As if nothing happened, Viserys walked briskly through his room with the door wide open. He ignored the servants who were placing the dragon bone box sent by Illyrio in his room, and walked straight to Daenerys. In front of the silk room.

At this time, the maid Ani, who often appeared at this time, worked hard to clean the guest room passage, and finally asked if she needed to come in to clean the guest room, had just gone upstairs with cleaning tools. Viserys pretended to knock on the door of Dany's room, waited, and when no one responded, he turned the door handle and entered the house.

When he entered, he happened to meet Daenerys walking towards the door from the direction of the bathroom, as if she heard a knock on the door and opened the door.

Seeing that Daenerys had changed into normal clothes, Viserys was caught off guard: "Are you awake?"

Dani caught the flash of surprise on her brother's face: "Well, what's wrong?"

"There's a little problem." Viserys explained as if nothing happened, "There are guests in Governor Illyrio's courtyard today. We'd better stay in the room. We'll have lunch at your place later." He He stepped forward and took Daenerys' hand without any psychological burden. He found that her body temperature was normal. He led her to the tea seat by the window and sat down. "When did you wake up?"

"I just woke up." Dany looked a little nervous, her voice was very soft, as if she was plotting something, "I had a dream."

Dany tried hard not to look away, and looked straight at her brother's face. There was a bit of hesitation in her heart, but more of it was inexplicable expectation.

Of course, Viserys felt Dany's expectant gaze. Things were a bit beyond his expectations here, but he quickly accepted the fact. He casually said in Common Language: "The weather is really nice today." As he spoke, he held Dany in his hand. Ni's hand that she was about to loosen tightened her grip, and after making a gesture with her eyes, she turned away and looked out the window, and then asked softly in Valyrian with the same conspiratorial tone, "What kind of dream?"

Danny was a little overwhelmed for a moment, but before she could figure it out, she had subconsciously turned to look at the scenery outside the window, but her eyes were still looking towards her brother disobediently: "The sun is a bit dazzling." She didn't know that she Why did she say such a sentence in Common Language, but after she finished speaking, she lowered her voice and answered as briefly as possible in Valyrian, "I dreamed of a dark curtain. I was in the dark curtain, and I was also in the dark curtain. Outside the curtain. The dark curtain pulled out the purple dust from my body in the darkness and swallowed it up. Then I was left alone. I saw little sparks scattered around my body. In my dream, I could feel the warm flow of blood in my skin. , like." She paused, like mother - she didn't even say the word, not sure if it would irritate Viserys. ".a warm embrace."

Since waking up from the dream, this condensed speech has been passed through her head several times in common language. Until now, she actually said it fluently in Valyrian in one breath, which she herself felt was a bit incredible.

Viserys had never underestimated the future Mother of Dragons, and only took her narration for granted. He did not even realize that this was a concise statement that Dany, who had always been timid and shy, had practiced repeatedly.

After listening to Dani's words, he squeezed her palm to show understanding, and said, "It's a bit glaring." He opened the cup on the table with his other hand, poured himself a glass of lemonade, and put it in his mouth. Before touching the cup, he asked softly, "What else?"

Dani has learned this conversation method. She asked: "Then let's not go out today?" She whispered, "That's all I remember. What does this mean?" When she came to her senses, Dani found that she had already She naturally asked the question - she would never have dared to ask it so directly before.

At this time, Dany still didn't understand that since she realized that her brother was hinting that she needed her help, something called self-confidence was quietly encroaching on the part of her that was originally inferior to her in her self-perception.

"Just stay in the room today." Viserys had no way of knowing that Daenerys's mentality was quietly changing, so he only answered normally. "This means your bloodline is awakening. Don't forget, we are the descendants of the true dragon," he vaguely answered her question using the words Daenerys' original brother had told her countless times, "The blood is burning. "Burning flames."

Dany's heartbeat stopped at Viserys's answer. For the first time, she felt that the words that sounded like a monk's prayer on her brother's lips might actually mean something.

"Awakening," she heard the description, and couldn't help but think of the night when Viserys was struck by lightning. She found that she had never forgotten what happened, but she couldn't understand or figure it out.

The answer to this question brought her a hundred new questions, and now she couldn't figure out what the first new question was and how to ask it?

When Dany's thoughts were swirling, Viserys ended the conversation: "Trust me, Dany, you just trust your brother and leave everything to me." After saying that, he loosened his grip as if nothing happened. He stood up and walked towards the door, "Why hasn't lunch been delivered yet? I'm already hungry."

Viserys opened the door and saw the maid Ani still some distance away. He walked straight over and ordered her: "You, it's you, go to the kitchen and see why lunch hasn't been delivered? I'm just waiting here."

Under Viserys's gaze, the maid did not dare to neglect and quickly put down her work and went to the kitchen. She glanced back during this period and saw that Viserys was actually standing there waiting.

When the maid and butler pushed the dining cart together into view, Viserys's pretended sullen expression softened slightly.

The cautious performance he and Daenerys had just put on in the room might just be a battle of wits and courage with the air.

Only then did he have time to think about the dream that Daenerys had just carefully told him.

The imagery in the dream that Daenerys described briefly but clearly enough, "a dark curtain", "purple dust drawn out of the body and swallowed up", Viserys felt that this was describing his swallowing of the dragon soul, and the "dark curtain" should be the mystical imagery in Daenerys' dream; as for Dany's "inside and outside", Viserys did not dare to make a rash assertion, the coexistence of "I" and "I" in the dream often means that one of them is the "non-I" part, he guessed that the swallowed part was the "non-I", the dragon soul that entered Dany's body, and the outside part was herself, plus the description of "sparks scattered all over the body" and "warm flowing blood", Viserys guessed that it should be the dragon bone and some other mystical substance besides the dragon soul that was absorbed by Dany with a magical physique.

He remembered that in the original book, Daenerys had a dragon dream after touching the dragon egg. She dreamed of a black dragon spewing flames, and she stretched out her arms to embrace the flames. After being completely swallowed by the dragon flames in the dream, she felt that she was cleansed and trained, as if she had been reborn. Since then, her physique seemed to have changed. When she was cursed by the blood magic of the witch and died in her womb, it was the heat from the stone dragon egg that others could not detect that allowed her to recover quickly, and some mysterious power drove her and the dragon egg to throw them into the funeral flames of Khal Drogo, and then the dragon was hatched mysteriously when the red comet appeared.

There is a dragon soul in the dragon egg.

This is the most likely speculation.

Some dragon bones have residual souls, which is a fact speculated by combining actual tests.

Of course, Viserys did not forget that his mission was to "collect the dragon souls of this world and become a real three-headed dragon", but his magic instinct drove him to "swallow" the residual souls in these dragon bones. Facts also proved that the residual souls in these dragon bones can become a medium for him to project otherworldly magic after being swallowed.

In fact, from the first day he came to this world, Viserys had guesses and enlightenment. The ancient prophecy passed down by the Targaryen family said that "dragons have three heads". If there were various ways to interpret this prophecy before, then with his appearance, when he appeared in the world in the form of a dragon, all the interpretations would point to him.

His arrival will undoubtedly be related to this prophecy, and what kind of relationship will the "man of destiny" who was born according to the prophecy have with him?

In this regard, Viserys can only tell himself: wait and see, things are up to man.

If the price he needs to pay to become a dragon is to devour the souls that originally parasitized in these dragon eggs and dragon bones, Viserys has long been aware of it, then this is the way he wants to go.

Of course, these are still far away from him. Viserys is at best a dragon fire warlock with two dragon scales of magic power and can only perform a trick once a day.

Viserys didn't know that the dream described by Dany was as detailed as possible, but there were still missing parts, some of which he dared not say, and some of which could not be expressed in words.

But Dany did well enough. Viserys had taken it very seriously, but he didn't take Dany's dream too seriously. In comparison, confirming Dany's trust and closeness to him was what he valued more at the moment.

Afterwards, they had lunch together in Dany's room.

The brother and sister had their own thoughts, and there was only silence at the lunch table.

Just when they had just finished lunch, the maid Ani led the maids to clean up the table, and the garden under the guest room faintly heard the laughter of Illyrio and the guests in the courtyard.

Viserys was not surprised at all. He had long known that after he made it clear that he would wait for the opportunity in Illyrio's courtyard, if he didn't go to the mountain, the mountain would naturally come to him.

He just didn't know what Illyrio was jealous of, and why he made this dumpling?

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