It was a dream.

Jaime dreamed that he was on a battlefield. He dreamed that he led the Lannister cavalry and fought with thousands of unarmored foreign riders on a blood-stained field.

A terrifying dragon roar resounded throughout the battlefield. He saw a black dragon appear in the sky. Driven by a white-haired rider, the dragon burned fiercely at the Lannister cavalry. The battle turned into a one-sided massacre. The counterattack of the Lannister army was useless, and the prepared scorpion crossbow did not cause any casualties. Soon the Lannister army on the battlefield was wiped out, leaving only him.

And the dragon was still there.

Jaime didn't know where he got the courage. He looked at the dragon, rode on a white horse, and charged at the dragon. The battlefield was filled with smoke and the sun was blazing in the sky. Jaime saw the golden armor on his body reflecting the sunlight and shining. He pulled out a spear from the battlefield of flesh and blood and rushed towards the dragon without hesitation. Honor, family, affection, and love were all thrown behind him. He knew he was going to die, but he still rode forward.

The dragon was also charging back at him. Jaime faced the charge of the dragon and its rider, his white cloak fluttering behind him in the wind. He seemed like a brave and unyielding knight who would not give up until his death. At that moment, he was the White Knight, the captain of the Kingsguard, Jaime Lannister. He seemed to see the shadow of the white bull and the sword of the dawn on his body.

But his charge came to an abrupt halt. A figure suddenly rushed out from the flank, and a person pounced on Jaime who was charging, knocking him into the lake beside him.

The dragon's flames swept across the water, and Jaime was horrified, but he felt very painful.

Who was it and why did they save him?

The next moment, the scene changed, and he saw himself in the throne room.

"Burn them!" The man on the throne screamed madly, "Burn them all!"

He looked up and saw that the figure was Mad King Aerys, but more than that, as he/she looked back, the face turned into Cersei.

The hideous face was sometimes Aerys and sometimes Cersei. Jaime looked at him and felt uneasy and panic.

"I command you, Jaime!" The monster on the throne shouted, the voice of Mad King Aerys and Cersei's voice mixed together, "Burn them!"


He woke up with a start.

There was a rustling sound nearby, and Jaime realized that it was Josmine Pike who responded and fumbled for the sword belt.

"What time is it?" Jaime said calmly, "No need to take a sword."

"Wolf hour," the squire replied.

He stood up: "I'm thirsty, pour me a glass of wine."

The squire left in response.

Two hours before the scheduled departure, Jaime touched the armor on his body. Sleeping with the armor was not a comfortable thing. He did not expect that he could fall asleep like this, and even had a dream.

The strange dream made it difficult for him to fall asleep again. Jaime recalled that the dream was absurd. He thought that he might have the courage to charge the dragon, but he did not believe that the Lannister knights would fight to the death after the dragon appeared as in the dream. Although it was a bit unkind, Jaime believed that if the Lannister riders encountered the dragon, he had no doubt that the battle formation would collapse after just one round of attack.

As for riding a horse to charge the dragon, it was even more absurd. At the Battle of the Whispering Wood, Jaime had seen the wolf of Robb the Young Wolf. The wolf was only as big as a horse, but it scared the rider's mount and made Robb the Young Wolf have the upper hand in the battle. Jaime wanted to know where he could buy a horse that would not be afraid when facing a dragon and still dare to charge forward. When a rider is hunting, he will be frightened if he encounters a wild carnivore. Jaime doesn't believe that there is a horse around him that is not afraid of dragons.

Although this dream is absurd, maybe it is telling something? Jaime tried to recall the figure who threw him off the horse into the lake. The agility of the figure was amazing. Jaime even began to doubt whether the figure in the dream was a person.

As for the second dream, Jaime didn't want to recall it.

He loved Cersei, gave everything for her, and abandoned everything. If the gods were merciful, Jaime would rather die on the battlefield and be burned to death by the dragon's flames than face that situation again.

The night was still long. But Jaime didn't sleep again until the brass trumpet in the camp sounded low.

It was still far from dawn.

The army began to gather, and the cooks had already prepared the breakfast before the battle, including bread, bacon, dried beef, eggs and apples. The pre-war period was always the most generous time in the barracks, and every rider must be well fed and watered.

When Jaime walked out of the tent, the army had already assembled. Two hundred knights were waiting for the order to attack with their horses in front of the tent. Two thousand cavalry, one thousand horse archers, and two thousand spearmen were lined up in the camp.

"Sir Jaime!" A knight wearing gilded mail and a red cloak shouted, "Please give the order!"

Jaime took the horse rope from the squire Josmin, jumped on the horse, and shouted, "Let's go!"

It was still dark, and the morning dew was thick and cold.

With the low sound of the trumpet, a row of people and horses groped out of the camp in the dark dawn.

For this battle, scouts went out last night and checked the surrounding area, just for today's surprise attack.

The Lannister garrison is about two leagues (five or six kilometers) away from the Tyrell army. This distance is neither close nor far. For the two sides in the siege, this distance is just right. It was almost impossible for the two sides to camp and confront each other with only a few hundred steps apart, as in TV dramas. Even if the army is besieging a city, the camp will generally be stationed at least ten miles away from the city. So the situation where the two sides immediately fight as soon as they leave the camp will basically not happen.

If the two sides fail to make an appointment for a battle and there is no battle outside the camps of both sides, then when one side needs to raid, it often needs to travel a distance to reach the enemy area.

And to attack the enemy by surprise, they can only eliminate as many enemy scouts as possible and rush to the enemy camp.

It can be regarded as a great raid to be discovered when the formation is formed two or three miles away from the enemy camp.

In fact, naval battles and land battles can be roughly compared to raids. For example, Euron's previous raid on the Redwyne fleet, which was within two or three miles of the attack distance, was already a very remarkable raid. However, the Redwyne fleet was already on high alert, making the raid ineffective.

And this attack by Lannister was also another kind of raid.

The early morning is often the most tiring time for people, and it is also the most appropriate time to raid the camp.

Previously, Roose Bolton raided Tywin's camp in a similar way, but Roose Bolton was more ruthless. He marched south overnight and approached Tywin within a league before Tywin reacted in time, causing chaos in Tywin's army.

However, Roose Bolton was too anxious, and the rapid march south was exhausted in the night, and encountered Tywin, a tough bone. Tywin responded properly, so that the raid did not achieve a good effect. Instead, it was repelled.

Now Tywin is planning to use this method to deal with the Tyrell army.

After Tywin issued the order yesterday, the whole army slept with weapons on their backs last night, making preparations early, planning to march out in the early morning and arrive at the designated battlefield before dawn. They must achieve the effect of a surprise attack.

In the early morning, the tents by the river were covered with pale mist in the night, which provided cover for the Lannister army. The men and horses stumbled in the mist before dawn, passing through the wilderness that they were becoming more and more familiar with.

When they were only two miles away from the hills of Randyll Tarly's camp, the scouts sent by Ser Adam found Jaime.

Soon, the 4,000 cavalry led by Ser Adam Marbrand met Jaime, and brought him Davon Lannister and 3,000 spearmen and shieldmen.

The deputy commander of the attack on Ser Randyll was handed over to Davon Lannister, who looked like a lion king and had a hairy face. He was Jaime's cousin. It was he who led the Lannister troops outside Riverrun to the south, making the Lannister army slightly larger in number than the Tyrell army.

Jaime took his knights and hid behind a hill as a backup.

Jaime knew that he had been ordered not to attack. Even if the Lannister army achieved results or retreated, he would have to wait until the enemy's pursuit was out of sync before taking action.

This side was a feint attack, and casualties might still be controlled.

But on the other side was the main attack direction where Tywin was in charge. In order to make the bait credible, Jaime knew that Tywin would attack with all his might until the enemy's camp was captured or retreated.

In the mist, a layer of pale white clouds seemed to appear on the horizon in the east, while the sky in the west was still dark, with only a few stars dotted in the sky. Jaime looked up and looked deeply at the sky...

A military horn sounded in the distance in the west, low and sad, chilling.

Jaime rode his horse to the top of the hill. The horn sounded from the camp of Earl Rowan, which meant that the army on the west had been discovered, but the distance was close enough.

The rumbling sound of war drums came from the west.

Torches lit up one by one in the darkness before dawn with the sound of war drums.

They were so dense and countless that they looked like slowly blooming flaming roses.

The sound of the trumpet seemed to sob.

Jaime raised his hand, and the lieutenant beside him lit the torch and raised the flag.

Then, the rumbling sound of war drums followed, and countless torches were lit.

In the light of the fire, the spikes of the spearmen gleamed.

The knights of various tribes rode on armored horses and led the soldiers forward, and the flag bearers raised the family flags and walked side by side with them.

The distance of less than two miles was so far away. Earl Randyll seemed to have been prepared. There was only a moment of panic in the camp, and then they responded quickly. Soon the camp gate opened, and a cavalry came out. The spearmen from other gates who were hiding behind the barriers of shields and spears came out in unison in front of the camp and formed a goose-shaped formation, like a steel hedgehog with thorns, hiding behind a tall oak shield with the emblem of a striding hunter, ready to fight.

The enemy has appeared in front, and the Lannister army, which has emerged from the hills and fields and hidden behind the barriers of shields and spears, is also marching forward in unison.

Gods be damned, the enemy is well prepared. This means that their plan to cut down the outer guards, clear the fences, facilitate the cavalry assault, and let the non-main cavalry jump over the ditch and go deep into the camp to set fire has failed. Jaime sighed in his heart, but he knew what Tywin's back-up was. He only cursed secretly and continued to look seriously at the front where the battle was about to begin.

Since the enemy is ready, the next step is to compete in hand-to-hand combat.

Tywin commanded the soldiers attacking the west camp to attack earlier than this side.

When the trumpet sound gradually faded, the speculative sound of hissing filled the gap.

I saw huge balls of fire like meteorites, falling from the back of the battle formation towards the western camp of the Tyrell army. Hot oil, boulders and burning asphalt barrels were the first round of attacks.

From here, the western sky seemed to be filled with meteorites, which fell to the ground and splashed a group of terrifying red flowers of fire.

Gun smoke and the smell of burning began to spread.

On this side, the two sides had already reached a distance of 100 steps, and a hissing sound was heard.

In front, as the archers sprinkled a rain of arrows, the Lannister army began to run fast, shouting as they ran: "Kill!"

The sound of killing shook the sky.

The crossbows in the Tully camp were like rain, and the arrows shot by the Lannister archers were like hail. Thousands of arrows crossed in the air and fell into the enemy formation in an instant. Many people were shot and fell to the ground, and their shouts turned into wails.

The second round, the third round.

The arrow rain caused limited damage to the army charging with shields. And the vanguard spearmen with thick shields had already made contact.

Rows of long spears stretched out from behind the tall shields, stabbing at the enemy formation with cold light.

The Lannister army formed a wedge formation and charged straight into the enemy formation. Many people were pierced through the chest by the sharp spears under the impact of the spear tip and died on the spot. Just a few heartbeats later, Jaime had already seen a dozen people fall to the ground from a high position.

At this moment when the sharp spear formations of both sides were close to each other, Ilyn Payne led a team of elite heavy armored death squads, and filed out from under the heavy oak shields. They crouched down and launched an attack from under the spear forest formed by the spearmen, waving their swords fearlessly and rushing towards the enemy's shield formation, occasionally slashing off the enemy's spears and the exposed legs of the spearmen.

This death squad equipped with chain mail, plate armor, and sword-wielding charge formed the tip of the Lannister army's wedge formation. The sharp spears extending from behind the enemy formation failed to cause too much damage, and the enemy formation began to press into the enemy formation under the leadership of this tip.

But soon, the cavalry wandering around the periphery of both sides had gone around to the side, found the weak points of both sides' arrays, and began to attack from both sides.

When facing the dense spear array, even the heavy cavalry would not easily risk charging from the front, not to mention that both sides were only using light cavalry at the moment.

Jaime found that Randyll Tarly seemed to have not seen the main force, and did not immediately use his heavy cavalry.

The light cavalry began to charge, and two-thirds of this 1,500 light cavalry were horse archers. The cavalry array launched a charge, and the horse archers fired volleys on horseback, causing casualties and chaos to the flanks of the enemy's army. After approaching the long rows of spears that had been lined up in the enemy's array, many horses stopped sprinting at the last moment and dodged away. Of course, some of them rushed directly, and were pierced through the chest by the spear tip under the impact, and died on the spot. But these dead opened the way for more than 500 main knights with horse gear and armor, who then spared no effort to rush into the enemy's array with barbed spear tips.

This is a cavalry tactic, hiding a group of heavy cavalry in the light cavalry to launch a surprise attack.

The flank of the Tully army obviously did not expect this situation. The crazy horses jumped into the enemy formation in batches. Although they reacted quickly and stabbed from all directions with long spears, the shield wall also collapsed under the pressure of the heavy cavalry, and Randyll Tully's army was in a commotion for a moment.

But soon, Randyll Tully's light cavalry also went around the flank of the Lannister army.

Both sides stabbed each other in the waist, but it was obvious that the Lannister stabbed harder in the first round.

Randyll Tully's cavalry reserve went out first, pressing against the flank torn apart by 500 heavy cavalry, trying to help the flank close the cracks in the shield wall again. But the cavalry rushed in, the crazy horses struggled to death, and rushed left and right. Although the cavalry formation was already at the end of its strength, it still did not allow the enemy to close again.

One after another, the horses fell down. The knights who could still move stood up from the pool of blood, raised their two-handed giant swords, and launched a crazy attack. They fought and drove the enemy in the enemy's formation, and fought hard to create an open space, which was enough for the remaining heavy cavalry who rushed in and whose horses were not seriously injured to prepare for another attack.

But soon, the cavalry reserve sent by Randyll Tarly rushed to the torn flank, and the cavalry prepared and began to charge.

Someone in the Lannister cavalry discovered this situation and began to blow the whistle.

The heavy cavalry that had assembled in the gap torn by the friendly army turned around, suddenly started their horses, and began to charge towards Randyll Tarly's reserve.

The light cavalry that had previously bypassed the spear formation had assembled again not far away. They tried to outflank from the flank again, but found that the enemy had already separated a part of the troops and horses to wait for them. The light cavalry launched a second round of attack, and at this time, a rain of arrows fell on their heads. Many people fell off their horses.

The collision of the heavy cavalry was shocking. But Randyll Tarly had more cavalry. Although the two sides still seemed to be evenly matched in the fierce collision, Jaime knew that he could not defeat the enemy by consuming that group of people.

At this time, the second round of charge of the light cavalry pressed into the enemy formation again, and similarly, the second round of charge of the enemy's light cavalry also rushed into the Lannister army.

Under the impact of the cavalry, the shield hedgehogs of both sides were disintegrating, and the two sides were caught in a meat grinder-like melee.

The sky gradually brightened, and the blood on the ground became redder and more and more corpses.

Jaime could hear the soldiers' shouting and killing from a distance, which was loud and breathtaking.

Observing from a distance, Jaime realized that if all the current cavalry were thrown into Randyll Tarly's side, perhaps the Tarly army could be defeated.

But Jaime knew that just causing the enemy to be defeated in a short period of time outside could not change the entire battle situation.

The enemy's horns were mutually supported, just to facilitate Mace Tyrell's army to provide support at any time in the rear.

Just as Jaime thought, he saw the battle line commanded by Tywin on the west side gaining an advantage. The vanguard led by Gregor Clegane, the Mountain, once approached the enemy camp, cleared the fence, and even at one point, some cavalry had jumped over the ditch and rushed into the enemy camp with swords and torches in hand. But soon, as the enemy's central army reserve with rose flags arrived with the sound of horns, the Lannister cavalry who rushed into the enemy camp and set fire were quickly caught in the jar and had no way to escape. They were soon strangled in the camp by the Tyrell army who came to support.

And even faster, the Tyrell reinforcements that Rowan waited for pushed the fences and walls of the camp, and launched a cavalry charge on the Mountain's salient from the camp.

The troops on the Mountain's side were half-step and half-cavalry. It was visible to the naked eye that the infantry array only lasted less than ten heartbeats before being defeated, and the Mountain only brought less than two hundred cavalry to prepare for the enemy.

And Tywin seemed to have really gone all out. Kevan in the reserve team led the remaining cavalry to counterattack the Tyrell army from the right wing.

The elite cavalry of Lannister were all here with Jaime. Although the Mountain and Kevan fought bloody and desperately, when the sun rose, Tywin's army inevitably showed signs of collapse.

On Davon Lannister's side, although the battle achieved a better result than expected - the number of troops in Randyll Tarly's camp was less than expected, Davon's 6,000 troops relied on the advantage of the number of troops to push Randyll Tarly's troops back to the camp, and it was even possible to attack the camp.

But the line of Tywin's army was inevitably in chaos.

Now the main force of Lannister's cavalry, a total of 6,000 troops, are all here with Jaime. Tywin and Davon's cavalry only have 4,000 at most, and most of them are recruits.

Jaime's forehead was already full of sweat, but he gritted his teeth and endured, still as still as a mountain.

No matter what the current situation is, he must obey Tywin's orders.

The heavy hopes of the Lannisters are on his shoulders!

Finally, the horn of retreat came from Tywin's army in the west.

The army began to be visibly in chaos.

On Jaime's side, Davon, who replaced Jaime in command, also began to blow the horn of retreat.

The battle lines of both sides began to separate. Jaime saw that many Lannister soldiers had no time to retreat and were trapped in the enemy's formation, either killed in battle or surrendered. Davon's reserve team, which had never been sent, finally took action to receive the retreating troops. With the assistance of the reserve team, they began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Compared with this side, the defeat of Tywin's side was a bit terrible.

The defeat was like a landslide.

The army began to flee like crazy.

The remaining cavalry under Tywin's command only responded for a while, and then retreated without caring. There were also two troops of at least two or three thousand people stranded on the front line. They surrendered or were hunted down.

The hunt on the west side began.

The Tyrell cavalry began to pursue, while the infantry began to gather the surrendered soldiers and infantry.

The defeat of the Lannisters on the west side was so shocking that the cavalry and infantry were out of touch. Lord Tywin was like a stray dog, running away with only the cavalry.

And such bait seemed to have really worked. It was seen that the Tyrell cavalry pursuers also became out of touch with the infantry. Even in order to pursue, the Tyrell cavalry formation was in chaos.

Jaime remained motionless.

Although the pursuers on the west side were chasing, on Davon's side, Randyll Tarly's pursuers were only symbolically chasing. They were frightened by Davon's covering troops and began to stabilize and retreat.

Whether it was because of insufficient manpower, caution, or reading Tywin's trap, Randyll Tarly did not leave the camp to pursue as expected.

"Alas!" Jaime sighed inwardly. He realized that even if he killed the western army that Tywin had drawn out, it might not be enough to win the entire battle, because Randyll Tarly would react after his attack and set up defenses in the remaining two camps in time.

But Jaime also knew. The results of the battle were enough for the Lannister army to escape from this unexpected battle and withdraw from the confrontation with the Tyrell army that was no longer relevant to the overall situation.

The rumbling sound of horse hooves was approaching.

Jaime knew that it was time.

Jaime stretched out his right hand made of gold and raised it high: "Pass the order, all troops prepare!"

Ser Adam Marbrand responded and went down, and the flag bearer began to wave the flag.

When Lord Tywin's retreating cavalry passed the low hill where Jaime's ambush was located, and the rumbling sound of horse hooves approached again, Jaime waved his arm.

The sound of Lannister's attacking trumpets rang out in the wilderness, and six thousand cavalry, divided into three groups, emerged from the tops of two hills and poured out all over the mountains and fields.

Toot-toot, toot-toot, toot-toot.

The Lannister trumpet sounded low and long, like the cold wind from the north, chilling.

The loud sound of horse hooves was like a landslide.

"For Lannister!"

Jaime shouted an order, and thousands of voices responded: "For Lannister!"

Jaime kicked the horse's belly and joined the noisy chorus, rushing forward with the vanguard.

Jaime's attack was at the right time. The Tyrell pursuers fell into a trap. The Lannister cavalry rushed forward with all their strength and cut them off. They swooped down from the flank and defeated the Tyrell cavalry like a whirlwind.

And Ser Adam Marbrand, with a thousand cavalrymen, made a big circle and cut off the Tyrell pursuers' retreat. At the same time, he was gathering the defeated Lannister army and commanding them to attack the pursuers.

Tywin was cruel enough to both his enemies and himself.

If the Tyrell army attacked with all its forces, then under this assault by Jaime, it is very likely that the Tyrell army would be completely wiped out.

It is a pity that there is a veteran like Randyll Tarly in the Tyrell army.

What is even more unexpected is that Randyll Tarly actually has 1,500 cavalrymen in his hands ambushing in the camp - it seems that Earl Randyll originally planned to launch a surprise charge after Davon Lannister's army entered the camp.

Now seeing that the armies of Earl Tyrell and Rowan were ambushed when they went out to pursue, Randyll Tarly finally couldn't hold back and sent troops to rescue.

It must be said that when the two sides were evenly matched, the commanders on both sides did their best to make the strategies they could.

As Jaime led the cavalry out in full force and rushed towards the enemy, the red and gold flags of the Lannister family flew on the battlefield in the wild. The pursuit troops of Tyrell and Rowan soon collapsed completely under the impact, like glass hit by a hammer.

Moreover, this was a pincer attack. Sir Adam was able to outflank the rear and was expected to completely crush the pursuers in a field battle.

But Randyll Tarly's surprise attack caused a second accident.

Sir Adam and Lord Randyll led the cavalry to fight in a group. After all, Lord Randyll and Tyrell's army who wanted to survive were more desperate and opened up the retreat route that Sir Adam had cut off with great difficulty.

As the retreat route was opened, because the Lannister army's previous feigned defeat did not inform the lower-level soldiers, these suddenly rescued soldiers went from hell to heaven in a short time. They could not react in time, and their determination to fight was not as good as that of the enemy. They could only watch as Randyll Tarly took most of Tyrell's defeated soldiers away.

When the sun rose to the zenith in the morning, this ups and downs battle finally came to an end.

The handsome Jaime's armor was covered with blood, but there was no scar on his body, only a red spot where the spear pierced his chest.

When the grim Lord Tywin found him, he was pulling out the arrows stuck in his body with the help of his squires. The squires pulled out the arrows one by one in silence, while Jaime complained that the arrows had made holes in his armor.

A few arrows shot into the armor, but they did not penetrate the mail inside, but they still made Jaime feel pain on his skin.

They had now retreated to a temporary camp by the river five miles outside the enemy camp.

Jaime ordered everyone to rest and sent Davon and Adam, who had joined forces, to deal with the captured knights.

Lord Tywin was still wearing armor, and he looked at Jaime with his light green and gold eyes without saying a word.

"This is a victory!" Ser Kevan and Lord Tywin were inseparable, "You fought well, Jaime."

"This is not a victory." Jaime smiled bitterly, "They also captured many of us." Although the battle was won, the Tyrell army retreated to the camp and closed the door. The Lannister army was already exhausted and could not get in, so they had to retreat leaving behind a large number of friendly corpses. This at most provided a guarantee for the Lannisters to withdraw. At least when they retreated, the Tyrell army did not dare to chase them.

"Randal Tarly's use of troops was more cautious than expected," Lord Tywin paused, and finally said in a cold voice, "but victory is victory. Are you injured?"

"No." Jaime shrugged, "Their arrows are not sharp enough."

Tywin wanted to say something, but Davon and Ser Adam rushed over: "Lord Tywin!"

Tywin stopped talking and walked forward to greet him.

Ser Davon knelt on one knee in front of Tywin: "My Lord, we have captured a lot of prisoners, including Lord Caswell, Lord Foldley, Ser Hopper Redwyne, and Ser Aegon Levi. Lord Foldley died in battle. Unfortunately, if it weren't for Randyll Tarly's cunningness, Lord Matus Rowan and Loras Tyrell would also be our prey."

With so many prisoners, especially the two sons of the Redwyne family who were captured one after another, Tywin's battle this time was indeed a victory, regardless of the loss of troops.

But now, no matter how great Tywin's victory here is, it can't change the pace of the Lannister family heading towards the cliff.

Jaime didn't look very happy either.

Tywin said coldly, "Pass the order. After lunch, the whole army will move northwest. Find a place to camp on the Kingsroad." He looked at Jaime, "Jaime, you can keep a part of the troops and control the prisoners. You can decide how to deal with them." Lord Tywin turned back to Kevan, "Kevan, go and prepare the troops, distribute the captured and brought goods as rewards, and set off after lunch."

After speaking, Lord Tywin looked at Jaime deeply and turned away.

Jaime realized that this might be the last time Tywin talked to him. He wanted to say something, but all the words seemed to freeze in his throat. In the end, he only said, "Take care, father."

Tywin paused, and his red cloak rippled in the wind. He did not look back.

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