Jon slowly approached Arya, thinking that this might be the last time they would meet in this life. He tried his best to put these thoughts aside.

Arya was whispering something with the butcher's boy outside the kitchen tent where she was preparing breakfast, and Jon knew he could find her here.

"Little sister." He called out.

Arya was delighted to hear the voice: "Jon, I was just about to find you. They said that the journey today was not urgent and they would not leave until noon. I found a good place last night, hehe." She giggled and gestured.

Jon knew where she must be preparing to practice sword again.

Jon regretted giving her "Needle" when he was in Winterfell. Every time the king's camp stopped these days, she planned to persuade the butcher's boy and Jon to accompany her to a hidden corner to practice sword.

But think about it again, Jon was about to make it clear with Uncle Benjen at that time. He wanted to say that he didn't want to go to White Harbor to see the sea, and they should go directly to the Wall before the heavy snow fell.

A lot of things happened.

Bran had such a thing, his father and everyone were very sad, Jon and Bran had always had a good relationship. Lady Stark was so sad that the king stayed in Winterfell for two more weeks.

At this moment, Jon and Uncle Benjen agreed to go to White Harbor to see the sea, which seemed so inappropriate, as if he was selfish and indifferent.

But Uncle Benjen did not agree with him, and even his father talked to him about it-only then did Jon know that his father had always known about it and supported him.

They said: "This is not your fault, Jon, when you arrive at the Wall in the future, you will have more brothers and see more sad things, but you can't stop your way for this. You have to do what you have decided. If anything can shake your determination, how can you get honor in the future?"

So Jon and Uncle Benjen still walked here with the king's team heading south as planned.

And this is the place of separation. The king's team will continue to go south and return to King's Landing, while Jon and Uncle Benjen will go east to White Harbor.

"Little sister, I can't go with you." Jon said.

Arya realized something, her breathing became difficult, her eyes were hot, she stretched out her thin arms and hugged his neck tightly: "Are you leaving?" She said breathlessly, "You came to say goodbye to me."

"Remember to visit me at the Wall when you have time in the future." Jon hoped that what he would remember after parting was his little sister's smile, and he smiled at Arya.

Arya looked like she was about to cry: "I really hope you will go with us."

Jon rubbed her hair: "Little sister, different paths do not necessarily mean that we cannot reach the same destination. Who knows what the future will be like?" He wanted to say more: don't practice sword secretly on the way, if you are discovered by Septa Mordan. Say that you should listen to your father's words when you arrive in the south. Say.

But so many words were actually said many times when they delivered sewing needles to Winterfell last time and in the past few days. They hugged for a long time, and finally he could only say: "Little sister, I will miss you. I should go."

Arya accompanied Jon and Uncle Benjen until they got on the horse.

Father sent them out of the camp without letting Arya go with them.

After leaving the camp, father was very silent and didn't say a word.

When they reached the intersection, father told Jon: "It is an honor to join the Night's Watch. The Stark family has guarded the Wall for thousands of years, and you are also a Stark. You don't have my last name, but we are still blood relatives."

Father's tone was particularly heavy today.

"Father." Jon shouted.

"Well." Lord Eddard responded to him, and then said to him, "Let's go."

After the father and son looked at each other for the last time, Jon responded and rode his horse without looking back.

Benjen's horse stopped under his spur, and he took the initiative to approach his brother and say goodbye: "Brother, are you okay? You look a little bit wrong. The Prime Minister is very distressed?"

Edard knew that his brother saw his worries and comforted him with unfunny jokes. He didn't laugh. He looked at Jon's figure gradually going away and said to his brother deeply: "Take care of Jon and yourself."

Benjen saw that his brother didn't say anything, so he had to pretend that nothing happened and said goodbye to him in a hurry.

Edard watched Jon and Benjen go away in silence, then called Jory and Hullen who had been following behind him, and rode back to the king's temporary camp in the south.

Duke Eddard Stark, the current Hand of the King, was thinking about the morning. Before dawn this morning, the king summoned him to go to the horse race, saying that there were national affairs to discuss.

They galloped all the way until they climbed a low ridge. The dawn was just beginning to appear, and the king slowed down. At that time, they were several miles south of the camp.

The king first jokingly discussed Jon and his unknown mother with Eddard, but was frustrated by Eddard's refusal to discuss the matter.

Then came the national affairs mentioned by the king. The first one was a letter sent by Varys, the chief of intelligence, from King's Landing. The letter contained news about the beggar king Viserys and his sister Daenerys across the narrow sea.

The news came from Jorah Mormont.

Eddard would never forget that guy.

The Mormont family of Bear Island has a long history, is proud and values ​​honor, but their territory is remote, cold and barren.

To increase his income, Ser Jorah plans to sell the poachers he captures to slave traders in Tyrosh. Since Mormont was a vassal of the Starks, this would tarnish the reputation of the entire North. So Ed traveled all the way west to Bear Island, only to find that Jorah had already absconded on a ship and fled to a foreign land beyond the "ice" and the king's legal sanctions. It has been five years since the incident occurred.

And this human trafficker suddenly turned into a spy.

The news brought back by the spies was that the Beggar King and his sister, with the funding of a Pantos Spice Governor, took three ships and planned to go to the major free city-states to find people to borrow money in an attempt to restore the country.

Robert wanted to arrange assassins.

Ed wasn't surprised. Robert's hatred for the Targaryens was almost crazy. He still remembered the fierce quarrel between the two when Tywin Lannister offered the bodies of Rhaegar's wife and children as a sign of loyalty.

It is said that Rhaegar's little daughter wept with tears as they dragged her from her bed to die. His son was just a swaddled baby, but Lord Tywin's men still tore him from his mother's chest and slammed him against the wall to death.

Eddard thought it was murder, Robert said it was an inevitable tragedy in war. When he argued that young princes and princesses were no different from babies, Robert, who had just ascended the throne, responded: "I didn't see any babies, only the dragon's spawn." Even Jon El Lin couldn't quell that dispute either. Eddard Stark angrily walked away that day and led his troops to the south to fight the last battle alone.

Later, it was because of Lyanna's death that the two reconciled.

"He got three ships from a Pentos vendor and wants to borrow money, so what's next? Thirty ships? Three hundred ships? Three fleets?" before Ed tried to convince him that assassination was not honorable. King Robert shouted angrily, "Honor? What Aerys did to your brother Brandon is considered honor? Think about how your late father died tragically? And much do you think he raped your sister?" How many times? Hundreds of times?" The king's angry bells sounded on the ridge, "I will kill every Targaryen with my own hands; I will teach them to die cleanly like dragons. Thoroughly, ended up peeing on their graves.”

Ed knew better than to contradict the king when he was angry. If all these years could not extinguish his flames of revenge, then his words would have no effect. But he still said: "You can't kill this one with your own hands, can you?"

The king curled his lips angrily. "There's no way, damn it. That fucking Pentos vendor hid the brother and sister behind the wall before, and sent a bunch of eunuchs with pointed hats to guard them. Now he gave them three ships to roam around the sea. Gone. I should have done it when it was easy to kill them a few years ago, but Jon was just as evil as you, but I was even more stupid. I listened to him."

He followed the king's words and mentioned Jon Arryn: "Jon Arryn is a wise and wise Prime Minister." He mentioned the honor that the old man had taught them, "If he were still here, he would tell his majesty about a beggar king. Nothing can be done. Even if he does come back, we can work together to defeat him openly on the battlefield. "

The topic was shifted by Eddard to Jon Arryn and the appointment of the new Warden of Eastland.

They then quarreled over the appointment of the Warden of the East and the arrangements for Robert Arryn.

Later they discussed the Lannister. Eddard and Robert's different attitudes towards Lannister caused the two to argue again.

At that time, the war had been raging for nearly a year, and nobles of all sizes joined Robert's banner, and many were still loyal to the Targaryen family. The Lannister family of Casterly Rock City, which has great power and has served as the guardian of the West for generations, has always stayed away from the battlefield and ignored the calls of rebels and royalists.

Finally, when Lord Tywin Lannister appeared in front of King's Landing with twelve thousand elite soldiers to express King Qin's intentions, Aerys Targaryen must have thought that his life should not be cut off. So the crazy king gave his last crazy order to open the city gate and let the lion into the house.

The Lannister used this trick to capture King's Landing.

When Eddard arrived at King's Landing, flying on the battlements was the roaring lion of House Lannister. When he entered the Red Keep, he saw with his own eyes Jaime, the white-robed guard who swore an oath to protect King Aerys to the death, sitting on the Iron Throne with his sword stained with blood, while King Aerys lay lying in a pool of blood.

Eddard's impression of Lannister has not improved since then. He said of Jaime: "He swore to protect the king with his life, but ended up slitting the king's throat with a sword."

But Robert said, "Damn it, someone has to do something, right?"

They were talking about the same thing, but they were not the same thing, and the dispute broke out.

Finally the conversation returned to the Targaryens and Lyanna.

They talked about a lot of things, but in the end they couldn't reach a conclusion except arguing.

Eddard never imagined that his first meeting of state with King Robert as Hand would look like this.

Ed has exhausted his words. He just felt filled with boundless helplessness. More than once, he questioned what he was doing and why he went south. He is not Jon Arryn, who cannot restrain King Robert's wildness and teach the king wisdom. Robert will eventually do whatever he wants, and as always, Eddard can't change the facts no matter what he says.

His destination should be Winterfell, the sad Catelyn, and his children.

After seeing the king's fierce hatred for Targaryen, Eddard was only glad that Jon had found his own way.

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