When Jon and Uncle Benjen entered the city, there was still some time before the White Harbor gates closed.

They rode their horses quickly and crossed the White Blade before the sun set. Luckily, a merchant ferry passed by, otherwise they could only find a fisherman's house nearby, leave their horses on this side of the river, and take a fishing boat to the other side.

The ship owner had some opinions about the White Ghost that Jon brought with him. The ship owner saw the White Ghost next to Jon and asked three times repeatedly if it was a dog. Jon answered three times that it was a wolf.

Dogs are docile, but wolves may not be.

The ship owner had to tell the ship's employer about the matter. Fortunately, after hearing it, the employer looked at Uncle Benjen in black and Jon with the wolf and agreed to take them across the river.

When entering the White Harbor, Uncle Benjen suggested that Jon wrap the White Ghost in his cloak and hold him in his arms.

But the gate guards did not check very strictly and let him pass quickly.

Although it was almost dark when they entered the city, they still rode non-stop and headed straight for the port. "

As the port got closer and closer, the crowds on the street gradually thickened, and Jon could smell the salty smell of the sea.

The dream about the sea that had been bothering him for some time could finally be seen, and his heart was beating.

Turning a corner.

The view in front of him suddenly became clear.

Under the night sky, the huge bay came into Jon's eyes. The sea of ​​White Harbor was wider and larger than the White Blade River. From a distance, there was black salt water that could not be seen at the end.

At the end of the street, more than a hundred docks lined the waterfront, and countless ships were moored in the port. Deep-water fishing boats and merchant ships came and went, and all kinds of goods were unloaded continuously.

The sea breeze blew on his face, and the chill brought by it made Jon inexplicably excited.

Uncle Benjen called Jon: "Let's go, I'll take you to the beach. "

They dismounted and led their horses down the long and wide stone steps of the port and entered the port area.

Noises with various accents that Jon could not tell came into his ears, and various pungent smells such as the smell of salt, fish, tar and spices rushed into his nose.

People were curiously looking at Benjen in black and Jon, a strange figure who was holding a horse in one hand and a dog wrapped in a cloak in the other.

Jon followed Uncle Benjen closely, ignoring these curious eyes, and watched Uncle Benjen drive away various people who came up to ask about the destination of the voyage.

They finally came to a There was no ship moored at the dock, with a wide view and full of goods.

Uncle Benjen took the reins of Jon's horse and smiled, motioning him to walk to the front of the dock.

Jon put down Bai Ling and let it sit, then walked to the front of the dock in a daze and looked at the sea at a close distance.

In this position, the sea water was flowing under Jon's feet, the tide was breathing in his ears, and the huge sea surface made Jon feel so small. He was inexplicably excited and shocked, and couldn't say a word for a while.

Uncle Benjen's laughter sounded behind Jon: "Do you want to touch it with your hand? But be careful not to fall into the sea. "

Jon looked back and saw Uncle Benjen smiling at him kindly, and his eyes signaled him to look at the wooden steps at the dock, where there was a stone platform, now submerged by the tide.

Jon walked down the steps, stopped at the section closest to the sea, took off his leather gauntlets, leaned over and scooped up a handful of sea water with both hands.

He stared deeply at the sea water until it disappeared from the gap between his palms.


Jon let out a long breath, raised his head, closed his eyes and stood still, feeling the slightly cold sea breeze blowing across his face.

After a while, he walked onto the dock and returned to Uncle Benjen.

Uncle Benjen looked at him and smiled softly: "Why, is that enough?"

Jon had a thousand words to say, but he said blankly: "Uncle Benjen, thank you."

"Silly boy," Benjen came up and rubbed his head with his hands, "Don't say thank you to your uncle. "

Then, they found an inn near the port and prepared to have dinner.

This time, when the innkeeper asked Jon if the dog was in his arms, he did not answer.

But before the dinner Jon and his friends ordered was served, a man who looked like a butler, accompanied by two knights wearing coats of arms, found them and invited them to the castle.

The coat of arms on the knight was a white mermaid on a blue-green background, with a beard and a tail, holding a black trident.

Jon knew that this was the coat of arms of the Manderly family of White Harbor.

The Manderly family of White Harbor is an ancient family that originated in the Riverlands but is now in the North. Their residence is in the New Castle of White Harbor. They became famous because they control the only large city and port in the North, White Harbor. The richest family in the North, and one of the most powerful and loyal vassals of the Stark family.

Lord Wyman Manderly of White Harbor received them in the reception room of the castle.

While Lord Wyman was talking to Uncle Benjen, Jon lowered his head and looked curiously at Lord Wyman, who was called "the fat man who can't ride a horse".

Lord Wyman was as fat as he was rumored to be. Because he was too fat, he sat in a sedan chair and was carried by servants. He was about sixty years old, with a big belly and fingers as thick as sausages. Jon remembered that the people under the rule of Lord White Harbor were said to jokingly call him "Lord Eel".

This was the first time Jon met Lord Wyman, and his first impression was very good.

"I didn't mean to bother you, Lord Wyman." Uncle Benjen said to Lord Wyman, "My nephew and I were going to stay in the inn and leave soon. "

The Earl of Wyman spoke amiably and laughed loudly: "My lord's brother and children came to my rule, and I should entertain you. This is what I should do."

【The prince's child. ] Jon was secretly happy to hear the Earl of White Harbor say this, but he was worried that his expression would change when he knew the truth.

"I have joined the Night's Watch." Benjen said. "Ranger Benjen Stark of the Night's Watch greets you, Lord Wyman." He then introduced Jon, "This is Jon Snow. To Wyman Lord Man says hello, Jon."

Jon said quickly: "Jon Snow greets you, Lord Wyman."

"No matter who you are, you are guests of White Harbor when you come to White Harbor. The Manderly family should entertain you." Earl Wyman still smiled kindly, "Mr. Benyan, Jon, can I take the liberty to ask you about your trip? Do you need Mandalay’s help for the purpose of White Harbor?”

Earl Wyman's attitude remained the same, which made Jon feel more favorable to the Earl.

"It's really nothing, no need to trouble your lordship." Uncle Benyan replied. He paused and smiled, "It's my nephew Jon Snow who plans to join the Night's Watch. There is a man who wants to see the sea before going north to the Great Wall. He is only fourteen years old, how can I not fulfill his wish, so I took him to see the sea."

"Oh, that's it." Earl Wyman looked at Jon with kind eyes. He looked at Jon and said, "What a young hero. Take a closer look. You and Lord Stark look really alike when they were young."

Jon was glad to hear that from an earl. In fact, people in Winterfell say that among Lord Eddard's descendants, only Jon and Arya have inherited Lord Eddard's long northern face.

Jon didn't know whether he should thank the earl for his compliment. Earl Wyman over there spoke again: "But is it too young to be only fourteen?"

"Jon has made up his mind that his honor will be gained in the Night's Watch." Bunyan replied to Lord Wyman. "My brother also agreed. He went south with the king and could not take Jon with him. The Great Wall is a good place." place."

"So that's it." Lord Wyman took a deep look at Jon, and then stopped talking about Jon. Instead, he turned to ask Bunyan, "I heard that wildlings have been having frequent activities on the Great Wall in the north recently. Mr. Bunyan happened to be in White Harbor. Do we need to bring more people back to the Great Wall?”

"Oh," Ban Yang said with joy, "The Great Wall is always short of manpower."

"Then you might as well stay in White Harbor for a few more days," Earl Wyman said. "Mr. Bunyan can select suitable people here in White Harbor and bring them back to the Great Wall together."

Benjen said: "That would be great. Thank you for supporting the Night's Watch, Lord Wyman."

At this time the butler came up and informed the count of something. Earl Wyman smiled and called to Bunyan and Jon: "We have kept the guests waiting for a long time. Please move to the banquet hall."

This banquet was very small, it was regarded as a private banquet for the Earl, only the Earl, Benyan, and Jon.

But this made Jon feel relaxed. If there were more people, Jon's status would be awkward and he wouldn't be able to serve at the table.

After the banquet, Benjen and Jon were arranged to rest in the guest room.

Jon thought that the banquet last night was the highest hospitality Earl Wyman could give to an illegitimate child. Unexpectedly, Earl Wyman invited Uncle Benyan and Jon to have breakfast with him the next morning.

Earl Wyman was still kind and enthusiastic. During the chat, he said that both of his sons were away on business, and only one nephew was here. However, he was too busy managing the merchant ship to live in the castle, otherwise they would all be present together.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Jon always felt that he was seeing vision coming from somewhere while eating breakfast.

The end. Earl Wyman smiled mysteriously at Uncle Bunyan and said, "Mr. Bunyan, let's talk about business. I want to talk to you privately."

Uncle Benjen then said to Jon: "Jon, you go back to your room first."

Jon responded, stood up and excused himself from the banquet hall.

It was difficult to bring Ghost into the banquet hall, so Jon left it in the room. When he came out now, he wanted to see if the waiter had guarded the door for him.

Unexpectedly, when I walked to the garden, I heard a woman's laughter like silver bells in front of me.

Jon felt bad about offending the female members of the Earl's family, and was about to turn around when he heard the woman's silver bell-like voice clearly saying:

"Look, little sister, that's a direwolf."

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