
Daenerys quickly realized she was dreaming. Ever since she had magic, Daenerys knew that uncontrolled lucid dreams must mean something.

After practicing Yashai's meditation method, her spirit became sharper and she soon woke up from the dream where it was difficult to distinguish between true and false.

She found herself lying on a blood-stained delivery bed in her dream.

Flies as big as bees surrounded her, their purple compound eyes glowed sickly, and the buzzing sound of their wings echoed in her ears, making Daenerys feel bored and uneasy at the same time.

Although Daenerys had just become pregnant in reality and the fetus in her womb had not even moved yet, in her dream she was giving birth.

Daenerys looked at herself in the dream from a spectator's perspective. Something seemed to be falling in her body. The voice of her in the dream was stuck in her throat. She looked at somewhere with frightened eyes and opened her mouth to scream silently. .

Daenerys couldn't hear her voice in the dream, but the silence made her feel the pain.

Daenerys knew that this fragile dream figure was just an illusion, but she felt cold all over.

Daenerys saw that the baby she had delivered in her dream was a stillborn child on a blood-stained delivery bed. The body was deformed and twisted, covered in scales like a lizard, the eyes were blind, and there was a short tail on the buttocks and a baby. Pair of bat-like wings.

Like a dead baby dragon.

"No!" Seeing this, Daenerys subconsciously protected her belly, her red red coat ignited with flames, and the illusion disappeared.

Daenerys keenly saw a trace of dark purple light being burned by the flames she created, but she did not feel relieved. Instead, she took a breath. She traced the black and purple aura to its source. It was discovered that the black and purple aura came from her lower abdomen, from the fetus in her belly.

Daenerys woke up with a start.

The night is dark and the autumn night is as cool as water. Daenerys stretched out her hand to touch her growing belly in the dark, uneasiness occupying her heart. My heart was pounding, and my face was covered with cold sweat.

She thought in horror: Is that a prophecy? Or whose vicious curse?

Daenerys seemed to hear the sound of flapping wings in the dark. At first, she thought it was an illusion.

But soon she heard the whistle of the tower guard, and then the whistle suddenly stopped.

Then she heard the flapping of wings getting closer.

"Nightfire?" Daenerys shouted subconsciously. Although she didn't see it, she could hear the sound of Nightfire's wings.

Finally, the Nightfire, which was getting bigger and bigger, fell into the gap in the tower room. After not seeing it for the past few days, it had grown so big that it couldn't get in. No one knew what Viserys had fed it.

What surprised Daenerys even more was that a figure jumped off the saddle on Nightfire's back: "Dany, nothing happened to you here, did we wake you up?"

Daenerys couldn't help but feel surprised in her heart, and there was a sense of warmth rising for no reason: "Why are you back?"

Viserys walked in from the window: "Nightfire has been restless these past few days. I originally thought it was my problem, but it never calmed down, as if it was affected by something. I was worried about what might happen to you. matter."

"So that's it." Daenerys glanced at the night fire and found that it had a strong energy. She couldn't help but ask, "Brother, was your attempt successful?"

"It can't be considered a success." Viserys walked to the bed, lit the candle on the spot, and sat down on the edge of the bed. Seeing that something was wrong with her face, he quickly held Daenerys's hand, ".I tried to use The glass candles and the hypnotism of the Citadel exerted their influence on the night fire and golden dreams, making them worship me and pray to me, and then try to project the magic on them through faith, but as expected, only the 'Storm'. The power can exert a slight influence. Nightfire and Flash Gold can temporarily use the power of 'wind' to accelerate their flight through the power I project, but they cannot take over the power of 'thunder' at all. And I probably understand why gods rarely give it to believers. Give me strength, because the power given through 'song' will irreversibly consume my 'song'. A part of my 'song' has been absorbed by Nightfire and Flash Gold. Although the amount is small, they are. Now it may be called my 'priest'. I have studied it, and if I forcefully take back that part of the 'song' power, it will cause damage to their souls."

"What happened to the 'volunteer'?" The so-called 'volunteer' in Daenerys's mouth was one of the doctors in the city who were now controlled by Viserys.

"At the moment, it's not very optimistic." Viserys is also trying to project the power of 'Song' to 'Volunteers' through 'Faith', "Although he is very sensitive to 'weather' and can predict the weather at a certain time. , but using that power to predict will consume his mental power and vitality. He does not have strong enough mental power and is very old. I can see that every time he uses it, he will die faster. "

In a sense, that 'volunteer' is Viserys's first 'favorite'. Although that person can only inherit a very small part of the power, Viserys has already understood it through experiments. Human beings have a strong affinity to 'songs', or to be more precise, to 'storm' songs. Although the souls of ordinary people can only carry very few 'gods', it is not enough to turn humans into superpowers under normal circumstances. Moreover, using that power will also consume the fragile mental and vitality of ordinary people, accelerating human aging and death.

But Viserys believed that perhaps what he was trying was a way for the Red God and the Drowned God to bring down their divine power on their believers. Because after doing that, Viserys found that it became very easy for him to invade the volunteer's mind through the glass candle, and he could even easily influence some of that person's decisions in the dark.

Despite this, Viserys was still clearly aware that the power could not be separated out, because it was very obvious that the only way to take back the separated power was to kill the opponent or to forcefully separate the opponent and cause the opponent to become mentally abnormal. And Viserys also has a guess that if the opponent's mental power is strong enough, it will be more difficult to regain the power. After Viserys tried to divide a part of his power and give it to the 'believers' Nightfire and Flash Gold through faith, he obviously felt that this powerful magical creature seemed to be more suitable for a certain part of the power. For example, dragons, they are obviously more suitable for the power stroke part of 'song'. Viserys guessed that there was a difference between dragon souls and human souls.

When Daenerys heard this, she couldn't help but said: "It seems that kind of power is not friendly to ordinary people."

Viserys replied: "Think about it on the other hand, Dany, through training, ordinary people may be able to control the most essential power of the world. Isn't this amazing? In fact, after getting enough information, the doctors all guessed There is a kind of power in human beings, the power of the "Song of Man". It is precisely because of this power that is dispersed among all living beings that gods belonging to humans are not born, and the reason why some very devout believers in the Seven Gods Faith can do so. To a certain extent, the reason for resisting the mental control of other forces is because the belief in the Seven Gods coincides with the "Song of Man" in humans. The fact that humans can resist the mental control of alien beings is an "unnatural" thing and is the result of some strong soul pry. The power of the 'Song of Man' is activated. Perhaps this is why human blood sacrifice is effective. Humans in this world are also magical creatures, but compared to other magical creatures, humans are too ordinary."

Daenerys asked: "According to the Citadel, the blood inherited by the dragons and us Targaryens are all created by blood magic?"

"This conjecture is very reasonable. The Targaryen bloodline, or the Valyrian bloodline, is different from normal humans in this world. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Valyrians can be called descendants of dragon blood to some extent." Viserys replied, "The relationship between Valyrians and dragons is very close."

"Brother." Daenerys turned pale and told her dream, "I just had a dream" about giving birth to a dead baby in the shape of a dragon.

"Well" Viserys's face didn't look good after hearing this, "Dany, I have a guess. There is something wrong with the source of the bloodline. You also had such purple magic power, but as we continued to grow, Get rid of that magic. However, the newborns of our bloodline seem to be still affected by this bloodline. This should be the influence of mysticism. Perhaps the child in your belly is beginning to have consciousness in these days, and its consciousness is. Just like the magic power of the dragon soul in the dragon egg, it is naturally affected by blood. "

Viserys thought about the mysterious being who had hidden behind Daenerys, or even if he was not causing trouble, there must be some kind of force silently affecting the blood of the descendants of Valyria. Even the dragon eggs have the influence of that magic. Viserys was thinking that perhaps this innate magic was the reason why the descendants of the Targaryens were either geniuses or madness, and why the Valyrian dragons seemed to have a certain personality since their birth. Perhaps everything is because the abnormal magic power in the bloodline has been exerting a subtle influence on the descendants of the bloodline since the birth of consciousness.

Daenerys looked expectantly at Viserys, who always seemed to have a solution: "What should we do?"

Viserys pondered for a moment: "Let's try using the dragon bone to fall asleep. I'll see if I can remove the magic power of the dragon soul from the child so that the child will not be harmed by it."

Just do what you say, and Daenerys always has dragon bones by her side. Viserys and Daenerys were familiar with it, and soon they made an attempt.

And sure enough, Viserys captured the magic power in Daenerys that was different from the dragon bone and dragon soul. That power is only attached to Daenerys, not from Daenerys herself.

There is no doubt that the source is the child in Daenerys's belly.

Perhaps because the child's consciousness was not fully formed, Viserys realized that he could not clear it all at once.

Viserys seemed to be able to solve the problem, and he was still in the mood to joke: "Dany, it seems that the child doesn't want us to be apart for too long, and wants you two to stay with me. It just so happens that there is no threat in Old Town now, so let's take care of me after tonight. Let’s go to Old Town together. I’m worried because I can’t see you these days.”

Daenerys nodded, but still asked: "Is there any problem here in Stormland?"

Viserys said: "Don't worry. Since the abnormal weather here has passed, let them carry out post-disaster reconstruction and implement agricultural policies step by step." As he said that, Viserys couldn't help but said solemnly, "Dany, Those damn doctors in the city calculated it using their own methods. I gave them enough variables and they calculated two to three zodiac sign return cycles, which is about two or three years later. Let’s count it as two and a half years. , there will be a drastic change in the earth's axis. I suspect that this is the sign of the arrival of the Long Night. If mysticism, astronomy, alchemy and mathematics are to be believed, then there are two possibilities: perhaps it is not Euron who succeeded the Bloodstone Emperor who caused the Long Night. Euron and the Bloodstone Emperor just need the Long Night to carry out their plans; or perhaps, the influence of the gods is more dangerous than imagined, and the Long Night will come earlier than the doctors calculated. In short, the terrible disaster that threatens the world is at best. It takes two and a half years to prepare, so we must seize this time to prepare.”

Daenerys asked: "I heard that you asked Prime Minister Oberon to lead troops to attack the West?"

"Yes," Viserys nodded, "It's time to resolve the grievances between us, the Martell family and the Lannister family. I plan to get rid of Tywin before the grand war engulfs the world. "

Daenerys couldn't help but said: "Are you too hasty? The West will definitely be a big trouble. There are many mountains in the West, and the whole territory is submissive under Tywin Lannister's strong hand. It is basically difficult to find a qualified person." Second-tier nobles to replace the Lannister. If we keep the garrison after the war, the garrison may suffer the same situation as Aegon first conquered Dorne. And if we support a Lannister, let alone the Martell family, I myself They will all feel as uncomfortable as eating flies, not to mention that they may surrender. I dare say that even if they surrender, it will only be a temporary measure. Even if we have dragons, and even brother, you are already a demigod, it is always about conquering people's hearts. Trouble, I read the records of the Conqueror. When Aegon conquered the six kingdoms, he was no different from the demigods in the hearts of the soldiers and civilians across the land. However, it was not until King Jaehaerys that all of Westeros began to treat the Targaryen family. Have a sense of identity.

Not to mention that there will be a war that will engulf the world. Brother, I have read a lot of history books recently, and I have concluded that in all wars, no matter how great, wise, and upright the leader is, after all, it takes groups of nobles and civilians in the rear to support the soldiers who are not engaged in production on the front line. Even the wisest king seems to be unable to avoid bloodshed on the front lines and riots in the rear as the war drags on. You said, we are not heroes, not Azor Ahai, but I am still afraid that our efforts will ultimately be in vain. Make wedding clothes for others. "

Under the influence of Viserys, Daenerys has long been different from the Madonna who sympathized with the world in the original world line. Under the influence of Viserys, she deeply believed in the principle that "if you are powerful, you can help the world, and if you are poor, you can be alone." .

Viserys glanced at Daenerys and said with relief: "I'm glad you have this idea, Dany. Don't worry, this will never happen to us. To tell you the truth, I plan to deal with it After finishing the Western Region, we will shrink our troops and not continue the war, and I will take the time to go to Valyria.”

"But Valyria is in danger."

"I know, but I have to go. R'hllor has a plan there. Even without me, he will definitely take action with the Drowned God. Moreover, our descendants cannot always be affected by inexplicable things. I doubt it. The influence in the bloodline may be related to the mysterious being now hiding in Valyria." More importantly, R'hllor promised Viserys the complete "Song of the Storm". With the "assistance" of many doctors in the city, Viserys has come to the understanding that to become a "god", faith alone is not enough. Even if a god piled up by mortals' faith can gain some power, it is still a "song of man" "At work, the limit is the "Seven Gods" similar to the "Seven Gods" belief, but even if the "Seven Gods" are replaced, the "song" in the divine power is not enough to become a "true god." Viserys does not lack strength, but he lacks character. Obtaining a sufficiently complete "Song of Storms" means that Viserys can no longer be controlled by others and can become a chess player rather than a pawn in the war involving the gods. .

Valyria, Viserys had to go. If he didn't fight for his rights while the god seemed to still have some reservations, he might not be able to move around in the chess game when the true god took action without any scruples.

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