Thinking about the curse in his mind, Viserys didn't even look at the excitement of the merchant ship and the Tyrosi fleet buying the 'Port Security Guarantee Agreement'. During the short journey of the merchant ship from Myr to Tyrosh, three groups of people extorted nearly 20,000 gold coins under different names.

Viserys traveled all over Myr, rich merchants and powerful people, and the funds he borrowed to restore the country were only five thousand!

But no matter what, the three merchant ships loaded with goods arrived in Tyrosi intact, and Grolei would probably make a lot of money from this trip.

After the ship anchored at the port, Viserys and his party were not in a hurry to get off the ship. He just watched the sailors leave on the deck as if nothing had happened.

When those joking sailors passed by, Viserys couldn't help but be surprised. He couldn't help but stepped forward to stop them: "Hey, are you missing two people? Where are they?"

"My lord, do you remember us?" said a sailor who spoke to us. He seemed to be hungover, and his words smelled heavily of alcohol.

"What you did that night was a heroic act," Viserys said. "Of course I remember it."

"Haha. Look, this gentleman said that what we do is Yingying." He couldn't say the words of Wen Zou Zou.

Jorah, who was at Viserys's side, added: "A heroic act."

"A heroic act!" cheered the sailors, who didn't even look sober. "This word can be exchanged for ten glasses of beer in the tavern!"

Someone said loudly to the person next to him: "I will have to say this word to the girls of Tyrosh when I am doing business."

Viserys simply pointed out the sailor who had spoken to him before and asked him face to face: "Speaking of which, are you missing two people?"

"That's right, sir," the sailor's face was still excited about such a strange word just now, "Grey Nose and Rotten Tooth, I think you are asking about them, they are dead."

"Dead?" Viserys noticed that the sailors did not look very sad when their companions died.

"That's right, sir. We have nothing to do here these two days, so we just drink and brag about that heroic act!" He said, "The gray nose fell into the wine barrel. Wow, I said at that time that the wine tasted wrong. , they still don’t believe it”

Before the drunken sailor could say anything else, Viserys asked him: "So he fell into the barrel and died?"

"That's right, my lord."

"There's another one, Rotten Tooth Boy. That's the right name, right?"

"My lord, you have a very good memory."

".Where is he?"

"We didn't find him, my lord. Everyone supposes he fell overboard when he went to vomit," answered the sailor.

Someone retorted: "No, I guessed that he slipped when he went to pee. Only you kept saying that he went to vomit."

They got noisy.

Viserys found it difficult to understand the thoughts of these drunken sailors, and he asked no further questions.

Jorah stopped their quarrel and urged them to leave quickly, otherwise they would not be able to catch up with their companions and get good seats in the tavern.

The group of sailors got off the ship noisily.

Jorah and others walked away and asked, "Do you think they are strange, my lord?"

Viserys asked: "Is this how the sailors on the ship view life and death, Ser Jorah?"

"Not really, my lord," said Jorah, "but it may just happen that the few you see are used to death."

"Jorah." Viserys suddenly understood, "They were frightened, right?"

Jorah couldn't hide his surprise: "You have a pair of eyes that can see into people's hearts, my lord."

"Really?" Viserys did not continue the discussion with Jorah.

[This is not about insight into people's hearts, but about empathy. 】

This group of sailors were frightened by the possibility of death at the hands of pirates at any time that night, and Viserys was frightened by the sudden death of the two sailors.

Viserys shook the palm hidden in the leather glove, feeling the battlefield where the two forces were still clashing.

This curse originated from the sea, and the way it died was that way. If you said you didn't think of the Drowned God, you would be lying to yourself.

And is this an accidental coincidence due to exposure to a large number of dragon bone products and encountering a small probability event, or is it a deliberate targeting with purpose?

If you think about it carefully, you are traveling at sea. If you consider the worst possibility, are there possible witnesses?

Viserys thought carefully and decided to stay in Tyrosh until his magic completely lifted the curse before continuing eastward.


Tyrosh is a city that looks nothing like the stereotypical medieval seaside commercial city.

Instead, it looks like a huge fortress city.

The city is protected by tall and thick walls and is located at the northeastern end of the Stepped Islands. Its interior walls are fused black dragonstone (obsidian).

Tyrosh is much larger than many large fortress cities in Westeros and has strong military strength.

Tyrosh once fought against the attack of the Three Sisters Kingdom as a nation, but the war called the "Border War" finally dragged down the Three Sisters Kingdom and caused it to fall apart.

Tyrosh was briefly captured during the War of the Nine Coppers, known to Westeros as the Fifth Blackfyre Rebellion. When the Nine Copper Kings' power collapsed with the death of Maris Blackfyre, the last Blackfyre and commander of the Golden Company, Tyrosh regained her independence.

Today, Tyrosh's strength is still at the forefront among the four city-states in the disputed area.

This is an extremely noisy and prosperous city. The locals like bright colors. They like to dye their hair and beards very brightly, and their clothes are extremely exaggerated and luxurious. Their hats are very distinctive and can be regarded as one of the symbols of the city-state.

At the port of Tyrosh Harbor lies the Bloodshed TC. There is a river running through half of the city, so the most prosperous place is by the river. There are many shops, inns, brothels, and temples and shrines of different gods along the banks of the river.

After Viserys and his party got off the boat, they naturally acted similarly to what they did in Myr. They first found an inn to stay in as recommended by Grolai.

The inn has a good location, near the iconic Dionysus Fountain in Tyrosh City, and very close to the upper reaches of the river where the rich live. It is very convenient for sightseeing or visiting powerful people.

After settling in the inn and taking a short rest. Daenerys finally couldn't help it. While Ani was taking dirty clothes to find the inn's laundry room, she asked Viserys her question: "Brother, what's wrong with your hand?"

Viserys has hidden his right hand in a leather glove these days. He never takes it off when eating or sleeping. Even his habit of practicing swordsmanship has stopped. Even Dany can clearly realize that there seems to be something wrong with his right hand.

Viserys heard Daenerys asking, so he simply told her: "You wonder why I wear a glove on my right hand, right? Because my right hand has a secret to hide, Dany."

Viserys responded so bluntly that she had a secret to hide, but Daenerys didn't know what to say: "."

"Daney. Let me tell you this." Viserys raised his right hand and told her seriously, "My right hand has a secret to hide from others. Anyone can find it. But as long as I don't say it and others don't ask, this thing doesn't exist. Can you understand?"

"." Daenerys frowned, Viserys's statement was very strange, but when she thought about it carefully, it was unexpectedly true. Then the girl soon found that she was deflected by her brother's two words. She remembered what her question was again, "But what's wrong with your hand?"

"You want to know the secret so much, right?" Viserys raised both hands, pretending to be a monster with an open mouth, with a smirk on his face, "Dany, do you know that girls who like to explore secrets will be eaten by dragons." Then he pounced on her playfully.

"Ah!" Dany screamed and ran away, laughing and shouting playfully, "The dragon is eating people, the dragon is eating people"

When Ani returned to the room, they had already chased each other around the room for several laps.

Daenerys didn't know what happened to Viserys's right hand until the end.

Tyrosh is a commercial city, and merchants are considered to be more glorious professions than warriors. The ruler of Tyrosh is called "the Great Lord", who is elected by local wealthy businessmen and dignitaries.

The election of the Great Lord is usually full of threats and bribes-the Tyroshi people think this is justified: how can a candidate who can't even bribe for elections be worthy of ruling their city?

With the experience of Myr's posting, Viserys originally arranged all the posting of the visiting card to Jorah, but considering the special geographical location of the city of Tyrosh-very close to Dorne, only separated by a strait full of broken islands, between Tyrosh and Dorne is the Stepstone Islands.

Legend has it that the Stepstone Islands were once part of the Arm of Dorne, connecting Westeros and the continent of Essos. When the First Men invaded Westeros from the land bridge, the Greenseers of the Children of the Forest used powerful magic to break the Arm of Dorne, forming the Stepstone Islands.

So Viserys felt it necessary to personally pay a visit and show proper respect. Although Tyrosh is an independent free trade city-state, its main trading partner is undoubtedly Westeros, or it can be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is Dorne.

If Viserys could meet the Lord of Tyrosh, it might bring unexpected benefits to Viserys. Even if the other party's attitude is like Governor Myr, who keeps a distance from Viserys, the opportunity to meet is also very useful to Viserys.

Because private communication with a Lord often means that the content of the conversation is difficult to be eavesdropped and not easy to be spread. No matter what they say in private, how to tell Illyrio and Jorah around them after coming out is not all up to Viserys?

Didn't Illyrio wait for the signal from the other side of the sea?

Why didn't the Dornish act according to the plan?

After Viserys meets the Lord of Tyrosh, he can explain it however he wants.

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