Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 221: Experimental Meeting in the Academic City

More than a hundred tents have been set up on the banks of the Mead River, and thousands of civilians are watching around.

Different from the grandeur of the tournament, there are no shining armors and horses in the tournament, nor are there bright flags fluttering in the wind.

There were only a few huge waterproof curtains and huge corpses covered with cold air under the curtains.

Oldtown is located in the south, and even though it was late autumn and the temperature was still high, the iceberg that Viserys had frozen the sea monster in still persisted for nearly a week before it melted to the end.

The doctors of the city judged that it was not an ordinary ice cube, but a magical creation. Realizing this made them deeply uneasy, because it confirmed that King Viserys's three dragons had the breath of ice in addition to fire. .

It is said that the three heads of the king's three dragons represent three different magics, fire, frost and thunder.

It is said that many crew members and sailors of the Redwyne fleet regard the three dragons as gods. They firmly believe: "His Majesty Viserys's dragon is no ordinary and has divine power!"

Even the most devout believers of the Seven Gods had different views on the three-headed dragons and the king after talking about the various things they encountered on the sea. Another secret spread among them: "Your Majesty's The three giant dragons are the mounts of the Warrior, and His Majesty the King is the Warrior himself."

Of course, this kind of statement is the drunken nonsense of some crew members in the Redwin fleet. They did not openly publicize this kind of rhetoric, but there is no doubt that the previous battle against the sea monster and the false king Euron was extraordinary and gave these mortals a psychological impact. It caused a great shock.

The magic of the three-headed dragon has undoubtedly exceeded the knowledge and cognitive system of the school. Even the part of knowledge that cannot be known by others cannot find a reasonable explanation for the existence of the three-headed dragon. In fact, members of the secret gathering within the city are already overwhelmed by this.

Some advocated contacting King Viserys. Just like how Brother Bath contacted King Jaehaerys, gained his trust, and took the opportunity to study the three-headed dragon, obtain a reasonable explanation, and find a way to deal with the three-headed dragon. Whether it is witchcraft or magic, they firmly believe that they have just never seen it, and as long as they study it, they will eventually have a reasonable explanation and countermeasure.

Others advocate doing nothing. They advocated that just like the Citadel's attitude toward Aegon the Conqueror three hundred years ago, they should first put aside the Citadel's plan to "transform the world and restore the world" and serve the Targaryen dynasty wholeheartedly before gaining trust. , wait for the next generation and the next generation after Viserys's death to start restarting the plan. Facing dragons, especially dragons they have never understood before - they judged that Viserys's three dragons are not any of the dragons in the city's records - the city cannot rush, and must be like its predecessors Like us, we will deal with it after all the theoretical foundations for dealing with the dragon are complete.

Some people advocate looking for opportunities to try to slay the dragon, and use the theories that have been completed to deal with the Valyrian dragon to try to deal with the dragon. But this radical voice was silenced.

In the end, these academics decided to do nothing and leave the problems that could not be solved at this time to the smart people in the future.

In fact, during the Dance of the Blood Dragons, it was the extremists in the school city and the Seven Gods Sect who actually implemented the dragon-slaying plan, and they now have no such people who can charge into the battle.

The leader of the dragon-slaying riot in King's Landing during the Dance of the Blood Dragons, "Shepherd", was a believer of the Seven Gods and a member of the Poor People's Assembly, an illegal organization banned by the Seven Gods sect. The Poor People's Assembly is also known as the Order of the Stars. These fanatical warriors of the sect will carve the seven-pointed star on their chests and are the most ardent believers and fanatics of the sect of the Seven Gods.

Nominally, the two religious orders, the Warrior's Sons and the Poor's Gathering, have peacefully disbanded during the reign of "King Jaehaerys", but in fact, some branches of the Poor's Gathering still survive for decades, conquering hundreds of The "Shepherd" who led the Dragon's Den Riot for thirty years was a member of this organization.

At the beginning of the Targaryen dynasty, the church and the royal court were not as harmonious as they would later be. The reason why the Seven Gods Religion is what it is now is due to the massacre of Maegor I, the gentleness of Jaehaerys I, and the piety and madness of Saint Baelor. After several generations of rule and more than a hundred years, the Seven Gods Religion finally transformed from a powerful one. Force can drive the Children of the Forest and the Faith of the Old Gods from Westeros to the north and beyond the Great Wall, a powerful sect that can be completely transformed into a peaceful church that is peaceful, friendly, and encourages people to do good.

The Citadel and the Church are two groups with Hightower's shadow behind them, but after the Dance of the Blood Dragons, whether these two groups still have the ability to charge into battle is worth a question.

More than a hundred years after the dragon's extinction, is there still room for extremists to survive in the church and the city?

According to historical experience, extremists will emerge in any era, but before something happens, extremists will be suppressed even internally.

What Viserys is doing now is to eliminate the possibility of extremists in the city coming to power before launching an attack.

You must know that the academic city and the Seven Gods Sect have a long history, and they have produced practitioners, fanatical believers, wizards, dragon-slaying warriors, and demon hunters.

Even though it seems now that the Holy See of the Seven Gods is a sect that worships wooden gods, and the Academy is a bunch of wishful thinking old scholars, they can certainly not be taken lightly as they have been passed down in such a world for thousands of years.

Back to the present, although Viserys led the sea monster's anatomy conference, in the beginning, Viserys only watched as a bystander like other nobles and common people.

Viserys sat in the most honorable and powerful position when the tournament was held in the past.

As Viserys's magic advisor Wen Aima and several medical doctors sent by the Citadel walked to the middle of the tournament venue, they solemnly declared: "Thank you, His Majesty Viserys, for your support of the Citadel's academics, which gave us the opportunity to study this unprecedented specimen. We also welcome the attention of all the adults and citizens to this anatomical conference."

After the doctors of the Citadel said a lot of polite words.

Wen Aima finally took the lead: "His Majesty the King values ​​your ability, not your words."

Then, with the help of several knights, the waterproof cloth covering the sea monster was torn off.

And finally, people saw the full appearance of this huge sea monster, and this was the first time they saw it completely emerging from the iceberg.

"Oh my God!"

The sea monster did not have a strong fishy smell. But its huge corpse shocked many people who were watching nearby.

A doctor was in charge of announcing the results they had measured: "The sea monster is shaped like a squid, 150 feet long (about 50 meters), 90 feet wide at the widest part of the body, and has ten tentacles, eight of which are longer and two are shorter."

But not many people actually listened to the doctor.

The crowd started to make noises: "Look at the wound!"

"That must be the wound caused by the king's dragon!"

"Such a big scratch, how big must the king's dragon be!"

"It's a pity that your majesty didn't bring his dragon with him, so we didn't get to see it."

The most shocking thing about the sea monster is the several huge wounds on its body.

The most conspicuous one is of course the wound on the back, which is where Viserys took out the magic transplant of half of the Naga skull from the back of the sea monster - that thing is obviously not scientific, Viserys took it out and didn't put it back. In fact, without that bone, the sea monster is more in line with people's cognition. It makes it look more like a giant squid that has never been discovered.

"From the blood stains left on it, the blood of the sea monster is red. Hmm, strange. Normally, the blood of the squid should be blue."

"Then, let's start the dissection. If any audience members feel uncomfortable, please leave the venue."

As the doctors finished recording the externally measurable data, several doctors began to take out tools for dissection with the help of apprentices.

But they obviously didn't expect that the muscles of the sea monster were much tighter than they thought. They didn't cut the abdomen like they did for the normal dissection of the squid, and there was no effect.

This was obviously different from what they expected.

And Viserys just laughed secretly. But this was exactly the effect he wanted. Viserys had tried it himself to see how hard the muscles of the sea monster were. With such a large body, it would take a lot of effort to cut it with ordinary knives.

Seeing that the doctors of the Citadel had been gesturing at the abdomen of the sea monster for a long time without any effect, the crowd who had been waiting for a long time became agitated.

Several people who were born as fishermen started to make a noise: "Master Doctor of the Citadel, do you want us to help? We deal with these squids every day, and we know best where to cut."


Seeing this, Wen Aima took out the knife he had prepared: "Let me do it, a group of inflexible guys."

Watching, the king's magic advisor took out a saw and an axe and began to cut the sea monster's abdominal muscles like sawing wood.

The doctor of the Citadel stood there awkwardly, which seemed a bit funny.

Wen Aima was not polite: "What are you standing there for? Help me record! The muscles of the sea monster are as hard as firewood, smell fishy, ​​and have blood vessels."

Watching the dissection of the sea monster is something that has never been seen before in Oldtown. So even though many people can't understand it at all, and don't understand what the doctor and the king's magic advisor are muttering during the dissection, they still insist on watching until the break.

After half a day of hard work, Viserys's advisor Wen Aima and the doctors took out the huge sea octopus from the sea monster's abdomen.

And with this as the boundary, the first round of dissection ends here. Both Winema and the doctors of the Citadel were exhausted.

It was funny to say that when the huge cuttlebone from the sea monster was completely removed by Winema and the doctors, several apprentices who assisted in the Citadel carried the huge cuttlebone from the sea monster to King Viserys and showed it to the king and the dignitaries who were watching.

Then they carried the huge bone around the field and showed it to everyone. I don’t know what these people were excited about. There was a huge cheer in the crowd, as if they had witnessed some history.

Finally, the apprentices sealed the huge cuttlebone, indicating that the first round of dissection was over.

This was just the beginning of the first day. Dissecting such a huge specimen is not a job that can be completed in one day or a few hours. In the introduction, this dissection will last for three days, and all academic records must be completed before the sea monster body thaws and rots.

Of course, there were many people who vomited due to stimulation and fishy smell during the watching process, but these people still insisted on watching the whole process.

But in fact, during the first round of dissection, what impressed the onlookers most was not the sawing of the sea monster's body or the removal of the sea cucumber from its belly. Instead, it was at the end, when the doctors of the Citadel brought carts of ice to refrozen the sea monster's body, and King Viserys's magic advisor, Win-Amar, demonstrated his magic in front of everyone.

Everyone was impressed. At that time, only ice trucks with the city logo drove into the competition venue one after another, while the cooperating Wen Ema and the King's men brought buckets of clean water.

And everyone was watching in amazement.

Magic consultant Wen Ema took out a magic powder from the last car and poured it into buckets one after another. Finally, as Wen Ema read out a strange and soul-stirring word, the buckets of water soon emitted cold air little by little, and condensed into ice under the surprised and horrified gaze of everyone.

At this point, everyone realized that the King's "magic" consultant was indeed a wizard who could do magic!

This circus-like dissection ceremony ended with "magic" at the last moment. Unexpectedly, the crowd was silent in shock, and then burst into cheers of witnessing history.

This kind of thing was not discussed with the Citadel, so when it happened, the doctors of the Citadel looked at Wen'ema in surprise, and then looked at the king on the stage in surprise, looking at each other in bewilderment amid the cheers of the crowd.

The crowd who didn't know the truth didn't care what the doctors of the Citadel thought, and as they spread the word, the "magic" performed by Wen'ema at the end would sweep through Old Town like a storm.

After returning home that day, everyone would say the same thing after dinner: magic is real!

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