When the voices in the garden faded away, Viserys no longer cared about the subsequent conversations of the interview with "Big Bear" Jorah Mormont.


In Viserys's view, this was an interview, an interview with Jorah Mormont arranged specifically for the Beggar King.

When the Beggar King had nothing, when the exiled king had an idea of ​​the situation in the Seven Kingdoms but had no actual reference, when the former lord of the fallen country was full of desire for his homeland but had no idea where to start, how could an exiled knight who was also persecuted by the "usurper", forced to leave his homeland and wander in a foreign land, who had a deep understanding of the actual situation of the Seven Kingdoms, was sincere in his words, solemn in his description, had force, and showed that the sense of honor of the knight still existed in his heart, not be noticed by the Beggar King?

Even Daenerys was curious about this mercenary who claimed to be no longer a "knight", and naturally guessed what Viserys would do.

In fact, Viserys was already thinking about how to find an excuse to reasonably explain that he didn't need to recruit or secretly recruit such a subordinate candidate with almost no refusal conditions through Illyrio.

Jorah's words revealed that he was about to complete the task of hiring the Tyroshi envoy, and Illyrio's attitude of flattering Viserys was so straightforward.

The fat governor would definitely take action next.

But after a round of secret confrontation with Illyrio on the "maid" issue, Viserys already understood that Illyrio was so eager to put someone around him.

From Illyrio's perspective, Viserys had no reason to refuse. Even if Viserys himself was unwilling to come forward, Illyrio would enthusiastically take it all. Solve problems for the king in case of emergency.

This is an open conspiracy. If the time traveler didn't know the information of the original book, if he didn't foresee and see things with a problem-finding eye, everything would happen naturally.

This posed a problem for Viserys. Although he could keep the spies out by simply making excuses to refuse, would this approach make Illyrio aware of Viserys's actual attitude towards him, expose his actual thoughts, and then prematurely trigger an open confrontation between the two sides?

Weighing the two evils.

Viserys knew very well that he had no advantage at all now.

The only advantage of Viserys was that Illyrio was willing to take a soft approach instead of a hard one, so he could mediate.

Viserys gradually sorted out his thoughts in his mind. He had already obtained the dragon bone resources he wanted, and he had laid enough doubts. He didn't need to mess up the ambiguous attitudes of both sides. He occasionally followed the fat governor's thoughts and let them succeed. Then he thought about whether there was a way to go with the flow. Using the trick against the trick was the way he should choose at present.

Viserys was not familiar with conspiracies and tricks after all, and his mind could only support him to think of this relatively optimal solution.

In the final analysis, everything was because of lack of confidence.

If Viserys had enough confidence and was in an advantageous position, he could have directly pointed out Jorah's identity and expressed his suspicion of this person. But doing so now is indeed a bit radical, which is tantamount to alerting the enemy and pushing Illyrio to the other side of the scale.

While Viserys was racking his brains to think of countermeasures, Daenerys was also using her brain to guess what her brother was thinking, but she knew too little. Whether it was what Viserys was doing or what he was saying just now, it was adding new doubts to her.

At this moment, the maid's broom had swept from the room to the door, and she was about to change the rag to wipe the floor.

"Wait," Viserys called the maid out at this time, as if he was ordering a servant, "You, come here."

The maid walked up to her respectfully: "Honored guest?"

Viserys stood by the table and asked her in a condescending tone: "I remember your name is Ani, right?"

"Yes," the maid replied humbly, "Honored guest."

Viserys did not hold back at all, and asked directly: "I want to know, are you Illyrio's slave, or a contracted female worker?"

". Slave." The maid maintained a humble expression and answered calmly, "The master has been kind enough to allow me not to wear a collar."

"Okay." Viserys smiled with satisfaction, he sat down and called her forward, "Come here, come closer, let me see."

The maid lowered her head and walked forward as he was told. This time she became the only person standing in the room. She could easily see Viserys sitting opposite her, and she saw his eyes sweeping over her body from head to toe without any respect, examining her as if he were examining a piece of goods.

She heard the other party's evaluation of her: "Not bad. The face is okay, the body is smooth, and the person is hardworking."

She heard the other party ordering her.

"Kneel down."

She squatted down.

"Lift your head."

She raised her head.

"Open your mouth."

She opened her mouth.

Viserys's hand pinched her jaw, and his scrutinizing eyes looked into her mouth and began to examine her teeth and tongue.

She heard the other party's final evaluation.

"Not bad."

The two people talking seemed fine, but Dany was surprised by the suddenness of the incident and Viserys's actions were all beyond her expectations. She couldn't help swallowing her saliva. She quickly recognized that Viserys treated the maids with the methods that the powerful observed when buying slaves - they had seen it when they were wandering in Lys and Volantis, and she occasionally feared that such a fate would happen one day.

Dany's mood jumped up and down when Viserys ordered the maids.

Then at some point, she felt like she should be reacting normally right now.

With this thought in mind, Danni picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip.

As the water entered her mouth, she realized it was wine and not lemonade.

She resisted the urge to breathe and swallowed the drink in her mouth. Then she held the cup in her hands and moved her hands in small movements, as if playing with the water glass.

No one noticed Dany's little movement.

Viserys withdrew his hand, and the maid tried to maintain her composure and asked humbly: "Distinguished guest?"

"Okay, get up. No need to wipe the floor with a rag." Viserys said, and began to ask her to do things as a matter of course, "Go over there and carry the box over here."

The maid nodded respectfully and stepped forward to carry the dragon bone box in the corner of Viserys' room to the tea seat.

Viserys opened the box and placed the dragon bones on the table.

The keel is as promised, there are five pieces of raw material, they are all small black broken bones that have not been treated, with obvious traces of wind erosion; there are five pieces that have been prepared into luxury goods, and they are decorated with jewelry, agate or gold and silver; there are also made of There are five pieces of equipment, the largest one is a single-arc keel short bow, and the others are four sharpened arrows; there are also pure decorations, a relatively complete spine, and a half-face Dragon bone skeleton, three complete finger bones with fingernails left.

Illyrio is really willing to give it up.

Viserys had a visible smile on his face, and even Dany was mesmerized by the dazzling array of dragon bone objects.

"Distinguished guest," the maid who was standing there couldn't help but asked, "I"

Viserys had no intention of letting her speak.

"Ani, be quiet." He called the maid's name for the first time. "From now on, when I talk to my sister and do things, without my order, you will just stand there and serve me quietly. Also, from now on, you will Call me master. I will tell Illyrio later, you will be my maid from now on."


The maid and Dany had looks of astonishment on their faces at the same time.

Viserys ignored the maid again. He turned his head and said to Dany in Valyrian: "The fat governor plans to give me a maid. This maid knows everything about her. I will keep it by my side for peace of mind."

Daenerys didn't wait for a reply.

Viserys asked the maid in Common: "Do you understand what I am saying?"

The maid didn't seem to have recovered from the information she had just been told. She subconsciously replied in confusion: "I don't understand, your honor, ah, master."

Dany hesitated for a long time, but finally couldn't help but said in Valyrian: "But."

"Nothing but..." Viserys interrupted her, "We are the only descendants of true dragons in the world, so it is always right to be cautious."

Dany understood the meaning and didn't try to say anything more. But her doubts were deeper.

Viserys saw that Dany stopped asking, and he didn't know if she really understood or was just habitually silent.

Speaking of which, even though Viserys was pushing down the wine glass at the door of the room and using the silver wine glass as a reflector to observe the corridor, he was not sure whether what he saw was very useful information, because this person The maid did not appear from the crack in the wall, the ceiling, or a corner as he expected, but quietly came out of the empty guest room opposite Daenerys.

Viserys could not imagine the room opposite peering across the corridor to the other side.

The only thing Viserys could confirm was that this maid should be the watcher, because when she went out with nothing in her hands, she moved lightly and cautiously, and paused very obviously when she walked towards Viserys' room. She keenly noticed that the door to Viserys' room was open, and her immediate reaction betrayed her.

Fortunately, before she noticed, Viserys had already picked up the half-empty wine glass by the door.

Viserys has always been reluctant to risk testing because this kind of testing would be a hidden danger for sensitive people. Just like just now, if he picked up the wine glass a few seconds slower, the other party would definitely notice his move.

Fortunately, he was stable enough and never underestimated the opponent's acumen. Viserys's temptation has begun, and once the action begins, it cannot stop there. This is Viserys's way of doing things. So keeping the maid by his side was his second step. Since the suspicion of the maid spying in the dark had turned from suspicion to certainty, keeping her by his side was tantamount to putting his eyes in the dark to the bright side, which allowed him to see Illyrio's reaction. , you can also use this relationship to make use of the topic to force her to leave under certain circumstances.

Perhaps this would allow for a brief shielding from prying eyes when necessary.

Perhaps the worst part is that there are more than one set of eyes on Viserys and Daenerys at all times.

But will it?

Viserys didn't think so, at least not today.

There have always been some secret things. The more participants there are, the easier it is to be exposed. Viserys believed that Illyrio must also understand this truth.

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