Jon walked around the corner of the garden and saw a tall young woman wearing a long white dress with long brown hair braided in many braids, exposing half of her body to the window of the guest room where Jon was staying. Bai Ling, who was looking around, pointed.

The waiter who was asked by Jon to guard the door saw Jon. His nervous and pale face finally softened, and he looked like he was about to cry: "Guest, you are finally back."

"Oh," the young woman turned around. She had an oval face, big gray eyes, a high nose, and a northerner's calm and generous expression. After a brief moment of embarrassment, she immediately covered it up, "Hello, guest, is that the ice field? Wolf?"

"Yes." Compared to the other party's generous attitude, Jon seemed a little shy and embarrassed, "It's called Ghost."

"Wow, direwolf, so majestic!" The woman's silver bell-like smile rang again, "Oh, I'm sorry, hello guest. I am Wilfield Mandler."


"Hello, I'm Jon." Jon paused, "Jon Snow."

"Hello Jon." Wilfield still had a smile on her face. She turned around and greeted, "Little sister."

Only then did Jon notice the petite girl next to Wilfield.

The girl greeted Jon: "I am Anna Manderly. Hello, Jon." She was a little shy, with a round and fleshy face that was slightly red. She was wearing a light-colored dress with lace, and her light yellow hair was combed neat. After introducing herself, she asked, "Can Sister Wellfield and I get closer to take a look at your direwolf?"

Jon was a little nervous for a moment. He believed that Ghost would not hurt anyone as long as he was with him. However, the nervous look on the waiter's face just now showed that the other people's views on this were very different from Jon's.

He didn't know how to answer.

Wilfield said at this time: "Jon, you won't let him hurt anyone, right?"

Jon heard her call Ghost 'he', just as Arya called Nymeria 'she'.

"Yes," Jon said, "Ghost obeys me very well. He will not move unless I tell him to move."

Jon stepped past Wilfield and Anna. He nodded slightly to them. He found that Wilfield was almost as tall as him. Jon didn't dare to take a closer look, and then walked straight to the waiter's side. He opened the door, bent down and called: "Ghost, come here, come here, be good."

Ghost sauntered over in response and rubbed his nose against Jon's cheek affectionately, but always remained wary of strangers.

When Wilfield and Anna approached it, it immediately pulled back and bowed cautiously.

The sisters stopped.

"Ghost, sit down." Jon ordered, "That's it, sit down and don't move." He looked up at Wilfield and Anna, "You can touch him now. I told him, and he listens to me. if."

"Wow." Wilfield and Anna stepped forward cautiously, reaching out to scratch Bai Ling's hair as white as fine snow.

Jon heard Anna whispering: "Direwolf, direwolf, majestic and beautiful." He couldn't help but smile.

The Mandalay sisters reluctantly withdrew their hands from Ghost. Jon saw that Wilfield was about to say something, but her words were interrupted by the sudden high-pitched voice of the garden.

"Wow! You didn't even call me!"

Welcome the sound.

A girl was running quickly around the corner of the garden.

The girl should be about the same age as Anna, wearing flamboyant and gorgeous colorful clothes, her hair is dyed bright green in very long braids, her eyebrows are dyed gold, her lips are painted bright red, and she is dressed brightly Weird and exaggerated.

As soon as she got closer, she didn't say hello to anyone. She just stared at Ghost and screamed: "It's really a direwolf!" She said that she was going to touch him.

Bai Ling raised his ears alertly and bared his teeth at her.

But she didn't flinch and still stepped forward and stretched out her hand. Jon had no choice but to reach out to comfort Ghost.

The girl kept touching Bai Ling.

Bai Ling roared silently from his throat in displeasure.

"This lady." Jon couldn't help calling her out.

Wilfield pulled the girl away: "Don't mess around in front of the guests, Vera."

The girl didn't take it seriously and opened her mouth to say: "Wow, sister, I must let my grandfather marry me to Master Robb. I heard that he also has a direwolf. His wolf must be more majestic. He should not be engaged yet." Well."

Wilfield reached out and covered the girl's mouth, smiled apologetically at Jon, and then pulled her away.

Only then did Anna whisper to Jon: "Jon, don't mind, Vera is spoiled by her uncle and aunt, and no one in the castle can cure her except her grandfather."

"It's okay." Jon said, and he subconsciously asked, "Who are Miss Vera and Miss Wellfield?"

"Sisters Vera and Wilfield are the daughters of their uncle Ser Willis Manderly," Anna said.

Ser Willis Manderly is the eldest son and heir of Lord Wyman Manderly of White Harbor. No wonder Willa said she wanted to marry Robb.

Jon tried to imagine the girl next to Robb, but what he thought about was Wilfield

He asked politely: "Who are you, Miss Anna?"

Anna generously told him: "I am the granddaughter of my grandfather. My father is Will Mandler. People call him 'The Sail of the Mandalay Family.'" She suddenly felt a little shy, "Grandpa said you wanted to come to White Harbor. Looking at the sea, eh, Jon?"

Jon subconsciously answered her: "Yes."

Anna told him: "The sea you can see from White Harbor is too small. My father can use a merchant ship to take you to the old city to look at the promontory, where you can see the entire Bite Bay. When you look at the sea from there, the sea is as big as the whole world. Sometimes You can also see whales that are so big that you can’t believe it.”

"Really?" Jon asked subconsciously.

"Yes." Anna asked him expectantly, "Do you want to go see it, Jon?"

"I have seen the sea," Jon replied. "Uncle Benjen and I went to the port when we arrived last night. I have seen the sea."

"Oh," Anna's tone became lonely, "Really?"

"Yes," Jon said.

"That's such a shame," Anna said. She looked at Ghost, "Can I touch him again?"

Jon asked Ghost to sit closer.

Anna reached out and stroked the fine white snow-like hair between Bai Ling's ears. Jon heard her hum an unknown tune under her breath: "Direwolf, direwolf, majestic and beautiful."

Jon felt like he should say something.

But he didn't say anything in the end.


Jon finds Uncle Benjen near the stables, having just returned from prison in the castle.

When Benyan saw Jon waiting for him here, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Jon asked Uncle Benjen, "How long will we stay in White Harbor? When will we leave for the Wall?"

"What, don't you want to go see the sea again?" Ban Yang dismounted and handed the horse to the stable boy. "The port was dark last night. The weather has been perfect these two days."

"No need, Uncle Benjen," Jon said. "I have done everything I have to do and want to do. It's time to pursue the honor that belongs to me."

"Ah Jon" Benyang felt so sad. He called out Jon's name, but couldn't say anything for a while.

"Uncle Benjen." Jon called to his uncle, "I am Jon Snow. I am a bastard. I made an agreement with my father in front of the heart tree in Winterfell. I will wear black clothes. My Honor and destiny are not found anywhere. My honor is only on the Wall. I am Jon Snow."

Snow, snow, snow.

Jon Snow.

When Benyan heard what he said, he couldn't help but sigh how unfair his fate was: "You and your father are of the same temper, Jon. I really wish sometimes."

Jon shook his uncle's hand.

Ban Yang stopped talking.

The uncle and nephew looked at each other for a long time. Bunyang knew there was nothing he could do, so he had to say: "Then let's set off tomorrow. I'll go tell the earl and thank him for his generosity and hospitality."

Early the next morning, Jon and Uncle Benyan said goodbye to Lord Wyman and set off.

Earl Weiman was still kind and enthusiastic. Considering that they would bring a few more people back this time, the Earl also generously arranged a boat for them to take them north along the White Blade River.

This way they can get to Winterfell faster.

There will be heavy snowfall in the north in late summer, and they have to rush to the Great Wall before the snow falls.




Wilfield Manderly, now eighteen years old, is the eldest daughter of Lord Eel's eldest son, Willis.

Vera Mandler, now fourteen years old, is the second daughter of Lord Eel's eldest son Willis.

Anna Mandler, now fourteen years old, is an original character. She is the daughter of Lord Eel's nephew who has no aristocratic inheritance and is not a knight. Her father, Will Mandler, is the merchant marine steward of the Mandler family who is responsible for the business.

In fact, if this identity and Jon can come together, it will be a good match in the North. Regardless of Jon's hidden origin, they are a good match.

It's a pity that Lord Eel and Benyang didn't understand in advance that Jon's XP is that he is an older, proactive, and intimate sister. Such as Ygritte.

Jon's plot will come to an end here. After all, the influence of Viserys's wings cannot change the destiny of the descendants of Targaryen far in the north.

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