"As you said, Your Majesty, except for the twelve Ironmen longships wandering near the mouth of the Mander River, the Iron Fleet around the Shield Islands has disappeared, leaving only a dozen longships guarding the four islands. Seven of them are mainly concentrated on Oakenshield Island, and the remaining five are on the other three islands." Prime Minister Oberyn reported to Viserys about the situation of the longships going to confirm the return.

This is the advantage of high-altitude reconnaissance. As soon as Viserys returned from Euron's preset battlefield, he went to observe the port conditions of the four islands in the Shield Islands.

The battlefield chosen by Euron is about ninety leagues south of the Shield Islands, one hundred leagues north of the port of Qingting Island, about fifty leagues north of the Whispering Bay in Oldtown, thirty leagues northwest of the coast of Blackcrown City, and thirty leagues southwest of the coast of Bandaron City.

According to the speed of the ship, whether it is the Redwyne Fleet or the Iron Fleet of the Shield Islands, it will take at least two to three days to set off and arrive at the battlefield. The Redwyne Fleet is expected to meet with Hightower, and the Iron Fleet should be planning to repeat the old trick and detour through the Sunset Sea to wait for the next move.

Viserys guessed that Euron's plan should be to attack the Redwyne Fleet with a storm summoned by magic in his predetermined battlefield, and at the same time, he might let the Iron Fleet to double-team the Redwyne Fleet. Of course, it is more likely that the Iron Fleet will detour through the Sunset Sea to attack the Arbor or Oldtown - if Euron is confident enough in his magic.

It is very likely that Euron himself will take another fleet to attack the Redwyne Fleet in the storm, while relying on magic and sea monsters to beat up the Redwyne Fleet attacked by the storm.

Viserys put himself in Euron's shoes. If he were Euron, he would send the Iron Fleet to plunder the Arbor, and he would directly invade Oldtown after defeating Redwyne.

Viserys came back and informed Prime Minister Oberyn and Willas of the news.

Oberyn immediately invited Willas to send the survivors who were now deliberately released back to the Shield Islands in the Mander River to spread terror, to venture out of the river mouth and conduct in-depth reconnaissance on the four islands of the Shield Islands. As expected, although the beacon fire of the lighthouse was lit on the watchtower on the island, allowing the message to be transmitted from one hilltop to another and from one island to another. But in the end, the Ironmen only sent scattered longships out of the island to pursue, and until the end, there were only seven or eight ships out of the pursuit.

The twelve Iron Islands longships that were responsible for acting as decoys wandering at the river mouth, after seeing the temporary recruitment of modified merchant ships and Highgarden longships flying the Targaryen flag at the river mouth, did not dare to pursue deeply, but turned around and ran away.

This means that the Shield Islands are indeed a bait for the Ironmen. Now that the troops are empty, it only means that either the Ironmen are afraid of Targaryen, the Redwyne fleet and Highgarden's response measures and have fled, or the Ironmen have ideas about the Redwyne fleet.

The latter possibility is very high.

Viserys did not tell them that he had discovered the magic ritual. He only said that he flew westward along the Shield Islands for a while and saw the Iron Fleet heading deep into the Sunset Sea, sailing diagonally southwest.

The Iron Fleet had left the Shield Islands not long ago, and there were nearly a hundred ships, which was such a big mass on the sea. Viserys searched ten leagues west of the Shield Islands, and found this huge fleet in just one hour.

Compared to Euron, who was hiding his whereabouts, the Iron Fleet was much easier to find - Viserys was very sure that Euron was not in the Iron Fleet, because when he returned to the Shield Islands and flew over the Iron Fleet, he clearly felt that he had left the area where the power of "Song" was amplified.

"Villas, the Shield Islands are the shield of the South. Now that the Redwyne fleet is heading north at the king's command, it is very likely to be ambushed. The responsibility of retaking the Shield Islands lies on you. There are only two dozen longships in the Shield Islands, while Highgarden has more than 17,000 troops, twelve longships, and a dozen converted merchant ships requisitioned from the river in the past few days. Can the South retake the Shield Islands on its own?"

Viserys looked at Villas.

The Dornishmen participating in the meeting all looked at Villas, and the heads of the southern families and knights also looked at him.

"Your Majesty, the South is responsible for the loss of land, and it is the responsibility of Highgarden to fight against the invasion. I beg Your Majesty to allow us to make up for our mistakes and drive the Ironmen out of the Shield Islands." Willas bowed his head and said, "But now the Redwyne fleet does not know that it is about to step into the trap set by the Ironmen. Your Majesty, should we warn them before the fleet sets out? Or let the fleet return temporarily to defend the Blue Arbor to prevent the Blue Arbor from being attacked like the Shield Islands in the empty space?"

Willas also thought of the possibility that the Ironmen would divert the tiger away from the mountain and directly attack the Blue Arbor and Oldtown to plunder.

Although the Redwyne fleet can be called the strongest in the world. But the Iron Fleet is also very powerful at sea. King Balon's Ocean Giant and some ships in the Iron Island Fleet are specially designed to control the sea rather than plunder. In terms of speed and power, they can match smaller rowing warships, and the sailors and captains are more sophisticated. After all, the Ironmen make a living on the sea all their lives.

"Just deal with the Shield Islands." Viserys did not comment on Willas's advice. "As for the Redwyne Arbor, I have my own ideas. And Hightower, why don't we discuss it today? What do you think of Hightower? They wrote back saying they were following the king's orders, but the fleet has not set off. Do you think Hightower is waiting for the Redwyne fleet, or does he have other ideas?"

Earl Fowler of Dorne continued: "Your Majesty, representatives of the Hightower family have not come to Highgarden to swear allegiance to you. It is understandable that Redwyne of the Arbor is across the Redwyne Strait, but Hightower It's not far from Highgarden. Old Town received your letter requesting to come to Highgarden. Even now, Lord Hightower has not seen anyone come to Highgarden. Letter from the fleet. Previously, Hightower's troops in the Southern Border Army chose to leave and refused to be loyal to His Majesty before he moved into High Court. With all due respect, Your Majesty, I'm afraid that Lord Hightower doesn't have enough respect for you."

Viserys was very satisfied with Earl Fowler's success, but he did not nod. He only looked at the heir of Highgarden: "Willas, what do you think?"

"I heard that Earl Leighton of Old Town is staying in the towering tower and rarely comes out to deal with matters." Vilas said, "I think maybe Earl Hightower has other considerations."

"Oh, really?" Oberon asked, "What considerations?"

"That," Villas responded blankly, "I don't know that."

Garlan Tyrell was behind Willas. Seeing Willas answer the question, he impulsively wanted to step forward and say something. Their mother, Ellery Hightower, was the second daughter of Lord Leyton Hightower of Oldtown.

After all, the Tyrell family is now considered related to Hightower by marriage. Although the knights of the Hightower family chose to withdraw their troops when they surrendered before, Garland really didn't understand what benefit it would have to add insult to injury to the Hightower family at this time, and he felt that this was not an act of honor.

The king only vaguely revealed a little bit of dissatisfaction with the Hightowers, and the Dornish people responded to the king's words and directly blamed them in secret. Garland could hear that the king wanted to use the topic to do something against the Hightowers. He didn't believe that his brother Willas heard this. Not coming out. But Villas is playing dumb.

Not only that, Vilas also grabbed Garland and shook his head at him.

Garland had a strange look on his face and didn't speak after all.

But His Majesty the King looked at him.

There was no expression on the king's face, and he just asked as usual: "Garland, you seem to have something to say?"

Garlan Tyrell is now the commander of the seventeen thousand men in Highgarden, so it is not out of the blue for Viserys to ask him.

Sir Garland replied: "Your Majesty clearly knows that since the Ironmen on the Shield Islands are suspected soldiers, please let me take quick action to clear them from the islands. In order to rescue the vassals and people on the islands as soon as possible."

Earl Uller of Dorne smiled and said: "Sir Garland, the agenda has reached Hightower. Are you awake? You are still responsible for commanding the battle to recover the Shield Islands. Why don't you go down and take a nap first?"

"Haha." The Dornish princes laughed.

Sir Garland smiled and replied calmly: "I heard His Majesty once said: 'Soldiers are more valuable than speed.' Now that the enemy situation on the Shield Islands is clear, our army is well prepared. If we set off a moment earlier, there will be fewer surprises."

The Mander River flows under Highgarden City, and the garrison is nearby. Garland only needs to enter the camp and recruit troops, and he can immediately go to the Shield Islands. So it was appropriate for him to answer that way.

Viserys looked at Garland, and then at the southern princes who were looking at their noses and hearts, and replied: "You are the commander of the southern army. Do you have a strategy for the enemy? Although the iron fleet on the Shield Islands is not there, you can None of these castles are easy to win.”

"I am familiar with the Shield Islands and know that only the castle and port on Oak Shield Island are easy to defend and difficult to attack. This is why the enemy has deployed the most longships on Oak Shield Island. But now that we have determined that the four islands are no longer The support of the Iron Fleet is a lone force. I only need to leave a force outside Oak Shield Island to monitor the ambush. I will first capture the weakly defended Gray Shield Island, South Shield Island and Green Shield Island. The defenders on Oak Shield Island will either watch. If we lose the remaining three islands and are eventually besieged by me, or if we go out to the city to rescue them and be ambushed by me, it is only a matter of time before we regain the four islands, and I am afraid that something will happen if it is too late.”

"That's right. You already have a countermeasure, so let's set out with the 'Soldiers Are Quick' order."

Sir Garland knelt down solemnly on one knee and lowered his head and said: "Your Majesty, I swear to you that in two days, I will lead the southern army and horses to recapture the Shield Islands. If this fails, please engage in military law." Garland knew that he It was not a good idea to directly interrupt the king's meeting agenda, as it would undermine the king's authority, so he simply used Po Xia Donkey to show that he was a reckless warrior who only cared about war.

"I am impressed by your courage, Ser Garlan." Viserys took over. "Since you have such confidence, I will give you the authority to command the entire army in the South. You can also use the ships at Highgarden Pier. I look forward to it." News of your triumph, Sir Garland."

"I will never let you down, Your Majesty." He stood up.

Viserys nodded to him, his expression remained calm, and then announced: "With Lord Garlan on the Shield Islands to share my worries, I decided to go in person to help the Redwyne fleet attack the Ironborn."

The Dornish man looked strange: "Your Majesty, what about us?"

Vilas also looked up strangely.

Viserys nodded: "I originally planned to wait for the southern princes to swear allegiance in Highgarden, but I didn't expect to encounter the Ironborn causing rebellion here. At this moment, we should protect the country and the people and mediate disputes. Oberon, please lead the way. The Dornish army headed south from the Rose Road towards Oldtown. I suspect that the Ironborn fleet is more than this. It is rumored that there are a thousand longships in the Iron Islands. Even if the rumors are false and the number is reduced by half, the number of ships in the Iron Islands is still as high as five. Hundreds of ships. The iron fleet I have seen now only has more than a hundred ships. I am afraid that the ironmen still have ambushes and have other plans.

I judge that since their goal is not to plunder the Reach along the Mander River, they must be targeting Oldtown or the Arbor. Willas, you are now the acting ruler of the South. Oldtown and the Arbor may be in crisis. You need to take the southern lords who are now in Highgarden with Prime Minister Oberyn, guide the way for the Prime Minister, and coordinate the logistics of the lords and Dorne troops on the way south. Although the Hightower family will swear allegiance in the future, I am the king after all, and Oldtown and the Arbor are my territory. Euron Greyjoy is a false king, and he wants to plunder Oldtown or the Arbor, which I cannot tolerate.

Let the people who stay in Highgarden inform the lords who come later that I will go to Oldtown to protect the territory and the people, and let them change their route to Oldtown to swear allegiance to me. "

Prince Oberyn has understood the king's meaning and immediately responded: "Yes, Your Majesty, I will live up to your trust. "

Villas felt a headache. There are a thousand ships in the Iron Islands? Five hundred ships? How is it possible? If that were the case, the Iron Islands would have been kings long before Robert died. During his voyage with Dr. Marwyn, he had already keenly sensed from Dr. Marwyn's words that there seemed to be a conflict between the Oldtown Citadel and the Targaryens.

And everyone knows that Hightower is behind the Citadel.

But Willas knew that at this time, let alone his mother being the daughter of the Hightower family, even if he himself was the heir of the Hightower family, he had to stand firmly on the side of the Targaryen King. So he also solemnly answered: "Yes, Your Majesty."

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