Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 209 Battle of Greyshield Island

The drums beat the rhythm of the battle, and the Golden Rose rushed forward, its bow splitting the turbulent gray water.

The longship ahead was turning, its oars slapping the sea, and the quarter-checkered sickle and peacock flag of House Harrod of Greygarden fluttering in the wind.

The Golden Rose rammed into her side with such force that half of the crew preparing for boarding fell. The oars snapped and broke.

Garlan Tyrell was the first to jump over the gunwale and land on the deck below, his green cloak fluttering behind him.

The ironmen on the ship usually wore no armor, only leather armor and protective gear, and they saw Garlan Tyrell, who was also wearing only leather, and their faces were less nervous. In order to fight on the sea, nine out of ten roses did not wear armor, and the remaining one only wore stitched scale mail.

The ironmen grasped swords, spears and axes. They were not ironborn, but armored knights from the Green Land. The Ironborn thought that they were not wearing armor now.

And the sea was the home of the Ironborn.

"Kill him!" someone shouted, "He's only one person!"

"Come on!" Garlan roared in response. He was tall, strong, and bearded. Now his face was bloody and looked very wild. "Come and fight!"

The Ironborn surrounded them from all directions.

With a long sword in hand, Garlan was not panicked. He raised an oak shield embroidered with a pair of golden roses in one hand and raised a long sword in the other hand to charge in the opposite direction.

Three Ironborn raised their axes and chopped at them at the same time.

Garlan rushed left and right, cutting off the arm of the first man, slashing through the shoulder of the second man, and the third man chopped the axe on Garlan's shield and stuck it in. He turned his shield against the fool's body and knocked him over, then took advantage of his unstable footing and chopped the man's neck with a sword.

The blade caught a little on the man's neck, and Garlan struggled to pull the sword out of the half-cut neck. A spear stabbed at him sideways, and he simply gave up drawing the sword. He turned around and grabbed the spear, dragged the man directly in front of him, and hit the man's head with the edge of the shield, knocking him unconscious.

With a swing of the spear, Garlan threw the man he had knocked unconscious directly out, knocking down several people, making their attempts to kill Garlan sluggish.

When he stabbed the neck of the fifth man with a broken spear. The soldiers of the Rose family had jumped onto the attacked longship with him. He heard the first sergeant howl, and then glanced at the second one who rushed into the battle group with the protection of scale armor and chopped an enemy in the chest with an axe.

Garlan had time to pull his sword out of the iron man whose neck was previously stuck with the long sword. He continued to charge and killed two more in succession. He was going to kill the eighth, but another sergeant arrived and took the first shot.

"Well done!" Garland shouted at him, then turned around to find the next victim for his sword.

Soon, the port dock of Greyshield Island was completely controlled by the Rose Army.

However, at this time, there was a commotion in the direction of the castle.

The team responsible for monitoring the castle retreated, as if they were forced to the port.

At this time, Garland saw the leader of the enemy. This man was tall, with a gray-white coat stained with blood plasma. Garland saw that his emblem was a black and white quarter shield: a silver sickle on a black background and a peacock on a white background.

There is no doubt that this person is Heras Harlo, the patriarch and knight of the Harlo family of Grey Garden Castle.

It is said that during the invasion of the Shield Islands, this person planted his flag under the Greenton City ruled by the Green Family on Greyshield Island, defeated seven Green Family members, and killed five of them. The monks in the castle believed that this was God's will and persuaded Lord Green to give up the Greenton City. After this battle, Heras took the position of the new lord of Greyshield Island and was said to have been recognized by the false king.

Garlan looked intently at the long sword in his hand.

The sword had a round head of moonstone, and the whole was gray-black with black ripples. Its owner had used it to cut several soldiers of the Rose family, but the sword was not stained with much blood.

That was the Valyrian steel sword, Nightfall.

"You!" The other party had obviously also discovered Garlan in the killing battlefield, and he shouted, "The one holding the Rose Shield, are you Loras, the Knight of Flowers?"

Garlan wiped the blood off his face and shouted, "I am his brother, Garlan Tyrell. What about you, Ironborn?"

"Your God of Death." The other party continued to charge towards the dock with the defenders brought out from the castle, and rushed straight to where Garlan was.

"Haha, let's see who is whose God of Death!"

Garlan jumped up and led the Rose Army, which had just fought for a while at the dock, to meet him.

In fact, Garlan didn't have to do this. He had already stood at the dock, and he only needed to wait for the troops to land. It would be as easy as taking something out of a bag to take down Greyshield Island.

The Rose Army that came to recapture the Shield Islands this time was larger than the defenders of the four islands combined, which was why the other side gave up defending the castle and came out to fight, because they knew that without the ship, they would be doomed.

Rose's decisiveness caught the Ironmen who stayed on the Shield Islands off guard. Less than a day after the reconnaissance, the Tyrell Army swarmed out from the mouth of the Mander River and blocked the Ironmen's retreat on the island without any care. The main force went straight to the farthest Greyshield Island for landing operations, while the rest dispersed to monitor the other four islands.

They carried out the blocking operation as if they were sure that the defenders of the four islands were isolated troops with no reinforcements.

This made it impossible for the Ironmen defenders on the Shield Islands to stay in the castle and pretend to have reinforcements, because the Rose Army obviously did not care about the possibility of Ironmen reinforcements.

They realized that the Rose Army was either crazy or already knew about the Iron Fleet's movements.

No matter which way it is, being trapped in the castle is a dead end for the defenders of Shield Island.

So when Heras, the leader of Gray Shield Island, discovered this, he immediately reacted and came out of the castle to seize the ship and escape. However, when he arrived at the dock, he had obviously missed the opportunity.

With no way out, Heras had no choice but to fight, so he spoke out to provoke Galan to a duel. If Garland, who appears to be the Tyrell commander, is killed, there may be a chance of survival.

But Garland is full of blood and still has honor in his heart. Of course I won't back down.

Speaking of which, if Viserys knew that the Commander was so reckless, he might re-evaluate the Commander's talents. If Garland was a forward, his actions would naturally safeguard his personal honor and be commendable, but he is a commander and with so many people in his hands, it is worthy of consideration for the commander to lead the charge without being sure of victory.

Although Viserys also likes to act on his own strength, that is because Viserys' strength is crushing to his enemies.

But no matter what, most young commanders in this world like to lead the charge and are proud of it.

Back to the present.

As the two sides declared a duel, each of them rushed forward with his own soldiers, and finally collided on the flat ground of the dock.

The Ironborn do not have the habit of wearing armor, and the Rose Army has a very low armor wearing rate in order to fight at sea. So the battle was very bloody, with blood splattering and broken limbs flying everywhere.

The battlefields of Garland and Heras were divided into an area by tacit understanding between the two sides.

This is a duel between noble knights.

Garland's steel sword was of the finest quality forged in the castle, and he danced it with flying colors. But the Wagang sword is unreasonably sharp. As the gold and iron from both sides clashed, gaps were visible to the naked eye in Garland's steel sword.

Realizing that the steel sword was about to break, Garland quickly fell into passive defense.

And Herath also proved that he was able to win seven duels in a row under Glinton. He was by no means an ordinary person, and it was not all due to Valyrian swordsmanship. He was keenly aware that Garland's sword did not dare to attack head-on, and immediately found a gap to slash at Garland's lower body.

Garland dexterously used his sword to call back. Herath's sword turned and pointed directly at Garland's head.

Garland raised the shield with his left hand to resist, and the sawdust flew away. With a sharp cracking sound, the rose shield was cut into two halves in the middle.

Normally, the shield holder would smash half of the shield into the opponent's face with his backhand at this time to create a gap to attack or retreat, because once the shield is broken, the side of the shield holder will be completely exposed.

However, to Heras's surprise, the opponent still held up half of the shield and kept swinging the sword with his right hand, slashing at his thigh.

Garland's sword moved quickly, and Herath realized that he was unable to avoid it. So he decided to trade his injuries for his life, and continued to press the opponent's shield with his sword. He raised the corrugated steel sword high, put the weight of his body on it, and slashed hard, intending to split Garland and his shield in half. .

Clang. Heras did not expect that his corrugated steel sword could not cut off the shield. Instead, after splitting the wood chips, he heard a harsh clashing sound.

Hold hands!

Steel arm!

Wagang holds hands!

Damn, the people in the Green Land are so damn cunning!

Horas never imagined that the strap handles on the inside of the shield were actually made of Valyrian steel.

Now the opponent just relied on the wooden shield and linked arms to resist his killing blow. And hand-to-hand combat often only takes a moment.

Heras was heartbroken.

Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my thigh.

Heras knew that the opponent's sword blade had already struck his thigh.

"Ugh!" Heras exclaimed in pain, blood flowed like a column for a while, and the blood on his face was visibly drained, "You are cheating on me!"

He still wanted to raise his sword, but Garant Tyrell held his arms against the corrugated steel that no longer had a shield, and directly used his feet to use the force to attack Heras, knocking the already powerless Heras to the ground.

"You are dueling with a steel sword. Why do you think I'm cheating on you?" Sir Garland shook off the wood chips left on the broken shield and pointed the long sword full of gaps at him. "Surrender, you have already lost." ”

The Tyrell family does not have corrugated steel swords, but the family is wealthy and there are always channels to buy some corrugated steel fragments. But those fragments, whether they were fused daggers or something else, were obviously insufficient. At Garland's generation, Garland would be fully prepared for every battle. He would sometimes think about how to deal with the enemy having a corrugated steel sword. One day, he had a sudden idea that he was good at swords and shields, so he thought that since corrugated steel was light and hard, and it was not enough to make weapons, he might as well melt it and set it on the inner wall of the shield to make a small shield inside the middle shield. It didn't have to be very useful, as long as Just defend yourself once against the Wagang Sword.

But the Baratheon family's master blacksmith Qohor refuted his idea. In the end, he couldn't bear it, and mixed him with hybrid steel-casting tile steel and ordinary steel together to make him an iron shield. hand. The blacksmith said that if you only want to defend yourself once, making an arm is more effective than making a shield.

"The Ironborn will not surrender, boy!" Herath still wanted to get up, but his left leg could no longer support his body. He looked pale.

Garland looked at him: "If you don't surrender, you will bleed to death."

"No, I will take you to death together!" Heras looked like crazy, leaping up with all his strength, and rushed towards Garland.

Garland was startled by this dying counterattack, and subconsciously raised his sword to stab. As the feeling of the sword piercing his body came, he quickly discovered that the opponent actually didn't have much strength anymore and just wanted to die quickly.

Seeing that Heras' throat was making a sound but could not speak, Garland pushed him away and drew his sword. Instantly, blood spurted out from the wound, which satisfied his wish for a quick death.

Garland picked up the opponent's steel sword, his heart was surging, and he raised his sword high: "Your leader is dead, surrender quickly!"

However, the iron people just shouted in fear, "The dead are not dead", and stood shoulder to shoulder in a circle, preferring death to surrender.

At first, Garland thought that they were at least men, so he rushed up to fulfill the wishes of some of them.

However, when the battle here was over, Garland personally arrived at Greenton City, and he found that all the men and old people in the town had been slaughtered and hanged. Except for a few women who were cruelly abused, the rest of the women and children were missing.

The whole town has become a dead city.

Not only Greenton City, but several villages on the island have suffered the same cruel treatment.

Only then did Garland know why those iron people would rather die than surrender.

He began to worry, would the remaining three islands also suffer the same fate?

Speed ​​is of the essence! Garland warned himself secretly.

He issued an order: "Pass it down, leave some troops to settle the wounded, and the rest of you, follow me on the boat to the remaining islands immediately!"

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