
The sound of something falling to the ground sounded in the merchant ship's room.

Maid Ani looked up alertly and saw Viserys bending over to pick up a dragon bone ornament. She could only see Viserys' back and could not see anything unusual. She just pretended nothing happened and continued her sewing work.

Dany stretched her neck from the desk and asked expectantly, "Brother, can you test me now?" She thought Viserys had discovered the magical dragon bone again and was eager to try.

"No hurry." Viserys' tone was no different from the past. He did not even turn his head. "Read your book carefully. I will test you later."

"Oh." Dany sat back disappointedly and continued to read her book.

Viserys' expression was not as calm as his tone. His face was as dark as water at this moment, and he looked at his right hand in shock.

On his right hand, the thumb, index finger, and most of the middle finger, including part of the palm, were covered with magical keratin skin and dragon scales that grew in response to stress, surrounding a strange blue-purple ripple between his knuckles.

That strange thing was fighting fiercely against the magic power emitted by his dragon scales, corroding and wrestling with each other.

"What the hell is this?"

Viserys just touched the sapphire, and the strange blue-purple ripples seemed to come alive, coming out of the strange ripples of the sapphire, as if they were going to drill into Viserys' body.

The heat of the magic power stimulated by the stress instinct surged, and just a moment ago, Viserys's hand was almost as hot as being calcined in dragon flames.

The blue gem in his hand seemed to be shattered by the stress magic explosion, and the internal lines of the sapphire became broken in an instant.

In fact, after picking it up, Viserys squeezed the sapphire into pieces with a little force.

"Damn it." The countless complex emotions in Viserys' heart turned into this swear word, and he cursed in his heart. "What the hell is this?"

Viserys thought about it. Grolai probably didn't want to harm him. The source of these dragon bone gems should be the pirates he encountered last night.

This thing is not poison, but some kind of magic power.

Is it the black magician among the pirates who wants to harm the merchant ship?

Or is there some secret conspiracy against Viserys?

The only thing to be thankful for is that this strange magic power does not seem to be a match for the magic of the ancient chestnut Oak King in Viserys. It seems that the two forces are now in a stalemate in the confrontation, but such mutual consumption means that this thing will sooner or later be wiped out by Viserys's magic.

It's just that the speed is too slow.

Viserys thought for a moment, he hid his right hand in his sleeve, swept the broken sapphire dragon bone ornaments into the box, stuffed the dragon bone box into his arms casually, and then stood up and walked to the private bathroom in the suite.

After entering the bathroom, he put the box aside.

Viserys pulled out the dagger hidden in his body, held the knife in his left hand, and aimed at the tiger's mouth covered with strange blue-purple ripples.

The pain came, and scarlet blood flowed out of the tiger's mouth instantly, but the strange blue-purple ripple magic power seemed to have not decreased at all.

Viserys calmed down, drove the magic power collected in his liver, and transferred a large amount of magic power to his right hand, and then began to try to use magic power to construct his right hand into a dragon claw.

Black, hard keratin skin covered Viserys's right hand, and the finely interwoven black scales gradually covered the keratin skin. The sharp claws with sharp cold light gradually replaced human fingers, and the knotty and powerful dragon arm completely changed the appearance of Viserys's hand.

His right hand, from the forearm down, was completely transformed into a dragon.

The strange flame pattern on the dragon claw is the vein where magic power flows. It continuously receives magic power stored in the liver to form a cycle.

However, under the keratin skin of the dragon claw, the strange blue-purple ripples could still be seen faintly under the black scales. It was completely surrounded by huge magic power, but it still resisted stubbornly.

Viserys soon discovered that the strange magic power was like a turtle formation. No matter how much magic power he used, only a little bit could confront it head-on. His actions felt like sending hundreds of people to beat up a few people. Only the ones closest to it could really hit people, and the rest of the people could only watch the show from the outside.

Transforming his right hand into a dragon could not help him quickly solve this strange thing.

Viserys could only retract the magic power into his liver and restore his hand to the previous stalemate of the two forces. The defense made by the magic power in his body was actually the most scientific.

Viserys was a little frustrated. He looked at the scar on the tiger's mouth that had stopped bleeding, and suddenly he had an idea and tried to spray a small dragon flame from his mouth to burn the strange magic ripples.

Well, this is a stupid way.

Spitting fire to burn, in addition to burning out the magic power that had just been stored - the magic power instinctively judged that the high temperature of the flames that exceeded its tolerance caused the black keratin skin to grow again in the area of ​​the tiger's mouth, but it was useless to remove the strange magic that invaded the palm.

Viserys had no choice but to accept that he might have to accompany this strange thing for a while until it was completely eroded by Viserys's magic.

After coming out of the bathroom, Viserys went straight to the bedside to pick up the leather gloves and put them on his hands.

His right hand had to be hidden for a while.

However, this also reminded Viserys that he put the dragon bone box into the bottom layer of the bedside box in the room, and decided that it would be better to avoid touching such unknown dragon bones in the future.

"Brother, are you going out?"

Daenerys, who had been looking forward to Viserys's new box of dragon bones, saw that her brother did not give her any hints, and knew that it was probably a magic power, and she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

After hearing Dany's question, Viserys told her casually: "Yes. I have something to see the captain."

Viserys quickly found Grolai, and Jorah was already at work, wearing mail and accompanying Viserys.

"Captain Grole," Viserys said without beating around the bush, "I really can't contain my curiosity. I've been thinking about the origins of the pirates we met last night when I went back yesterday. Can you tell me? ?"

"Uh, sir." Grole was very embarrassed. "To be honest, sir, what they did yesterday was that they didn't intend to let us know who they were."

Viserys said reluctantly: "You are well-informed and don't have any guesses?"

"Sir, there were no pirates in the Myr Sea in the past." Grolei said helplessly, "Myr and Tyrosh are only three or four days' voyage away. There is Myr on one end and Tyrosh on the other. There are fleets from two major city-states. What pirate dares to be here?"

"Are you saying that all the pirates here now have the shadow of two city-state fleets? Who do you think you were last night?"

"My lord, I didn't say that." Grole denied.

"What are you afraid of? We are here."

"It's not that you're afraid, sir." Grole explained to him, "The Stepstone Islands are the nest of pirates. Everyone in the Free Trade City knows this, and it's not a secret. But because there are so many pirates, it's hard to tell who it is. If you dare to come here on your own, you will still have the support of the city-state.”

"You can tell which pirates are famous nearby, right?"

"I don't know about that. I'm in serious business. Maybe the mercenaries know more than me. They look at the bounty lists in various places. Ser Jorah?"

Jorah snorted and ignored him.

Viserys asked: "There must be someone particularly famous, right?"

Grole couldn't resist, so he had to say: "Salado Sann is one of them. This is a Lysian pirate who has been running rampant for many years. He calls himself the Prince of the Narrow Sea. Do you think even I have heard of this name?" Grole continued. "Several well-known pirates," "I don't know anything else. I'm telling you, sir, I'm a merchant ship captain, so it's enough to know these things. Anyway, no matter who comes, we can resolve it peacefully if we can. I have to know them." Who is it, so as not to leak who’s information and be recorded by whom.”

"You said that you often traveled to the Summer Sea, and suddenly I remembered someone," Viserys asked, "Have you heard of Euron, 'Crow's Eye'?"

"Ahem, who is that?" Grole almost choked.

"Are you so scared?" Viserys didn't expect him to react so strongly.

"Sir, have you heard of the Serenity?" Grole asked in a low voice.

Jorah suddenly murmured to himself: "It turns out that the Serenity is Euron's ship."

Viserys and Groulai both looked at Jorah before he shut his mouth again.

Viserys couldn't bear to watch Jorah's lame performance when trying to get information. However, Jorah's reaction made both Viserys and Grolai feel that they seemed to be talking too much and giving too much information, but they were too thick-skinned to show it.

"It is said that he knows black magic, right?" The original person was not interested in paying attention to things at sea. Viserys was suspected of encountering black magic, and it suddenly occurred to him that there was such a famous person in the original book.

"Sir, I don't think we should discuss such a scary topic. I can only tell you that dark sails and dark red ships represent 'terror' on the sea." Grole said mysteriously. She didn't want to mention it at all.

He couldn't get anything out of this question, so Viserys simply said: "Are the sailors who went to do business with the pirates last night still there? I'm curious. I asked them to come over. I want to talk to them."

"Hey, okay." Grole quickly stood up respectfully and walked out of the captain's cabin door.

Not long after, several slightly confused and drunken sailors were taken outside the captain's room by Grole.

With a glance, Viserys knew who had touched the strange dragon bone yesterday without even asking.

Viserys could easily see that two of them had blue-purple ripples looming on their faces, and judging from their appearance, it seemed that only Viserys could vaguely see it.

Yesterday, I visited several sailors, but only two of them suffered something similar to Viserys, which at least shows that this thing does not seem to be contagious and spread.

This is good news.

After asking a few hasty questions, their answers were similar to what they had expected from Viserys after talking to Grolei. They were still hungover and couldn't tell which group of pirates they encountered yesterday. They only knew that they spent a lot of money on things that were not worth the money.

Viserys finally asked, "When will you return to Taunt Yoso?"

The leader replied: "Sir, there should be no more stops along the way. We won't go back there until we get to Tyrosh."

"I see." Viserys nodded casually, "It's okay, go back and do your work."

After watching the sailors leave, Viserys seemed to have lost his interest and called Jorah back to his room.

There was nothing on his face, but Viserys was muttering in his heart. He seemed to know what was going on in this situation.

He had read similar stories in Illyrio's book of stories that seemed to be preached by the Red God.

I'm afraid he encountered some kind of curse.

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