Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 30 Dany's Heartwarming Moment

"Dragon, what a wonderful creature, look at these bones, how beautiful."

Viserys played with a piece of dragon bone in his hand, and returned to his normal state, speaking to Daenerys in the Common Language.

"Can I touch these dragon bones?" Dany asked boldly. She tried not to look at the maid Ani who was standing respectfully beside her, and let her attitude be as usual.

"Of course, my good sister." This is exactly what Viserys thought.

Dany reached out to touch these dragon bones, and she first took the bone fragment closest to her. This bone fragment was a little broken, and it was severely eroded by wind and covered with various scratches. It was a raw material that had not been polished. She carefully touched the bone fragment. It felt cold and rough when she touched it, and the scratches were traces of time. Dany couldn't see what was special about it.

She quickly changed to the next one.

Her brother didn't stop her.

Those raw materials of dragon bones that were the cheapest among them were passed through one by one, and Dany found that except for the black color, they seemed to be no different from stones?

She then held the luxury items embellished with jewels, carefully savoring the feeling in her hands and looking at them carefully with her eyes.

She could not feel or see anything. But she was saying, "So beautiful, are these really given to us?"

"Yes, I borrowed them from Illyrio," Viserys said, "I will return them in the future. You must be curious why I borrowed them."

[Can I tell you? ]

Dany tried her best to act normal and responded, "Why?"

"These things will only be covered in dust in other people's hands," Viserys said in Valyrian, "I tell you, my dear sister, there is magic hidden in dragon bones, and the same is true for dragon eggs. We are descendants of true dragons. If we can unlock these magics, our restoration of the country is just around the corner."

There was a hint of fanaticism in Viserys' eyes when he said this.

But Dany was not sure whether what she said in front of the maid was true or false.

Dany responded in Valyrian, "Really?" She couldn't help but look at the expression on Viserys' face seriously.

Viserys continued to answer her in Valyrian: "It is rumored that there is magic to hatch dragons in the shadow land of Asshai. It would be great if there were dragon eggs. Dragon bones are easy to get, but dragon eggs are hard to find." As he spoke, he handed over the dragon bones that Dany was playing with.

Two pieces, Dany took them in her hands, and felt a hint of warmth.

Was it Viserys's hand that warmed it, or was it different from the others?

Dany was silent. When she didn't know what to do, she would be silent.

Viserys looked at her expectantly: "Do you think I'm delusional too?"

"No, I just..." Dany racked her brains and didn't know what to say at this moment, she said, "I don't know."

Daenerys didn't know what to say, but there was an impulse in her heart that made her bolder. She put down the dragon bone object that Viserys handed to her and reached for the sharpened dragon bone arrowhead.

Viserys didn't stop her.

She used the tip of her thumb to test the sharpness of the arrow: "Ah." In a moment of carelessness, the arrow pierced the skin, and blood oozed from the tip of her thumb.

"How can you be so careless." Viserys hurriedly came forward and held Dany's hand with concern. He held her thumb in his mouth without thinking.

Dany felt her fingers wrapped in warmth and moisture.

After a moment, Viserys stopped and said with concern: "You are too delicate, Dany, this is not good. It is not royal." He frowned and thought, "Well, let me think about it, let's do this. Starting today, you have to come to me every day." He picked up the dragon bone short bow casually, "I will teach you how to hold the bow, just as exercise."

Dany couldn't hide her joy at all: "Really?"

Viserys answered with a serious expression: "When has your brother ever lied to you?"

Dany just pretended not to hear this sentence.

"Don't underestimate holding a bow." With that, Viserys stood up and demonstrated to Daenerys.

Viserys held the bow handle with his left hand and the bowstring with his right hand, his feet slightly apart, his body slightly leaning forward, his eyes staring sharply in one direction, then he raised the bow and pulled the bowstring.

In a trance, Dany looked at her brother standing there holding the bow, and the whole person had a sense of awe for no reason, like a different person.

"Did you see it clearly?" Viserys slowly retracted the bow and relaxed, "Come on, it's your turn to try."

Dany stood up as he said and took the short bow that Viserys handed over solemnly. At a certain moment, Dany thought of the story of Aegon the Conqueror.

Viserys said to her: "Learn to stand first. Keep your body upright and your feet shoulder-width apart." He put his hands on Dany's shoulders to correct her habitual head-down movement. He gently kicked Dany's feet apart with his feet so that she would not put them together, which seemed timid and empty. "Lean your back forward slightly, and relax your shoulders and back. Raise your head slightly. Don't look at me, look over there, at the painting on the wall, do you see it? Don't look directly at it, use your peripheral vision to see it."

Viserys corrected her standing posture, making Dany gradually look like an archer.

Then, he held Dany's hands, indicating that he would teach her step by step: "Control your breathing. Don't tense your body, are you nervous?"

Dany's heart was pounding: "I" she was trying very hard to control it.

Viserys' voice told her in her ear: "Don't answer, control your breathing. Follow me, inhale-exhale-inhale-exhale-"

With a few conscious breaths, Dany's heartbeat gradually calmed down.

He moved Dany's hand to the bow: "Hold the bow handle. Hold the bow handle with your thumb and index finger, and the other fingers should be on the bowstring. Don't hold the bow handle tightly, you should hold it lightly."

Dany followed his hand and tried to imitate.

Viserys adjusted her arm position and taught: "Okay, now start drawing the bow."

When drawing the string, Dany's fingers were gently grasped by Viserys and slowly pulled back. The bowstring was heavier than Dany imagined, but most of the power came from Viserys's hand.

Dany tried her best to control her breathing. She remembered to keep her eyes on the target.

They pulled the bow into a strong and powerful arc.

Viserys continued to teach her: "Yes, that's it. When you aim at the target, you should focus your sight on the tip of the arrow. Now there is no arrow, just put it on your hand holding the bow, and imagine that there is an arrow there. Observe with your peripheral vision. Don't shake your hand."

The action of pulling the string lasted for seven or eight breaths, until the target and her own hand were almost deformed in Dany's eyes.

"Remember this feeling. Okay, draw the bow." Viserys continued to speak, "Remember, Dany, there is no arrow now, so you must slowly draw the force when you draw the bow. It is a very dangerous behavior to release the bowstring without arrows. It may hurt yourself and others, and it will also cause great damage to the bow. You must keep this in mind."

Dany's answer was brief: "Yes."

Viserys hummed with satisfaction: "Okay."

When the warm palm covering her hand left, Dany couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. Just now, she tried very hard to listen and learn, but she couldn't help thinking about other things at the same time.

She thought of the conqueror Aegon and his sister wives Visenya and Rhaenys in the story, wondering if they had such warm moments?

Before her face flushed, Viserys's serious voice interrupted her thoughts: "Okay, next you practice on your own. Start with the standing posture."


Too much happened today, and when it came to extracting information for the trivial things that happened today, Ani was also in trouble. She felt that except for the lie that the beggar king told in Valyrian - dragon bones, dragon eggs, and magic, the others were unremarkable, and they were all things that were not beyond expectations.

She would think carefully about how to report in the evening.

The reaction of the beggar king when he eavesdropped on the conversation in the garden is worth mentioning. The master must want to know this the most, but the beggar king's emotions are hidden very deeply, and he said too little about this matter.

The beggar king's abnormal enthusiasm for dragon bones and dragon eggs is nothing new, but today's Valyrian lies may interest the master. She is not sure, but she must say it.

It was a new thing for the beggar king to teach his sister how to use a bow, but his master might not care about it.

The warming of the relationship between the beggar king and his foolish sister seemed to be something worth talking about, but what did it mean? The girl seemed to love her brother, and her brother was a man who rarely spoke the truth.

Ani's master and Ani were both guessing the riddles thrown by the beggar king, speculating on his exaggerated performance, and probing his details.

The beggar king was full of lies.

This was Ani's feeling. Among the people she had secretly spied on, this king was one of the most scheming.

Even this time, she might even be sent by her master to serve him.

It was just a bargain for Doria, the bitch of Lys. Ani didn't know what the master and the beggar king said in secret, but she heard that Doria was placed in the master's side room when she came out. The bed slave was supposed to be the beggar king's maid, and the master bought the bitch for this.

But now the beggar king's maid has become Ani.

Ani knew it very well. The beggar king asked for it, and her master would not refuse.

Ani couldn't help but think about what she might encounter in the future. She could only comfort herself that at least the beggar king was not bad looking, and as long as he was not particularly perverted, she could tolerate it. Her master bought her and taught her to read just for this day.

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