Viserys frowned as he looked at the extra part of the dragon bone sent by Illyrio.

"What is this?"

He had just gotten up and had not had time to go to Daenerys to see how she was doing, but he was invited to Illyrio's study.

"This is a gift, Your Majesty. I am afraid I offended you yesterday, so I apologize." Illyrio did not care about Viserys's frown, and explained attentively, "And I was really inconsiderate before. You didn't have a personal maid to serve you. It was really neglectful." He came closer and whispered to Viserys in a greasy whisper, "This is a Lys girl who is proficient in the seven spring cry techniques. I bought it specifically for you. I promise you will be satisfied."

Looking at Illyrio's attentive appearance, Viserys didn't know how to react for a while. He thought that sooner or later, the fat governor would place someone around him, but he didn't expect that he would arrange it this way, and blatantly send him a bed slave.

Such behavior may be hard to imagine in the eyes of modern people, but in today's world of ice and fire, not to mention slave cities such as Yunkai, Meereen, and Astapor, even in relatively mild free trade cities, and even in relatively conservative Westeros, it is normal for powerful people to send a bed slave here. For these nobles in Essos, this is just a gift to show their generosity.

"You are thoughtful, Illyrio." After thinking for a while, Viserys finally had an idea, "I will accept the dragon bones, but not the girl. You did nothing wrong yesterday. I saw everything you did and knew that it was out of kindness. If you really feel guilty, you might as well find me more dragon bones." He pointed to the box that sealed the dragon bones, and then whispered to the fat governor, "It would be better if there were dragon eggs."

But Illyrio didn't let him go. "You don't like it?" He flattered, "How about changing you to a beautiful boy?"

Look at this look, Illyrio must give it to you.

Viserys said solemnly, "Someone has advised me, Illyrio, that if a ruler is not careful and rigorous in his work, his subordinates will suffer disaster. If the subordinates are not careful and rigorous in their work, it will be difficult to accomplish their work. If important things are not careful and rigorous, they will not succeed. Don't you know what we are doing?"

"Your Majesty, I have never leaked any information to the outside world." Illyrio's eyes widened. "This girl was born in Lys and trained in Yunkai. She is just a bed slave who can only please men. Are you suspicious?"

Viserys narrowed his eyes and looked over. Illyrio acted like he was wronged and was eager to prove himself. , feeling the other party's shamelessness, Viserys became stubborn: "Someone told me that women are the king's bone-eating knife. My brother Rhaegar lost the dynasty because of it, and now King Robert will also bury the throne because of it. Do you think this makes sense, Lord Governor?"

"Your Majesty, I," Illyrio lowered his posture and smiled bitterly, "I just want to give you a maid."

"." At this point, Viserys regretted what he had just said. Illyrio had to give this maid, and his repeated refusals put himself in a difficult position and caused unnecessary conflicts with Illyrio.

Although he was on guard against Illyrio in his heart, he must not be too straightforward and argue with all the other party's temptations. Their relationship on the surface should be closer. Since Illyrio showed an attitude of trying to please him, he should be gentle and more appropriate.

As long as there is a dragon bone, everything can be tolerated for the time being.

It's just that there is one more spy around him who needs to be guarded against.

"My Lord Governor, that's not what I meant." Viserys' attitude softened. "I just said nonsense in a fit of anger. Alas, you don't know that I often hate my brother Rhaegar for losing his country for a woman in my dreams these years. I know you sent the maid out of kindness. I do need someone to serve me, but this bed slave is not necessary."

"Your Majesty, what about this girl?" Illyrio retreated to advance, he looked over there and asked in a low voice. "She may have heard some of what we said, if your majesty is worried."

Viserys finally realized the cruel side of the fat governor, but he didn't know whether he really wanted to get rid of this girl who was given to Viserys as a gift five minutes ago.

Viserys asked in surprise: "My Lord Governor wants to kill her?" He narrowed his eyes and stared at the fat governor. It seemed that he cared more about Illyrio's answer than the girl's life.

"Kill her? Hiss~" The fat governor took a breath, as if frightened by Viserys' question, "I want to sell her farther away, Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Viserys was joking: "Didn't you give her to me? I will give her to you. Illyrio, you can't be useless at this age, or you need to exchange her for a beautiful boy? If so, you have to find a way yourself. Haha."

"Haha," Illyrio smiled, "Your Majesty is joking. I am not a king like your Majesty who cares about the world and does not care about women. Haha." As he said, the fat governor called the butler, "Take her down and arrange a room."

Viserys ordered without hesitation: "By the way, send these to my room."

This topic was exposed.

The butler just went out and Viserys was thinking about finding an excuse to leave Illyrio's study, when there was a knock at the door.

Illyrio bowed his head to apologize to Viserys, and then called: "Come in, what's the matter?"

"Master," the eunuch guard who often came beside Illyrio said, "The envoys of the Lord of Tyrosh found here. They are outside the courtyard and said they want to visit you. Here is the visiting card."

The eunuch guard respectfully handed the visiting card with gold edges to Illyrio.

"Uninvited guest," Illyrio frowned and took the visiting card, "Why did he come here?"

He did not open the visiting card, but looked at Viserys in embarrassment. "Your Majesty, this."

The fat governor seemed to say that this was something he had not expected.

Viserys wondered what he was testing again: "What's wrong?"

"Your Majesty, I have to explain. I haven't invited anyone to this courtyard since it was used to secretly house you and Her Highness Daenerys." The fat governor looked very embarrassed. He explained everything in detail, "I don't know how this envoy of the Tyroshi Lord knew that I was here. This time he came without asking, probably to find me to connect with the Dothraki. Your Majesty, you may not know that Tyroshi has been at odds with Lys and Myr recently because of trade disputes."

"Oh." Viserys pretended to be considerate, but still He nodded secretly, "Since I came here 'secretly' and hid here, such a thing is expected. This is your courtyard after all, and you are the master, Governor. Now that it is related to the Governor's big business, it is not a big deal for my sister and I to avoid it."

"Your Majesty." Illyrio smiled bitterly and replied in a humble tone, "Please forgive me, I am just one of the many merchant governors in Pentos, and the envoy is the brother of the Lord of Tyrosh."

[If you are just one of the many merchant governors in Pentos, why did he come to you? 】

Viserys was secretly on guard in his heart, but his face still maintained an indifferent look: "Then I will go back to my room first, Governor. I wanted to have lunch with you, but it seems that I can't do it."

The fat governor responded respectfully: "Thank you for your understanding, Your Majesty."

The fat governor and Viserys left the study together. Viserys walked along the corridor towards the guest room, and the fat governor walked to the door.

Viserys walked slowly until he could see what the fat governor looked like when he greeted the guests from outside the door, and then he walked into the building where the guest rooms were located.

The servants carrying gift boxes came in first. The open gift boxes contained the finest velvet and brocade produced in the Free Trade City, the finest ceramics, enamels and glass inlaid with jewels on the surface. They were led into the reception room by Illyrio's guards. Then came the real owner Illyrio, who walked into the courtyard with a bald, wealthy middle-aged man with a green beard and wearing gorgeous silk clothes. The last to enter were the two guards. Among them, half a step faster than the guards and half a step slower than the owner of the courtyard and the wealthy middle-aged man, was a strong man who looked out of place with the others.

The strong man was a little bald, dark-skinned, tall, and thickly haired. He did not wear the standard leather armor of the eunuch guards, but chain mail and leather clothes. A dark green coat was embroidered with a black bear standing on two feet.

Viserys guessed his identity.

Jorah Mormont.

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