"Is it really magic? Or is it a deception? What is that powder? Saltpeter?"

In the school city after nightfall, the secret gathering gathered again, and the doctors were uneasy because of the magic that was spreading wildly today.

"Saltpeter can't be that fast. To freeze so much water, it would require at least dozens of kilograms of saltpeter. It must be some kind of alchemy powder that is faster and has a stronger heat-absorbing ability."

"But the powder only started to take effect after the consultant recited the incantation."

"It's witchcraft!"

"He launched a provocation to the school city!"

"Hasn't any of us seen that thing? Are there any books about magic and witchcraft? Are there any records of Asshai's magic and witchcraft?"

".That is the witchcraft and magic that must have reappeared with the dragon! We have to deal with these people and have our own wizards. There have been wizards and magicians in the school in history, right?"

"What are you talking about?! How can the Citadel degenerate into studying witchcraft and magic? Steward, I request that doctors of history be prohibited from participating in such discussions!"

"You! There used to be wizards and practitioners in the academy. Isn't this a fact? The elders of the academy left behind those witchcraft classics to warn those who came after them that they must use magic to deal with magic! The academy can inherit thousands of Years are inseparable from the hard work and dedication of those wizard seniors. Do you want to deny this? "

"This is depravity! The school city is committed to destroying these things, but it has to rely on these things. Isn't it ridiculous!"

"But if we don't rely on magic, how can we deal with them, relying on you? Verin, besides stargazing, what else can you do? Use a stargazer to see those magicians and wizards to death? Do we want to use books to eliminate magic and witchcraft?"

"Can we still cooperate with the Church of the Seven Gods as we did before? We provide knowledge and they charge into battle?"

"The church has been disarmed. Just like the school city, the school city gave up witchcraft and magic for more than a hundred years. There have been no more magicians and wizards for more than a hundred years. When it comes to ours We are the only one left with a doctor of occult science, and Marwin is still not on our side, forcing us to... May he rest in peace."

"It doesn't matter if Marwen is on our side, I dare say his talent is not as good as that Wen Aima from Asshai. Speaking of which, why didn't the dragon's extinction take away Asshai's magic? Is that true? Yes, is it really the dragon that brought the magic? Or is it like what Marwen saw in Asshai, the dragon disappears but the magic never ends, it is the magic that brings the dragon back."

"In any case, dragons and magic are abnormal things. It is precisely because of their existence that the world we live in is so irregular. Only by eradicating them can the world be restored to what it should be."

"By the way, I've wanted to ask for a long time. Can a world without witchcraft, prophecies, and glass candles be achieved? How did the predecessors who founded the school calculate the results? 'Without witchcraft, prophecies, and glass candles, would the world be possible? "Restore the operation of scientific laws," doesn't this sound like a "prophecy" that we want to eliminate? Is this a paradox, fulfilling the prophecy in a way that opposes the prophecy? "

Dr. Theobald interrupted the questioning: "Gallardo! You are questioning the foundation of the city, you are questioning the world!"

The doctors in the city all raised their eyes to the area where the history doctors were located.

Vinegar Weilin spoke again: "Let me just say that the general manager during the Dance of the Blood Dragons lost his mind. The 'real world' should not include historians. They are full of historical conspiracies and do not even look at the world." I don’t understand! Director Theobald, I propose that from now on, we should restore the tradition of 150 years ago and exclude history doctors from the 'real world'. Nowadays, many people in the 'real world' do not understand it at all. Gallardo is just one of the world-style people who can deduce the laws of the world from science and mathematics, but he is not the only one!”

Gallardo stood up from his seat: "Dr. Verin, Director Theobald, the city's academic research advocates 'questioning, solving, and demonstrating'. I don't understand why none of you have questioned that who knows how many thousands of dollars." What if the so-called "world style" calculated by the ancients is false? The bronze and obsidian of the Children of the Forest and the Ancestors were replaced by steel, and the way of recording knowledge in the city also changed from stone tablets to parchment and Wood pulp paper, ancient people thousands of years ago would never have imagined the situation today. Isn’t it ridiculous to regard a formula carved on stone by ancient people thousands of years ago as truth?”

"That's enough, Gallardo, put away the arrogant thinking of a historian like you! If you still want to have a place in the real world!" Theobald interrupted him, "The world is an undoubted truth, it is The predecessors of the city spent several generations working out the correct formula to verify this irregular world. So far, it has never been missed! When we joined the real world, Dr. Wargrave, who was in charge of ushering us in, said this! Passed: It is precisely because the world style is right, that it further proves that this world is not what it should be like normally! Our mission is to remove the unreasonable parts of the world style such as witchcraft, prophecy, magic, etc., and make the world a unified one! It’s normal. When the world can no longer help the city calculate the correct calendar, the world will be free from its current abnormal state!”

"Director Theobald, I have something to say. I think the historians headed by Gallardo are no longer suitable to stay in the 'real world'. I request that they be expelled. They do not understand the world and the concept of the organization. and recognition is very low. Now that magic and witchcraft have reappeared in the world, they are the least determined people in the organization, and they are very likely to leak our existence! "

The participants quickly unanimously agreed: "Second!"

Gallardo panicked: "You can't do this, you can't do this, Theobald. I have worked hard for the organization, and historians also hate magic and witchcraft. I can learn to understand the 'world style', If you teach me why it is the truth, won’t I stop questioning it?”

"Alchemy and mathematics. Gallardo, you are too old and there is no time for you to learn them from scratch."

"Seven hells, what are you going to do to me?"

"I won't do anything to you, but you swore an oath to the 'Gate of Truth', Gallardo." Theobald, who was sitting on the chairman's chair, stood up and raised the black iron scepter in his hand. He looked a little unbearable. , but still announced, "Swearer Gallardo, you have betrayed your oath, and you have questioned the 'real world'. In the name of the 899th manager of the real world, I hereby declare that you no longer Be part of the real world again.”

Even within the organization, many people have never seen what happens to those expelled from the organization. Therefore, the doctors present in the city all turned their attention to Dr. Gallardo.

I saw his face full of fear and panic, and he exclaimed: "No!"

But as Theobald made his announcement, everyone felt an inexplicable palpitation, as if a cold wind was blowing across their skin.

The next second, people saw the fear and panic on Gallardo's face dissipate, his eyes gradually lost their luster, and he looked around at a loss.

He is still alive, but has become delirious, all memories have dissipated, and he has become an idiot who cannot think.

This is the fate of real-world deportees.

Theobald put down his scepter and called by name: "Dr. Perestan, please ask your History Department to take Dr. Gallardo back later and arrange some manpower to take care of him. Let's just say he has suffered a stroke and has Alzheimer's disease."

Perestan stood up in a panic and responded: "Yes, Chief Theobald."

Theobald's face was ashen: "Then, next, I will announce the organization's response strategy to the current situation. The real world organization will imitate the strategy used to deal with Aegon the Conqueror three hundred years ago. From today on, it will enter a silent period and start looking for cooperation. We need to find determined candidates to become the wizards and magicians of the city to face the challenges of the upcoming changing situation. I reiterate that everyone is a partner working together for the same purpose. The existence and secrets of the organization must not be revealed. Times are difficult, and we need to be more determined. For the bright future of the world!”

"For a bright future for the whole world!"

"Gallador, I remember this name. It was one of the names on the list you provided. He suffered a sudden stroke and suffered from Alzheimer's disease? He is very important. What does he study?" Viserys looked at his magical advisor.

The magic advisor replied: "Dr. Gallardo is a historian. He became a doctor because of his research on the history of the Summer Islands. The people of the Summer Islands recorded history on the huge tree of words in Gaoshu Town. Dr. Gallardo stayed in the Summer Islands for several years. For ten years, I translated and compiled the complex hymns of the Midsummer Islanders on the Word Tree, and finally completed a book called "The Sons of Midsummer". This book is the main source of information for the Academy and the Seven Kingdoms to understand the history of the Midsummer Islands."

The Summer Islands are located in the Summer Sea south of Westeros. They are an archipelago far away from the continental shelf, even in the southern hemisphere south of the equator in the world of ice and fire.

Viserys wondered: "Historian, do you think his dementia is abnormal?"

The magic advisor replied: "Your Majesty, I saw him a few days ago. I dare say that he is in good health and does not look like an old man who will suffer from stroke and dementia. As a member of a secret gathering, his sudden dementia is very doubtful." "

"The City may have methods that you and I don't know about. You have to be careful, Mr. Advisor, I think they will deal with you." Viserys said worriedly, "Actually, you don't need to take the initiative to be bait. I will use those experimental plans to Invite the doctors out of the academy one by one, and then find excuses to put them under house arrest. Even if there is a powerful magician or wizard in the darkness of the academy that you don't know about, he will be passive now that you are jumping out to show your magic. , but it puts you in danger. Is it worth it?”

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, you think too highly of those gray sheep. There may have been powerful wizards and warlocks in the darkness of the academy, but I dare say that with the decline of magic over the past hundred years, the academy has lost its There was no place for magicians and warlocks to exist. After the dragons were extinct, magic disappeared for a time, and a wave of eradication of witchcraft and the rejection of magic was set off within the school city. My teacher only had a touch of occultism, and he was marginalized to the point of being unable to gain a foothold. Believe me, Your Majesty, even if there are magicians in the city, they have been persecuted by them and are either wandering in Essos, or their bodies have been buried in unknown corners by the gray sheep."

"To be honest, I still can't understand their hostile attitude towards magic. Magic is an objective fact. Denying the existence of magic and putting an end to the spread of magic is as ridiculous as refuting the earth theory and insisting on the flat earth theory. What benefit does this have to them? ?”

"Your Majesty, maybe we can get an answer to this question soon."

"Mr. Advisor, I want to confirm your attitude again. To be honest, the fact that you are working so hard to advance the plan makes me worried. Your contempt for the school city is so undisguised. Where does your confidence come from? I have always believed that strategy You can despise the enemy physically, but you must respect the enemy tactically.”

"You are the source of my confidence, Your Majesty. With all due respect, Your Majesty, I never question your wisdom, but sometimes you are really too cautious."

"The school city has been passed down for thousands of years. To be honest, Mr. Consultant, I think you are too dismissive of a mysterious organization that has been passed down for thousands of years."

"Your Majesty the King, please let me tell you this. The Night's Watch is also an organization that has been inherited for thousands of years, but now the Night's Watch is in danger under the threat of White Walkers and wildlings. You will think that there are powerful magicians in the Night's Watch. Are you going to turn the tide with the wizard? I hazard a guess that you don't think so, otherwise you wouldn't have sent Lord Stannis over."

"The Citadel is a little different from the Great Wall, right?" Viserys didn't know until a few days ago that around the 274th year of the Conquest, giant skeletons were discovered in the north. The bones were transported to the Citadel. The doctors Studies have been conducted on cadavers. Therefore, although sea monster research has set off a wave of craze, the residents of the Academy and Old Town are actually not overly enthusiastic.

The fact is that the Citadel's understanding of aliens and magic may be more and deeper than Viserys and Marwen imagined. It’s just that a lot of things are not made public.

To put it bluntly, Viserys was worried that there might be old monsters in the Citadel, just like the immortals who existed in Qarth, like the ancestors of the sect in the novels about cultivating immortals, who appeared in the Citadel in times of crisis. Viserys dealt with the Citadel by assuming that there was an ancient being in the Citadel, like Euron, and the mysterious being who was hiding behind the scenes and controlling the fate of the Targaryens when he first traveled through time. Viserys felt that there must be some kind of foundation for the city to be passed down for thousands of years.

But Marwin obviously didn't think so: "Your Majesty, the Academy City and the Great Wall are essentially the same. In peace and tranquility, in the more than a hundred years since magic has declined, they have inevitably declined and decayed. This is not due to human reasons. In fact, I never told you or the doctors in the city. Your Majesty, the same goes for Asshai. The great city that thrived on magic and witchcraft also fell into a desperate decline. . The wizards of Asshai, the immortals of Qarth, the magic inheritance of the academy, and the night watchmen of the Great Wall have all taken different paths in the era of declining magic, but they are all inevitably going to decay. Your Majesty, believe me. Your dragon is the most powerful force in the world today. Even the existences in historical records or legends are far less powerful than your dragon. I don't believe in gods, but the power of your dragon makes me describe it as nothing but divine power. , I can’t find any other explanation. I would venture to guess that it was the crystallization of Valyria’s wisdom. Perhaps it was the power of God that gave birth to your dragon, and Valyria was destroyed.”

"." Although Marwen guessed wrong, Marwen's words still left Viserys speechless for a moment. Thinking about it carefully, with his current strength, it seems that he no longer needs to be so cautious about many things.

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