didn't dare to ask.

They walked in silence until they entered Daenerys' room. Viserys closed the door as usual and sat on the tea table by the window to watch the sea view.

Under Dany's gaze, Viserys poured himself a glass of lemonade and drank it, then opened the gift boxes in his hands. He smiled at Dany with satisfaction on his face: "One box is for you, it's so beautiful, come and take a look, I'll change it for you to see if it's suitable."

Dany sat down on the chair next to his seat and looked at the exquisite gift box opened by her brother: "Is this for me?"

"Of course." Viserys' fingers stroked the dragon bone ornaments in the box one by one, as if he was carefully selecting them. He finally chose a hairpin in the second box, "Put it on and see."

Dany reached out to take it. The hairpin was black, small and exquisite, with a hint of warmth as if it had been exposed to the sun.

Viserys smiled and looked at her expectantly, as if he was expecting her to change the hairpin.

Dany didn't speak. Magister Illyrio was a merchant, dealing in spices, gems, and dragon bones. He had connections in all the Free Cities, as far east as Vaes Dothrak and the legendary lands along the Jade Sea. He was well-informed and wealthy. Arnie, the maid, would sometimes talk about this when they were alone. He also had slaves, the flower growers with copper collars in the courtyard, the dog keepers, the servants who boiled water in the kitchens. There was a slave trade ban in Pentos, but it did not apply to the homes of the powerful. Dany could hardly imagine such a powerful man being so humble in front of them. In fact, she could sense that Viserys himself was wary of the merchant governor, but she could not understand Viserys's behavior.

Dany was filled with doubts. But she still moved her hands silently. She stretched out her hands to comb her hair, and then fixed it with keel hairpins. After she finished doing this, she asked, "How was it?"

Viserys looked up and down with a judgmental look, looking at her hair for a moment, and then staring at her face, as if he wanted to read something on her face.

Dany waited in silence for ten breaths before Viserys finally said, "Not bad."

For some reason, Dany felt that Viserys seemed to have other expectations for her. These days, she gradually became bolder when talking to her brother, so she asked: "What's wrong?"

"Hmm." As if thinking of something, Viserys picked up the dragon bone brooch in the box and pinned it to her clothes himself. He also smoothed the hair on her forehead as if nothing had happened and helped her straighten her hair. Clip, "It's more stylish this way."

Viserys did this lightly, then sat back and continued to stare at her, leaving Dany confused and sitting upright. After a while, Viserys said to her, "Here, pin my hair back up too."

Dany stood up as Viserys ordered her to.

As Dany fixed Viserys's hair, she saw a small smile on his face and a determined look forward.

During her time with her brother, Dany easily knew that the expression was fake, which meant that if she asked questions next, she would get a perfunctory response. So she stayed silent, finished everything, and then sat back silently.

"Okay?" Viserys asked.

"Yeah." Dany replied quietly.

Viserys paused, stood up and said, "Let's go for a walk."

In Dany's room, they decorated their bodies with the dragon bone objects given by Illyrio one by one, and then began today's post-dinner walk.

This was another change that happened to Viserys that Dany couldn't understand. Illyrio's courtyard was not small, but it wasn't that big either. She only followed it a few times before she memorized the entire path. Now You can find the right path in the courtyard with your eyes closed. But Viserys never tired of it, walking the same route forward and backward every day without any sign of boredom.

There are endless stories to tell.

But today seems a little different.

They walked in silence for a while, and Viserys showed no sign of beginning to tell a story. They walked along the corridor into the garden, through the flowerbeds, through the evergreen woods, and all the way to the pavilion by the sea.

This is a corner near the sea, and you can hear the sound of the waves crashing against the cliff below.

Only then did Viserys begin to speak. He stood by the pavilion and looked back at Dany. His face was serious and his voice was small and soft, like the sound of the wind: "Dany, if you feel anything unusual or dream about something, , remember it and tell me quietly when you get the chance.”

Dany thought for a moment that she had heard wrong. She looked up, and Viserys was looking at her. His face was still serious, but his voice became louder, and he said to her with interest: "Do you know what it reminds me of every time I look at the sea here?"

Danny couldn't hide his surprise and asked: "What?"

Viserys patted her shoulder, as if encouraging, as if comforting, he said: "Dragonstone, that is our hometown."

Viserys had changed into a storyteller.

"About four hundred years ago, when the Valyrian Free Fortress ruled the Essos continent, our ancestors developed their power into the Narrow Sea. They annexed an island guarding the throat of Blackwater Bay and built on the island. The castle tower was shaped from the rock by Valyrian magic and resembled a dragon, so the island was named Dragonstone. Before the Doom, the daughter of the then leader of House Targaryen. , 'Dreamwalker' Denise dreamed that Valyria would be destroyed by fire. The family leader believed her dream, so he gave up his family business in the Free Fortress and moved his family to Dragonstone.

It was with Dragonstone as the cornerstone that Aegon and his sisters and wives joined forces to launch a war of conquest and unify the six kingdoms.

You were born there, Dany.

Remember it and don't forget it. "

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