Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 32 Impulsiveness is a bad habit

The personal maid couldn't be arranged elsewhere, so at night, Illyrio sent someone to move a small bed in the corner next to the washroom in Viserys's second large guest room, and then asked the servants to roughly set up a transparent partition curtain, which was the place where the king's new personal maid would live in the future.

That's what it means to be by your side.

In fact, the king's maid is just a nice name, and the slave of the beggar king is the real identity. The maids of noble birth around the king across the sea are called the king's maids.

When Illyrio agreed to Viserys's request, Ani was nominally Viserys's personal property, and he could take whatever he wanted, beat, kill and scold.

This is the true side of the free trade city-state that half-covers slavery.

Viserys certainly won't forget the other identity of this maid, Illyrio's spy.

The eyes staring at him turned from dark to light, and it was not sure whether there would be another pair of eyes in the dark, so Viserys needed to be more careful.

But no matter what the situation is in private, sending this maid at least shows that the cooperation between the two parties is in the honeymoon period. When Viserys asks Illyrio for this or that in the future, he can be more straightforward.

Viserys is not very worried about the secret being discovered. He believes that when people lack the necessary information, it is often difficult to piece together the truth. And the secrets in him require imagination, but how can people who have not seen real magic for a hundred years imagine and believe these things before seeing them with their own eyes?

They will put their guesses on more practical things.

For example, Dorne.

Illyrio repeatedly tested and exposed the information to Viserys while pressing step by step. They suspected that the Dornish people were behind Viserys's behavior.

It's natural and logical.

Let them compete with the Dornish people in the air.

Viserys sat at the desk in the room and thought about it. At this moment, he looked like a college student who looked at the dragon bones under the oil lamp with a certain research attitude in order to complete his graduation thesis, pretending to have a research attitude.

Maid Ani saw that her new master had not issued any orders since she entered the room, so she had to try to approach respectfully with light footsteps.

"If you have nothing to do, stay aside." Only then did Viserys say the first words of the night to her, "Don't get close to me when I'm studying dragon bones."

"Yes, master." Maid Ani retreated respectfully to her corner and began to quietly organize her things.

The huge guest room fell silent, and Viserys' shadow under the oil lamp cast a huge shadow in the room. His hands studying the dragon bones were very close to the flame of the oil lamp, and the shadow cast on the wall was like a monster with bared fangs and claws.

When Viserys's dragon bone research, which seemed to be at a loss and in trouble, changed to the third dragon bone, there was a knock on the door.

Viserys turned his head to look at the door, and by the way saw Maid Ani looking at him, as if waiting for his reaction.

Viserys ordered her as a matter of course: "Go open the door."

Unexpectedly, it was Daenerys outside the door.

Dany saw the maid opening the door and greeted her blankly: ".Ani."

Viserys asked: "What's the matter, Dany?"

This was the first time that Daenerys took the initiative to find her brother.

"I was just practicing the bow holding posture in my room," she stumbled at first, but soon spoke smoothly, "I don't know if I did anything wrong, my shoulder hurts a little."

She practiced enthusiastically for an entire afternoon, and it would be strange if she didn't hurt to use muscles that had not been used much at once.

But anyone could see that this was Dany's excuse. To be honest, Viserys thought that this day would come sooner or later, but he didn't expect that after being treated so cruelly by the original Viserys, he just treated her a little more like a normal brother, took the initiative to win her over and confide in her several times, and designed psychological hints for Dany to unite with him. Perhaps the drawbridge effect really worked, making Daenerys trust him more. The brotherly love that went beyond the brotherly love actually made Dany bold enough to take the initiative to get close to him despite the years of cruel treatment Viserys had given her.

What stimulated her? Was it the rapid development of her feelings today? Was it the maid sent by Illyrio?

Whatever it was, Daenerys's progress was a little too fast, beyond Viserys's expectations.

A young girl who was just beginning to fall in love was always easily overwhelmed by her emotions. Viserys should have thought of it earlier.

Daenerys was smart, but she was still too young.

But wasn't this the reason why he pushed things to this point?

Viserys collected his thoughts and waved at her: "Come here and let me see."

Daney walked into the room obediently, silently passed by her brother's maid, and came to her brother.

Viserys stretched out his hand to pinch Dany's shoulder: "Does it hurt here?" This kind of intimate action was natural for him to do on Dany, not at all subtle, and he would not blush, even Dany herself did not find it strange.

The pain of the pinched shoulder made Daenerys shrink her neck: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Viserys replied seriously: "It's normal. It means that you have practiced well and the position of exerting force is correct. The soreness in your shoulders is because you have not experienced training before. You must be mentally prepared. This kind of pain will last for a long time." For a while, until your muscles are solid and strong. I first learned archery at the Red Keep. I was younger than you are now. The instructor at the Red Keep was Sir William. He had the support of the king at that time and forced me to practice archery every day. After training, my shoulders are so painful that I can’t even hold a fork. Okay, I mean pain is normal. When you take a shower, remember to pour hot water on the painful area.”

Dany asked again: "Did Ser William teach you how to hold a bow and shoot an arrow?" She remembered that Ser William would teach Viserys swordsmanship when he was still there, but he never took it seriously, which made Ser William often lament in private. sigh.

"Yes." Viserys heard that Dany didn't want to go back to the house yet, so he simply pulled her to sit next to her and chatted with her, "You should still remember how he taught me swordsmanship, Dany. I won't hide it from you. Later, I often regret that I didn’t take it seriously just because I had such a vivid memory of the hardships Sir William put me through while shooting at the Red Fort. Now that I think about it, ugh.”

Hearing Viserys sigh, Dany didn't know how to answer: "."

Viserys didn't care about Dany's reaction. After chatting for a while, he picked up the dragon bone on the table and began to study it again by the light of the oil lamp, fascinated.

It was the first time that Dany knew that Viserys would be doing such detailed research on the dragon bones in the room. She sat beside him for a while, watching as he seemed to be making no progress. She revised the question many times in her mind before finally answering. Finally, she said: "Brother, what are you doing?" She thought it was better to ask casually as usual.

"There is magic hidden in the dragon bones," Viserys responded to her in Valyrian. "I'm working on how to get it."

He answered matter-of-factly, and the fanaticism in his eyes didn't seem to be fake, but it made Dany startled. If this was a "secret," why didn't he cover it up?

Dany's thoughts wandered for a long time, and in the end she said nothing and sat beside him in silence.

A while passed.

Viserys sighed and put down the dragon bone in his hand, covering his face with his hands in a depressed manner. He rubbed his face, then poured himself a glass of wine and drank it down.

While Dany was thinking about how to speak, Viserys seemed to have recovered. He looked at Dany and said, "It's time for me to exercise. If you are bored, just look through the storybook on the desk. Look, if you feel sleepy, go back and take a shower.”

Then without waiting for Dany to reply, Viserys stood up under her gaze.

He took out the dagger, stood still in an empty space in the room, and then began to swing the dagger.

Again and again.

The dagger swung flatly into the air in Viserys' hand.

Dany sat at the table in a daze, a little at a loss for a moment. Her eyes followed Viserys' unobtrusive movements, and she couldn't help but look at the maid Ani who had been sitting silently in the corner of the room, waiting.

At first, what Dany was thinking was, what allowed her brother Viserys to ignore others and concentrate on doing his own thing? What was going on in his mind at this time?

But a minute passed, a quarter of an hour passed, and an hour passed.

She watched Viserys sweating profusely, still swinging the dagger forward. Her confusion gradually turned into shock and surprise, and finally numbness.

When Viserys stopped swinging the dagger, Dany found that she was thinking about a lot of things, but she couldn't connect them in her mind in a short time. She gained a new understanding of her brother.

Viserys was very normal. He ordered: "Ani, go ask someone to prepare hot water. I want to take a bath."

"Yes, Master." Ani got the order and went to work immediately.

Viserys looked at Daenerys, who was obviously shocked: "It's so late, Dany, you should go back and rest early. Remember to take a hot bath. Have a sweet dream."

Danny had a lot of thoughts in her heart, but when she spoke, she only had the usual response: "Then, I'm going back."

She was thinking that being Visenya and Rhaenys might require more than she imagined.

Viserys watched Dany leave, feeling that she should have sobered up from her overwhelming emotions. No matter what stimulated her, acting impulsively was not a good habit worth encouraging.

As for the fact that he was secretly training hard in private, Viserys knew it well, and it was probably Daenerys who didn't know about it in the courtyard.

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