Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 223 Soldiers enter the library

"Something happened, something happened! Steward Theobald!"

It was midnight, Theobald was awakened by the noise outside the door, and got up to check.

"What's wrong?" Outside the door was Dr. Rickard of Military Science. Theobald looked at his panic and asked hurriedly.

"Steward, King Viserys's army has entered the Citadel and has now controlled all the entrances and exits of the Citadel!"

"What!" Theobald woke up in shock, "What's going on? Isn't His Majesty visiting the Great Library? What's wrong with his army? Mutiny?"

Rickard explained in a panic: "No, Steward, it was King Viserys's guards who opened the gates of the Citadel in the dark and let the troops stationed nearby into the Citadel! They were premeditated. After controlling all the entrances and exits, the king's army occupied the Great Library!"

As the experiments carried out by the Citadel and His Majesty King Viserys were in full swing, half of the 22 doctors in the Citadel were led out of the Citadel by Viserys's cooperative projects.

Except for the former Master of the Citadel, Wargrave, who was ill and demented, and the historian Gallardo. There were only 9 doctors left in the Citadel, including the current Master Dr. Theobold. Almost all the great doctors, astronomers, mathematicians, and even two historians were outside the Citadel. There were also a large number of assistant maesters and apprentices, accompanied by the army under Viserys, who were either looking for experimental sites or conducting certain specific research.

And they all had reasonable reasons to temporarily leave the Citadel.

It was at this time that Viserys was formally invited to visit the Citadel.

The current Master Theobold was responsible for the reception, and Viserys specially visited all the remaining professors of Ravenology, Economics, History, and Military Science, and finally entered the Citadel's Great Library, the Great Bookstore, under the reception of Theobold.

The Citadel's Great Library is a huge tower, and the entire library is huge like a maze composed of a sea of ​​books.

Viserys seemed to be dazzled in the Citadel's Great Bookstore, showing great interest, and finally asked to read books in the Great Bookstore for a night. As the Citadel and His Majesty the King were in the cooperation period, Dr. Theobald certainly did not refuse.

In fact, Viserys did show great interest in the Citadel's astronomical works, so the Citadel specially arranged a large library room with stargazing instruments for him to rest.

No matter who it was, no one would have thought that the king would suddenly attack after entering the Citadel.

In fact, after Viserys had contact with all the suspected members of the secret gathering, he confirmed that the fact seemed to be just as Dr. Marwin said, that there was no second magician or sorcerer in the Citadel except Marwin.

And under the condition of ensuring that the cardinal pavilion in the large library would not "catch fire", Viserys no longer planned to continue playing house with the doctors of the Citadel.

Theobald's legs went weak: "What? Didn't His Majesty Viserys come to the Citadel for a friendly visit? He was clearly here for a visit, and the Citadel let him stay at the Great Library Pavilion. How could he - wait, the Great Library! How is the Cardinal Pavilion? Who is on duty at the Cardinal Pavilion tonight?"

"It's Doctor of Mathematics Mans and Doctor of History Moras, butler, has someone informed on me? I think His Majesty Viserys's army has taken control of the Cardinal Pavilion."

"Impossible, Mans and Moras are extremely loyal to the organization!" Theobald tried to calm down, "Everyone is very concerned about the Gate of Truth. We both know the consequences of breaking an oath we have sworn."

"Maybe it's for something else, but in any case, Steward, King Viserys is here with ill intentions, what should we do?"

Theobald was confused: "Is there enough time to send a letter to Lord Hightower?"

"It's too late. When I came to the island to find you, the army had already controlled the Isle of Crows and the Weeping Wharf, and they will come to Perrymore Castle soon." Perrymore Castle is located in the southwest of the Citadel, facing the sea. It is the residence of the Citadel management and the Doctor of Astronomy. It has a wide view and can see the stars on the sea very well.

There are no troops stationed in the Citadel, so when Viserys' army entered, the Citadel had no power to fight back.

The only thing they can count on is the Hightower family, an important sponsor and protector of the Citadel and the scholars.

But in the face of this situation, whether the Hightower family can provide protection is already worth a question mark.

Theobald had never experienced such a thing before. He was in a state of confusion and at a loss. He could only hope that the doctor of military science in the academy could provide advice: "Dr. Rickard, what do you suggest?"

"Butler, when Queen Rhaenyra fled King's Landing, she disguised herself as a beggar. I suggest that we disguise ourselves as the castle's chefs, quickly board the kitchen's ship that transports food supplies, and leave the academy by boat from the Mead River to seek the protection of the Hightower family."

Theobald was also desperate: "Okay, let's do as you say. Quick! Quick!"

When Theobald and Rickard went down to the yard, the whole yard was full of people. Assistant maesters, chefs, and servants were crowded there, looking out in panic. When they saw the doctors appear, they all asked palely: "Butler, what happened? There are so many people outside!"

Theobald looked at Rickard helplessly, but found that Dr. Rickard, who was very eloquent in theory, did not seem to expect so many people in the yard, and had no idea what to do.

The two doctors were too embarrassed to flee, so they just stayed in the yard trying to appease everyone until the soldiers outside came into the castle and controlled the entrances and exits.

The leading knight was a Dornish man. He spoke with a strong Dornish accent and held a portrait: "Are you Steward Theobald? His Majesty the King invites you to the great library. And this one," he took out another one. Portrait, "Dr. Rickard, please go to the big library, right?"

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, his scholarly temperament came back. Theobald frowned and asked: "What is His Majesty the King going to do to the Citadel?!"

But scholars have never had any advantage when encountering soldiers. The Dornish knight replied: "I don't know that. Sir Steward, Doctor, please?"

As he spoke, several soldiers holding swords and torches stepped forward to capture Theobald and Rickard and escort them away.

They try to break away: "Let go, I can walk on my own!"

However, the sergeants had no respect for the city's doctors.

"You guys, all go back to your rooms. You are not allowed to come out before dawn."

The assistant bachelors looked panicked: "We."

"Do not talk nonsense!"

When Theobald and Rickard were taken to the big library, Theobald saw many nobles, almost all the nobles in Dorne and the Reach, sitting quietly in the library and waiting.

One by one, Theobald watched as he was brought into the large round hall where professors used to give lectures to apprentices. Theobald saw almost all the doctors, including the great doctors, astronomers, and mathematicians who had been taken away from the city by the king's cooperative experiments earlier. They were They were placed in the first row of the large rotunda classroom, sitting there one by one.

They sat on the desks in the large round hall classroom, as if they were students waiting for the professor to teach.

The oil lamps at the top of the large round hall classroom were all lit, and the lights were bright.

Theobald saw that the faces of the doctors under the torch were all ashen, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart.

The king stood on the podium of the large rotunda classroom with an angry face, like a stern teacher teaching lessons.

"Ah!" The king sighed and began to speak, "The Citadel disappoints me so much!"

The tone was filled with endless anger.

"I have high expectations for the city. I have always heard that the city is full of wisdom and has no political leanings. I brought many experimental projects this time because I wanted to explore the truth of the world and gain insight into the mysteries of the world with the learned people in the city. Learn the world through practice. However, I did not expect that the city is full of intrigues, and you people are actually plotting to overthrow the Targaryen dynasty and seek an opportunity to kill the dragon of the Targaryen family!"


The doctors in the classroom were fine. Only now did the nobles outside the classroom know why the king made such a big fuss. There was a wave of excitement in their hearts, and they wanted to listen, but they quickly sat farther away from the classroom.

"Theobald, what do you have to say?"

Theobald's face turned pale: "." He was speechless.

The king took out a book and began to say: "This is the book of the school city, "Legendary Creature: Dragon", which records the truth of the 130-year conquest and the attack on the dragon's lair. During the period, the school city borrowed the help of the 'Woodman' Bu, the hands of the Burning Knight, and many rebels killed the dragons Sirikos, Mogul, Terexiu, and Dreamfire. The purpose was to verify some of the dragon-slaying techniques in this book. And this time, the academy used it again. The methods recorded in this book are trying to kill the dragons of our Targaryen family. You, the doctors, are all high-sounding, but they are doing these shady and dirty things in private. Unexpectedly, the academy is actually a harbor of evil. The place!"

Theobald's mouth was speechless and he couldn't speak: "."

But it was the astronomer Verin who stood up and said, "Humph, I see. It turns out that you came to the city for this reason. Let me know better. But you have to know, Viserys, the price you have to pay for killing us." What, you call yourself a virtuous king, and killing the Citadel Doctor will bring your reputation into disrepute! Your reputation will be more evil than that of Maegor I, and your infamy will spread to every corner of Westeros!"

Viserys sneered and said: "You think I dare not make your deeds public, you villains who are just trying to gain fame? Do you think everyone is as shady as you?"

Verin retorted with a sneer: "Hmph, you don't dare. If you disclose our deeds, you are telling the world about the dragon-slaying techniques. When the Targaryen dragons can no longer be feared, why do you rule the Seven Kingdoms? "

"Oh, a villain is a villain. He uses himself to save others, but his heart is dark. Come, call all the princes into the room. I want to judge the crimes of the academy in the presence of all the princes!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, one of the doctors shouted: "Your Majesty, you must not do this!"

Not only Viserys, but all the doctors in the city also looked over.

But the speaker was Perestan, a doctor of history.

Perestan gritted his teeth and said bluntly: "Your Majesty, disclosing this kind of information is the way to bring chaos to the country. Why don't Your Majesty put us under house arrest, secretly imprison and kill us, bury these things forever, and rule the school city from now on?" Build it into your car? You can become the true king of the seven kingdoms, the king of one thing!”

Verin looked over in disbelief: "What are you talking about, Perestan? Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy. I am a doctor of history and a political scientist." Perestan looked back, "Your Majesty, the Seven Kingdoms and Westeros are in crisis now. You are exposing these things to bury the foundation for your rule." The cause of disaster is endless. There are other reasons why the school is hostile to the dragon, but now only you can lead the Seven Kingdoms through the coming disaster."

Verin wanted to rush forward: "What nonsense are you talking about, Perestan?"

"Your Majesty, the Academy has also received requests for help from the Great Wall, and has also received news of the White Walkers. We also know that there are many aliens in the world, and we know that the world is facing a crisis. Your Majesty, I might as well say frankly that today's Academy has long been degenerated and has no ability to rely on it. To express their demands, they can only do some conspiracy under the influence of the seven kingdoms. The doctors in the academy think of themselves as serving the world, but they have already deviated from their original intentions and become evil beings that are hostile to magic, dragons, and witchcraft. . But in fact, the academic city has already broken its own arms and has no ability to fight against the coming crisis of the world, nor to fight against magic, witchcraft, and dragons. I must say, if the academic city still has its own magicians, There are also wizards, prophets, dragon-slaying warriors, and demon hunters. It is impossible for the city to allow you to do what you have done today and kill us all in one night. However, the fact is, All that is left in the school city is the castle in the air and the foundationless pride of the doctors. If any force hits it, this castle in the sky will collapse from the sky and be smashed to pieces. "

Verin shouted: "Traitor! Steward Theobald, expel him!"

Viserys shouted: "Get him!"

The Guards immediately took action and imprisoned Verin who tried to attack Perestan.

"Catch Theobald too."

Theobald was already slumped to the ground, but Verin had just yelled at him, which meant that the steward might have some kind of power.

Viserys looked at the old-fashioned Perestan: "Dr. Perestan, what is your purpose in saying this at this time?"

"Your Majesty, I am a historian and do not understand much academic mathematics. But I know that today's school city itself has no ability to prevent anything, nor can it play a role in the upcoming world crisis. I once swore that for humanity and I have sacrificed everything in the world, including my life. I don’t think what I am doing now is a violation of my oath. The fact that I have said this without being punished by the oath is proof. I might as well say it bluntly. If I judge that the school has the ability to defeat you and defeat the aliens. , can lead mankind and the world out of the crisis and towards the future they say. I will not hesitate to stand with Dr. Verin and do everything possible to disrupt your rule and curse your kingdom at the last moment of my life. The fact is that we resist things we don’t understand without question and blindly believe that we are right. This is a kind of arrogance. Under this arrogance, our prejudice against magic becomes deeper and deeper, and our understanding of it becomes unclear. Less and less, we are turning a blind eye to the crisis in the north and blindly following the instructions of some ancient history.

Verin, you call me a traitor. Let me ask you. The dragons mentioned in the book are completely different from the three Targaryen dragons today. Does this mean that the truth in the book is not the whole truth? But why do we How can you ignore these and still believe everything in the book? And since we believe a prophecy? Why ignore the other prophecies and be hostile to them? "

"Seven Hells, I know that historians are full of conspiracies and don't understand the truth at all! 'World Style' is not a prophecy, but a truth that can be used to calculate the world, you idiot!" Suddenly, Verin Suddenly realizing what he said, he exclaimed, "No--"

But Weilin's voice stopped suddenly, and the next moment, it was visible to the naked eye that his eyes lost their sparkle.

Viserys was momentarily horrified by this unexpected situation. He never imagined that a living person would become demented in front of him.

[World style].

Viserys muttered the unfamiliar word in his mind.

He thought to himself: The Academy should not be underestimated.

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