Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 237 Battle of Castle Black (Before the Battle)

The cold wind blew wildly in the snowy night, and the air became colder and colder.

The wildling camp was originally unplanned and lacked order. Bonfires and toilets were scattered everywhere, children and goats wandered around randomly, and there were men, women and animals everywhere. Now it was suddenly attacked, and the dead crossed the ring wall and wooden stakes in the night and attacked the wildling camp.

The camp where Mance Rayder was located was still far away from the place where the battle took place - the camp of tens of thousands of people stretched for several miles, and he could not grasp the situation in every corner of the camp, but he could already see the chaotic scene in the back, with torches everywhere, people's screams, and animals' screams mixed together, making people's ears restless.

Seeing the chaos in the camp in the back gradually infect the whole camp, Mance knew that he could not organize many people: "Hama, take the free people raiders on horseback. Tormund, find your people, organize the spear formation, and summon the giants and mammoths."

"Okay." Tormund strode away.

The skinchanger Hex closed his eyes: "There are a lot of them... they are breaking through the wall..."

"Damn White Walkers!" Mance said this word viciously, "How can they be so fast? What are the sentries behind the camp doing?"

The news from the Hex was not optimistic: "Mance! There are a lot of them, they surrounded us. I saw someone sneak into the forest and run back to the camp."

"Damn it!" Mance's guards brought him a mount and armor. He put on the armor, drew his sword, and shouted loudly, "Free people, fight with me!"

Before Mance could say a more inflammatory slogan, Hammam rode past her, followed by dozens of cavalrymen she organized. Hammam was stout and hated dogs. When Mance asked her to call for help, she had already chopped off a dog's head and hung it on the flag. The blood was spilled all over the ground as the cavalry ran.

"Use fire!" Mance saw Hammer and his cavalry charging into the camp, and could only shout, "Prepare torches--"

"Mance!" It was not until this moment that the scouts of the wildling camp rushed from the rear, panting and sweating, "Mance, wights, they surrounded us, corpses, countless corpses."

It was like a fantasy to expect the wildlings to count the number of enemies. The fact that they could say that the enemy was "countless wights" was already very clear information. If there were a group of regular legions among the wildlings, then Mance would not have to lead such a large army, march tremblingly, and attack the city so slowly.

Mance could not ask for more.

He could only curse and get on his horse: "Varamir, bring Dalla to me." He pointed his sword to the north, but his head looked to the east, "Freeman Cavalry, spearhead formation!" He shouted loudly, "Follow me, wedge charge."

Facts have proved that the wildling army, even under the personal leadership of the King Beyond the Wall, could not expect more.

When Mance galloped through the camp and chased after the cavalry that Hammer had already led, the people following him quickly got into chaos. The cavalry formation was crooked and fell behind, and the spear formation organized by Tormund behind them also became chaotic immediately after starting to move.

The only thing to be thankful for was that the wildlings still had the indomitable and wild nature of the free people before they met the enemy. Although their formation was loose, they still shouted while waving wooden spears, torches, bronze swords and stone axes, and rushed to the back closely behind Mance Rayder.

Speaking of which, the king of the wildlings led the team personally, which was undoubtedly the most authentic way for the free people to fight.

When it was necessary to charge, the free people only needed to shout and a direction, and they would rush forward, and then either die heroically, or win with the advantage of numbers and led by a group of wildlings who were fearless when their blood was surging, or the battle line collapsed and fled in all directions.

The wildlings' warhorns sounded as they charged, followed by drums beating in all directions. However, apart from Mance Rayder's group, more wildlings were busy forming square formations, running around in confusion, moving slowly and in disarray.

A tribe in the camp was driving dog carts to the east, while another tribe was driving sheep to the west along the chaotic camp. In the chaos, mammoths trampled over the sheep, and some people were trying to drive the sheep elsewhere. Elsewhere, the old, weak, women and children were packing up their tents, wearing thick clothes to keep warm, and running around aimlessly in the camp with their families.

This attack by the White Walkers was a premeditated attack. The wights took advantage of the blizzard to attack from the northwest, northeast and north at the same time. Three teams of wights with a large number of people attacked the camp like locusts. Among them were wildlings wearing fur, night watchmen wearing black shirts, and some were naked, and it was unclear which camp they had belonged to.

They are all wights now, with icicles hanging on their fingertips, their bodies as pale as snow, and their shining blue eyes carrying a cold breath like will-o'-the-wisp. They will no longer feel pain, nor will their attack efficiency be affected by injuries. They will only be attracted by warm flesh and blood, and take away one life after another with terrifying power and ruthless attacks.

This battle was unremarkable.

Although the wildling king Mance desperately commanded a counterattack, he once used rockets, fire spears and burning tents on the north line, together with cavalry, spearmen and archers on mammoths to resist for a while, but as more and more wights poured out of the forest, blowing cold winds to every corner of the camp, the torrent of wights soon caused the collapse of the entire camp, and the wildlings began to flee in a line, madly fleeing to a place where no wights appeared.

To be honest, if one were to count our enemies on the battlefield, even though the wights seemed outnumbered, the free folk still had an overwhelming numerical advantage. In fact, despite the seemingly countless corpses, the number was actually only five or six thousand, not ten thousand. It’s just that after today, it won’t necessarily be

It is almost inevitable that such a wildling camp will collapse under the night attack of the zombies. The only puzzling thing is that the White Walkers have not organized forces to attack the wildling camp until today.

In fact, as long as the White Walkers organized a force that attacked the Night Watch Rangers at night, they could earlier and more easily overwhelm the tens of thousands of wild people organized outside the wall, massacre them, and turn them into corpses.

One explanation is that the White Walker commanders are also a bunch of idiots who are not smart enough.

Of course, a more reasonable guess is that the White Walkers do not know the reality of the Great Wall, so they dare not launch a hasty attack on the wildlings, for fear of putting the guards of the Great Wall and the princes in the south on guard.

But it has to be said that whether it is the original world line of Ice and Fire or now, the movements of the White Walkers are too slow.

In the original world line, the White Walkers put the savages into the Great Wall due to slow reaction and failed to attack when the Great Wall was empty. Now, although the White Walkers' actions are a little earlier than in the original world line, they are destined to be unable to attack in the short term. The Wall was taken, because the mixed army sent by Dragonstone had in fact reached the Wall.

Yes, the army from Dragonstone is marching on the southern line of the Great Wall, rushing from Eastwatch along the abandoned Brandon Grant of the Great Wall to Castle Black.

This army did not march from the north of the Great Wall and the night watchmen of Castle Black attacked the wildling army outside like the original world line.

This is normal, because although this army from Dragonstone is composed of up to 1,600 armored cavalry and 100 Night's Watch rangers from Eastwatch, there is no unified command system.

In the original world line, King Stannis personally led an army of four thousand to come to the Great Wall for reinforcements, but now King Viserys of Dragonstone sent a combined army with different purposes.

Among the more than 1,700 people, there were more than 300 riders collected by the new night watchmen Stannis and Viserys for him. Their purpose was to garrison at the Great Wall.

There are another three hundred knights from Dragonstone Island, brought by the old knights Barristan and Ser Jorah to bear witness to Aegon. They also have the name of escorting supplies for the Great Wall Guards, and privately they also want to capture a White Walker. purpose.

The remaining thousand knights are the mercenaries of the Golden Company led by Little Aegon and Jon Clinton. Their purpose is to escort Aegon to Castle Black to find Maester Aemon to obtain identity confirmation. They are not coming to the Great Wall to fight wildlings for the Night's Watch.

In addition to them, there were also a hundred guide rangers who came from Eastwatch to accompany the coalition forces as they marched toward Castle Black.

Yes, Eastwatch received Castle Black's request for help and indeed came to support them, but they marched from the safety of the south of the Great Wall instead of north of the Great Wall.

In fact, if it weren't for the patrol of Eastwatch's rangers, who found traces of wildlings in the abandoned castle of Snowgate, trying to dig out the sealed tunnels, and at the same time received Castle Black's request for help, this coalition force would still be stranded in Eastwatch.

The defenders of Eastwatch discovered traces of savages north of Seal Bay. Some rangers said that the savages were building rafts in the north and preparing to attack south. At that time, the defenders of Eastwatch were unable to determine where the savages would start attacking the Great Wall.

It was not until the arrival of the coalition forces that the Eastwatch Rangers dared to launch a large-scale patrol. It was finally confirmed that the savages north of Seal Bay were a feint attack force and the number was not large. The coalition forces then set off for Castle Black. They also discovered a group of savages trying to climb the Great Wall at Changchelou and captured them.

And with the Savages claiming to be in the tens of thousands and lack of actual intelligence support, the cavalry coalition, which was less than two thousand in total and had different ideas, did not dare to easily attack the Savages from the north, let alone escort them to Castle Black and the Shadow Tower. supplies.

This team is now stationed near the east bank of Green Lake in Deep Lake House and will arrive at Castle Black early tomorrow morning.

"It's really cold here, and just like the rumors, the days are short and the nights are long. Halton, do you think we will see the White Walkers that the savages call - the White Walkers we call White Walkers during this trip?" Young Xiao Ge Prince Rifen Aegon was at the camp brazier, asking questions to the healers and mentors around him.

Haldon's angular face was wrapped behind thick wool: "It's best not to. The Braavos people say that the White Walkers have magic and can summon ice dragon heads bigger than the dragon that His Majesty Viserys rides. I I don’t think we can face such an enemy, and it is said that the ancient walls of the Great Wall were built with spells and magic to prevent aliens from crossing. "

This time the cavalry troops chose to go south of the Great Wall. The reason for this was definitely because they had heard the news when the ship was passing through Braavos to rest and obtain the supplies provided by Braavos.

All the people you can meet in Braavos speak conclusively about the original vision of Viserys riding a dragon and fighting an ice dragon. Even the priests of the Seven Gods on the Island of the Gods will have no objection. Tell you what happened, and whisper that Lord Viserys is a hero blessed by the warrior.

The priest of the Temple of the Red God is even more exaggerated. He will tell you that part of the power of King Viserys's dragon comes from R'hllor, and that the dragon is a hybrid descendant of an envoy of R'hllor, with true blood flowing through it. of divine blood

No matter how outrageous those remarks are, what happened in Braavos cannot be concealed at all, and the managers of Braavos do not control the rumors at all, making it very easy for people to find out many true rumors at the ports and docks. testimony.

Even though many of them are lies, it can be inferred that there was indeed a battle in Braavos not long ago that exceeded everyone's expectations.

The sea was frozen, and fireballs rained down from the sky, like stars falling.

The conclusive eyewitness accounts seem to have been lifted from a fairy tale.

Shocking and disturbing.

Shocked by the power of the dragon, unsettled by the terror of the White Walkers.

"This is undoubtedly the reason why those savages are desperately trying to cross the Great Wall." Little Griffin replied, "Uncle King is far-sighted and has already concluded that the crisis lies in the north, on the Great Wall, and on the White Walkers. I actually didn't believe it at the time. . Maybe my uncle asked me to come to the north not only because he wanted me to find Ancestor Aemon, but also because he wanted me to see the real crisis in Westeros. This is why he asked me to bring more mercenaries from the Golden Company. I'm afraid he foresees what's going to happen here."

"Foresight?" Halton wondered, "Your Highness, are you thinking?"

"No, Haldon," Little Griffin shook his head, "I know what you want to say, but please don't say it. I know the thoughts of the leaders of the Golden Company, and Ser Jon. Stay with me I will definitely take them south to help Uncle Viserys unify the Seven Kingdoms after confirming their identity with Ancestor Aemon. But I have never thought before that unifying the Seven Kingdoms is not the end, but just the beginning of another war concerning the survival of mankind.

Haldon, there is a greater crisis waiting for the resurgent Targaryen dynasty in the north. The princes in the south are all vying for power, but Uncle Viserys is thinking about the longer-term future, which is related to the survival of Westeros. I didn't understand his policies of recuperation and food storage before, but now that I think about it, you know, I I am often ashamed of my shortsightedness. "

"Your Highness, few people can see as far as His Majesty Viserys, but your ability to reflect on yourself means that you have a heart of integrity and honor."

"I really hope to find Maester Aemon as soon as possible, and then help my uncle pacify the south as soon as possible. The power of the White Walkers who can force tens of thousands of wildlings to go south is probably beyond our imagination." Little Griffin was a little excited, "It has disappeared for more than eight thousand years. The aliens reappear, and the blood and fire of the Targaryens will stand in their way."

Before Halton could speak, Jon Clinton opened the camp door and walked in: "Sorry to bother you, Your Highness. I'm glad to hear that you are still pursuing dragons. But now is not the time to look to the future. Just now, go ahead. The Night's Watch scouts who went to Castle Black to investigate the situation came back and reported that Castle Black was under attack and that the castle was in danger. Lord Stannis was already preparing his troops for rescue. We and Ser Barristan were behind and we would set off later. ”

The castle has not been lost yet, and the combat contact area is only so small. It is not a good thing to have many people and soldiers at this time. The camp is full of people who know the military, and no one will ask why they don't go together to support.

Little Griffin only asked: "The savage army finally couldn't bear it anymore?"

"No, not a wildling." Jon Connington frowned, and his wrinkled face, which was only in his thirties, looked older. He looked at Little Griffin with his deep eyes and replied solemnly, " It's a ghost."

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