Chapter 34 Jon Arryn

"Please be careful."

"'Please be careful'?" The old prime minister's sharp eyes were like a hawk, looking straight ahead at the strange man who warned him, "Hiding his head and tail, not daring to show his true face, who is talking?"

Just now, the bodyguard Xiu Fu informed the old Prime Minister that a visitor whose name was not disclosed crossed the other guards outside the Prime Minister's Tower and appeared in front of his personal attendant asking for an interview.

The visitor was stout, wearing tattered boots stained with mud, and a heavy brown robe made of extremely rough material. His face was covered by a hooded cloak, and he was covered in sweat. His hands were hidden in overlapping sleeves.

"Please forgive me." The masked man said in a strange low tone, "Your Majesty Prime Minister, I request to communicate with you alone."

The old prime minister narrowed his eyes and did not answer immediately. The heaviness in the air hung in the air. "Xiufu, please step back first." As the old prime minister issued the order, the stagnant air relaxed slightly. After the door was closed and they were alone in the room, the visitor raised his cloak.

"Varys." The old prime minister said the guest's name without any surprise on his face, as if he had expected it.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister," Wallis said to the old Prime Minister politely, "please be careful, I am afraid someone will harm you."

"'Someone'." The old Prime Minister asked, "Who?"

"Ask me, Prime Minister." Varys replied, "I dare say, you probably know this better than I do."

The old Prime Minister asked the next question: "What do you know?"

Wallis replied: "You have a high position and they dare not deal with you openly. Prime Minister, please be careful about what you eat. In the future, you can ask others to taste the food first before eating it yourself."

The old prime minister's eyelids twitched slightly: "You said someone would poison me and murder me. Do you have any evidence?"

Wallis said in a respectful tone: "As wise as you are, how can you not imagine their methods?"

"Only someone unworthy of being a human being would think of such a thing." The old prime minister interrupted Varys with a serious look on his face.

Varys was not angry: "They say poison is a woman's weapon."

The old prime minister did not give him a good look: "There are also cowards and eunuchs."

"You don't trust me." Varys sighed, "But these are my honest words, Prime Minister."

"What do you know?" The old prime minister asked the same question again, "You know what I'm asking."

"Every move you make is of national importance." Wallis replied, "Many pairs of eyes are looking at you."

"Including you," the old Prime Minister said. "People say that in King's Landing, little birds are everywhere and the eight-clawed spider knows everything."

Varys showed a sharp and hurtful smile: "No one can know everything. That is just the nonsense of ordinary people. Prime Minister, you should be wise enough to know. I only know what I should know. This is the responsibility given to me by the king." ”

The old prime minister asked: "Then the king sent you? Does the king know?"

"My duty sent me here, Mr. Prime Minister. You can make fun of me. But eunuchs also have a sense of honor." Varys was a little sad, as if he was heartbroken. "You are the one who maintains the seven kingdoms. The king does what he does every day. We know everything.”

The old prime minister didn't trust him at all: "With these words, someone can pull out your tongue."

"You want to do to me what you did to Ser Ilyn Payne?"

Ser Ilyn Payne is the current king's executioner and a knight from House Payne in the West. Once, during the reign of King Aerys II, he served as the captain of the guard for Lord Tywin, Hand of the King. Because someone reported that he claimed that "Lord Tywin is the true ruler of the Seven Kingdoms", he had his tongue pulled out by the king.

"I am not Tywin, and the current king is not Aerys II." The old prime minister asked for the third time, "I ask again, what do you know?"

"If you are asking me about what you and Lord Stannis are plotting, I tell you the truth, Lord Hand, I know it, and so does the king." Varys replied, "You intend to make Lord Stannis your successor. However, what you may not know is that the king has privately promised the queen that this position will be given to Jaime Lannister, and he hopes that your son will be given to Tywin. The adults are adopted children.”

The old prime minister stared at Wallis and said nothing for a long time. The solemn atmosphere in the room made his mouth go dry.

"Humph." The old prime minister broke the silence, "Leave, Varys. Your duty is to be loyal to the king. It is your duty to remain loyal to the king and not to favor anyone."

"Yes, Prime Minister." Wallis couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart, "I will keep your warning in mind."

Varys left.

After a while, the old prime minister's attendant Xiufu knocked on the door and came in.

The old Prime Minister asked: "Did you see where the visitor went?"

"The stable," the young attendant replied, "I followed, but found no one. I couldn't find the way."

"Forget it, let's go down. We need to arrange for someone to keep an eye on the stable in the future."

After the old Prime Minister finished his instructions, he waited until the attendant Xiu left, and then took out the "Genealogy and History of the Major Nobles of the Seven Kingdoms" borrowed from Grand Maester Pycelle from the book on the table in the Prime Minister's reception room. The old prime minister carefully put the book into his arms before officially finishing today's document work and walked back to the room.

When the old Prime Minister returned to the room, his wife, Lady Lysa Tully, was half lying on the bed holding his youngest son, Robert Arryn.

Mrs. Lysa is breastfeeding her six-year-old son.

Robert Arryn had always been sickly, so Lysa doted on her son, protecting him everywhere and pampering him in everything. She even didn't wean him when Robert was six years old.

The old Prime Minister felt distressed when he saw his child like this, but he also knew that he couldn't take any responsibility in his current state.

Old Jon knew that he was not young anymore, so he designated many heirs, but they all died before him. But he was already old, and his wife had miscarriages many times before finally giving birth to a sickly son, Robert Arryn.

His marriage with Lady Lysa was not happy. During Robert's uprising, in order to gain the support of Riverrun, Jon and his adopted son Eddard Stark married Lysa Tully and Catelyn Tully, the daughters of Duke Hoster Tully, respectively.

At that time, Old Jon was old enough to be Lady Lysa's grandfather.

"Madam, you haven't slept yet." The old prime minister greeted his wife. Usually, this situation meant that Madam Lysa had something to do, either to punish the "disobedient" servants or to ask for some job arrangements.

Madam Lysa was not like this before. When she was young, Lysa was a beautiful, slim, big-breasted girl, delicate and shy, but now she is paranoid, strict and mean, and thinks that there are enemies everywhere. The maids and servants are afraid of her, and only the majesty of the old prime minister can suppress them a little.

But not today. Madam Lysa just quietly breastfed the child, her hands gently caressed the child in her arms, and a smile bloomed on her face, like a gentle and loving mother.

When Madam Lysa heard her husband's greeting, she hurriedly made a shushing gesture to the old prime minister.

"Good Robin, my love, Mommy loves you." Lady Lysa sang a gentle sleep-inducing tune, "Good Robin, my love, eat well and go to sleep."

This warm picture made the Prime Minister, who had been working hard all day, feel inexplicably warm. He nodded to his wife, then walked quietly to the desk in the bedroom.

He habitually wanted to pour himself a glass of wine before going to bed.

The wine jug was empty.

He looked at his wife and children, unable to bear to say a word of interruption, and quietly got up alone, walked lightly to the door, and whispered to his personal attendant Shufu to fill him with wine.

Not long after, his guards brought him back a wine jug full of wine.

Before going to bed, he flipped through the book "Genealogy and History of the Major Nobles of the Seven Kingdoms" on the desk again.

Thinking of what he and Stannis had found, his mood was inexplicably complicated, and he sighed from the bottom of his heart.

This terrible fact could cause the entire dynasty to fall into war if he was not careful. Will the solution he chose have a profound impact on the direction of this country?

The burden was on his shoulders, how difficult it was.

With mixed emotions, the old prime minister took a sip of wine.

Lady Lysa's lulling song was still singing softly.

"Good Robin kiss, mommy loves you.

Good Robin kiss, sleep well.

With mommy here, no one can hurt you.

With mommy here, no one can make you afraid.

Good Robin kiss, mommy loves you.

Good Robin kiss, good Robin kiss."

That night, the old prime minister fell ill.

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