The sound of a trumpet came from the sea, and Viserys looked over and saw the pilot of the Thaduion waving a signal flag from the lookout on the mast.

The wind was in the wrong direction, but the Sedulion still lowered its sails, which had the flag of Pentos and the logo of the Chamber of Commerce of Illyrio on them.

Besides this, the sailors who heard the sound of the trumpet went on deck and set up ready flags all around, letting them flutter in the wind.

Viserys ignored Jorah's advice and walked out of the room to the foredeck. Jorah had no choice but to follow. This time Viserys didn't let Dany follow him, just letting her sit in the room with Butch and Arnie.

When Viserys went to the foredeck and looked far away, the rowing merchant ship Summer Sun in front, like the Taunting Yoso and Sedulion, had lowered its sails and hoisted its flag.

The three ships were heading against the wind together, and even though all the oarsmen on the rowing boats were in place, the speed of the merchant ship was also dropping visibly to the naked eye.

After traveling at a reduced speed like this for about half a quarter of an hour, Viserys finally saw the person who made all this happen. It was a small fleet composed of several rowing warships equipped with ballistas, trebuchets, and battering rams, as well as several sailboats and longships.

The most basic tactic in naval warfare in this era was ramming and boarding, that is, trying to get close to the enemy ship, causing a violent collision, and then landing on the opponent's deck and settling the rest of the battle there. Before hand-to-hand combat, combatants would use longbows and crossbows to strike at their enemies.

This small fleet is undoubtedly a fleet sent by Myr. It is impossible for ordinary pirates to have such a configuration.

Sure enough, Viserys saw that after the fleet approached the Summer Sun and the Joker, a longship with high maneuverability immediately sailed out of the fleet formation and actively approached the rowing boat in front.

The speed of the three ships finally dropped completely and they stopped motionless at sea.

The Summer Sun and the Joker Yoso each launched their own lifeboats, and some crew members jumped out of the boats to meet the Myr ship. They said something on the sea, and then they all went to Saidu. The Lyon is coming.

As soon as those ships approached.

Grolay immediately ordered the sailors to lower the ladder to board the ship and go forward.

Next came a small group of leather-armored soldiers carrying the flag of the Myr fleet, followed closely by the first mates of the Summer Sun and the Jeering Yoso.

The leading Myr soldier appears to be a steward. He glanced around the deck, glanced at Grolei, then looked at Viserys who was watching with interest and Jorah who was wearing armor with a serious face, and finally looked at Grolei. Myer accent asked: "Are you the person in charge of these three merchant ships?"

Grole's face was full of smile: "Yes, sir."

The clerk asked seriously: "Do you have a pass?"

"Pass?" Grole asked, "I didn't hear about it when I left Mir."

"When did you leave Milport?"

"one day ago."

The clerk said with a straight face: "Then you need it now. You can't go there without a pass. Go back to Myr and get a pass before coming back."

"Here," Grole said with a flattering smile on his face, "Sir, I wonder if this pass can be obtained here?"

"Huh?" The clerk looked at Grole with a serious look, "Where do you think the sea is? This kind of certificate needs to be signed and sealed by the corresponding department, do you understand?" The clerk snorted coldly and paused. Seeing that Grole still had a flattering smile on his face, he said, "But you are lucky, I have three passes here."

Grole immediately beamed: "Oh, then we are so lucky, sir. Can you take a look?"

The clerk took out three decent certificates from a cloth bag hanging on his body and said: "Three thousand mil gold coins, one piece."

"Yes, yes," Grole said with a smile on his face. He immediately sent someone to prepare gold coins. He asked the sailor to bring up the drinks and food he had prepared earlier. "Sir, thank you for your hard work. Please wait. Can you have something to eat and drink?"

The affairs officer nodded with satisfaction and led the group of soldiers to eat and drink directly.

Not long after, the ship's treasurer moved a large box of gold coins to the deck. The steward was blatantly counting coins one by one on the deck.

The end. He threw the three certificates to Grole and said, "Take it."

Then he took the well-fed and drunk soldiers, carried the gold coin box, and got off the Sedulion and left on the long boat.

Grole saw off the people and rushed back immediately, calling to the sailors: "Quick, go put the flag on the bow." It turned out that the soldiers had just finished eating and "dropped" three flags with distinctive colors and special markings on the ship. .

The first mates of the other two ships quickly returned to the ship with flags.

Not long after, the merchant fleet put away the sails and the originally messy flags, leaving only the newest flag on the bow fluttering in the wind, and set sail again.

Viserys watched the whole process and went back to tell the story to Daenerys. In the end, he couldn't help but marvel: According to the way the Mir fleet used to eliminate pirates, I am afraid that the pirates in the Myr Sea will never be eliminated before the peace talks between the two parties. over.

Only then did Dany realize that what she had been hearing about in Myr a few days ago was what the Myr fleet was doing to wipe out pirates. It was a gain in experience.

Today is destined to be an eventful day.

There is a fleet to eliminate pirates, so there must be pirates anyway.

The merchant ship that bought the "pass" during the day passed by several small Myr fleets on scattered patrols on the sea, but they really didn't encounter any obstruction again. Everyone sailed on the sea in peace and harmony.

But at night, perhaps they had sailed through the area cleared by the Myr fleet. Late at night, Viserys, who was always alert, heard the warning sound of the oars ahead again. He rose in response, groping for the dagger he had placed in his pillow.

This time the trumpet sound was not like a few short blasts during the day, but lasted for a long time.

When Ani got up and lit the oil lamp at the door, Viserys was already fully dressed and was tying the sword Illyrio had given him to his waist.

Only then did Daenerys wake up: "What happened?"

Viserys walked to this side of the suite, next to Daenerys' bed, sat down firmly, poured himself a glass of lemonade, drank it all in one gulp, and then said, "Maybe it's a pirate."

The sour taste of the lemonade made Viserys more awake.

Ani came closer with the lamp in hand. Her expression seemed a little panicked under the firelight, and she blurted out the words she used to say when she used to serve Viserys when he got up: "My lord, do you want to wash up?"

"Pirates don't blow the trumpet to make announcements." Viserys ignored Ani's nonsensical question and comforted Dany, who was slightly panicked. "Don't be nervous. Captain Grole is experienced. They will definitely have a way to deal with it." "You just need to sit down in the room." He then ordered Ani, "Ani, come here and put on that leather armor for the lady. The one I bought at the Mil protective gear store is under my bed."

Dani asked: "What about you?"

Viserys stood up: "I'll go out and take a look."

Before Dany could say anything else, Viserys was already walking away.

When Viserys walked out of the room, Jorah and Butch were already outside.

Viserys couldn't help but be surprised. Jorah moved so quickly. He had already put on the chainmail armor that he never seemed to leave. However, perhaps because no one helped him or he felt it was unnecessary, he did not put on the chainmail armor he used to wear. Around me, I almost never saw the plate armor he wore.

The eunuch guard Butch was still wearing leather armor and simple protective gear, holding a sword in his hand and remaining silent.

Jorah looked at Viserys who was pushing out the door in surprise: "My lord, you don't mean to..."

"Butch!" Viserys had no time to listen to Jorah's nonsense and ordered, "You stay here and keep an eye on my sister."


"Jorah!" Viserys said without doubt, "come on deck with me and take a look."

If only Jorah could only say "yes" and "yes" like Butch. But he always has something to say: "Sir."

Viserys interrupted him: "Are you afraid? If you're afraid, don't come." He walked past him.

Jorah shut up and followed closely.

There were already sailors on the deck with fire and bows on alert.

As soon as Viserys and Jorah appeared, Grolei quickly sent someone to call them to him.

Captain Glolet was steering the helm with a normal expression. From him, he could clearly see two rays of fire wandering near and far near the sea surface of the Sedourion in the dark night.

That should be the pirate's ship.

It seems to be because the three merchant ships responded quickly and were fully prepared. Their equipment was brightly lit and they were like horns to each other.

The two pirate ships were chasing each other at a distance, but they did not dare to approach the ship's shore to fight in the dark.

Viserys watched silently, and Jorah said nothing.

Under the dark night, this sailing posture continued without knowing when it would end. Grole suddenly joked: "Did our musicians wake you up, sir? Their trumpets were playing too unpleasantly?"

Viserys picked up his joke: "Have you considered replacing the trumpeter with a band, with a bard?"

Grole winked at him: "That's a good idea. This way, someone can sing to relieve boredom during the banquet."

Viserys asked: "Are those guests not coming because they are afraid that the wine at the banquet will be too strong?"

"Perhaps," Grolet replied, "but I can't say for certain. These guests are all very eccentric."

While he was joking, Grole suddenly turned his head and looked to the left.

The fire on that side began to get closer, and he said helplessly: "It seems that a weird guest is coming to our bonfire party."

The situation became tense as the flames wandering on the sea gradually came closer.

Viserys couldn't help but look at the two clusters of firelights that were gradually approaching on the sea. In the dark night, the two eyes looked like a huge beast. He didn't know what kind of ship they were, but the two pirate ships dared to approach so boldly, which meant that This is a group of pirates whose strength cannot be underestimated.

As time passed, the outline of the ship was gradually visible from the approaching firelight. It seemed to be a large sailing ship, but its speed was faster than that of ordinary large sailing ships. At least the Sedourion was definitely not as fast as them.

They stop at some distance.

On the closer pirate ship, the mast flickered on and off, as if signaling something.

Grole seemed to be able to understand. He looked up solemnly and blew a strange whistle from his mouth. A strange rhythm sounded on the ship.

Viserys then looked up and found that the observing navigator on the mast had also begun to make some kind of signal with torches and baffles.

This exchange lasted for a while.

Grole suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, he is a friend who is willing to do business."

"Business?" Viserys asked. I'm afraid this 'doing business' is not a good word, but compared to fighting with pirates, Captain Grole seems to be able to accept it.

Captain Glole shrugged helplessly: "Sir, anyone who is willing to do business at sea is a friend. We all live together at sea, and it is better to make friends than to bleed. What do you think?"

"I don't mean to comment on your way of doing things, Captain Grole." Viserys smiled, "I just find it interesting and curious. Can I ask how this business is done?"

"Sir," Grole thought for a while and replied, "Actually, it's almost the same as buying and selling things in the market. Both sides will each send a small boat to row to the sea between the ships of both sides, and their people will sell to We pay for something."

"Is it the same as buying a pass during the day?"

"Sir," Grole smiled awkwardly, "You are so smart."

The merchant ship was still traveling at the usual speed on the sea. The small boat sent by the rowing boat Jeering Yoso from the front and the speed boat sent by the pirate ship met somewhere on the sea. In less than a quarter of an hour, the ship was sent to make slight contact there. The "business" was quickly over.

After completing their business, the pirate ship gradually sailed away. Under the night, the firelight on the sea gradually moved away from the merchant ship.

The fast boat that launched from the Jiaosuo was unable to catch up with the rowing boat, and finally returned to the towed Sedourion.

Although the situation was tense for a while, there was no bloodshed, and the pirates passed the test.

By the time the fire on the pirate ship completely disappeared and the sea was dark again, Viserys had already returned to his room to comfort Dany and was currently catching up on his sleep. The night was still dark, and it was still early before dawn.

By the time I got up the next day, the merchant ship was already far away from the sea area last night and was about to sail into Tyrosh's jurisdiction.

Viserys had the same habit of walking around the deck in the morning, doing some exercise, and finally watching the sunrise on the front deck.

But something was different today. After Captain Grole saw Viserys, he rarely took the initiative to talk to him in the morning. The captain presented a box to Viserys like a treasure: "My lord, there are good things. Don't you like dragon bones? Do you want these?"

He opened the box, and inside were some gleaming dragon bone gemstone ornaments.

Viserys was not in a hurry to accept it, and asked him: "Are you giving these to me, or do you want me to pay for them?"

"How can I ask you to buy this?" Grole denied flatly, "Governor Illyrio said that all the goods related to the dragon bone are at your disposal."

"Oh, you don't have to buy it, it will be recorded in Dragon Bone's ledger, right?"

Grole laughed: "Sir, haha, I can't hide anything from you."

"Okay. Keep the things." Viserys couldn't stand Grolei's philistine. "Don't write too exaggerated accounts. I will confirm it."

"Yes, yes." Grole handed the things into Viserys's hands and left respectfully.

Viserys watched the sunrise on the deck and returned to his room with the box.

It was no longer surprising to anyone that Viserys was sitting in the room with the dragon bone in his hand.

Arnie was doing her thing by the door, sewing clothes for Viserys and Dany.

Dany had just finished washing up and was sitting on the table beside her bed, reading the History of the Seven Kingdoms and the Legend of Ballads written in standard idioms that she had bought in Myr - this was a reading task assigned to her by Viserys.

Viserys's eyes were quickly attracted by a sapphire dragon bone ornament in the box. The sapphire of the ornament was as blue as the deep sea, and the color was beautiful and transparent, but the inside felt strange to him.

I don't know if it was the visual dislocation caused by the internal structure of the gem, but Viserys vaguely felt that there were some kind of ripples flowing slowly in the deep blue gem.

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