The acute gastrointestinal disease came like a storm, and it only took one night to knock down the old man who had been running the country for King Robert for many years.

Ke Meng, a bachelor from the Eagle's Nest City, was the first doctor to diagnose the old Prime Minister. He suspected that the Prime Minister was poisoned. He used the excuse that the old Prime Minister had stomach problems and often added ice cubes to wine, which affected the old Prime Minister's intestines and stomach. The purpose of making Lord Aylin drink intestinal cleansing potion and pepper solution was to make him vomit the toxins.

But Lord Jon's condition continued to worsen. He had a severe fever and could not speak clearly.

The people from the Prime Minister's Tower went to ask Grand Maester Pai Hill overnight, but after the Grand Maester checked, he only brought sad news. The Grand Maester said that there was nothing he could do, and that the Prime Minister had no hope of recovery, and that he should be given poppy milk before he died, so that he would no longer suffer.

Lady Lysa didn't believe this, and stood in the way for a long time. She desperately begged the Grand Maester to save her husband, and later even sternly asked them why they didn't save her husband.

The old prime minister shouted the name "Robert" many times in his last stage of fever. People wanted Robert Arryn to accompany his father, but Lady Lysa did not allow the child to enter the ward for fear that he would be infected with the disease.

The person who stayed with the old Prime Minister at the last moment was His Majesty King Robert. King Robert came after hearing the news and sat beside the hospital bed for a long time, talking to Lord Jon about the good old days, hoping to cheer up the old prime minister's spirit. But the sudden disease was like a raging fire, and the king could only watch Lord Jon being burned away by it.

When Grand Maester Pyhir proposed for the second time that the old Prime Minister should be fed poppy milk so that he would no longer suffer, there was no objection.

Before closing his eyes, the old prime minister tried his best to say something. He said, "The caste is strong," but his words were so slurred that it was difficult to discern what he meant.

The old Prime Minister did not survive the next morning.

The only consolation was that the Prime Minister had calmed down after drinking the milk of the poppy. Archmaester Pyhir assured the king that he died in peace.

The funeral of the old prime minister was held grandly in the Great Sept of Baelor. From the king on down, everyone felt sad for the sudden death of the old prime minister.

The funeral was held by the king - the day after the death of the old prime minister, Lady Lysa and her son Robert Arryn left King's Landing and returned to the Vale without notifying anyone.

The royal ministers and the royal nobles all came to attend this grand funeral - except for the king's sea lord, Lord Stannis Baratheon, who disappeared on the night when the old prime minister fell ill. He didn't even attend the royal meeting he held in person. The king couldn't find anyone, and he didn't want to find anyone.

No one cares about these two insignificant things.

But when everyone was looking forward to who the new prime minister appointed by the king would be, the king gave everyone a surprise. The king announced his trip. He would go north to the North to visit Winterfell.

When the news reached Illyrio on the other side of the narrow sea, the fat governor was so shocked that he almost dropped his cup. He was caught off guard. The situation in the Seven Kingdoms was changing, and the old prime minister died suddenly. He was unprepared.

Wallis's letter said that there was another reason for all these conspiracies. Even he didn't find out who secretly targeted the old prime minister. He just got wind of it and tried to stop it but failed. He had several suspects, but This has nothing to do with what Illyrio said in his letter.

Everything has happened, they should just go with the flow. Varys believed that this happened suddenly, and the Beggar King and the forces behind him should also be caught off guard. Illyrio should seize the opportunity and take the opportunity to find out the details of the Beggar King - he only knows the one-way communication method of the Beggar King. Far from enough.

The sudden death of the old prime minister was unexpected, and King Robert's decision to go north was also something that no one could have predicted. The more complicated the situation becomes, the more important it is to stay calm, do your own thing, and wait for the wind to blow.

Illyrio burned the letter without reading it a second time.

Illyrio frowned and thought. While digesting the information, he thought about how the Griffins would react if the information was conveyed to them. If this is conveyed to the "Beggars King", how will he react?

News from Pentos to Westeros usually lags behind, as now, Illyrio's sources are days, or even a week, before the rumors actually reach Pentos.

At this moment, the discussion in Pentos Port still focused on Loras Tyrell, the "Knight of Flowers" of the Tyrell family, defeating Jaime Lann, the "Kingslayer" in the tourney on Prince Joffrey's name day. Nestor won the championship.

Loras is an emerging figure in Westeros among the sailors who have recently traveled to the merchant ships of the Seven Kingdoms. His youthful bravery and handsome appearance spread through these sailors, and he is well known in the ports of Pentos.

It's a coincidence.

Viserys learned of the death of the old Prime Minister Jon Arryn on the same day as Duke Stark in the North, and even Duke Stark preceded him.

"I received shocking news today. Your Majesty, I didn't want to disturb you late at night." Illyrio told Viserys the news one day before the arrival of the first group of sailors who were expected to know about the changes in the Seven Kingdoms. The Fat Governor came to the door in person and after driving Viserys's personal maid Ani out of the room, he said, "Jon Arryn has passed away."

"Who?" Viserys had an exaggerated surprise on his face, as if he didn't hear clearly.

Illyrio looked solemn: "Jon Arryn. Hand of the King of the Usurper, Jon Arryn, Prime Minister of the Seven Kingdoms."

An excited and exaggerated smile broke out on Viserys's face: "Jon Arryn? He is dead?!" He seemed to be in disbelief at the sudden happiness, and confirmed to Illyrio, "Is this news true? ?”

"My subordinates told me personally that after they learned the news in King's Landing, they immediately drove the empty ship with only ballast stones back to the port of Pentos," Illyrio came prepared and presented a roll of letter paper. , above it was scrawled in the common language of the Seven Kingdoms, "This is the obituary they excerpted, Your Majesty."

Viserys' hand was shaking when he took the letter. He read it again and again, his fingers soaked with sweat. "Where are they, your subordinate, Illyrio?"

Illyrio replied: "I arranged for them to rest in the port and did not let them come here."

Viserys breathed quickly: "Reward them with rewards!"

"Your Majesty, I gave them gold. This is the agreed reward. What else do you think you can give them?"

Viserys looked around him: "I have nothing right now, Illyrio, you give each of them double the reward, and the account will be on my head, together with the dragon bones, and I will return it to you in the future."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Illyrio agreed, "Is there anything else you need to ask me to do?"

"Illyrio, I told you that I was dormant and waiting for the opportunity, and now the opportunity has come." Viserys said with high spirits, "I didn't expect it to be so fast. It's really an eye-opener for the gods!"

Illyrio asked eagerly: "What can I do for you, Your Majesty?"

"What to do?" This question gave Viserys a pause. He calmed down his complacent expression and asked seriously and urgently, "Are there any rumors in the Seven Kingdoms, Illyrio?"

"What kind of rumors?" Illyrio asked.

"Huh? That's it, I told you." Viserys looked serious.

"Well, I'm afraid there are no such rumors." Illyrio replied, "Maybe the news from the Seven Kingdoms has not yet reached us. After all, they are separated by a narrow sea, Your Majesty."

"Let your men in the Seven Kingdoms pay more attention to this matter, Illyrio." Viserys said seriously, "This is very important."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Viserys thought for a while, as if thinking of something, and asked: "I asked you to put up the dragon bone pendant for sale before, does anyone care about it?"

"Yes, there is." Illyrio looked a little embarrassed.

"Oh?" Viserys looked very concerned.

"There is a collector who thought the blackened silver chain on the pendant was some kind of novel material. After asking about it, he called us profiteers, Your Majesty." Illyrio replied calmly.

"." Viserys was speechless for a moment, "What else?"

"Nothing else, Your Majesty."

"Okay." Viserys looked a little uncomfortable, "If anyone asks, please let me know as soon as possible."

"Yes." Illyrio looked like he would refuse any order from Viserys.

Viserys suddenly fell silent and stared at Illyrio, as if thinking about something.

Illyrio waited quietly.

Finally, Viserys spoke: "Besides, get me a ship."

Illyrio asked with concern: "What is your Majesty's plan?"

Viserys did not respond to the fat governor's question. He looked at the fat governor with a solemn look and an unprecedented serious expression: "Gods above, let me ask you, Illyrio, I am just a king with nothing now, if I Are you willing to perform your duties as Chancellor of the Exchequer now?"

Illyrio looked excited: "It is my honor that Your Majesty is willing to trust me and drive me."

"Okay. I read you right." There were tears in Viserys's eyes. He gave Illyrio a new title and said, "My chancellor."

Illyrio happily accepted the title and asked enthusiastically: "Your Majesty, what do you want me to do for you?"

Viserys sniffed, as if to control his emotions. He calmed down for a while and then said: "Before that, I want to tell you something. My Chancellor. You asked me before. When the time comes, Where did my army come from? Now let me tell you, I have another plan with the prince of a certain territory in the Seven Kingdoms. He will send troops to help me restore the country. I'm sorry, I can't tell you without their consent. Who. But don’t worry, we have everything planned.”

"Hiss~" Illyrio's shock was beyond words, "Your Majesty, I am really shocked that you told me such an important thing."

"My Chancellor." Viserys put his hand on his Chancellor's shoulder, telling him to calm down. "I tell you this to put your mind at ease, and to give you more confidence when you go to do things for me."

Illyrio was flattered: "What do you want me to do, Your Majesty?"

"My Lord Chancellor." Viserys asked, "I want you to go north to Braavos, secretly borrow money from the Iron Bank in the name of me and King Viserys III, go to Braavos, go to Nor Foss, go to Qohor to borrow money from a banker or businessman you trust."

Upon hearing such a mission, Illyrio hurriedly said: "If it's money, Your Majesty, I have some wealth."

Viserys had already prepared his statement: "No, even if you are my finance minister, the king should not squander his subjects' wealth wantonly. Besides, this is not all about money. They are willing to borrow the best, and it doesn't matter if they are not willing."

Illyrio expressed confusion: "This?"

"Your real purpose is to quietly spread that statement when you open your mouth to borrow money, remember? 'Three Crown Princes'."

Illyrio was finally shocked: "Your Majesty, is this too radical?"

"My finance minister, this move is called, 'New ballads of the Seven Kingdoms, sung both within and outside the country'." Viserys said, "Do you understand?"

[But what if there is no sound within the country? What if there is no chaos? Wouldn't we become clowns and targets outside the country? 】

Illyrio doubted, no, he was sure. The beggar king beside him didn't realize how sudden and unexpected the death of the old prime minister was. The beggar king mistakenly thought that this was a normal time, and didn't even want to inform the Dornish, and began to act according to the plan they had drawn up at some unknown time.

The execution is enough, but the brain seems to be a little bit

"Your Majesty. Should we first inform the feudal lord you mentioned?"

Viserys frowned: "You don't want to?"

"Of course I do." Illyrio smiled, "By the way, Your Majesty, you mentioned before that I would arrange a ship for you."

"Yes. Yes, prepare a ship for me." Viserys said, "When you go north, I will go south to Myr, Tyrosh, and Lys to borrow money from those governors, princes and business tycoons. Of course, the loan is fake, I am going to spread the rumor secretly."

Illyrio didn't know what to say, he secretly asked with a little humor: "What about Pentos, Your Majesty?"

Viserys said: "This is where your hometown is. If the usurper's people come to investigate, it will be bad to be exposed. It will bring threats to you."

[You are a very nice person. ] Illyrio almost wanted to laugh. [How can I "secretly" complete this beautiful-sounding plan in other cities, secretly achieve it without exposing myself? 】

While Illyrio was speechless, the Beggar King was still looking forward to the scene of success: ".We will meet in Volantis, my finance minister. 'We'."

He hinted that when they arrived in Volantis, the feudal lord who supported him would also appear.

The fat governor opened his mouth, but felt that he should not offend the Beggar King when he was in high spirits after just gaining his trust, so he said:

"Yes, Your Majesty."

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