After she fell asleep, the bad memories she thought were behind her came flooding back.

Viserys looked at her ferociously.

"You don't want to awaken the wrath of the sleeping dragon, do you?"

She was wandering on the sea, with thunder and rain falling above her. She was riding alone in a small boat and could be swallowed by the waves at any time. There was a black spot very far in front of her. Due to the distance, it looked quite small, but she could still make out that it was a small island. There was a dragon-shaped castle on the island. Viserys was as tall as a giant. over there. She couldn't sail a boat, so she had to be pushed there by the waves.

".You don't want to awaken the wrath of the sleeping dragon, do you?"

Viserys waved, fists hitting her like a storm. His fingers were like snakes, biting her body, pinching, twisting and twisting. He screamed: "Dragonstone, King's Landing, the Iron Throne, the Seven Kingdoms, they were all snatched from us, and we are coming back!" He howled wildly, digging his nails into her skin. There were bloody marks on her body, and bright red blood seeped out from the scraped skin.

".Awaken the wrath of the sleeping dragon, right?"

She saw the boat drifting close to the island with the dragon-shaped castle. The closer she got, the smaller the tall Viserys became, and the fists hitting her body were like a breeze. Had she forgotten the pain? The storm seemed to be calming down, and the huge waves were getting smaller and smaller. She saw a door painted red. ".Home." She said softly. "That's not home."

".Wrath of the Sleeping Dragon, right?"

"Have family"

She saw half of Viserys' face smiling at her, two sounds coming from his throat at once.

".Sleeping Dragon"

“A place with family”

Her shoulder burned, and Viserys smiled at her from the front. She was closer, and the island with the dragon-shaped castle was just ahead. She mustered up the courage to stand up. Viserys gave her an approving look.


Those vicious words were blown away by the wind.

"A place with family is home."

The boat needed no control, and as she drew closer, Viserys opened his arms to her.


She heard a voice behind her. She turned around, and behind her was an illusory tall hall. Ethereal ghosts line both sides of the long hall. They can be vaguely seen wearing the faded clothes of ancient kings and holding light-colored flaming swords. Their figures are ethereal. Some of their hair are silver, some are golden, some are as bright as platinum, and their eyes are as bright as platinum. It is the color of opal, amethyst, tourmaline and emerald.

"No!" they shouted, "No!"

She looked back in confusion. The ghosts' eyes were full of reproach, looking at her like a little girl who had done something wrong.

The boat needed no control, she was moving farther and farther away from them, closer to Viserys.

She felt at a loss.

At this time, the boat stopped and stopped on the sea. In front of her was her brother Viserys who was smiling at her, and behind her was a reproachful gaze that made her feel confused.

【Did I do something wrong? 】

she asked.

No one gave her an answer.

Darkness enveloped her.

Dots of purple starlight surged out of her body and were swallowed by the ethereal and deep whirlpool of darkness. When she recovered from the daze, she was already outside the dark curtain that was gradually becoming familiar to her.

Her body was heating up. She lowered her head and saw more sparks scattered on her body. Those places where there were sparks were emitting hot flow of breath, penetrating into the skin and flowing into her body along the bloodstream.

"This means your bloodline is awakening. Don't forget, we are the descendants of the true dragon, and our blood is burning with flames."

It was the last thing she thought about before falling into nothingness.

She woke up suddenly, and there was a smell of rust in her mouth. It was because she had bitten her lip at some point while dreaming.

She remembered the strange things in her dream and thought about it carefully when she woke up.

The reproachful glances of the ghosts impressed her deeply.

【Did I do something wrong? 】

she asked herself.

She couldn't understand what that meant?

She sat up from the bed and leaned against the head of the bed. The night is dark outside the window, with stars hanging high in the sky. The sea breeze blows into the room with a salty smell, and the night is as cool as water.

Only then did she realize that the pain in her shoulder that had nearly kept her awake before going to bed seemed to be less severe.

The next day, when she took her daily walk after lunch to the pavilion with the sound of waves, Dany mustered up the courage to quietly tell Viserys about her night's dream. For the first time, she saw the panic on Viserys's face that hadn't seemed to appear since he was struck by lightning.

But Viserys quickly concealed his panic: "Dany, tell me the truth, I was cruel to you in your previous dreams. Are there those ghosts?"

"This is the first time I've dreamed about ghosts." Dany answered cautiously, "I'm afraid." She became bolder day by day, but she still couldn't help but dodge her eyes when she said these things. She glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw that Viserys was just After listening to her carefully, she added. "I'm afraid of you. I don't know why, but it was the same the past few times. Suddenly, the fear in my heart surged up like the tide on the seaside in the morning, but after the dream, it disappeared the next day like the ebbing tide at dusk. "

"Oh." Dany saw an unprecedented heaviness on Viserys's face. He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he said, "Oh."

Dani couldn't help but panic: "What's wrong?"

"I'm tired from walking." He suddenly said, "Let's just sit here and rest for a while, okay?"

Viserys sat down by the pavilion with an expressionless face. He looked towards the narrow sea, looking far into the distance of the sea level, and fell into deep thought.

Viserys once thought that the coming of the red comet would be his chance, but now it seems that it might be his disaster.

Looking back, are those purple dusts swallowed by him through dreams really dragon souls? Are they really just dragon souls?

Are those "non-me" parts of Daenerys' dreams really brought to her by the remnant souls of dragon bones, rather than the magic hidden in the Targaryen blood?

He knew that in the original book, when Daenerys was cursed by the witch with black magic, a similar description appeared in Daenerys' dream - the ghosts of ancient kings.

That was the moment when Daenerys was about to become the mother of dragons. Unlike the sloppy portrayal in the TV series, in the original book, Daenerys went through a dream like a K-style story. Since then, Daenerys, who had awakened, has been in a mysterious state. She vaguely relied on some mysterious power to drive a ritual suspected of magic sacrifice. Driven by this mysterious power, Daenerys threw herself into the flames and finally hatched three dragons.

Are those ghosts that appeared in her dreams just illusions? Are they dead things? Are they magical illusions triggered by the awakening of magic power?

Or is it because of the low magic power that they have to sleep in the magical projection of a mysterious existence through their blood?

Viserys had to make such an assumption. If this magical power is rooted in the blood and is based on the connection between the blood and the mysterious existence, then when he entered the body of the last Targaryen to devour his soul and memory, and occupied his body, did the mysterious existence know?

When he gained power by entering Daenerys's dream and devoured the purple dust, did the mysterious existence know?

Is his behavior destroying the original arrangement of the mysterious existence?

The answer is already obvious.

Viserys did not doubt that Daenerys had the "sight of God" - if it was God. But because nothing happened, he felt that the risk was not very big, and thought that He seemed to condone his behavior, or that He could not perceive it.

Now it seems that He is not actually condoning or not perceiving it, but that He is still unable to interfere through reality.

The mercy of the goddess Hylia made Viserys take it lightly in the world of ice and fire.

He was clearly madly hinting to Daenerys to stay away from Viserys, but for some reason, his wish could not be fulfilled. The purple dust that Viserys swallowed must have affected his mystical connection with Daenerys to some extent.

To be honest, until just now, Viserys was still complacent, because yesterday he let Dany touch two dragon bones containing dragon souls and successfully activated two magic powers.

In his expectation, collecting dragon souls can be done slowly, because there is still a lot of time before the arrival of the red comet. No matter how few dragon bones containing dragon souls there are, one tenth, one twentieth or even one hundredth, even if only one out of a hundred dragon bones can be used, he can be patient.

But now it seems that he can't sit back and relax.

Since he came to this world and became Viserys, he has unknowingly made enemies for himself.

Is there a possibility of reconciliation?

When this idea came up, Viserys wanted to laugh.

Not to mention that there is no place to reconcile now, he can't leave Daenerys if he wants to become a dragon. Will the other party be willing to hand over Daenerys to him?

After a long silence, Dany felt uneasy because she couldn't confirm Viserys's emotions. She couldn't help but ask boldly: "What are you thinking about, what's wrong?"

". Dany," Viserys heard her uneasy question, he turned his head and said seriously, "The road ahead will be difficult, the front is full of dangers and thorns, are you willing to walk with me?"

She didn't understand, but she heard another deep meaning: "What?"

"It doesn't matter, give me your hand." Viserys took her hand, "Let's go, keep moving forward."

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