Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 220: Inspection of the Old Town

After a few days, Oldtown has become accustomed to the two young dragons circling in the sky while the king patrols around Oldtown.

As a large city with a population of 400,000 to 500,000, Oldtown is more planned and much cleaner than King's Landing. The scattered canals and cobblestone streets form a picture of a water town with small bridges, flowing water and people, and there are drainage canals and closed sewers in the city. In the eyes of many Westeros people, King's Landing, the political center, is like a huge dung heap. The city is congested and dirty, and the dirtiness of the slums is even more unbearable, and civil unrest breaks out from time to time.

In comparison, Oldtown, a large city with a population only slightly inferior to King's Landing, is clean and refreshing. The various streets and alleys have made Oldtown an exquisite and elegant city. To be honest, this place reminds Viserys of ancient Athens.

In the past two days, Viserys, accompanied by Earl Leighton, visited the city hall and the bank in Oldtown, which stands along the west bank of the Mead River.

To be honest, when he was really there, Viserys found that Oldtown was very different from the big cities he had been in before. Not to mention King's Landing, even Braavos, Pentos, Myr, Lys, and Tyrosh in Essos were not as much like a real city as Oldtown.

Viserys realized that there was such a thing as urban planning in Oldtown. From the beginning of its establishment, it seemed that there was a plan for expansion and repair.

This means that the former city builders and the managers who later expanded the city had a broad enough vision and must have "seen the world" to build a well-organized city in such a medieval world.

The center of the entire city is the towering tower of the Hightower family, which is one of the nine man-made wonders in the world. In this world, before seeing it with his own eyes, even Viserys could hardly imagine how to build a towering building in the Middle Ages.

But after seeing it with his own eyes and entering it, even though he was from another world, Viserys couldn't help but sigh at the grandeur and ingenuity. Although the actual height of the tower is not as exaggerated as the legendary 800 feet, it is certainly not much less than the 700 feet of the Wall. The top of the tower reaches the sky, and the light of the bright lighthouse on the top of the tower can be seen even hundreds of miles away.

But the Wall cannot be seen from the top of the tower as people say. But the fact is that on the towering tower, just like Viserys flying high in the sky, he can clearly perceive the arc of the far horizon and the sea level, and naturally infer that this world is a huge sphere.

The base of the towering tower is an island in the river called the Isle of War. The base is a square fortress made of a rough black stone of unknown origin. Viserys asked curiously, but Earl Leyton could not tell the source of these black stones. He only quoted a hypothesis proposed by Dr. Corleone of the Citadel, believing that the fortress is related to the maze builder of Lorras.

Viserys knew that all buildings related to Blackstone were ancient and shielded from magical snooping. With a huge Blackstone fortress and the ability to build stone towers hundreds of feet high on the fortress, Hightower must undoubtedly have some kind of ancient magical heritage.

You know, before the Industrial Revolution on Earth, it was unimaginable to build a 240-meter-high building.

The most bizarre thing is that there is an "elevator" similar to the Great Wall in the towering tower, that is, a "vertical ladder" made of heavy objects and pulleys that can transport goods and people. The ladder is composed of heavy chains and iron fences.

No wonder people say that the towering tower and the Great Wall are suspected to be the work of "Brandon the Builder".

But in fact, the architecture of the towering tower is actually very scientific and does not seem very magical.

The fortress of the towering tower is divided into five layers that can be seen by the naked eye. There are obvious boundaries between the layers. The largest and widest is the base. The lower you go, the rounder the "body" of the tower is, and the higher you go, the thinner the "body" of the tower is. The whole tower looks like a layered cake. It is easy to tell that the tower was built in different periods and eras, including the "elevator" that is not connected between layers.

When observing the city from the towering tower, it can be clearly seen that the parish and the city of the old town are the "city within the city" that were later replanned. It can be vaguely seen that the two urban areas were expanded from the original old city walls and the urn. The parish is located on a low hill in the city. The former Cathedral of the Seven Gods and the Starry Cathedral, the residence of the Archbishop, are at the top of the hill. There is also the Sailor's Cathedral nearby. The Lord's Cathedral, the Seven Temples and the House of the Virgin Mary stand in the parish.

There is a huge camp in the Starry Cathedral. It used to be the garrison of the Sons of the Armed Warriors of the Order and the Poor Assembly. It is now occupied by the Old Town Garrison, which is responsible for maintaining law and order.

The Citadel is located on the west bank of the Mead River, completely occupying the southwest corner of Oldtown. As a typical city within a city, the tall stone walls and towers make the Citadel independent of the city. There are only seven gates including the main gate for entry and exit. If you ignore the university attributes of the Citadel, it is a typical medieval giant military fortress. When a war breaks out, the Citadel closes its gates and becomes a military base that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

There are many towers in the Citadel, and the tower domes are all connected by stone arch bridges, and the residential halls are built on the bridges.

No wonder when Aegon arrived in Oldtown, people thought that Aegon would set up the capital in Oldtown.

This is the most serious and classical city that Viserys has seen since he traveled through time. The fact that the city is not dirty or messy alone makes it better than all the cities Viserys has stayed in in the Ice and Fire World.

Viserys believed that King's Landing, the largest city in Westeros, was definitely not like Oldtown.

Even if it was a memory before the age of eight, Viserys seemed to remember that he could smell the stench of the city even in the Red Keep.

King's Landing is a typical city that was built with rapid expansion and no planning.

When Viserys thought about living in King's Landing in the future, he felt that his future was worrying.

In this era, the quality of citizens could not be basically counted, and King's Landing, as a large city, was extremely easy to control by sea and land. And every time there was a war, King's Landing's supply line would basically be cut off, and King's Landing would cause riots.

Such citizen riots occurred from the time of Maegor to the reign of the great emperor Joffrey I.

However, after visiting Oldtown these few days, Viserys had more confidence in medieval city planning.

At the same time, he was also more wary of the Hightower family.

This family obviously knew very clearly what they wanted to build the city into from the beginning, and the ancient bloodline of such a family can be traced back to the ancestors. In the Dawn Age, they were kings and ruled Oldtown and its surrounding areas. Even after that, even if they "submitted" to new kings one after another, they always stayed here.

This family even existed in the period of Garth "Green Hand", the ancestor traced by some families in the Reach, and it may be even older.

This means that the Hightower family has ruled Oldtown for at least 8,000 years. Even in Westeros, where families can easily continue to be passed down for thousands of years, the Hightower family is the oldest one.

And this means that dealing with the Hightower family may also lead to something similar to the Stark family's "The North will never forget".

Of course, the reference answer Aegon the Conqueror actually gave a version, that is, Aegon dealt with the Hall family of Harrenhal. Aegon's answer was to wipe out the entire family and cut off their descendants.

It must be said that Aegon's reference answer is undoubtedly the most efficient. But Viserys also knows that once some switches are turned on, they will be difficult to deal with.

Speaking of which, the people of Oldtown originally thought that Viserys would hold court and preside over trials in Oldtown, just like the kings who had visited Oldtown before, to show the majesty of a true king.

But the fact is that Viserys has been inspecting and visiting these days. It seems that he really came to Oldtown to assist in defense and cooperate with the Citadel for experiments.

These days, accompanied by Earl Leighton, Viserys first inspected the layout of maritime defense, and then inspected the defense of the camps and city walls of various garrisons in the city. And to Earl Leighton's surprise, King Viserys did not even ask to take over the defense of Oldtown, but only arranged the so-called "assistant troops" in a camp near the Citadel. What he didn't expect was that after this troop entered, they had strict military discipline, did not disturb the people, and did not cause trouble, as if they were a friendly reserve to help Oldtown defend against unexpected events.

Accompanied by Earl Leyton, King Viserys pretended to watch the city defense preparations, and then began to visit the famous Starry Sepulchre in Oldtown. In the Great Sepulchre, he discussed the doctrine of the Seven Gods with the bishop of the Sepulchre, and listened to a scripture reading in the Sepulchre presided over by the bishop. Finally, he fasted and bathed in the Sepulchre and stayed overnight, which made the monks and bishops of the Starry Sepulchre feel more favorable towards the king.

After the era of Maegor, the Hightower family and the Starry Sepulchre were no longer so closely related, and the bishops of the Sepulchre gradually no longer had so many people from the Hightower family. After the construction of the Great Sepulchre of Baelor, the Starry Sepulchre completely lost its status as the center of the Seven Gods Sect, and its appeal and status in the church were much worse than before. The current situation is that Viserys does not need the Starry Sepulchre to add glory to himself, but the Starry Sepulchre needs Viserys to add glory to the Sepulchre.

And these news will undoubtedly spread to the people, and it will also make the citizens of Oldtown more and more recognized of the king.

Nowadays, whenever Viserys goes to a place, when citizens find the king's carriage, they can't avoid crowds and flowers.

Viserys has been frantically showing his presence in Oldtown these days. At the same time, his various political propositions, chicken soup stories, and political policies that have been reached are also spreading wildly in Oldtown. King Viserys is undoubtedly the top star in Oldtown these days. And Viserys's presence will undoubtedly make the citizens feel that the king is around, and it is hard to say that this is not out of some political purpose.

But Viserys also knows that there must be a limit to his presence and favorability. When the citizens begin to get used to it, he should do something else to make others feel friendly to him as a king.

In a short period of time, Viserys conveyed his image as a good king in Oldtown, friendly with the church, with the people, and friendly with local rulers.

This kind of political show is very necessary in Viserys's view. In a sense, it can be called creating the image of a victim.

And as Viserys has almost done the show, it is time to start making trouble.

It just so happened that the iceberg sea monster in the port had been dragged to an open area near the water in the old town in the past few days. With the cooperation of the scholars of the Citadel and the King's Guard, a huge and clean academic venue had been built.

The king's magic advisor and the doctors of the Citadel would work together there to dissect the sea monster that had aroused the curiosity of the whole city.

This conference was originally just an academic exchange, but it undoubtedly attracted the attention of the whole city.

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