When Daenerys woke up, she was still in a daze.

Outside the window, there was the sound of the waves lapping at the shore, and the night was getting darker.

She realized what she had just dreamed about: the prophecy.

Dany remembered that at Tyrosh's banquet that day, a red-robed monk said he saw her in the flames. He made a prophecy to her. She found that she remembered it clearly and didn't miss every word. At that time, the red-robed monk spoke in ancient Valyrian: "'Red clouds hang high in the sky, listening to the roar of the beast. You will go east, the light is your direction, you will go through the shadows, to evoke the blazing fire, combustion!'"

That was just a small episode that day. What happened next was so ups and downs that it was too exciting and tense. Her mind had been filled with the gold coins in the mezzanine of Viserys's bedside box for the past few days, so much so that she almost forgot about it.

Dany thought that she should have found an opportunity to tell her brother Viserys quietly earlier.

He knows everything.

But to Daenerys's surprise, when Viserys learned this information from Dany, Viserys's face once again showed the same look as when Daenerys told him that she dreamed of ghosts. Surprised and confused.

Only then did Dany realize that the situation might be very serious.

Daenerys started to panic for no apparent reason: "What's wrong?" She couldn't help but hate herself for ignoring what seemed to be very important information. Viserys had obviously told her several times about any strange encounters or unusual dreams. Tell him as soon as possible.

This time Viserys did not ponder for a long time like last time, but quickly made up his mind.

Viserys' tone was calm, as if it was just a small incident. He said: "It's okay, Dany. You didn't do anything wrong. You don't have to blame yourself. There are too many things I didn't tell you. I'm too big a deal. You go." Wash your face. Remember, after washing your face, just pretend that nothing happened and go back to the table to read."

"I" Viserys's calm look made Daenerys feel a little calmer, "Okay." She walked to the water basin in the room, washed her cheeks with clean cold water, calmed down a little, and then returned to the desk beside her bed. Read a book.

Viserys didn't wait long and called to Jorah: "Jorah, come in."

Jorah, who was standing guard with Butch outside the door, heard the sound, immediately pushed the door in, and walked straight over. He looked at Viserys who seemed to be writing something on the table and did not look back at him: "Sir, you summon me ?”

Without turning his head, Viserys ordered him: "Go and call Ani back. She should be getting drinks from the cabin wine store."

Jorah was not surprised and went out to find Ani.

By the time Jorah returned from finding Ani, Viserys had already written something, a letter. He put the filled-in letter into the mailbox, then carefully and carefully applied wax mud to the envelope and stamped it with a tin seal. After doing this, he spoke to Jorah and Ani who were waiting quietly: "Call Butch in."

Soon Butch also entered the house.

Viserys described it as solemn, as if he had something to announce.

At this time, Daenerys was still reading at the desk separated by the screen. She couldn't read a word in the book at all.

Viserys began to speak: "Ani, you are my personal maid and the proof of my friendship and agreement with Governor Illyrio. You should be the bridge between me and Governor Illyrio. Now, it is you who play your role. It's time. There is a letter here. I need you to hand it to Governor Illyrio. I want you to find a boat in Lys and rush back to Pentos immediately. Find out where Governor Illyrio is now. He may be running for me now. , you must find him as soon as possible. Remember, you must hand the letter to him with your own hands!"

Viserys didn't give Ani a chance to speak. He spoke directly to the next person, which was Butch: "Butch, Ani is my maid, a woman. The sea route back to Pentos is not smooth now. I am worried about her leaving alone. I want you to protect her. She's safe, and the letter is in the hands of Governor Illyrio, you hear?"

Butch looked up and saw Viserys waiting for his reply. He nodded in response: "Yes."

That's the good thing about Butch, no matter what he is thinking, he will not refute, he will obey orders. Viserys was a little reluctant to get rid of this nail.

"Ani, take it." Viserys handed the letter to her hand, looked at her seriously, and took out a bag of money from his waist and handed it to her. Viserys solemnly held her hands - speaking of it, this was actually the first time Viserys had touched her. "The letter you want to send is very important. It is related to my plan with Governor Illyrio! You must hand it to him personally." !”

From the moment Viserys spoke, Ani knew that she would be excluded from the rest of the trip by Viserys. Even if there was a blank piece of paper in the envelope, she had no reason to stay. She could only say: "Master, I will personally deliver the letter to the Governor."

Since Ani knew what was going on, she spared Viserys the hassle of talking: "Let's go, I'll take you to Captain Grole. He is well-informed and I can rest assured if you ask him to help you find Pentos' ship."

With that said, Viserys took the lead to go out. As he was about to go out, he turned back and called Daenerys: "Dany, you are here too, just to see off Ani and Butch."

Daenerys quickly put down the book in her hand and followed her.

Hearing that Viserys planned to ask the maids and eunuch guards to rush back to Pentos as soon as possible, Captain Grole just expressed a little curiosity, and after being perfunctory, he began to respond to Viserys's request in a mature and calm manner: "Sir, since you If you ask me to do something, then I should satisfy you. Let's ask Miss Ani and Butch to follow me to the dock. With my old face, I will definitely find a good boat for them. "

"Captain Grole personally takes action, that would be great." Viserys was very moved. "I will be with you. It just so happens that I don't plan to go to the city today, so I will personally send them to the ship."

"." Grole smiled, "Sir, you are so kind to Miss Ani."

Viserys also smiled: "Of course."

The group of them quickly disembarked and went to the dock to look for the ship. Viserys did not let Daenerys follow, but only asked her to stay on the ship, letting her wait on the ship, leaving only Jorah with her.

Daenerys realized that Viserys did not want her to disembark, so she only watched them from the deck of the ship as they ran on the dock. She couldn't help but look at the huge temple of the Red God on the top of the highest mountain in Lys in the distance, thinking in her heart why Viserys was eager to exclude people he didn't trust around him.

In her bizarre dream, the red clouds were in the sky above the Temple of the Red God, and the roar of the giant dragon that was vaguely calling her was within the temple. And this is probably what his brother Viserys is afraid of.

As Daenerys tries to figure out the clues.

Sir Jorah, who was guarding her, suddenly sighed: "Looking from a distance, Lys is really a beautiful city. But when you are really in it, you realize that it is full of ugliness."

Dany found that Jorah's expression was actually a little sad. She couldn't understand the chaotic thoughts in her head, so she answered her doubts about Jorah: "You have been to Lys, Ser Jorah." She was sure, "Are you afraid of this city? You dare not get off the boat?"

Dany knew that Jorah's fears must be different from those of her brother Viserys.

"Like your brother, you have a pair of eyes that see people's hearts, miss." Jorah stared in a certain direction in the city and said, "The house of Trigg O'Molon is over there. He is a trade prince of Lys. . My wife Linis is now his most beloved concubine."

Dany was confused by what Jorah suddenly said about her own experience. She paused for a while before politely comforting her: "I'm sorry for what happened to you. Ser Jorah."

"Love." Jorah suddenly said, "Like the beautiful glassware of Myr, it is extremely beautiful when it is intact, but it is sharp and hurtful when it is broken." He suddenly sighed and looked at Daenerys, "With all due respect, Dany Miss Liz, you admire your brother, right?"

"." Dany tried to calm down her suddenly rapid heartbeat. She thought about what Viserys would say at this moment, so she asked, "What do you want to say, Ser Jorah?"

"You are reading The Ballad of the Seven Kingdoms. Miss, you should know the ballad of Aemon Targaryen, the 'Dragon Knight', and his sister Nerysh Targaryen."

Aemon the Dragon Knight is the protagonist of the most famous love ballad in the Ballad of the Seven Kingdoms. In the ballads, the bards tell of Aemon's destined love for his sister, but the songs of Aemon and Nellie are sad and bitter ballads.

Aemon has been inseparable from his sister Nerys since he was a child. It is said that Aemon and Nerys love each other, but Nerys was eventually married to the "Mediocre King" Aegon IV. On the day Nerys and Aegon got married, the ballad Said they all cried. Shortly after Nelyse and Aegon married, seventeen-year-old Aemon joined the Kingsguard.

The ballad says that Aemon protected Nellise throughout her life as a member of the Kingsguard, but Nellise's life was full of tragedy.

After Aegon IV succeeded to the throne, Aegon IV served as captain of the Kingsguard. Aegon IV was dissatisfied with Aegon's feelings for Nerys, and had planned to arrange for someone to compete for the championship of the tourney and crown the queen of love and beauty. He gave it to his mistress to humiliate Queen Nerys, but Aemon won the tourney as the Knight of Tears, ensuring that his sister Nerys would become the queen of love and beauty and not shame her sister.

Later, rumors spread around the world that Aemon and Neryshi had committed adultery, claiming that Aemon was Daeron II's biological father. In order to fight off these rumors, the Dragon Knight held a trial by combat with the "evil" Sir Mogul who spread the rumors, and killed the latter to protect the honor of his sister, Queen Nelish.

But no matter how many songs you sing to praise, remember, or regret, it can't change the regretful ending of the dragon knights Aemon and Nellie.

They couldn't be together after all.

"No," Dany retorted. "My brother is not Aemon, and I am not Nerysse. He is the king."

Jorah said: "Your brother wants to restore the kingdom, Miss Daenerys. The usurper married Cersei Lannister for the throne. It is said that he deeply loves Lyanna of the Stark family and has no feelings for the queen. . And in order to join forces to usurp your father's throne, Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun married his youngest daughter Lysa to the gray-haired Jon Arryn."

"Shut up!" Dany didn't want to hear this, she looked over coldly, "What is your purpose for saying this, Jorah?"

"I'm sorry, Lady Daenerys, I shouldn't have said so much," Jorah smiled sadly, "but, alas, you are quite similar to her."

"Stop it!" Dani interrupted, "I should ask my brother to keep Butch, not you."

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