Chapter 28 Jorah Mormont

". Khal Drogo's largest khalasar tribe has more than 40,000 warriors."

Illyrio's voice sounded far and near, and when it reached the guest room in the garden, he had to hold his breath to hear it clearly. "Don't worry, Sir Envoy, I have clear information. His khalasar tribe is now near Dagger Lake in the Golden Fields and is heading north along the Rhoyne River. It won't be long before they arrive near Pentos. Then they will be in his palace. When holding a banquet, I will definitely create an opportunity for you."

Satisfied laughter came from the guests of the Fat Governor: "Haha, the name of 'Shrewd Governor Illyrio' is well-deserved, but I don't understand when the Governor became interested in the route from Tyrosh to Dorne?"

The sounds in the garden were getting closer.

"Haha, multiple roads by land and sea are not a bad thing after all." Illyrio smiled mischievously, "What do you think, the envoy?"

"Haha, that makes sense. If I had a business acumen like the Governor, I wouldn't do such a thankless job as an envoy for my brother."

"The envoy is joking."

The two people in the garden seemed to have agreed on something, and now they were just chatting and joking.

When the servants finished clearing the dining table in Dany's room and left the room. The conversation downstairs has turned from business to the armor-piercing mercenary who looks incompatible with everyone else.

It was Illyrio who started the conversation: "Mr. Envoy, the guard behind you should be a knight, right?"

The word "knight" even caught Daenerys' attention. She quietly stood up from her seat, tiptoed behind her brother Viserys who was standing by the window looking openly down into the garden, and stuck out her head to look down. .

"It's true," the green-bearded Tyroshi envoy chuckled, "a knight anointed with the Seven Holy Oils by the High Septon himself. Ser Jorah, come forward and talk to the Governor. Maybe you The next hiring job is on the way.”

Dany saw the "knight" in the garden. He was a middle-aged strong man, about forty years old, with thinning hair and dark skin. He wore mail and leather clothing, and his dark green coat was embroidered with a black bear with human legs. Dany had heard from Viserys that this kind of dress usually meant that he was a knight with a fiefdom. Just like Ser Darry's brown coat had a black farmer embroidered on it, the black bear standing on green feet should be his. A sigil, but it was one Dany had never heard of.

At this time, Dany raised her eyes to glance at her brother's expression and found that his face was expressionless.

The knight in the garden spoke, his voice thick and serious: "The mercenary Jorah Mormont sends his regards, Lord Governor."

Illyrio asked with great interest: "Sir Jorah Mormont, how did a knight anointed with holy oil leave Westeros and come to Essos on the other side of the Narrow Sea to work as a mercenary?"

Jorah's tone was calm and serious: "I am no longer a knight. This is not a glorious past worth talking about. I did something that I am ashamed to talk about. I lost my sense of honor and was exiled here."

"It's just a trivial matter," the green-bearded Tyrosh envoy said for the mercenary. "The 'usurper' ordered him to beheaded. He sold us a few poachers he caught in his own territory. It's a ridiculous law that everyone should have the right to dispose of their own property."

"Everything is for money. What I did violated the laws of the Seven Kingdoms, and it was dishonorable." When Jorah said this, his tone was incomprehensible, as if there was something else going on. Soon, he regained his thick With a serious voice and a calm face, he said, "I am just a hired knight making a living now. Lord Governor, after completing the contract with the Envoy, if you want to hire me for anything, you can speak up."

Ser Jorah did not care to lower his posture in his words, but paired with his solemn face from the north, there was a convincing sincerity, and he naturally felt that this man was trustworthy and would keep his promises. A feeling of sincerity.

"Then you were a knight before." Illyrio took over, "You should know a lot about the Seven Kingdoms?"

"I am from the North of Westeros, Lord Governor," Jorah replied. "If you want to ask me something about the North, maybe I can answer it to your satisfaction. I also have some personal knowledge of the Iron Islands and the West. . As for the rest of the Seven Kingdoms, I only know about it from family education. For example, I don’t know as much as the envoy about many things in Dorne.”

Jorah's rhetoric may seem self-effacing, but it's actually self-confidence. Tyrosh is adjacent to Dorne and has constant trade routes, so he dares to say that he knows about the same things as the envoys of the Lord Tyrosh.

People in the garden were moving and soon passed under the window of Dani's room.

Viserys thought about it, turned to look at Dany, and found that she was also eavesdropping with interest. He had a plan. He pulled Dany up and said eagerly: "Go to me."

They hurried out of Dany's room and into Viserys' house.

Outside, Illyrio said: "That's it. I went to King's Landing a while ago to do business, and it happened to happen that Crown Prince Joffrey was holding a tourney on his name day. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to wait until the end of the event before leaving. There were many merchants there at that time. I opened the betting, but unfortunately I didn’t know much about the famous knights of the Seven Kingdoms, so I just casually placed a bet on the red-robed monk Thoros of Myr. Now that the calculation time of the conference has ended, the news of the result has not yet reached Pentos, you. Do you think I have a chance of winning this bet?"

Outside, Jorah said: "I want to know, is the Lord Governor betting on jousting or team competition?"

Viserys' room is now empty. The servants who carried the dragon bone boxes for him have left, leaving only the box containing the dragon bone gift in a corner of the room.

Viserys led Dany into the room, and as if he was anxious to listen to the conversation outside, he didn't even close the door and left it wide open. He asked Daenerys to sit by the window, and he walked to the table where the wine was placed, turning the wine glass by himself.

Dany noticed her brother's abnormality, and her mind was withdrawn from the garden outside the window, and she looked at her brother in confusion.

The table where the wine was placed in Viserys' room was between the door and the wall, and the other side of the wall was Dany's room.

When Dany looked at her brother, Viserys was carefully placing the empty wine glass in a corner of the door, and after carefully pushing the glass to the door, he stood there staring at the half-empty wine glass and didn't move.

Outside, Illyrio was saying, "Is there any difference?"

Outside, Jorah replied, "I know the red monk Thoros you are talking about. His flaming sword that burns with wildfire makes him famous among the hedge knights of the Seven Kingdoms. His flaming sword can be used to scare the opponent's horse. With this skill, he often wins the team tournament championship in the Seven Kingdoms Tournament. But if it is a spear duel, his flaming sword can't be used."

Illyrio's annoyed voice came in: "Oh, I really should have known you earlier."

The joke of the Tyrosh envoy came in: "It seems that your bet can't be recovered, Governor Illyrio."

Dany no longer had the heart to listen to the conversation outside. She held her breath and looked at Viserys, and she had realized what he was doing.

At a certain moment, Dany saw Viserys narrow his eyes, and after a few breaths, Dany saw the expression on her brother's face change.

After a while, Dany saw her brother reaching out to pick up the wine glass at the door. He returned to the table and poured a glass of wine into the glass as if nothing had happened.

The footsteps gradually approached outside the door. Dany looked up and saw the door where the maid Ani appeared.

She seemed to be walking somewhere.

"Oh~" Viserys held the wine glass, pulled the corner of his mouth and looked very clever. He uttered an oops and ordered the maid, "You came at the right time. Please clean the floor of my room by the way."

The maid bowed her head and said, "Yes, distinguished guest."

Viserys said nothing more. He hurried to the window with the wine pot and wine glass. He continued to eavesdrop on the conversation outside with interest with Dany.

Outside, Illyrio asked, "Sir Jorah, who do you think will win the jousting?"

"I have heard a little about this jousting from the sailors on the merchant ships passing by the dock, but I don't know the whole story or who the specific participants are," Jorah replied, "but I heard the name of Jaime Lannister, and I think it might be him."

"What do you mean?"

"To be honest, Lord Governor, I have fought him in the jousting competition and have been impressed by him since then."

".You have fought him?"

"Yes. That was a long time ago."

The voices in the garden gradually faded away, and you need to hold your breath to listen.

Daniel had no intention of listening to the conversation outside, but at this time Viserys asked her, "What do you think of him?"

The voices outside could no longer be heard clearly.

"Who?" Dany asked subconsciously.

At the door of the room, the maid came and went quickly, and she had returned with cleaning tools. No one paid attention to her, so she began to clean quietly.

Viserys said, "Who else could it be? The 'knight' sellsword down there."

Dany's mind returned to the topic. She had heard the sense of honor that the knight sellsword denied in his words, which reminded her of Ser William Darry in her memory.

But now that Viserys asked this, she was not sure.

Dany asked vaguely, "He is a knight, right?"

Wesleys' answer was also vague: "An exiled knight."

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