Viserys took a fresh lemon from the bag and squeezed it. It was undoubtedly the freshest and juiciest lemon in the Tyroshi market.

What a pity.

He threw the lemon out of the window and ordered Jorah and Butch: "Go, dump all these lemons into the sea!"

Jorah and Butch did as they were told and dumped bags of orange lemons into the sea.

Then, the Cedurian set sail out of the Tyroshi port. It is said that the dock was full of fishing boats catching lemons that morning.

Jorah seemed to hesitate for a long time, and finally found Viserys who seemed to be in a calm mood: "My lord, why don't you throw those boxes of Tyroshi copper coins into the sea?" It was only 10,000 Tyroshi copper coins, and the fluctuation in gold coins was only 80~110. For this little money, Jorah thought they had suffered a great humiliation, and Viserys should show a firm attitude.

When Jorah said this, Daenerys, who was standing by, immediately looked at him with a vigilant face.

Viserys was very angry and said to Jorah: "Isn't this ten thousand copper coins money?"

Jorah was speechless. The value of the lemon thrown into the sea is almost the same as this money, and it is even more valuable in places where lemons are not produced.


From Tyrosh to Lys, you have to pass through the Stepstone Islands. The sea is not very peaceful. The Tyrosh and Lys fleets each control a section of the sea, and there are also pirates in between. However, Viserys has locked himself in the room these days. The merchant ship has been blackmailed many times along the way, and he didn't go out to watch the fun.

The situation between Tyrosh and Lys is tense, but it has not reached the point of open confrontation. The merchant ship has arrived in Lys intact.

They are still acting according to the plan. The merchant ship will stay in Lys for two weeks as scheduled.

Viserys will continue to try to "borrow money".

Getting off the ship means leaving the merchant ship's room, so Daenerys is very worried about the boxes of Tyrosh copper coins at the bedside. But Viserys didn't care at all. He just comforted her that the five thousand Mir gold coins that she had asked Grole to look after for him were always safe in the box beside the bed, and now the ten thousand Tyrosh copper coins were not worth worrying about, so he planned to get off the ship without saying anything.

Finally, Jorah couldn't sit still: "My lord, there are more and more treasures on your ship. You can't just leave them alone. Can I stay and help you take care of them?" Jorah took the initiative to suggest that he stay on the ship and take care of the treasures.

Before Viserys could say anything, Daenerys frowned at Ser Jorah's initiative: "Ser Jorah, won't you get off the ship with us?" In Daenerys's opinion, Viserys was quite defensive against Jorah, and she was very worried about letting him guard.

"My lady, my lord," Jorah looked a little strange, and he bowed, "Please let me stay on the ship, please."

Viserys said: "Do you have some unspeakable secrets?" He just said it casually, and then said, "Then you stay on the ship." Viserys agreed.

"Thank you for your consideration." Jorah looked a little grateful.

Dany looked at her brother and Jorah strangely and said nothing.

So the four of them got off the boat.

Daenerys remembered that when she was a little girl, she and her brother Viserys had spent some time in Lys, when they were wandering around. Later, she came again, not for long, and then met Illyrio at a banquet of a noble here, and was invited to Pentos.

This was Daenerys' third time to set foot in this city.

She started from the mountaintop Temple of R'hllor, which was deeply impressed in her memory, and scanned from the top of the low mountain of the island to the palm trees and fruit trees by the dock.

Now setting foot on this land again, everything is familiar and strange.

The closer to the east of Essos, the more open the slave trade is.

Here in Lys, you can see groups of slave traders next to the slave ships moored at the dock. There is no market tax for buying slaves here, but both buyers and sellers have to bear the risks themselves.

Lys is a city-state that relies heavily on the slave trade. The number of slaves here is one-third more than the number of free people in Lys. Lys is famous for its bed slaves and brothels, which cultivate and produce beautiful little boys and beautiful slave girls. Doria, who Illyrio once intended to give to Viserys, is one of them. The alchemy guild here is also very outstanding, and its production of poisons is world-famous, including the famous Tears of Lys and Strangler.

Dany followed Viserys step by step, and suddenly Viserys stopped and she almost bumped into his back.

She looked in the direction where Viserys was looking. On the coast, a group of red-robed monks were gathering around a pile of fire and lighting the flames. Faintly, she could hear the shrill screams in that direction mixed with the noisy voices on the coast. She didn't dare to imagine what was happening there.

The thick smoke burning on the seashore soon dyed the air in that area gray.

The pedestrians on the way into the city seemed unaware of what was happening there, and they were all in a hurry, as if they were used to it.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Someone urged behind them, "Why are you standing in the middle of the road? Are you going to move?"

Behind them was a cart full of goods.

Viserys stepped forward to make way.

"When is this ceremony of praying for victory?" The cart pusher whispered as he passed by. He was not wearing a collar and looked like a foreign free man.

"Hush!" His companion warned in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense here."

They passed in front of Viserys.

Viserys thought for a moment, then looked up at the Temple of R'hllor in the distance, where he could faintly see smoke rising into the sky: "Let's go back to the ship first."

Then they didn't even enter the city gate and turned back to the boat dock.

"Sir, why are you back?" Jorah was looking around boredly on the deck. When he saw Viserys and his entourage turning their heads, he couldn't help but get off the ship to greet them.

Viserys asked him, "Is Captain Grole still on board?"

Jorah said: "Yes, I just saw him."

Viserys said without explaining anything, "Take me to him."

Jorah led the way with a strange expression. When he found Grole, he was counting the goods in the cabin with the merchant ship's financial controller.

Viserys called Grolai and asked: "Captain, I was at the city gate just now and saw red-robed monks sacrificing human beings on the coast. What is going on? I have been in Lys before, Why haven’t you seen this before?”

When Grole heard this, he didn't feel surprised at all: "I'm afraid Reese is going to fight, but I don't know whether it will be a naval battle or a land battle."

Even Jorah knew: "My lord, I'm afraid you don't know something. Before the war, the people of the Free City will pray to the gods they believe in for victory on the battlefield. What you saw was the sacrificial ceremony commissioned by the Governor of Lys to be held at the Red Temple. "The locals believed that this cruel act would bring them divine blessings on the battlefield."

"This is not an act of cruelty, Ser Jorah," Grolei retorted. "This is a pre-war tradition."

"I have no intention of criticizing your beliefs, Captain." Jorah said, "I once participated as a mercenary in the battle between Lys and Braavos on the banks of the Rowan. Facts have proved that even if the soldiers were 'blessed' before the war, the soldiers They will die even if they are struck by swords, and they will still lose on the battlefield if they are not commanded properly.”

"Ha." Grole sneered and wanted to say something else.

Viserys interrupted their mutual taunting and asked Grolei, "Do you believe in the Red God?"

"The Red God is the most widespread belief in Essos. You can find temples everywhere. What's the harm in believing in a god that is so convenient for prayer?" Grole is not a devout believer, it's just convenient. If other gods in other places need it, it's convenient. When he does business, he will also show confidence. He joked and took out an oval gold coin, "In Lys, I can also pray to the goddess of lust."

The currency of Lys features a naked woman, the local goddess of lust.

"." Viserys felt that there was no need to worry about the issue of faith, but he still felt uneasy. He had already suspected that he had encountered the power of the ancient Targaryen kings and the Drowned God. It was hard to say that he would not encounter the Red God again.

When Viserys was inexplicably confused, Daenerys stared at the gold coins in Grolai's hand thoughtfully. She tried to get rid of the disturbing and cruel things she had seen on the road in her mind. She recalled that the gold coins in the middle of the copper coin box seemed to have the same style. She was a little annoyed. At that time, she was shocked by the box full of gold coins, but she didn't realize it at all. .

She suddenly thought, could it be that all the gold coins that Lord Tyrosh lent to Viserys were Lys gold coins? Or are there Myr gold coins?

She felt that she vaguely knew some great secret.

When Dany was secretly excited about her discovery, Viserys said: "Oh, it's getting late. Let's stay on the ship today, and we will go to the city tomorrow."

ah? Isn't it early? Isn’t it only noon?

But no one questioned Viserys' decision.

At night, after Daenerys falls asleep, she begins to dream.

She dreamed that she woke up in her own bed in the merchant ship suite, with a faint red light shining outside the porthole window.

She went to the window and looked out.

From a distance, she saw a red cloud covering the top of the black city, and she could vaguely hear a roar coming from the top of the mountain under the red cloud into her ears.

The voice was calling her, Dany realized.

In an instant, she suddenly understood that it was the giant dragon singing to her.

According to semi-official sources from the World of Ice and Fire, one of the largest temples of R'hllor is located in Lys.

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